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【Reduction】常见缩约形式【Common Reduced Forms】
【Reductions are common in narural speech.Written reduced forms in advertisements,songs,personal writing,reflect natural spoken language.They are not standard written English.】
Written Form
only in :
writing to friend & family

Standard Written Form
got to
have to
has to
ought to
want to
want to be
going to
kind of
kinds of
lot of
lots of
give me
let me
could have
should have
would have
might have
must have
get you
got you
bet you
don’t you

上面我们说到简约式是不规则、不正式的书面英语,它们的拼写与标准书面英语拼写有比较明显的区别。 然而,我们不难从上面的录音听出,它们在发音上与字典所注的音也有明显的区别,这就是英语口语中的变音,它们常常出现在非正式的口语会话中。下面列出了美国口语中最常见的变音模式,让你进一步了解变音,使你能够在交流中披荆斩棘顺利地和老外沟通。
1. Gonna=going to
如:A: What are you gonna do this afternoon?
B: I'm gonna play football.
   I'm gonna go home.
2.Wanna = want to or want a
Wanna 表示“想要”
如:A: You wanna ask her to see a moive?
A: You wanna dance tonight?
B: No, I 've gotta stay at home doing my exercises.
  B: No, I wanna take care of my little sister.
3. Gotta = got to
Gotta意思是“必须”、“不得不”,前面通常和"have" 或者 "has" 连用,也有不和"have " 或者 " has"的,但意思并没什么区别。
如:A: Are you free tonight?
B: I've gotta study tonight.
A: Why she came back so late ?
B: She had gotta work overtime.
4.yer = you
把you 说成yer 是英美国家口语中一个非常典型的变音形式。
如: A. Would yer do me a favor?
B. My pleasurre .
A. How are you ?
B. Fine! thanks and yer?
A. I hope to see yer again.
B. See yer!

【 American Stress 】
A. 双音节名词和形容词
【2-Syllable Nouns & Adjectives】
【90% of nouns & adjuctives are stressed on the first syllable. 60% of verbs are stressed on the second syllable.】

【The follwing mouns & verbs are written the same,the only difference is in the stress。】
the addict
the conduct
the confilct
the convict
the insult
the object
the permit
the present
the produce
the progress
the project
the record
the subject
the suspect

to addict
to conduct
to confilct
to convict
to insult
to object
to permit
to present
to produce
to progress
to project
to record
to subject
to suspect

【Practice by following the sounds On the tape】
【In th following sentences,mark the underlined words: noun or verb】
1. The farm was used to produce produce.
2. The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.
3. The soldier decided to desert in the desert.
4. This was a good time to present present.
5. I don't object to the object.
6. I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.
7. The drug addict was addicted.
8. His conduct was awful. We hope he'll conduct himself better in future.
9. They signed a two-year contract.They contracted to do 3 jobs.
10. The convict was finally caught and convicted.
11. There was nothing in the desert. it was deserted
12. He projected that it would take him 2 years to finish his project.
13. He recorded his new record last week.
14. The rebels rebelled against the government .
15. They were insulted by the man's insult.
【On words of more syllables,stress usually falls on the syllable immediately before the ending.】
- cient
deficient sufficient
- tion

C. 重音在单词里位置的改变,可以引起单词词性的改变,从而改变单词在句中的意思,让人产生误解。同样在一个句子里,重音在句中位置的改变也会改变句意,虽然,动词、形容词和副词在句中一般都要重读,但并不是绝对的。重音其实是很随意的,它可以按照说话者的意向,强调的事物来改变重音在句中的位置,重音应用恰当可以达到不同的效果。如以“I like it ”为例,重音在“I”里,强调是我而不是别人;重音在“like”里,强调动作“喜欢”而不是“憎恨”;重音在“it”,强调具体动作对象;三个单词一起重读,则意为“亏你说得出口!”。下面列出肯定和否定强调在句中的重读位置,这是基本的重音模式,因为是与非,好与坏等的判断句是交流中最常见的句式。
I like it.
I want it.
I know her.
She has one.

He bought it.
He had it.
She made it.

I don′t like it.
I don′t want it.
I don′t know her.
She doesn′t have it.

They didn′t buy one.
He didn′t have it.
She didn′t make it.

I don′t like it.
I don′t want it.
I don′t know her.
She doesn′t have it.

They didn′t buy one.
He didn′t have it.
She didn′t make it.

【 Linking 】

【Indefinite article + vowel sound】
a + consonant sound
an + vowel sound
the /n/ links to the vowel sound at the beginning of the following words
a beauty
a day
a joke
a night
a room
a hungry dog
a hint
an apple = a napple
an emperor = a nemperor
an hour = a nhour
an old man = a nold man
【The article "the" has two pronunciations】
/J:/ + consonant sound
the beautiful colors
the hand
the queen
the room
the king
the cloth
the city
/J0/ + vowel sound
the apple
the event
the oldest
the owner
the umbrella
【Basic linking pattern】
1. 辅音+元音
【Consonant Sound + Vowel Sound】
a pair of shoes
all of us
get up
wait a minute
how much is it
fist of all
for a while
some of it
hand it over
tell us
sold out
keep it
take part in
she and I
would you like a cup of tea

【Practice by following the sounds on tape】
辅音结尾 + 元音开头
【word final consonant + vowel】
There's a Hole in My Bucket
Liza: Henry! Fetch me some water! (fetch = get)

Henry: There′s a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza.
There′s a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, a hole.
亨利: 亲爱的丽莎,亲爱的丽莎,我的水桶穿了一个小孔,
Liza: Well, fix it, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry.
Well fix it, dear Henry, dear Henry, fix it.
那么去补好那个小孔吧,亲爱的亨利,亲爱的亨利,把它 补好。

Henry: With what shall I fix it, dear Liza, dear Liza?
With what shall I fix it, dear Liza, fix it?
亨利: 我拿什么来补好它呢,亲爱的丽莎,亲爱的丽莎?

Liza: With a straw, dear Henry, dear Henry.
With a straw, dear Henry, dear Henry, with a straw.

Henry: The straw is too long, dear Liza, dear Liza.
The straw is too long, dear Liza, too long.

Liza: Well, cut it, dear Henry, dear Henry.
Well, cut it, dear Henry, dear Henry, cut it.

Henry: With what shall I cut it, dear Liza, dear Liza?
With what shall I cut it, dear Liza, with what?
亨利: 我拿什么来剪它呢,亲爱的丽莎,亲爱的丽莎?
Liza: With a knife, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry.
With a knife, dear Henry, dear Henry, with a knife.

Henry: The knife is too dull, dear Liza, dear Liza.
The knife is too dull, dear Liza, too dull.
亨利: 刀子太钝了,亲爱的丽莎,亲爱的丽莎,

Liza: Well, sharpen it, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry.
Well, sharpen it, dear Henry, dear Henry, sharpen it.

Henry: With what shall I sharpen it, dear Liza, dear Liza?
With what shall I sharpen it, dear Liza, sharpen it?

Liza: With a stone, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry.
With a stone, dear Henry, dear Henry, with a stone.
丽莎: 用石头吧,亲爱的亨利,亲爱的亨利,

Henry: The stone is too dry, dear Liza, dear Liza.
The stone is too dry, dear Liza, too dry.

Liza: Well, wet it, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry.
Well, wet it, dear Henry, dear Henry, wet it.
丽莎: 那么把它弄湿吧,亲爱的亨利,亲爱的亨利,

Henry: With what shall I wet it, dear Liza, dear Liza?
With what.shall I wet it, dear Liza, wet it?

Liza: With water, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry.
With water, dear Henry, dear Henry, with water.

Henry: In what shall I fetch it, dear Liza, dear Liza? In what shall I fetch it, dear Liza, fetch it?

Liza: In a bucket, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry.
In a bucket, dear Henry, dear Henry, in a bucket.

