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第一部分 应试策略

一. 熟悉高考英语口试的内容和形式


* 朗读短文并就短文的内容回答问题:

* 描述图画:

* 日常会话:

* 口头小作文:
考生一般事先知道口头小作文的题目,作文题目通常是考生熟悉的内容,例如:My English Teacher, My Family, My School, My Hobby, The Film I Like Best等等。口头作文一般要求考生至少用10句话表述,在两分钟内完成。这一项主要考查考生的语言组织能力和口语表达能力。



* 考生按照准考证上的考试时间和地点,准时到达指定的考试地点, 等候考场工作人员的安排。
* 考生在工作人员的安排下到指定地点凭准考证领取口试表。
* 工作人员通知考生备考的时间及地点。
* 考生在工作人员的带领下进入备考室,根据安排在指定的座位坐下。
* 分发试卷,进行备考。
* 考生在工作人员的带领下到达指定的考室,经允许方可进入,不要 擅自进入。
* 考生把准考证放在考官的桌上,坐下准备考试。
* 考官把考生准备过的那份试题递给考生,要求考生朗读。
* 考官收回试卷,开始就短文提问。
* 然后进行描述图画或是口头作文,最后是日常会话。
* 口试结束,考生即可退出考场,口试成绩不当场公布。

三. 了解高考英语口试的评分标准



(二) 理解能力
5分:正确理解短文含义,准确回答教师提出的5个以上的问题。 (教师提问6个问题)

(三) 表达能力
5 分:能用自己的话比较准确地表达思想。
3 分:表达能力不强,错误较多。

(四) 反应快慢
5分:能对教师的问题或指示较迅速地作出反应,交流过程比较自然 流畅。
4分:能对教师的问题或指示作出反应,速度较慢,基本不影响交流 的自然。
2 分:不能对教师的问题或指示作出反应,交流无法进行。

四. 高考英语口试前的心理调节


* 主观上对自己充满信心

* 不要惧怕考官

* 临考前做一些克服紧张心理的活动

* 充分利用备考时间

五. 充分利用考试前的准备时间


* 如何准备短文:
1. 迅速通读全文,理解全篇的大意。
2. 特别留意要朗读的部分,看清要求,有时要求朗读全文,有时只 要求朗读一部分。
3. 不但要读懂文章的大意,还要注意细节的内容。
4. 猜测考官可能会提问的内容,特别是那些跟who, what, when, where, how, why 等有关的问题。

* 如何准备口头作文:
1. 审题要细心,思路要开阔。
2. 结构要完整。要做到有头有尾,思路清晰,条理分明。
3. 语言要简洁明了,尽量用自己熟悉的句型,避免使用难句长句。

六. 注意事项


1. 礼貌问题

2. 第一印象

3. 应变能力
当考生听不懂考官的某句话或者不会读某个单词时,可以用 "I beg your pardon?" 或 "Would you please repeat it?" 或 "Would you please tell me how to read this word?" 之类的话向考官提出,考生一定不能在没听懂或不会念的情况下答非所问或胡乱读某个词。如果你对考官的提问的确答不上来,说些如 "Let me think it over for a moment." "Sorry, I forget." 之类的话,总比一言不发要好得多。起码这样做你可以给考官一个有应变能力的印象。

4. 切忌忙中出错
第二部分 备考策略

1. 有些考生平时没有养成讲英语的习惯,考试时十分紧张,反应很 慢,表达不流利。
2. 有的考生语音语调较差,说出的话考官听不懂。
3. 对短文的理解不够深刻,有偏差。
4. 口头表达的时态、人称及单复数等语法错误较多。
5. 口头作文太短,说不出几句话,没有条理。

1. 多听录音,多模仿标准的语音语调。
2. 平时多朗读,有意识地改进自己的发音和语调。
3. 根据所学课文多做问答练习,多与同学配合进行问答训练,提高 反应能力。
4. 对所学的课文进行复述练习。


