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Talk in American English 61-70

Dialog 61
Don't give it a second thought.
A: Jenny, What's on your mind?
B: Mr. Brown has been yelling at me all day. I'm afraid he's going to fire me.
A: Oh, he's just in a bad mood. He's been yelling at everybody all day. Don't give it a second thought.
A: 珍妮,在想什么?
B: 布朗先生一整天都在对我又吼又叫,我恐怕要被解雇了。
A: 噢,他只是心情不好。他今天一整天对谁都是又吼又叫的。 别想太多了。

Dialog 62
Don't get me wrong.
A: Linda, I don't want you to stay with Kevin for too much time.
B: You think he's a bad boy?
A: Don't get me wrong. I think Kevin is a very nice person, but you have to admit he isn't very responsible.
B: I guess you're right. He's got a lot of things to learn.
A: 林达,我不希望你和凯文呆在一起太多时间。
B: 你觉得他是个坏男孩?
A: 不要误会。我想凯文是个很好的人,不过你必须承认 他不太负责任。
B: 你说得不错,他还有很多东西要学。

Dialog 63 Wish me luck.
A: I'm going to my interview now.
B: For that teaching job?
A: Yes, I hope I get it. Wish me luck.
A: 我现在要去参加面试了。
B: 是那份教书的工作吗?
A: 是的,希望能成功。祝我好运吧。

Dialog 64 I'm not done.
A: Have you finished the research for your term paper?
B: No, I'm not done. There are a couple more books I want to read.
A: More power to you.
A: 你完成你的学期报告了吗?
B: 没有,还没做完。我还有几本书要读。
A: 加油啊。

Dialog 65
I'll get back to you.
A: Have you received my check yet?
B: No, I'll get back to you if it doesn't come by Thursday.
A: That's all right.
B: 没有。如果星期四之前还没有收到,我再和你联系。
A: 好的。

Dialog 66 Ask around.
A: Can you tell me how to get to Lincoln Center?
B: Get off at Queens Plaza and change to the N.N. Then get off at the first stop and ask around for directions. Someone should be able to help you.
A: Thank you very much.
B: You're welcome.
A: 请问到林肯中心怎么走?
B: 在皇后广场下车,转乘N.N.线,然后于第一站下车,再向别人问问方向,应该有人能帮你。
A: 非常感谢。
B: 不客气。

Dialog 67 Turn me off.
A: Mike tried to act so macho.
B: I know what you mean. He really turns me off.
A: You said it. He'd be a nice guy if he'd just be himself.
A: 麦克想装出一付有男子气的样子。
B: 我知道你的意思,他真让人受不了。
A: 就是啊。如果他不做作的话,他本来是个不错的小伙子。

Dialog 68 That's out.
A: What should we have tonight?
B: How about Chinese food for a change?
A: That's out. I have an upset stomach.
A: 今晚要吃什么?
B: 改吃中国菜如何?
A: 不行。我的胃不舒服。

Dialog 69
That's the way it goes.
A: Tom borrowed an album from me, and he still hasn't returned it.
B: That's the way it goes. That's why I never lend out anything I care about.
A: You're right.
A: 汤姆借了我一套唱片,到现在还没有还。
B: 就是这个样子。这就是我从不把我心爱的东西借给别人的原因。
A: 你是对的。

Dialog 70 Be my guest.
A: Excuse me. May I take a moment of your time?
B: Sure.
A: Would you mind if I used your phone to make a local call?
B: Be my guest.
A: 对不起,能耽误您一点时间吗?
B: 当然。
A: 可不可以借你的电话打个本地区的电话?
B: 请用。