Henry: There′s a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza, There′s a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, a hole.
亨利: 亲爱的丽莎。水桶穿了个小孔,亲爱的丽莎,

2. 辅音+相同的辅音
【Consonant Sound + Same Consonant Sound】
【Hold the final consonant sound; go right on to the following consonant sound.】
Please stop pushing
She has a black cat
She hit two of the balls
They had a tough fight
Big girl
Go over there
I like kidding
Take care
3. 爆破音 + 爆破音
【 Plosive Sound + Plosive Sound】
【In the case of a Plosive Sound is followed by another Plosive Sound , The former sound is formed by partially stopping the breath,ther latter sound is formed by completely stopping the breath.Pay attention to the pronunciations of the following sentences and follow the tape .】
1. He is a bad boy. 他是个坏男孩。
2. Stop talking. 停止说话。
3. Does it make difference? 这 有关系吗?
4.爆破音 + 摩擦音或鼻音
【Plosive Sound + Fricative Sound or Nasal Sound】
【In the case of a plosive Sound is followed by fricative sound or nasal sound,the plosive sound is formed by partially stopping the breath.】
1. I have finished it . 我做完了。
{ plosive Sound + fricative sound }
2. Walk through woods. 林中散步。
{ plosive Sound + fricative sound }
3. I can' t understand what she said.
{ plosive Sound + fricative sound }
4. I think she is right. 我想她是对的。
{ plosive Sound + fricative sound }
5. Where did you get the beautiful clothes?
{ plosive Sound + fricative sound }
6. Good morning,sir. 早上好,先生。
{ plosive Sound + Nasal Sound}
7. Don't stay out so late at night. 晚上早点回来。
{ plosive Sound + fricative sound }& {Plosive Sound + Nasal Sound}
8. It took me a lot of time to get there.
{Plosive Sound + Nasal Sound}& { plosive Sound + fricative sound }

用心去聆听一首英文歌的旋律,对ESL(English as Secondary Language ) 来说,不如带着一股求知的热情去探讨它的歌词,旋律只是一首歌的外在感情流露,而歌词却具有更深层的内涵。如果我们能够借助一首歌的旋律同时赋予自己的音调唱出歌词的蕴意,把它深层的东西表现地淋漓尽致,这就要看你对歌词的把握了,不懂歌词所云的人,肯定唱不出一首好歌,但是你却可以了,因为你不但知道歌词的意思,而且您已经懂得了词与词之间的连接,你已经能够说得好听,毫无疑问,唱确实比说好听。
" Big Big World"(世界无限) 是Emilia 98 年推出的新专集的一首主打歌,并且很快在世界范围内流行开来。 这首歌节奏抑扬顿挫,唱词清晰、通俗,容易唤起对自我价值的思考,大千世界是不是让你感觉自己的渺小,是忧伤,是无奈、是茫然还是感觉有个无限辽阔的世界在等着你去闯荡,这些感受当然是仁者见仁了。让我们寄思绪于旋律中,注意歌词的连读,跟着录音,尽情地唱出你自己的“无限世界”。

Big Big World

I'm a big girl
In a big big world
It 's not a big big thing if you leave me
But do feel that
I do will miss you much
Miss you much -----

I can see the first leaf falling
It's all yellow and nice
It's so very cold outside
Like the way I'm feel inside

Outside it's now raining
And tears are falling from my eyes
Why did it have to happen
Why did it all have to end
I have your arms around me oooh like fire

But when I open eyes you're gone

I'm a big big girl
In a big big world
It's not a big big thing
If you leave me
But I do feel I will miss you much
Miss you much
但是我会觉得我将会很思念你, 很思念你

外面是如此寒冷 正如同我心里的感受

为什么这一切要发生 为什么这一切要结束
当我睁开眼 你却不在


【American Intonation 】
1.低调 ----- 一般认为是低于正常说话所发出的声调。
2.中调 ----- 不高不低,适中,又叫平调。
3.高调 ----- 由于说话的特别用意如强调等原因发出的高于中调而低于特高调的声调。
4.超高调 ----- 由于兴奋、激动或愤怒所发出的爆发性的声调,一般难以让人接受。
如: 陈述句
1.That's good 太好了
2.John is my classmate 约翰是我的同班同学
3.I'm eighteen years old 我十八岁
4.Glad to meet you 很高兴见到你
5.I'm going to Shanghai tomorrow 我明天去上海

1. Take a seat, please 请坐
2. Listen to me , please 请听我说
3. Let's go now 我们走吧
4. Don't stay out so late 早点回来
5. Open your mouth 张开嘴
6. Please follow me 请跟着我
7. Please bright me that book 请给我那本书
注: please 在祈使句句末时不重读,调式为2--3--1,当please 出现在句首时则要重读,句子的调试就变为3--2--3--1,如6、7句,但仍为降调型 。
1.What's the matter? 出了什么事?
2. How are you? 你好吗?
3. Where are you living? 你住哪?
4. Why are you so late today? 怎么今天迟到了?
5. When should we start? 我们什么时候开始?

6。How long have you been staying here ?
7. How often do you go to moive a month?
8. Why are you standing here and doing nothing?

升调型: 一般以中调2发起,升至高调3结束,即2--3 调式。这种调式常用于一般疑问句、委婉祈使句、称呼用语。

1. Can I help you? 能为你效劳吗?
2. Are you Mr Lee? 你是李先生吗?
3. Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吗?
4. Do you understand? 你明白吗?
5. Would you do me a favor? 你能帮个忙吗?
6. Can you tell me who is on duty today?


1. Excuse me, sir. Can you do me a favor?



Mr Smith, fancy meeting you here.

注:称呼对方姓氏、职位等用语为称呼语。在本句中 Mr Smith为称呼语,其调式一般为2--3。

平调型: 平调型指在一句子中,语音没有高低的变化,其调式为1--1,一般用于直接引语后面,表示引语是谁说的。
1. " I love you." he tenderly said.
 "我爱你" 他深情地说。
2. " Where you come from?" Marry asked.
" 你是哪里人?"玛丽问道。
3. "where did you get the beatiful clothe?" marry said with great interests.
"这件漂亮的衣服哪买的?" 玛丽兴致勃勃地问道。

 降调型、升调型和平调型是美国口语中的基本调型。一般的英语单句采用其中的一种或两种调型,而对于较复杂、高级的句子语调一般比较复杂,但不管句子有多高级,有多复杂,其语调无非是由这三种基本调型构成。 所以,学好和掌握这三种基本调型对以后高级、复杂句子语调和语调群的学习将起到事半功倍的学习效果。


1. Marry is your sister, isn't she ?
2. You have ever been to America , haven't you?
3. You haven't finished your homework, have you ?
4.I 'm not wrong , am I?
5. It is wonderful weather , isn't it ?
6. A lovely day , isn't it ?
多可爱的一天, 不是吗?
注: 在反意疑问句中,前面的陈述句部分的语调和一般陈述句相同,用2--3--1 调型。而疑问部分的语调则有两种情况,当发问人对发问的事情不确定,意在得到对方回答时,必须用升调,即2--3型,如1至 4句。当发问人对某事有把握或比较确信,意在得到对方肯定的回答时,则用降调,即3--1 型,如5,6句。

1. Which one would you like,the red one or the blue one ?
2. Who you are waiting for , Tom or John?
3. How are you going, by bike or by bus ?
你怎么去,骑自行车还是坐公共汽车 ?
4. Where do you come from, America or England ?
你来自哪里,美国还是英国 ?

注: 选择疑问句的语调,前一部分,即疑问部分,跟特殊疑问句的语调相同,用2--3--1调型。 后一部,即选择部分, “or”前面的选择一般用升调,即2--3 调型,“or” 后面的选择一般用降调,即2--3--1 调型。

1. What a pity ! 真可惜!
2. What a lovely day ! 多么可爱的一天!
3. What a wonderful game! 多么精彩的比赛!
4. What beautiful flowers those are !
5. How smashing the man look with this sunglasses!


语调群: 语调群是两个或多个调式的组合,语调群比较复杂,类型也比较多,但大体上也形成了比较固定的语调群。下面列出一些较常见的类型。

3--1 3--1
1. I ' m terribly sorry,but our manager is engaged right now .
很抱歉, 我们的经理现在很忙。
2. She was doing her homework when I open the door.
3. I visited my friend yesterday and I came back this morning.

2--3 3--1
1. I felt so tired after a running .
2. Would you like some tea or a cup of milk first?
3. I would have some tea if you don't mind .

3--1 2--3
1. Which one you like most ,the red one?
2 . What a lovely day it is! would you like to go for a walk with me?
多可爱的一天! 能和我一起散散步吗?
3. I think she is right , in any case.

AmE. BrE.



注:字母“a" 在美国英语中,如果后接-ss,-th,-ff,-f,-n,-s,th时,发/3/音,在英国英语中发/a:/音/,字母组合ar则发作/ar /,但目前,英国人把/a:/音发成/3/也比较普遍。
AmE. BrE.



AmE. BrE.


4."u"/ "ew"在t,d.s,k,n后的发音的差
AmE. BrE.



AmE. BrE.



 注:在美国英语中,如果"t" 出现在两个元音之间,重读音节之后, "t"一般发/d/音。如果"t" 出现在两个元音之间,且处于重读音节,''t" 仍发/t/ 音。
attack /:\C3E/ attend /:\C Italian /0\C3SU:Q/ quotation /EV:7\C<0M:Q/

在美国英语中,字母"r"在一个词的任何位置都发/r/音,而在英国英语中一般不发音。从英语转化为美语,同汉语普通话里的 “儿化”动作相似,即卷舌。这一点是美语和英语之间的显著区别,是掌握美式发音的基本要素。
AmE. BrE.


1. far away
2. for ever
3. father or elder ancle
4. sister in law

7. /:/ 音在美语和英语中的略音差异
在词根-tory ,-tary中,字母o, a在英语中一般不发音, 而在美语中发 /:/ 音.AmE. BrE.



AmE. BrE.



AmE. BrE.


比较美语辅音和英语辅音,我们不难发现美语比英语多出一个音素/hw/, /hw/为清辅音,和浊辅音/w/相对。美国人通常把wh读做/hw/,但也有不少美国人读做/w/,这两种读音都是广泛接受的。比较下面单词英美两种读音的区别,习惯/hw/的读音,这是使你的英语具有美国味的必学音素之一。
AmE. BrE.