策略一 攻克语音关


* 音素的模仿练习

(一) 辅 音

(1) [G]
He followed the footpath through the fields to the forest.
The folk found a farm full of fine food.
(2) [H]
They arrived at seven in the evening.
Have you ever lived near a river?
(3) [I]
These are things worth thinking about.
There are three thousand three hundred and thirty-three people.
(4) [J]
Neither my mother nor my father likes this weather.
His father and mother visited my brother with Arthur.
(5) [K]
Pass me the cups and books on the desk.
Summer is the season he likes best.
(6) [L]
These are small size shoes.
Don't do those easy exercises.
(7) [M]
She showed me a fresh fish.
I'm sure the ship is from Asia.
(8) [N]
The seizure of the treasure is a pleasure.
Usually it's a pleasure to do this on such an occasion.
(9) [T]
We have fresh bread for breakfast.
The robber was arrested in a pouring rain.
(10) [O]
I hear you have heard from home.
I hear he's not happy here.
(11) [A]
Put the pens and pencils on a piece of paper.
The principal of the primary school pays for the papers for his poor pupils.
(12) [B]
Both of them lived abroad before the baby was born.
The boys sitting on the bed behind the brown table behaved badly.
(13) [C]
Tom ought to try to take his test at the right time.
He took his ticket from his pocket and passed it to the ticket-collector.
(14) [D]
David brought the doctor's dog to dear Dora's door.
The lady in the red dress was beating the mad dog to death.
(15) [E]
The cook baked a cake. The cake is like a rock.
The cook drank a cup of black coffee for his breakfast.
(16) [F]
The guest gazes at the guide.
Let's go and get the gloves for our goalkeeper.
(17) [CM]
Teach the children to fetch the chicken from the kitchen.
Jack watched George eat a peach on the bridge near the church.
(18) [DN]
He lives in a cottage and studies in a college.
The rich gentleman is generous to engage the surgeon in January.
(19) [CT]
We'll trade with foreign countries.
Don't try any tricks!
(20) [DT]
He drank too much and got drunk.
Her dress dropped from the dressing-table.
(21) [CK]
There are no more seats for the peasants.
"It rained cats and dogs," said the mates.
(22) [DL]
It's not good to have good words but no deeds.
My good friends were in high spirits as they walked into the woods.
(23) [P]
He climbed the mountain with me in the autumn.
Many men and women met in May to watch the amazing performance.
(24) [Q]
Nancy knows the funny nickname of her naughty niece.
Learn not to spend more money than you can earn.
(25) [R]
These things belong to my uncle.
He sang a wrong song after he drank the strong wine.
(26) [S]
Take the pill, and you will feel well.
The yellow colour of the eleven flowers is really beautiful.
(27) [U]
Your computer is of great value.
Yesterday the young man bought a new yellow suit.
(28) [V]
I wonder where she walked.
The wife of the waiter wished to wash the wet woolens in warm water.
(二) 元 音

(1) [0:]
Please keep these streets clean.
I feel I need a cup of weak green tea.
(2) [0]
He lives in this pretty city.
It's a pity it's still misty in this city of Italy.
(3) [<]
There are ten pens on the desk.
Let's get together.
(4) [3]
He thanked the man for bringing back his hat.
The man ran back to gather his black handbag.
(5) [8]
Hurry up! The sun has come up.
When your work is done, come out in the sun and have some fun.
(6) [4:]
A large army marched past the grassland.
Your aunt is far smarter than her father.
(7) [5]
I've got a pot of hot water.
Lots and lots of clocks and watches are on sale in the shops.
(8) [5:]
Your four daughters are all very tall.
Paul called from the hall that he'd slipped on the floor.
(9) [7]
He stood on one foot and looked.
The cook understood that the sugar was no good.
(10) [7:]
You must choose either boots or shoes.
Hugh shoots a goose and loses his loose tooth.
(11) [::]
An early bird is eating an eating-worm.
I gave her some pearls for her thirty-first birthday.
(12) [:]
The wonderful weather was over.
I am afraid that the colour is unsuitable for my mother.
(13) [<0]
Don't make the same mistake.
James takes a cake from Jane's plate.
(14) [>0]
A white kite is flying high in the sky.
My eyes are tired because I tried to read in the poor light.
(15) [50]
I'll leave the choice of the toy to my boy.
You should avoid pouring oil on the soil.
(16) [:7]
They rowed the boat along the coast.
Follow the lower road and go slowly home.
(17) [>7]
He has found a mouse in the corner of the house.
Mr. Brown lives in a round house near the town.
(18) [0:]
A man can't hear without his ears.
It is clear that the man with a heavy beard is from Korea.
(19) [2:]
Take care, there's a chair at the foot of the stairs.
The boy was scared because there were a pair of bears over there.
(20) [7:]
I'm sure he is very cruel.
The poor man was assured that his child could be cured.