以上列出的十点是美语和英语在发音上的明显差异,它们易于阐述,浅而易懂,一般也有一定的规律可循,但是,在美语和英语语音中还存在着许多微小的差别,一般不易被人们察觉。 美国英 语的元音饱满,音值也较长; /i/音的舌位在美语中比英语中更前 ;在含有前缀"pre-"和"re-"的词中,常用/i:/取代/i/; look, good 中"oo"的音并不是/u/,有人把它归为第三点,我们认为它应该是发/u /和/:/之间的音。要想真正地说一口标准美国英语,您必须在平时多听,多模仿,多留意美国英语和英国英语之间的差别。
A thousand times no! 绝对办不到!
Don't mention it. 没关系,别客气。
Who knows! 天晓得!
It is not a big deal! 没什么了不起!
How come ---- 怎么回事,怎么搞的。
Easy does it. 慢慢来。
Don't push me. 别逼我。
Come on! 快点,振作起来!
Have a good of it. 玩得很高兴。
It is urgent. 有急事。
What is the fuss ? 吵什么?
Still up? 还没睡呀?
It doesn't make any differences. 没关系。
Don't let me down. 别让我失望。
God works. 上帝的安排。
Don't take ill of me. 别生我气。
Hope so . 希望如此。
Go down to business. 言归正传。
None of my business. 不关我的事。
It doesn't work . 不管用。
I' m not going. 我不去了。
Does it surver your purpose ? 对你有用吗?
I don't care . 我不在乎。
Not so bad . 不错。
No way ! 不可能!
Don't flatter me . 过奖了。
Your are welcome. 你太客气。
It is a long story. 一言难尽。
Between us 你知,我知。
Big mouth! 多嘴驴!
Sure thing! 当然!
I'm gonna go. 我这就去。
Never mind. 不要紧。
Can-do . 能人。
Close- up. 特写镜头。
Drop it! 停止!
Bottle it ! 闭嘴!
Don't play possum! 别装蒜!
Make it up. 不记前嫌。
Watch you mouth . 注意言辞。
Any urgent thing ? 有急事吗?
How about eating out ? 外面吃饭怎样?
Don't over do it. 别太过分了。
Can you dig it. 你搞明白了吗?
I 'm afraid I cann't . 我恐怕不能。
You want a bet ? 你想打赌吗?
What if I go for you ? 我替你去怎么样?
Who wants ? 谁稀罕。
December heartbeat . 黄昏恋。
Follow my nose . 凭直觉做某事。
Cheap skate! 小气鬼!
Go to hell . 去死吧!
Come seat here . 来这边坐。
Good luck! 祝你好运!
Gild the lily . 画蛇添足。
Make it . 达到目的, 获得成功。
I'll be seeing you . 再见。
He has an ax to grind . 他另有企图。
I wander if you can give me lift? 能让我搭一程吗?
It is raining . 要下雨了。
Can I have this . 可以给我这个吗?
I might hear a pin drop. 非常寂静。
Why you are so sure . 怎么这样肯定。
Is that so? 是这样吗?
Don't get loaded . 别喝醉了。
Stay away from him . 别靠近他。
Don't get high hat . 别摆架子。
Right over there . 就在那里。
Doggy bag . 打包袋。
That rings a bell. 听起来耳熟。
Sleeping on both ears. 睡得香。
Play hooky. 矿工,旷课。
I am the one wearing pants in the house .我当家。
It's up in th air. 尚未确定 。
Side dish . 配菜。
I am all ears . 我洗耳恭听。
Get cold feet. 害怕做某事。
Good for you! 好得很!
Go ahead . 继续。
Help me out . 帮帮我。
Let's bag it . 先把它搁一边。
Lose head . 丧失理智。
Talk turkey. 有话直说。
He is the pain on neck. 他真让人讨厌。
Do you have straw? 你有吸管吗?
You bet! 一定,当然!
That is a boy ! 太好了,好极了。
It's up to you . 由你决定。
The line is engaged. 占线。
My hands are full right now. 我现在很忙。
Don't make up a story . 不要捏造事实。
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 小别胜新婚。
She make a mess of thing . 她把事情搞得一塌糊涂。
Get an eyeful. 看个够。
He has a quick eye. 他的眼睛很锐利。
Shoot the breeze. 闲谈。
Tell me when ! 随时奉陪!
It is a small world! 真是个小世界!
Not at all . 根本就不。
Let's paly it by ear . 让我们随兴所至。
Wait and see 等着瞧。
Why so blue ? 怎么垂头丧气?
What brought you here ? 什么风把你吹过来?
Hang on ! 抓紧!
Leave me alone. 别理我。
Chin up . 不气馁,振作些。
You never know. 世事难料。
High Jack! 举起手来[抢劫]!
Why did she marry a man old enough to be her father ?
I stay at home a lot. 我多半在家。
She'll be along in a few minutes . 他马上会过来。
I'm not in a good mood. 没有心事。
He is a fast talker. 他是个吹牛大王。
I'm bored to death. 我无聊死了。
Bottoms up! 干杯!
Darling! 亲爱的!
Here we are! 我们到了!
I lost my way . 我迷路了。
She is still mad at me . 她还在生我的气。
I'll get even with him one day.我总有一天跟他扯平。
Hit the ceiling. 大发雷霆。
She 's got quite a wad. 他身怀巨款。
I don't have anywhere to be. 没地方可去。
I dying to see you. 我很想见你。
I swere by the god. 我对天发誓。
Nothing tricky. 别耍花招。
You might at lease apologize. 你顶多道个歉就得了。
Price are soaring, if it go on like this ,we shall not be able to keep the pot boiling.
None of your keyhole. 不准偷看。
Come on ,be reasonable. 嗨,你怎么不讲理。
When are you leaving? 你什么时候走?
You don't say so . 未必吧,不至于这样吧。
Don't get me wrong. 别误会我。
Yon don't seem to be quite yourself today.
Do you have any money on you?你身上带钱了吗?

What is your major? 你学什么专业?
My girlfriend and I broke off. 我和我的女朋友吹了。
It was something that happens once in the blue moon.
It is a deal! 一言为定!
I'll kick your ass. 我将炒你鱿鱼。
Diner is on me. 晚饭我请。
Say hello to everybody for me.替我向大家问好。
Not precisely ! 不见得,不一定!
That is unfair. 这不公平。
We have no way out . 我们没办法。
That is great! 太棒了!
You are welcome! 别客气!
I hate to be late and keep my date waiting.
Would you mind making less noise. 能不能小声点。
It don't take much of your time. 这不花你好多时间。
Not in long run. 从长远来说不是这样的。
It is of high quality. 它质量上乘。
There is nobody by that name working here.
He neight drinks nor smokes. 他既不喝酒也不抽烟。
He pushes his luck. 他太贪心了。
Break the rules. 违反规则。
How big of you ! 你真棒!
Poor thing! 真可怜!
Nuts! 呸;胡说;混蛋!
Blast! 妈的!
Boy ! (表示欣喜,惊奇,兴奋等)哇!好家伙!
Get out of here! 滚出去!
I cann't make both ends meet. 我上月接不到下月,缺钱。
It can be a killer. 这真是个伤脑筋的问题。
Dead end. 死胡同。
Take a seat! 请坐!
Here ye! 说得对!
You ask for it ! 活该!
You don't say ! 真想不到!
Fresh paint! 油漆未干!

Unit Two:
【Tongue twister】
 传统的绕口令,经过人们长期的流传,千锤百炼,艺术性也比较强。一般来说,从语言上绕口令并不存在多大意义,从语音上,它们多数是“极端的语音集合”,通常是由一些发音相同、相近、易混淆的音素组合在一起,给人一种佶屈聱牙的感觉,同时也增强了绕口令的节奏感。正因为发音的这一特点,我们实现了用它来锻炼口才,矫正发音的功能。下面是我们在音素的基础上精选的一些绕口令,相信在Tongue Twister 先生的带领下,不管多么拗口的绕口令,也必将是小菜一碟!

Mr.Tongue Twister tried to teach your tongue to twist and turn, and twit an twat。
[\P0KC: C8R \CV0KC: CT>0D C7: C0:CM U7: C8R C7: CV0KC 3QD C::Q 3QD CV0C 3QD CV5C]
Tongue Twister 先生将集中训练你的Tongue,教你的Tongue怎样去“扭”去“翻”去“转” 去“挖苦”那些舌头笨拙的人。
If you understand, say "understand".If you don't understand, say "don't understand".But if you understand and say "don't understand".how do I understand that you understand. Understand!?
[0G U7: ]8QD:\KC3QD K<0 ]8QD:\KC3QD 0G U7: D5QC ]8QD:\KC3QD K<0 D5QC ]8QD:\KC3QD B8C 0G U7: ]8QD:\KC3QD 3QD K<0 D5QC ]8QD:\KC3QD O>7 D7: >0 ]8QD:\KC3QD J3C U7: ]8QD:\KC3QD ]8QD:\KC3QD]
如果你知道就说“知道”,如果你不知道就说“不知道” 如果你知道却说“不知道”,我怎么知道你知道,知道吗?
(是不是让你掉入五里云雾外,颇有点你越说我越糊涂的感觉,试着脱口而出,在你的同学、朋友面前露一手,简单的英文足以让他们丈二和尚摸不着头脑,这就是Tougue Twister先生教你“挖苦”别人的真正所在。)

Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?
[E3Q U7: E3Q : E3Q 3L : \E3Q: E3Q E3Q : E3Q]
(集中体会夸张的、最具魅力的/ 3 /音素)

I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish.
[>0 V0M C7: V0M J: V0M U7: V0M C7: V0M B8C 0G U7: V0M J: V0M J: V0CM \V0M0L >0 V8QC V0M J: V0M U7: V0M C7: V0M]
(练习 / M / 音素)
I scream, you scream, we all scream for icecream!
[>0 KET0:P U7: KET0:P V0: 5:S KET0:P G5: \>0KET0:P]
(一石双鸟,短小的句子包含两个发音音素/i:/ & /m/。)
How many cookies could a good cook cook If a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.
[O>7 \P如果一个好的厨师能做小甜饼,那么他能做多少小甜饼呢?一个好的厨师能做出和其它好厨师一样多的小甜饼。
(集中训练/u:/ & / u/ 音素,同时体会/k/音素和辅音的连读。)

The driver was drunk and drove the doctor's car directly into the deep ditch.
[J: \DT>0H: V5L DT8RE 3QD DT:7H J: \D5EC:L E4: D0\T这个司机喝醉了,他把医生的车开进了一个大深沟里。
(突出强化/DT /&/d/音素)

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
[\A0:C: \A>0A: A0EC : AA peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
[: A0A: A0EC]
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
[0G \A0:C: \A>0A: A0EC : AWhere's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
[V2:L J: A0A: A0EC]
( 这是我最喜欢、最刺激的句子,先大声朗读几遍,然后试着用一种节奏去操练,看看谁快谁更疯狂,最后再看看你的舌头是不 是圆滑了许多!)

Whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not.
[\V0Q 5: \VWhether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot.
['VWe'll weather the weather whether we like it or not.
[V0:S \V0E 0C 5: Q5C]

I thought a thought.But the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought.
[>0 I5:C : I5:C B8C J: I5:C >0 I5:C V5LQC J: I5:C >0 I5:C >0 I5:C]
If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought,I wouldn't have thought so much.
[0G J: I5:C >0 I5:C >0 I5:C O3D B0:Q J: I5:C >0 I5:C >0 V7DQC O3H I5:C K:7 P8CM]
(训练/ I / 音,过一把/ I /隐。)

Twixt six thick thumbs stick six thick sticks.Twixt six thick thumbs stick six thick sticks.Twixt six thick thumbs stick six thick sticks.
(反复三句,深度操练/ s/ 和/ I/ 之间的转换能力,迅速生成发音口型。)
Amist the mists and coldest frosts,
With barest wrists and stoutest boasts,
He thrusts his fists against the posts,
[O0: IT8KCK O0L G0KCK :\FAnd still insists he sees the ghosts.
[3QD KC0S 0Q\K0KCK O0: K0:L J: F:7KCK]
(注意t,和s 在词末的读法,按照前面讲过的连读模式疯狂朗读句子,相信这样的绕口令对你来说已不是一件难事了。)

A big black bug bit a big black bear. Where's the big black bear the big black bug bit?
[: B0F BS3E B8F B0C : B0F BS3E B2: OV2:L J: B0F BS3E B2: J: B0F BS3E B8F B0C]
一只大黑虫咬了一头大黑熊. 那么这头被大黑虫咬了的大黑熊在哪儿呢?

Badmin was able to beat Bill at billiards, but Bill always beat Badmin badly at badminton.
[\B3DP0R V5L \<0BS C7: B0:C B0S 3C \B0SU:DL B8C B0S \5:SV<0L B0:C \B3DP0R \B3DS0 3C \B3DP0QC:Q]
Betty beat a bit of butter to make a better batter.
( 细细体会夹在两个元音之间/t/ 音的浊化,然后集中操练,简单的一句话足以改变你过去恶劣的发音习惯!)

Rita repeated what Reardon recited when Reardon read the remarks.
[\T0C4 T0\A0:C0D V5C T0:\D5Q T0\K>0C0D V当里尔登读评论时,丽塔重复里尔登背诵的东西。
(练习/r/ 音:很多英语爱好者难以分辨单词中/r/ 和/ l / 音,在下面我们给出的两个句子中都包含/r/ 和/ l / 音,让你近一步加以区别。)

Few free fruit flies fly from flames.Few free fruit flies fly from flames.
[GU7: GT0: GT7:C GS>0L GS>0 GT5P GS<0PL]
Fifty-five flags freely flutter from the floating frigate.
[\G0GC0G>0H GS3FL \GT0:S0 \GS8C: GT5P J: \GS:7C0R \GT0F0C]

There is no need to light a night light on a light night like tonight ,for a bright night light is just like a slight light.
[J2: 0L Q:7 Q0:D C7: S>0C : Q>0C S>0C 5Q : S>0C Q>0C S>0E C:\Q>0C G5: : BT>0C Q>0C S>0C 0L DN8KC S>0E : KS>0C S>0C]
(练习/>0/ 元音,别忘了读出一个饱满,夸张的元音。)

She sells seashells on the seashore. The seashells she sells are seashells she is sure.
[M0: K她在海滩卖海贝壳。她肯定她卖的贝壳是海贝壳。

A pleasant peasant keeps a pleasant pheasant and both the peasant and the pheasant are having a pleasant time together.
[: \AS0P C:\F一位和气的农民养了一只伶俐的野鸡,而且这位和气的农民和这只伶俐的野鸡在一起度过了一段很美好的时光。
(区分pleasant 、peasant 和pheasant 的发音就是这样的简单)

How many sheets could a sheet slitter slit if a sheet slitter could slit sheets?
[O>7 \P 如果裁纸机能裁纸的话,一个裁纸机能裁多少张纸呢?
(体会/i:/& /i/音素)

Ted sent Fred ten hens yesterday so Fred's fresh bread is ready already.

He sent ten men to mend the dent in the engines of the tender.
[O0: K他派了十个人去修理供应船发动机的齿轮。

Mr.See owned a saw and Mr.Soar owned a seesaw. Now See's saw sawed Soar's seesaw before Soar saw See.
[\P0KC: K0: :7QD : K5: 3QD \P0KC: K5: :7QD : \K0:K5: Q>7 K0:K K5: K5:D K5:L \K0:K5: B0\G5: K5: K5: K0:]
西先生有一把锯,萨先生有一个秋千。 现在在萨先生看见西先生之前,西先生的锯锯断了萨先生的秋千。
(集中练习 /5:/ 音素)

If you're keen on stunning kites and cunning stunts, buy a cunning stunning stunt kite.
[0G U7: 4: E0:Q 5Q \KC8Q0R E>0CK 3QD \E8Q0R \KC8QCK B>0 : \E8Q0R \KC8Q0R KC8QC E>0C]

A Finnish fisher named Fisher failed to fish any fish one Friday afternoon and finally he found out a big fissure in his fishing-net.
[: \G0Q0M \G0M: Q<0PD \G0M: G<0SD C7: G0M \0D0 \4:GC:Q7:Q 3QD \G>0Q:S0 O0: G>7QD >7C : B0F \G0M: 0Q O0L \G0M0RQ一个名叫费希尔的芬兰渔民在一个星期五的下午未能捕捉到任何鱼,结果他发现他的渔网上有一个大裂口。

Franc's father is frying French fries for his five fire-fighter friends after they finished a fire-fighting in a factory.
[GT3REK \G4:J: 0L \GT>00R GT0K G5: O0L G>0H G>0:\G>0C: GT0:\G>0C0R 0Q : \G3EC:T0]
(此句中包含多个发音口型相似的元音 / 3, e, 8,a:,ai,>0:/,试着一口气统统把它们体现在句子的发音里。 )

Unit Three:
【Identification Between AmE and BrE 】

最精悍的短文浓缩纯美发音因素,不需过多的语言,一次让你陶醉, 下面的短文分别由我们的美国老师和英国老师为你各朗读一遍,这将是你最好的英美辩听材料,我们的目的在于:

One of the first things you may notice about the USA is the relaxed atmosphere. The American people have developed a lack of reserve, an informality, in their everyday dealings with other people。Americans will look you in the eye when they meet you and shake hands. This direct approach is sometimes thought of as rudeness.
*再听听美国老师怎么读 *
Americans are usually helpful and hospitable. You may often be put in a position of wanting to express your gratitude and appreciation. Perhaps someone has helped you when you were lost, or you enjoyed a stay in an American home. If you had a long visit in a private home, it is considered polite to present the host or hostess with a gift. You can buy greeting cards at the drugstore specifically designed to say "thanks".
*再听听美国老师怎么读 *
What is language for? Some people seem to think it's for practicing grammar rules and learning lists of words-the longer the words the better. That's wrong. Language is for the exchange of ideas, for communication.