* 音素的对比练习
A. 听录音,跟读单词,体会每组容易混淆的辅音和元音的差异:

(一) 辅音
sheet [M0:C] 被单 seat [K0:C] 座位
ship [M0A] 船 seep [K0:A] 渗漏
shell [M
sing [K0R] 唱 thing [I0R] 东西
sick [K0E] 病 thick [I0E] 厚
sort [K5:C] 种类 thought [I5:C] 思想

they [J<0] 他们 day [D<0] 白天
there [J2:] 那里 dare [D2:] 敢于
these [J0:L] 这些 deeds [D0:DL] 行为

sun [K8Q] 太阳 sung [K8R] 唱歌
din [D0Q] 喧闹 ding [D0R] 钟声
fan [G3Q] 扇子 fang [G3R] 犬牙

night [Q>0C] 夜 light [S>0C] 光
need [Q0:D] 需要 lead [S0:D] 带头
note [Q:7C] 笔记 load [S:7D] 担子

cheap [CM0:A] 便宜 jeep [DN0:A] 吉普车
chat [CM3C] 聊天 Jack [DN3E] 杰克
China [\CM>0Q:] 中国 giant [\DN>0:QC] 巨人
tree [CT0:] 树 dream [DT0:P] 梦
try [CT>0] 试 dry [DT>0] 干燥
true [CT7:] 真实 drew [DT7:] 拉

(二) 元音
bed [Blend [Spen [A
seat [K0:C] 座位 sit [K0C] 坐
peak [A0:E] 山顶 pick [A0E] 捡起
seek [K0:E] 找 sick [K0E] 有病的

cork [E5:E] 软木塞 cock [E5E] 公鸡
port [A5:C] 港口 pot [A5C] 罐
form [G5:P] 形成 from [GT5P] 从

heart [O4:C] 心 hut [O8C] 小屋
mast [P4:KC] 桅杆 must [P8KC] 必须
park [A4:E] 公园 puck [A8E] 小妖精

man [P3Q] 男人 mine [P>0Q] 我的
dad [D3D] 爸爸 pile [A>0S] 堆
band [B3QD] 乐队 bind [B>0QD] 绑

work [V::E] 工作 walk [V5:E] 走路
turn [C::Q] 转动 torn [C5:Q] 撕毁
shirt [M::C] 衬衣 short [M5:C] 短的

B. 听录音,跟读下面的谚语,注意谚语中某些音素的对比:
1. [3]-[<0]
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
2. [<]-[0:]
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
3. [>0]-[<0]
Time and tide wait for no man.
4. [:7]-[7:]
No root, no fruit.
5. [5:]-[0]
A fall in the pit, a gain in your wit.
6. [<0]-[7]
A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe.
7. [<]-[3]
Many heads are better than one.
8. [7]-[:]
A good beginning makes a good ending.
9. [<0]-[4:]
He who is ashamed of asking is ashamed of learning.
10. [5:]-[<]
All is well that ends well.
11. [0:]-[<]
East or west, home is best.
12. [2:]-[<0]
Where there is a will, there is a way.
13. [>0]-[<0]
When the cat is away, the mice will play.
14. [0:]-[<]
No sweet without sweat.
15. [4:]-[8]
Well begun is half done.
16. [8]-[<]
Good health is above wealth.
17. [:7]-[>0]
There is no smoke without fire.
18. [::]-[<]
Birds of a feather flock together.
19. [8]-[5:]
Blood is thicker than water.
20. [<0]-[4:]
Never take anything for granted.
21. [>0]-[4:]
Like father, like son.
Like knows like.
23. [>0]-[0:]
Better die standing than live kneeling.
24. [::]-[0:]
A man of words and not deeds is like a garden full of weeds.

C. 听录音,跟读下面的绕口令 (tongue twisters) ,第一次较慢,第 二次较快:
1. Ned needs a neat net.
2. Cat, cat, catch that fat rat.
3. Will you sit still, Bill? I'll sit still as a hill.
4. I'd drive five miles on Friday night to see a fight that I like.
5. They painted the table pale grey the other day.
6. He searched and searched for the bird he heard in the church.
7. I choose blue shoes to take to school to use.
8. Have a look at this book which I found near a brook.
9. Where's the watch I put in my pocket to take to the shop?
10. I shan't sing at the garden party at my aunt's farm.
11. You must come to supper with us and join in the fun.
12. He attacked the man in the van with a hammer.
13. He sells the best hen's eggs every Wednesday in the market.
14. If you are free, come to tea with me by the sea.
15. We never know the value of water till the well is dry.
16. He never used a knife in his life.
17. The girl wearing glasses is sitting on the grass.
18. Ann sent Andy ten hens and Andy sent Ann ten pens.
19. The doctor's naughty daughter knocked at the locked door.
20. Peter picked up a piece of paper and put it into the paper basket.
21. Little Lily and little Nelly are writing letters. Let's leave little Nelly and little Lily alone.
22. Mary and Sally ran back together to gather the black hat and the black bag.
23. Freddy's fresh bread is ready already.
24. She shut the shop and showed the children the ship, the sheep and the chicken.
25. There were thirty-three trees there.
26. There is a kitten in the kitchen. In the kitchen I fry the chicken.
27. She sells seashells on the seashore,
The shells she sells are seashells,
I'm sure.For if she sells seashells on the seashore,
Then I'm sure she sells seashore shells.
28. This fish has a thin fin,
That fish has a fat fin;
This fish is a fish that has
A thinner fin than that fish.
29. Robert Rolly rolled a round roll round.
If Robert Rolly rolled a round roll round.
Where is the round roll
Robert Rolly rolled around?
30. A big black bear bit the back of a big black pig,
Then a big black bug bit the back of the big black bear.
And when the big black bug bit the big black bear,
The big black pig bit the back of the big black bear.

D. 听录音,跟读下面的诗歌:
Tick tock
Goes the clock
Telling the time
All by itself.
Round and round
Two hands go,
The big one quickly,
The little one slow.

Somebody asked me, a man in brown,
Which is the way to London town?
One foot up, the other down,
That's the way to London town.

Where are you going, my little cat?
I'm going to town to buy a new hat.
What? A hat for a cat? A cat with a hat?
Your head is too round, and your face is too flat
To wear a hat.
Who ever heard of a cat with a hat?

If many men knew what many men know,
If many men went where many men go,
If many men did what many men do,
The world would be better; I think so.

Good, better, best,
Never let it rest,
Till good is better,
And better best.

Rain, rain, go away!
Tom and Mary want to play.
Rain, rain, go away!
Come again another day.

Try, try,
Never say die,
Things will come right
To you, by and by.

My kite is white,
My kite is light,
My kite is in the sky!
Now low, now high,
You see it, you and I.

Books are full of some trips
That I would like to take.
Books are full of nice things
That I would like to make.
Books are full of many games
That I would like to play.
Books are our best friends
As people often say.