On December 20, 1995, an air traffic controller with a poor understanding of English misunderstood the captain and gave him confusing instructions(指令) that caused the plane to crash killing 160 people.
*再听听美国老师怎么读 *
It was never going to be a fight to turn up late for, but the speed and ease of Lennox Lewis' victory over Francois Botha confirmed the suspicions that this was a total mismatch.
The last time Lewis fought in London he was on the end of a second-round knock-out at the fists of Oliver McCall - this time he handed out the same punishment to his South African opponent.
And as Botha lay sprawling halfway out of the ring you wondered whether the two fighters should have been in it together in the first place.
*再听听美国老师怎么读 *
1.suspicion:n.猜疑, 怀疑
2.mismatch: n.错配, 失谐
3.sprawl: v.四肢伸开的躺卧

John Lennon's homage to his home city of Liverpool - In My Life by The Beatles - has been chosen as the greatest song ever written in a magazine poll.
 Another Beatles song, Paul McCartney's 1966 ballad Here, There And Everywhere, was at number four.
 Lennon and McCartney's 1960s rivals, Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, figure at number two in the poll with Satisfaction.
 Over The Rainbow, sung by Judy Garland in The Wizard of Oz, was third.
*再听听美国老师怎么读 *
1.homage: n.敬意;致敬
2.ballad: n.歌谣;民歌
3.figure: v.出现;扮演

A fund to compensate people forced into slave labour by the Nazi regime during the Second World War has been formally set up at a ceremony in Berlin.
 "More than 50 years after the end of World War II, we are making a long-awaited humanitarian gesture to all former Nazi forced labourers," said German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder.
 The DM10bn ($5bn) fund, financed equally by the German government and industry, will provide compensation for hundreds of thousands of Jews, eastern Europeans and former prisoners of war.
*再听听美国老师怎么读 *
1.humanitarian: n.博爱主义者,慈善家 a. 博爱的
2.gesture: n.手势,姿势;表示,姿态 vi.(讲话时等)做手势
3.equally: ad.同样地,相同程度地;平等地,均一地
4.compensation: n.补偿,赔偿,赔偿费

Henry Ford (1863-1946) didn't invent the automobile, but he invented the automobile business. When he founded the Ford Motor Co. In 1903, cars were fussy, unreliable, costly novelties. Ford's genius was to make them simple, solid, and inexpensive necessities. In so doing, he built the largest industrial organization of the early 20th century and amassed a personal fortune of $1 billion ($36 billion in today's dollars), but he also placed himself at the forefront of a social renovation that had an immeasurable impact on American life.

*再听听美国老师怎么读 *
Will the gentlemen of the jury rise and state their verdict? Magic Johnson: "When you talk about beautiful basketball, the way Mr. Naismith drew it up to be played, you're talking about Michael Jordan." Charles Barkley: "The one player I'll accept losing to if I have to lose." Shaquille O'Neal: "I'll tell my grandchildren I got to play against him." Phil Jackson: "He represented our personal flight of fantasy about what great things an individual can do."
*再听听美国老师怎么读 *

For one brief moment, he was white America's first black athletic hero, his four gold medals (and three world records) at the 1936 Berlin Olympics both a garland of honor for the U.S.and a mortification to Hitler.To TIME, he was variously the "coffee-colored" Owens, "the world's fastest blackamoor" or the dusky speedster." But to milions of black Americans, he was inspiration and paladin, a sign of things to come.
杰西-欧文斯是美国第一个黑人英雄,虽然这只持续了很短的一段时间。在1936年柏林奥运会上,杰西-欧文斯一举夺得4枚金牌打破3项世界纪录,为美国带来了极大的荣誉,也使希特勒颜面无光。时代杂志称他为 "咖啡"欧文斯、"世界上最快的黑人"或是"卑微的赛手",但是对于成千上万的美国黑人来说,他的出现标志着新时代的到来。
*再听听美国老师怎么读 *
President Bill Clinton has announced that the United States and Vietnam have signed a wide-ranging trade deal, a quarter of a century after the end of the Vietnam War.
  The historic agreement, reached after four years of negotiations, is expected to encourage more US companies to invest in Vietnam, and help speed-up plans for Vietnam to join the World Trade Organisation.
  The deal is also a sign that Vietnam's Communist leadership has decided to embrace reform.
*再听听美国老师怎么读 *

1. era: n. 时代;年代;阶段;纪元
2. aftermath: n.不幸事件之后果;余波
3. embrace: v./n.拥抱;包含;接受
 After Socrates having laid for himself the foundation of a small house, one of the people, no matter who, amongst such passing remarks as usual in these cases, asked, "Why do you, so famed as you are, build so small a house?" " I only wish, " he replied, "I could fill it with real Friends. "
  苏格拉底为自己的小屋打好了地基,有个人,且不管他是谁,总之是在类似情况下免不了议论几句的人,问苏格拉底:"为什么象您这么有名的人,却只建造这么小的屋子呢?" 苏格拉底回答道:"但愿这间小屋坐得满真正的朋友。"
*再听听美国老师怎么读 *
1. Socrates 苏格拉底(469-399BC,古希腊哲学家)
2. lay the foundation 打下基础;打下地基
3. foundation n.基础;地基
4. remark n.评论;注释
5. famed a.著名的;闻名的
6. fill ┉with 装满
7. rare a.罕有的;稀罕的
  Charlie Chaplin broke into show business at the age of five because his mother, a music-ball performer, lost her voice during the performance and had to leave the stage, and Charlie went on and sang a well-known song. Halfway through the song a shower of money poured onto the stage. Charlie stopped singing and told the audience he would pick up the money first and then finish the song. The audience laughed. This was the first of millions of millions of laughs in Charlie Chaplin's fabulous career.
*再听听美国老师怎么读 *
fabulous a.难以置信的;传说的
Goethe was once strolling on a narrow path in Weimar. As luck would have it, he met with a critic who was hostile to him. Both of them stopped, staring at each other. Then the critic said: "I will never make way for a fool. "But I will." With that Goethe retreated aside.
有一次,歌德在魏玛的一个公园里的一条小路上散步,碰巧遇到了一位对他怀有敌意的批评家。他们俩都停下来,彼此瞪着眼睛。后来,那个批评家说:"我不会给一个笨蛋让路的。" "但是我会。" 歌德说完后,退到了一旁。
*再听听美国老师怎么读 *
A heifer saw an Ox hard at work harnessed to a plow, and tormented him with reflections on his unhappy fate in being compelled to labor.
Shortly afterwards, at the harvest festival, the owner released the Ox from his yoke , but bound the heifer with cords and led him away to the altar to be slain in honor of the occasion.
The Ox saw what was being done, and said with a smile to the heifer: "For this you were allowed to live in idleness , and now you are going to be sacrificed."
*再听听美国老师怎么读 *
1. heifer n.小母牛
2. harness v.给上挽具;套上(马车)
3. plow n.犁
4. torment v.使痛苦;折磨
5. reflection n.非难;责备
6. compel v.强迫
7. festival n.节日;庆祝
8. release v.释放;解开
9. yoke n. 轭,(牛、马等) 轭
10. slay v.杀死
11. in honor of 纪念
12. idleness n.闲散;懒散
  On Dec. 6. 1959,while he was visiting Italy, American President Eisenhower called on the Pope, John the twentieth in Vatican to pay his respects. Eisenhower introduced his tour to the Pope. The Pope told him that he could speak French, Bulgarian and Turkish besides his native language Italian. President Eisenhower asked him, "How about English?" The Pope said, "Well, I'm getting on in years and have got too much to do.Nevertheless, I spend one hour learning English every day. " Then Eisenhower asked him again, "How is your English going? "The Pope smiled and answered, "The more I learn the more I realize that saying: "The Pope is never wrong' is not true as far as the pronunciation of English is concerned."
*再听听美国老师怎么读 *