Books are full of many things
That I would like to know.
Books are full of greatest men
That lived long, long ago.
Books are full of mountains
That can be high or low.
Books are full of flowers
That I would like to grow.
策略二 掌握朗读技巧


* 句子重音训练
英语的语调是属于强弱型的。在一个英语句子中,有的词重读,有的词不重读,要想做到有节奏地朗读,就必须掌握好句子的重读。按照句子重读的规律,在句子中比较重要的词都要重读,使这个词发音响亮而清晰。一般情况下,名词、形容词、数词、动词(除“是”动词和助动词外)、副词、部分代词(反身代词、名词性物主代词、指示代词、疑问代词)和 感叹词都要重读,而冠词、介词、连词及少数系动词和助动词则不重读。

A. 听录音,跟读句子,注意黑体单词在句子中的重读:
1. Shut up!
2. Don't be late.
3. What is that?
4. I'm sorry I'm late.
5. I learned it from her.
6. I know she will be out.
7. I thought she would be here.
8. I think it's going to rain.
9. That book is mine.
10.Oh, it's wonderful!
11.Where did you get it?
12.This is an English book.
13.Beijing and Nanjing are both very big cities.
14.I went to see two doctors yesterday.
15.Some people like it, but others don't.
B. 听录音,跟读句子,注意同一类词在不同句子中的重读 (粗体)和轻读(斜体):
1. a. We must find out the truth.
His name will live as long as music lives!
He is a doctor.
I can swim very fast.
b. Is she a student? Yes, she is.
Can you speak English? Yes, I can.
Has he come back yet? No, he hasn't.
Do you like it? Yes, I do.
(情态动词、助动词和动词be一般不重读,但它们在句首和句尾时要 重读)

2. a. I don抰 know her.
I am hungry again.
We hope you don抰 mind.
b. You and I are good friends.
Neither you nor he understands the answer.
He works harder than I.
They like it, but we don抰.
(人称代词一般不重读,当它们由and 或 or 等连词连结作句子的并 列主语或宾语,或在对比句中出现时,要重读。)

3. a. I抦 going to the station.
He lives near the river.
They often get up at seven o抍lock.
b. On his way home he saw his English teacher.
What is it for?
He sits behind me.
(单音节介词通常不重读,但当介词位于句首或句末表示强调时,要 重读,双音节介词一般要重读。)

4. a. I'll tell him when he comes back.
You can do anything as you like.
b. When Mr. Smith returns, I'll tell him.
Don't go back until your father comes back.
(单音节的连词一般不重读,但当连词位于句首,而后面跟着不重读 的代词时,连词要重读,双音节或多音节的连词一般要重读。)

5. I didn't know you were leaving. I thought it was he who was leaving.
He spoke to me, not to Sally.
I can do the job. Don't think I can't do it.
(在任何的句子中,如果要对某个词进行强调或对比,这个词在逻辑 上通常都要重读。)

* 连读技巧训练
1. Good afternoon.
2. Thank you.
3. An old cap.
4. A clock and a watch.
5. A picture of a teacher.
6. Far away.
7. For an hour.
8. For a long time.
9. First of all.
10. How much is it?
11. It's clear enough.
12. There is a pair of shoes in the room.

* 不完全爆破技巧训练
英语中共有六个爆破音,即 [A], [B], [D], [C], [E], [F]。但并不是所有的爆破音在任何情况下都发生爆破。在一个爆破音后面紧跟着另一个爆破音或一个摩擦音或一个破擦音或一个鼻辅音时,第一个爆破音不发生爆破,而只是有关的发音器官形成阻碍,把气流憋在口中,不爆破,稍作停顿后即发后面的音。这种现象称为不完全爆破。
A. 两个爆破音相邻
1. sit down
2. a red pen
3. a white coat
4. a good girl
5. a big boy
6. next door
7. last term
8. that day
9. a quick term
10. a big garden

B. 爆破音后面紧跟着摩擦音或破擦音
1. old friend
2. a big house
3. a red shirt
4. a black jacket
5. a red chair
6. an old jeep
7. a big tree
8. a good driver
9. an old city
10. an old sheep

C. 爆破音后面紧跟着鼻辅音 [P], [Q] 和舌侧音[S]
1. last night
2. good morning
3. a big mountain
4. a red light
5. a dark night

* 句子节奏训练

(一) 每个节奏群由一个重读音节或一个重读音节加上若干非重读音节 构成。它可以是一个单词,一个词组或短语。

(二) 每个节奏群都以一个重读音节为中心,组成一个个时间几乎相等的节拍,读出每个节奏群时所需要的时间应该是相等的。
(大O 代表重读音节,小o 代表非重读音节)

A. O O
1. Come here.
2. Sit down.
3. Look out.
4. What for?
5. Read this.

B. O o O
1. Who抮e you?
2. Put it down.
3. Have a try.
4. Take her there.
5. What抯 that?

C. o O o
1. I think so.
2. Of course not.
3. I抦 sorry.
4. She抯 waiting.
5. I抎 love to.

D. O o O o
1. Pleased to meet you.
2. Go and do it.
3. Don抰 forget it.
4. Wait a minute.
5. Come on Friday.

E. o O o O
1. I think he can.
2. I抎 love to help.
3. It抯 hard to say.
4. We had to work.
5. The grass is green.
F. O o o O
1. Take it away.
2. Go for a walk.
3. Show me the book.
4. Leave it alone.
5. Where have they gone?

G. o O o o o
1. I抳e written to her.
2. We抳e eaten them all.
3. I know what it is.
4. I asked if I could.
5. He gave it to me.

H. o O o o O
1. I抣l finish it now.
2. She asked me to go.
3. I thought she had gone.
4. I'm glad you have come.
5. We'll meet in the park.

I. O o o o O
1. Put it on the desk.
2. Follow my advice.
3. How is uncle John?
4. Don't be such a fool.
5. Bring along your friend.

J. o O o o o O
1. I hope it will be fine.
2. It doesn't make much sense.
3. He didn't know the way.
4. I've heard of it before.
5. You're wanted on the phone.

K. o O o O o
1. I want to meet them.
2. You mustn't do it.
3. I couldn't help it.
4. She never noticed.
5. It doesn't matter.

L. o O o o O o o
1. I'll borrow another one.
2. Let's open the other one.
3. The book isn't good enough.
4. It's not the right attitude.
5. You'll get it on Saturday.

M. o O o o o O o o o
1. It's not the one I borrowed from you.
2. He didn't think it interesting.
3. Remember what your mother told you.
4. Perhaps you didn't quite realize it.
5. He didn't want to talk about it.

N. o O o o o O o o o O
1. I think it was an excellent idea.
2. There isn't really quite enough for two.
3. The bus is more convenient than the train.
4. They finished it the day before she came.
5. The boy has a more interesting idea.

O. o O o o O o o O o o O
1. He says that he wants to take it away.
2. You know that we ought to discuss it today.
3. A woman has fallen and broken her leg.
4. It's not what I wanted to ask you about.
5. The paper and ink have been put on the desk.

* 停顿和意群划分训练
I'm sure / they can finish the job / within two weeks.
A. 在一个意群内的词,能够连读的要连读,即使不能连读的也要连在一起往下说或读。分属两个意群的词,虽然能连读也不连读,但如果两个意群在流利和快速的谈话中并入一个意群时,又可连读。
Her native language / is English.
如果去掉中间的停顿,则language 词尾要与is 连读。

B. 在语调上,当意群处于句中时,意群与意群之间用升调朗读,当意群处于结尾时,如果它是一个陈述句,全句已完,要用降调。
Early to ↗bed / and early to↗rise / makes a man↗healthy happy /and↘wise. /

C. 若是疑问句则相反,句末意群用升调,句中意群用降调。
Is your ↘ father / a college ↗ teacher / too? /

1. Shall we go for a walk / or a ride / or a dance?
2. If he comes, / tell him to do it.
3. On the table, / there were no books.
4. I go to bed early, / as a general rule.
5. Usually / he takes the bus to work.
6. All of the students in this department / study English and other subjects / for a course of four years.
7. Last Wednesday / I wanted to get to London early. / So I caught a train /about an hour before my usual one / and I got to work / about half past eight.
8. In North Carolina, / if the first bird seen on New Year's morning is flying high, / there will be good health / during the year.
9. People are said to think, / play / and work at their best / when the 24-hour temperatures / average between 63 and 76 Fahrenheit.
10. Jennifer got off the bus / from the university / and began walking to wards the flat / she shared with two other students.