Once a beautiful and dissolute British actress wrote to propose marriage to Bernard Shaw." She said she did not mind Bernard Shaw's old age and ugliness because he was a genius. And if they could combine the beauty of the woman with the talents of the great man, that would be greatly harmonious. "With your wisdom and my appearance, our children must be perfect."
Bernard Shaw answered, in a letter, that her imagination was splendid, "But, what if the children take my appearance and your wisdom?"
英国有位美貌风流的女演员,曾写信向肖伯纳求婚。她说,因为他是个天才。 她不嫌肖伯纳年迈丑陋。假如能使女人的美貌和超人的天才结合,那该是多么协调啊。"咱们的后代有你的智慧和我的美貌,那一定是十全十美了。"
*再听听美国老师怎么读 *
1. dissolute a.风流的;放荡的
2. propose marriage 求婚
3. Bernard Shaw 肖伯纳 (1856-1950,英国小说家,剧作家和批评家)
4. genius n.天人;天资
5. harmonious a.协调的;和谐的
6. what if 倘若……将会怎样
7. wisdom n.智慧;才智
At the close of the American Revolutionary War, Dr Franklin, the English ambassador, and the French minister, Vertgennes, were dining together. They agreed that each should offer a toast. The English ambassador began: "George the Third, who, like the sun at noonday, spreads his light and illumines the world."
The French minister followed with: "His Majesty, Louis the Sixteenth, who, like the moon, fills the earth with a soft, benevolent glow. "
Franklin gave the following: " George Washington, General of the armies of the United States, who, like Joshua of old commanded both the sun and the moon to stand still, and both obey."
*再听听美国老师怎么读 *
A young man came to Socrates to say, "I want knowledge. "
"How badly do you want?"
"I must. "
And Socrates took him to the beach and waded out up to their necks and pushed the young man under the water in a ferocious struggle. When they had surfaced, Socrates asked, "What did you want the most?"
"Air. I wanted air!
"When you want knowledge like you wanted air under water, then you will get it."
*再听听美国老师怎么读 *
0. Henry occassionally ate in a restaurant that was noted neither for its food nor for its music. When he was asked why he selected this particular restaurant,he replied.
"Because it works two ways: most of the times the food is so bad that I can even stand the music, and the music is so bad that I can even stand the food. "
"因为这家饭馆有两个好处:饭菜常常是如此之糟,我甚至能忍受那里的音乐 ;而音乐又是如此之坏,我甚至可以忍受那里的饭菜。"
*再听听美国老师怎么读 *
The idea of a "nothing book" is not new.
When Hermann Boerhaave, a Dutch physician and chemist best known for his Elementa chemae, died in 1738, he left behind a sealed book with the title The Onliest and Deepest Secrets of the Medical Arts. The book, still sealed, was auctioned for $20, 000 in gold. When the new owner broke his seal, he found that 99 of the 100 pages were blank. Only the title page bore this handwritten note by the author : " Keep your head cool, your feet warm, and you'll make the best doctor poor. "
以《化学基础》一书闻名的荷兰医生和化学家赫尔曼·布尔哈夫于1738年去世时留下了一本题为《医学艺术唯一的和最深刻的秘密》的封着的书。这本封着的书后来以相当于20,000美元黄金的价格被拍卖。书的新主人打开书的封缄后,发现这本100页的书中 99页都是白纸。只有靡页上有作者手写的一句话:"让你的头保持凉爽,双脚保持温暖,你会使最好的医生成为穷光蛋。"
*再听听美国老师怎么读 *

Unit four:
【 Cultivation of Passions for American English】
通过大量美语听力材料去刺激你的耳膜,在你大脑中形成一个稳定的美语概念。在经过了前面的渗透练习后,你应该对美语有了大致的了解,所以本章将侧重于娱乐性,本章分为三部分:‘北京人在纽约’、‘Kidding With You’和‘时代的强音’。体会成功的喜悦,自豪感就来源于此,因为现在美语对你来说真的是“a piece of cake”。
进阶一 北京人在纽约
Do you have straws

A decade ago when I first went to dine in McDonald's since coming to America, I was so nervous that I forgot the right word to express what I meant, and thus I made a fool of myself.
That day my frierd and I agreed to eat hamburgers . When we, holding our trays, happily sat down, I found there were no straws. I looked around but did not find where the box of straws was. I then got up to make an inquiry . I lined up again. After I waited for a while, the busy attendant glanced at me. Looking at her two big eyeballs on her shiny black face, suddenly my mind was a blank. I was at a loss for words for quite a while and it was not at all easy for me to say, "Do you have pipes ?" She asked loudly with a frown , "What?" I was so anxious that I made gestures . My friend saw me, hurriedly came to help me out of the predicament and said, "Do you have straws?" Aha! It was no wonder that the attendant got puzzled why I asked her for oil pipes.
那天,与朋友约好去吃汉堡包。我们高高兴兴地端着各自的盘坐下后,我发现没有吸管,左顾右盼也没瞧见吸管盒在哪儿。于是我起身询问。重新排队等了一会儿,忙碌的店员瞧了我一眼,看着她黑得发亮的脸庞上那两颗大眼珠,顿时,我的脑子一片空白,张口结舌半天好不容易说了一句:"Do you have pipes?"她皱着眉头大声问:"什么?"我急得用手比划起来。 朋友见状立即前来解围说:"Do you have scraws?"(有吸管吗? )哈!难怪店员对我向她要输油管子感到莫明其妙。
1. McDonald's麦当劳(快餐厅)
2. nervous adj.紧张不安的
3. make a fool of oneself闹笑话
4. hamburger n.汉堡包
5. tray n.托盘
6. straw n.吸管
7. inquiry n.询问;打听
8. Iine up排队
9. eyeball n.眼珠
10.shiny adj.发亮的;闪光的
I1. blank adj.空白的 a loss不知所措
13.pipe n.输油管子
14.frown n.皱眉
15.anxious adj.焦急的
16.gesture n.手势 sb.out of a predicament替……解围
18.predicament n.困境;窘境
I will give you a ring
There was a newcomer in our office, handsome and easy to get along with. One day we had a very nice chat, When I saw the clock on the wall showing that it was soon time for home from work, I said, "Sorry, I have to go home now. "
" That's OK, " he said politely, " I will give you a ring. On hearing that, I was very surprised, thinking, "Americans act too quickly. We have just known each other, and he is going to give me a ring! "
Later on I figured it out that he just wanted to give me a call. I really proffered affection which was not reciprocated.
办公室里来了一位新同事,人长得英俊又很容易相处。有一天我们谈得很开心,这时我一看墙上的钟已经快到下班的时间了,便对他说:"对不起,我得回家了。" 他很客气地跟我说:"That's OK.I will give you a ring."
注 释:
1. proffer v.提供
2. affection n.喜爱;爱
3. reciprocate v.回报;回赠
Doggy bag
When I went to dine in a restaurant with my colleague for the first time, neither of us had a good appetite. As a result, a lot of food was left over. "I want a doggy bag, " she said, "what about you?"I said I had no dogs. Looking at me strangely, she asked the waiter for two "doggy bags" . As I was suspecting whether she was keen on gaining petty advantages, she explained to me that "doggy bag" was a small bag that a restaurant provided so that customers could take home any food they had not finished, and then she gave me one.
打 包 袋
初次与同事出去吃饭,两人的胃口都不大,所以剩下很多食物。她说:"I want a doggy bag.What about you?"(我想打包,你呢?)我说我没养狗。
她古怪地看了我一下,就向侍者要了两个"doggy bag"(打包袋)。当我正猜疑她是否爱贪小便宜的时候,她对我解释说,"doggy bag"是餐馆供顾客将吃剩的食物打包带回的袋子,说完给了我一份。
1. appetite n.食欲;胃口
2. suspect v.怀疑;猜疑
3. keen on喜欢;热衷于
4. gain v.获得;得到
5. petty a.小的;不重要的
6. advantage n.利益;好处
It costs an arm and a leg
太 贵 了
An old American lady told me about her daughter's experience of buying a king-size mattress. She told me that it cost her daughter about 1, 500 to 1, 600 U.S.dollars and also a lot of trouble. In the end, she said with a sigh, "Oh, it costs an arm and a leg! "
I was very surprised and wondered how come buying a mattress could almost take one's life, with one arm and one leg injured and disabled. I asked the old lady very cautiously what had happened to her daughter. She laughed and said, "Honey, I mean that the mattress is very expensive. My daughter is fine. "
Fortunately I made it out , otherwise I would imagine the poor old lady's daughter being a handicapped person without an arm and a leg.
一位美国老 太太向我讲述她女儿最近买特大号床垫的经历。她告诉我说她女儿花了一千五、六百美元,还几经周折。末了,她叹了口气说:"oh,it costs an arm and a leg!"
我吓了一跳,怎么买床垫还差一点儿弄出人命来,臂和腿都伤残了?我小心翼翼地问老太太她女儿出了什么事,她笑了起来,说:"亲爱的,我的意思是那个 床垫非常贵。我女儿没事。"
注 释:
1. king-size a.特大的
2. mattress n.床垫
3.sigh n.叹息;叹气 come…?怎么会……?
5.disabled adj.残疾的
6.cautiously adv.小心地;谨慎地
7.make sth out摘清;理解;明白
8.imagine v.想象;设想
9.handicapped adj.残疾的;残废的
Killer 伤脑筋的难题
When I was attending University of Indiana, one day, an American friend of mine told me, "Our Chemical Lab had a killer today. " I was shocked by his news, and asked, "Really? Anyone killed? How many wounded?”
He was equally stunned by what I said. Knowing that I did not understand what he meant, hehastily explained, "No, no! What I mean is that in our Chemical Lab today we had a headache problem. "
Through his explanation, I suddenly saw the light. Usually "killer" means "a person who kills someone; a murderer", but in the pet phrases of college students, it has the meaning of "a nerve-racking, obscure and knotty problem".
Now I have learned a word with a quite different meaning from its original one. I was happy that my good friend did not mind.
我在印第安纳大学就读时,一位美国友人告诉我:"Our ChemicaI Lab had a killer today."我听了惊弄地问道:"真的?有没有死人?多少人受伤?" 他听我说也停住了。知道我没懂他的意思,连忙解释说:"不是,不是。"我的意思是:今天我们的化学实验室里出了一个伤脑筋的难题。
注 释:
1.attend v.(school)上(学) ;出席
2.stun v.惊偿;目瞪口呆
3.hastily adv.匆忙地;连忙地 phrase口头禅
5.nerve-racking a.使人精神紧张的
6.obscure adj.费解的;不易看清楚的
7.knotty a.棘手的;困难的
8.original a. 最初的;原先的
Dead end 死胡同
When I first caught sight of the sign "Dead End", I was really startled . Literally it means the road to death. I wondered whether it was "a dragon's pool and a tiger's den---a danger spot", or mines or bombs were laid there and once you made your entrance to it, you are sure to die. Therefore a shocking sign was set up, warning people against getting into the forbidden area without authorization . Later I got to know that the sign "Dead End" tells people that the road is closed at one end, and therefore does not lead anywhere.
初次见到这个"Dead End"标示时,确实被吓了一跳。按字面的意思是死路一条,难道这个地方是什么"龙潭虎穴",还是埋了地雷炸弹什么的,一旦进入必死无疑,所以立了这么一个骇人的告示牌,警告人们匆擅闯禁地。后来才知道"Dead End"这个标示是告诉人们此路一端无出口,是死胡同。
注 释:
1. catch sight of看见;发现
2. startle v.吓了一跳
3. literally adv.照原文地;照字面本义地
4. a dragon' s pool and a tiger' s den--a danger spot 龙潭虎穴--危险场所
  dragon n.龙
den n.兽穴;窝
spot n.地点;场所
5. mine n.地雷
6. make one's entrance进入
entrance n.进入;人口
7. forbidden eara 禁区
forbidden adj.禁止的;不允许的
8. authoxisation n.授权
I am the one wearing pants in the house
One day we invited our American friends, a couple, to our home. We had a pleasant chat. During the chat, I asked them who in control of their family's finance. My friend's wife answered, " I am the one wearing pants in the house. " Both my wife and I were very confused. We were wondering why she told me that only she wore trousers in her house when I asked who was in charge of the money in their family. A few pointers from my friend made us suddenly see the light.It turned out that what she meant was "I am in charge".

有一次,我们邀请我们的美国朋友夫妇来家中做客,我们聊得很愉快。在聊天中,我问他们在家中谁掌管财务,我朋友的太太回答说:"I am the one wearing pants in the house."我和妻子都很纳闷,心想:我问他们谁管钱,她干嘛回答我说她是家中唯一穿裤子的人。经朋友一指点,我们茅塞顿开。原来这句话的意思是说:"I am in charge"(我掌管/我当家)。
注 释:
1. in control of掌管;控制
2. finance n.财务;财政
3. pants n.(P1.)裤子(常用复数)
4. in charge of负责;掌管;主管
5. pointer n.指点;暗示

He is getting away with murder!
When I was working in America, there was an Italian accountant in our office. Relying on his uncle, who was the boss of the company, he usually treated people arrogantly and did his work carelessly. So we all called him "Godfather" in private .
One day he was out and we began to scold him by enumerating his wrongdoings and vent our anger together. Normally we were all forced to keep our resentment to ourselves. One of my colleagues said angrily, "He is getting away with murder!"
I did not understand what the sentence meant, but had heard the word "murder". I felt astonished and asked: "Has he ever killed people before?" Immediately they all burst into laughter .
At last they explained the sentence to me. In fact, it meant he was ordinarily too self-indulgent , and he was a man who did as he pleased.
因为大家都只敢怒不敢言,有一天他不在,大家聚在一起以数落他的不是作为发泄。有位同事气愤地说:"He is getting away with murder!"(他太为所欲为了!)
我不知这句话的意思,只听到了 "murder"这个词,我惊讶地问:"他曾经杀过人吗?"顿时大家笑成一团。
注 释:
1. rely on依靠;依赖
2. arrogantly adv.傲慢地;自大地
3. Godather n.教父
4. in private 在私下;非公开地;秘密地
5. scold v.责骂;申斥
6. enumerate v.数;列举
7. wrongdoing n.干坏事:作恶
8. vent v.表达,发泄(情感等)
9. normally adv.正常地;通常
10.resentment n.忿恨;怨恨
11.astonish v.使惊讶
12.burst into laughter突然笑起来
13.ordinarily adv.通常地;一般地
14.self-indulgent adj.放纵自己的

Pass away 去世
It happened when I worked in a state government office after I just graduated from an institute. One day my American colleague Angela asked me whether I had seen Ken , another colleague of mine. She said she had something to talk with him about.
I happened to see Ken pass by my office just a few minutes before. Therefore I replied unthinkingly, "Ken just passed away a few minutes ago. " My utterances immediately made Angela and the other colleagues who were present roar with laughter . I realized I had used the phrase incorrectly and I quickly made corrections and said, "I mean he just passed by".
Fortunately, Ken was not there at that moment, otherwise I would have been in an even more embarrassed situation, for the phrase "pass away" refers to "to die", while "pass by" has the meaning "to go past".
我碰巧在几分钟前看到肯从我办公室前经过,于是我不假思索地回答:"Ken just passed away a few minutes ago." 此话一出,立即引来安吉拉和在场同事的哄堂大笑。我意识到自己用错了短语,马上更正道 :"I mean he just passed by"(我的意思是他刚刚经过。)
幸好当时肯不在场,否则场面将会更加的尴尬,因为"pass away"这个短语的意思是指"去世",而"pass by"才是"经过"的意思。
注 释:
1. Angela n.安吉拉(人名)
2. Ken n.肯(人名)
3. utterance n.言语;话语
4. roar with laughter放声大笑;哈哈大笑
5. roar v.吼叫;咆哮
6. inconectly adv.不正确地
进阶二 Kidding With You

Patient: Doctor I think that I've been bitten by a vampire.
Doctor: Take this glass of water.
医生: 喝了这杯水。
Patient: Will it make me better?
病人: 它会使我好起来吗?
Doctor: No, but I'll see if your neck leaks.
医生: 不,但我可以知道你的脖子是不是会漏水。

A man walks into a shop and sees a cute little dog. He asks the shopkeeper, "Does your dog bite?"
The shopkeeper says, "No, my dog does not bite."
The man tries to pet the dog and the dog bites him.
"Ouch!" He says, "I thought you said your dog does not bite!"
"哎哟!" 他喊道,"你说你的狗不会咬人!"
The shopkeeper replies, "That is not my dog!"

Man: I could go to the end of the world for you.
Woman: Yes, but would you stay there?
Man: I offer you myself.
Woman: I am sorry I never accept cheap gifts.
女孩: 很抱歉我从不接受廉价礼物。
Man: I want to share everything with you.
Woman: Let's start from your bank account.

A: I have the perfect son.
B: Does he smoke?
A: No, he doesn't.
B: Does he drink whiskey?
A: No, he doesn't.
B: Does he ever come home late?
A: No, he doesn't.
B: I guess you really do have the perfect son. How old is he?
A: He will be six months old next Wednesday.
Teacher: A noun is the name of a person or thing. Now, who can give me a noun?
First boy: A cow.
Teacher: Very good. Another noun?

Second boy: Another cow.

Teacher: Jimmy, what are the three words which pupils use most often at school?
Jimmy: I don't know.
Teacher: Correct.

Teacher: When was Rome built?
Tom: At night.
Teacher : Who told you that?
Tom: You did. You said Rome wasn't built in a day.
教师: 罗马是什么时候建成的?

Teacher: Can you tell me anything about the great scientists of the 18th century?
Pupil: Yes, sir, I can. They are all dead.
Mother: I left two pieces of cake in the cupboard this morning, Johnny, and now there is only one piece left. Can you explain that?
Johnny: Well, I suppose it was so dark that I didn't notice the other.
Statistics 统计
"What are the chances of my recovering? asked the bed - ridden man.
"One hundred percent," the physician reassured him. " Medical records show that nine out of every ten die of the disease you have. Yours is the tenth case I've treated. Others all died. Statistics are statistics. You're bound to get well. "
"百分之百,"医生宽慰他说,"据医学统计,你这种病每10个人中有9人会丧命。你是我治疗的第十个病例。其他的都死了。统计毕竞是统计, 你一定会好的。
注 释:
1. statistics n.统计
2. chances n.(复)可能性
3. recover v.复原
4. bed-ridden adj.久病不起的
5. reassure vt.使放心
6. you're bound to get well.你一定会好的。
Lonely Ah Seng a Recruit
Ah Seng, a recruit, was a bit of a loner. He took to drinking heavily whenever he booked out for the weekend. One weekend, he returned so drunk that he was told to see the Commanding Officer immediately.
"Look Ah Seng, why don't you shape up?" said the CO, who was something of a softie. " There is a real future for you here if you sober up. You could become a corporal, or even a sergeant! Isn't that something to look forward to?"
Ah Seng replied, "Well, Sir, to tell you the truth, that's really not good enough for me because after a few glasses of Tiger, I feel like a colonel! "
注 释: v.登记
2.shape up (口)成形;振作起来
3.something of 有点
4.softie= softy n.多愁善感的人
5.sober vi.(up)清醒起来
6.corporal n.下士
7.sergeant n.(美)陆军(或海军陆战队)中士
Law Fee 律师费
A plumber was called to fix a pipe. He arrived, banged on the pipes for 15 minutes, and said to the homeowner, "Well, that'll be $35. "
The homeowner said, "thirty five dollars !! why? that’s $140 per hour!! I am a lawyer and I only make $100 an hour!! " The plumber replied, "Yeah, That's what I got when I was a lawyer."
一位水管工被叫去修一个管子,他到了后,猛击管子有15分钟,然后地对房主说:"35美元钱。 "
房主说:"35美元!! 每小时就合 I40美元!!我是一名律师,每小时才挣100美元!!"水管工回答:"是的,我作律师时也挣那么多。"
注 释:
1. plumber n. 管道工
2. bang v.猛击