* 基本语调训练

一. 英语语调有以下的共同特点:
1. 语句中第一个重读音节的音调最高。
This is a ↘ car.
My father is a ↘ teacher.

2. 语句中第一个重读音节之前的非重读音节语调低平。
We work very ↘ hard.
It is a good ↘ book.

3. 语句中第一个重读音节后的其它音节音调依次递降。
What do you do in the after ↘ noon?
My mother works in this ↘bookstore.

二. 语调的基本用法:
1.降调的用法:降调用来表示说话人对他所说的话充满信心,确 定不移。
a. 陈述句:
We'll meet you in the ↘ library.
It's Madam Brown's ↘ daughter.
The nearest hotel is next to the ↘ bank.

b. 特殊疑问句:
What's the boy ↘ doing?
Which one of those men is Mr. ↘ Taylor?
When does the train leave for ↘ New York?

c. 祈使句:
Sit ↘ down, ↘ please.
Take the third turning on the ↘ right.
Let's have another ↘ drink.

d. 感叹句:
What a nice ↘ day!
How ↘ nice of you to say so!
How the city has ↘ changed!

e. 一般疑问句的答语:
-Are you from ↗ Canada?
- ↘ Yes, I ↘ am.
-Do you speak ↗ English?
- ↘ No, I ↘ don't.

2. 升调的用法:升调一般用来表示怀疑、犹疑、请教、委婉和热情、 亲切的语气。

a. 一般疑问句:
Does your brother study ↗ music?
Will you go to school in the ↗ evening?
Did you get there in ↗ time?

b. 请求句:
Be ↗ quiet!
Stop ↗ talking!
Don't go ↗ away!

c. 别离时的口语:
So ↗ long!
Good ↗ night!
See you ↗ again!

d. 表示要求重复先前说过的话:
What did you ↗ say?
What's the ↗ time?
Where do you ↗ live?

3. 升调与降调的对比:在朗读和会话中,升、降调的使用并不是永远不变的,同样一句话,由于说话人的态度,语气的不同,有时用升调,有时用降调。
a. What did you ↘say? (一般情况下的问话)
b. What did you↗say? (没听清楚,要求重复)
c. I can't wait that↘long. (明确表态)
d. I can't wait that↗long. (表示不耐烦或不满)
e. Take a↘seat. (表示命令)
f. Take a↗seat. (表示礼貌)

4. 双意辞句的语调:
a. 选择疑问句的语调一般以or 为界,前后所表示为选择关系的,前 半部用升调,后半部用降调:
Do you prefer↗tea or ↘coffee?
Are you a↗student or a↘teacher?
Do you like↗football or ↘basketball?

b. 反意疑问句前半部的叙述部分一般用降调,后半部根据说话人的 判断,既可用升调也可用降调。
You are an American girl, aren't ↘you? (有相当把握的估计)
You are an American girl, aren't ↗you? (把握不大的估计)
Boys and girls, be quiet, will ↗you? (委婉的语气)

c. 有些句子中含有两个或两个以上的意群,但并不是每个意群都表示一个完整的意思,在朗读这样的句子时,意思不完全的意群一般用升调朗读。
On her way↗home, she met a↘stranger.
In the next ↗room, lived an old ↘man.
On the↗contrary, he is an honest↘man.

d. 并列句的两部分的意思相对地完整,所以朗读时两部分均可用降调。
He prefers ↘ tennis and I prefer↘volleyball.
I love my↘country and I love its ↘people.
We wanted to go with↘you but we couldn't↘ go.

e. 主从复合句的语调比较复杂,主要有三种语调读法:
1) 前升后降
While I was watching ↗TV, she was reading a↘magazine.
When I lived in New ↗York, I used to go to↘Broadway.
What you↗said is completely↘wrong.