Taken for Granted
THE SCHOOL HEALTH FORMS had been distributed to the students with an error---the word "Sex" had been spelled with an "o". One mother, filling out the form for her son, wrote in the blank next to "Sox": "Usually

[注] 英语中sex(性)与sox(袜)只有一个字母之差。
Logic Reasoning
A fourth-grade teacher was giving her pupils a lesson in logic."Here is the situation," she said. "a man is standing up in a boat in the middle of a river, fishing. He loses his balance, falls in, and begins splashing and yelling for help. His wife hears the commotion, knows that he can't swim, and runs down to the bank. Why do you think she ran to the bank?" A girl raised her hand and asked, "to draw out all of his savings?"
小学四年级的教师正在给学生们上一堂逻辑课。她举了这么一个例子:"有这样一种情况,一个男人在河中心的船上钓鱼,突然失去重心掉进了水里。于是他开始挣扎并喊救命。他的妻子听到了他的喊声,知道他并不会游泳,所以她就 急忙跑向河岸。谁能告诉我这是为什么?"一个女生举手答道,"是不是去取他的存款?"

Dating for Mother
约 会
When the young waitress in the cafe? in Tom's building started waving hello everyday. Tom was flattered, for she was at least 15 years younger than he. One day she waved and beckoned to Tom again. When Tom strolled over, she asked, "Are you single?"
  "Why, yes," Tom replied, smiling at her broadly. "So is my mom," she said. "Would you like to meet her?"
"对,是单身,"汤姆满脸堆笑的说。 "我母亲也是,"她说,"您愿不愿意见见她?"

A Heavy Sleeper
The preacher was vexed because a certain member of his congregation always fell asleep during the sermon.
As the man was snoring in the front row one Sunday,the preacher determined he would teach him not to sleep during the sermon. So, in a whisper, he asked the congregation. "All who want to go to heaven,please rise." Everyone got up except the snorer. After whispering "Be seated", the minister shouted at the top of his voice, "All those who want to be with the devil, please rise. " Awaking with a start, the sleepy-head jumped to his feet and saw the preacher standing tall and angry in the pulpit, "Well, sir," he said, "I don't know what we're voting on, but it looks like you and me are the only ones for it."
One Engine Left
A 747 was halfway across the Atlantic when the captain got on the loud speaker, "Attention, passengers. We have lost one of our engines, but we can certainly reach London with the three we have left. Unfortunately, we will arrive an hour late as a result."
  Shortly thereafter, the passengers heard the captain's voice again, "Guess what, folks. We just lost our third engine, but please be assured we can fly with only one. We will now arrive in London three hour
s late."  At this point, one passenger became furious. "For Pete's sake," he shouted, "If we lose another engine, we'll be up here all night!"
 过了一会儿,旅客们又听到机长的声音:"各位,你们猜怎么啦?我们刚才又掉了第三个引擎。但请你们相信好了。只有一个引擎我们也能飞,但要晚三个小时了。" 正在这时,一位乘客非常气愤地说:"看在上帝的份上,如果我们再掉一个引擎,我们就要整夜都呆在天上了。"
   The Swimmer 游泳者
The teacher told the class the story of a man who swam a river three times before breakfast. Johnny laughed. "Do you doubt that a good swimmer could do that?" asked the teacher. "No, sir," answered Joh nny, "but I wonder why he did not swim it four times and get back to the side where his clothes were."
老师给同学们讲了一个小故事,说有一个人早饭前要在河里游泳,横渡三趟。 约翰尼笑了。 老师问道:"你不相信一个游泳很好的人可以做到这个?" 约翰尼回答说:"不是,先生,但我不明白他为什么不游四次,好回到他放衣服的那边。"
To Patch the Hole 补洞
A young man came home from work and found his bride upset. "I feel terrible," she said. "I was pressing your suit and I burned a big hole in the seat of your trousers."
  "Forget it," consoled her husband. "Remember that I've got an extra pair of pants for that suit."
  "Yes," said the woman, cheering up. "And it's lucky you have. I used them to patch the hole."

Pledge 誓约
Grandpa was celebrating his 100th birthday, and everyone was complimenting him on how well he looked.
   "I'll tell you the secret," he said. "My wife and I were married seventy-five years ago. On our wedding night we made a pledge that whenever we had a fight, the one who was proved wrong would go out and take a walk. I have been in the open air continuously for the past seventy-five years.
进阶三 时代的强音
Ask What You Can Do For Your Country
by John F kennedy 约翰·肯尼迪
肯尼迪(1917---- 1963),美国第35任总统(1961----1963在任)。任期内渡过了许多危机,特别是古巴危机和柏林危机,取得了缔结禁止核试验条约和成立争取进步同盟等成就。他毕业于哈佛大学,写过畅销书,参加过第二次世界大战。29岁竞选众议员获胜,连任三届。在国会里,他对内重视社会救济和平民福利,对外反对共产主义,支持冷战。1953年进入参议院,对麦卡锡反共运动之盛行并无异议。50年代后期任参议院外交委员会委员,政治观点逐渐左移,在民主党内的声望也逐步提高。1958年他连任参议员,1960年1月以微弱多数击败共和党候选人尼克松,成为美国历史上最年轻的总统,也是第一位信奉天主教的总统,他的进取精神和勤奋作风赢得许多人的称赞。1963年11月,他为争取连任而前往得克萨斯州,力图调和民主党内两派之间的分歧,遇刺身亡。
In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course. Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty. The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe.

Now the trumpet summons us again - not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a call to battle, though embattled we are; but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation," a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease and war itself.
注 释:
trumpet:[\CT8PA0C] 号角
tribulation:[]CT0BU7\S<0M:n ]苦难;磨难
Can we forge against these enemies a grand and global alliance, North and South, East and West that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind? Will you join in that historic effort?
In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility; I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it, and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.
endeavor:[0Q\D And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
My fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.
注 释:
sacrifice:[\K3ET0G>0K] 牺牲;
1.Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation.
2. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
3.With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds……
I Have a Dream
Martin Luther King背景:
Martin Luther King (1929-1968)was a famous lawyer and leader of the Campaign of Civil Rights for the Black in the United States. During his lifetime, he was arrested for three times. In 1964 he won the Nobel Prize for Peace. In 1968 he was assasinated by a racist. He was considered as one of the eight most persuasive speakers in this century. In 1963 he led 250,000 demonstrators to Washington, demanding freedom, equality and employment for the black. It was during the demonstration that he delivered this famous speech.
I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.I have a dream that one day this Nation will rise up, live out the true meaning of its creeds - "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal."
I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slaveowners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.
I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
I have a dream today!
I have a dream that one day in Alabama, with this vicious racist, with its governor, having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification - one day right there in Alabama, little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.
I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted: every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plane, the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.
This is our hope. This is the faith that I go back to the South. With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.
This will be the day, this will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with a new meaning,
"My country, 'tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing.
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the pilgrim's pride,
From every mountainside,
Let freedom ring."
这是早期移民赖以自豪 的地方,

And if America is to be a great nation this must become true. So let freedom ring from the prodigious hill tops of New Hampshire.
Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York.
Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania!
Let freedom ring from the snowcapped Rockies of Colorado!
Let freedom ring from the curvaceous peaks of California!
But not only that; let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia!
Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee!
Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi, from every mountainside.

Let freedom ring, when it happens. When we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of
God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"
注 释:
1.oasis: n. 绿洲
2.vicious: adj. 邪恶的
3.racist: n. 种族主义者
4.interposition: n. 干涉
5.nullification: n. 废除
6.crooked: adj. 弯曲的
7.hew: v. 砍、劈
8.jangling: adj. 刺耳的
9.discord: n. 争吵
10.pilgrim: n. 朝圣者
11.molehill: n. 土堆
12.hamlet: n. 村庄
13.Jew: n. 犹太人
14.Gentile: n. 非犹太人
15.Protestant: n. 新教徒
16.Catholic: n. 天主教徒
17.almighty: adj. 全能的