2) 前后均降
I will↘tell him as soon as he comes↘back.
You'd better↘write it while you're ↘here.
I↘ found it where I had↘left it.

3) 前降后升
It'll be ready in a ↘moment, if you'll↗wait.
Everything will be↘OK, as soon as he comes↗back.
He failed the exam ↘again, though he worked quite ↗ hard.

5. 列举事物的语调:朗读一系列并列成分时用升调,到最后一个列 举成分才用降调。
They like ↗swimming,↗jogging, ↗skating and going ↘ boating.
There are four seasons in a year, ↗spring, ↗summer,↗autumn and ↘winter.

三. 跟读下面的句子,注意语调的变化:
1. Mr. Brown, can I help↗ you?
2. Boys and girls, come and have a ↘look.
3. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to our ↘party.
4. Will you come with me, Mrs.↗ Smith?
5. You haven't been ↘there, have ↗you?
6. After he took the ↗medicine, he felt much↘ better.
7. That's the parcel which I saw this ↘morning.
8. I wrote a ↘letter and took it to the ↘post.
9. On the top of the ↗hill, stood an old ↘church.
10. That is quite ↘right, as far as I ↗know.
11. Don't talk to me like↘ that.
12. What a ↘pity he couldn't come sooner!
13. Did you spend your holidays in the ↗city or in the ↘countryside?
14. The book on the desk is ↘yours, isn't ↗it?
15. The house will be finished this ↘winter, won't ↗it?

策略三 增强会话能力


一. 正确把握主考教师提出的问题 :

二. 考生要掌握回答四种不同疑问句的技巧 :
A. 特殊疑问句的回答技巧:

B. 一般疑问句的回答技巧:
回答一般疑问句时,不要满足于只用Yes 或No来回答,应根据问题进行适当的扩展和补充。而且,回答时不一定非用Yes 或No开头。肯定回答时除Yes外,按实际情况还可以用 Sure; Of course; I think so; I guess so; With pleasure; All right等。否定回答时,除No外,按实际情况还可以用 I'm sorry; I'm afraid not; I don't think so 等等。

C. 选择疑问句的回答技巧:
选择疑问句不能用Yes 或No来回答;回答时可用简单直接的回答;如果对两个选择部分都同意或赞同,可按实际情况用I like both; Either will do 等句子回答;如果对两个选择的部分都表示否定时,可用neither 或neither...nor等句型回答,然后可进一步说出你认为正确的选择。

D. 反意疑问句的回答技巧:
受中文的影响,考生在回答陈述部分为否定形式的反意疑问句时往往出错。例如对You aren't a Japanese, are you? 这种问题,考生往往回答为 Yes, I'm not. 考生要记住,不论是否同意提问者的看法,只要答话本身是肯定的,就需要用Yes;只要答话本身是否定的,就必须用No。

三. 考生要留意考官对同一个问题的不同问法 :
对一些简单的问题,考生往往习惯于一种比较常见的问法,当考官稍换一个问法,考生往往就不知所措。例如,对常见的问题How old are you?考生能很快答出来,而对Would you mind if I ask your age? 这种问法,很多考生就不一定能很快答出来了。因此,在平时的训练中,要留意对同一问题的不同提问方式。

* 会话能力训练:
A. 四种疑问句型结合各类型的动词的问答练习:
1. Are you a student?
2. Is this your pen?
3. Is that book yours or your classmates?
4. Your father is a doctor, isn't he?
5. Have you any brothers or sisters?
6. Do you have English classes every day?
7. Do you have lunch at home or at school?
8. Do you often speak English?
9. Do you often go to the films or watch TV at home?
10. Your mother works very hard, doesn't she?
11. Where do you come from?
12. Which subject do you prefer?
13. How many books have you got?
14. What is your family name?
15. What month comes after July?

B. 四种疑问句型结合各种动词时态的问答练习:
1. Will you be at home this evening?
2. Have you ever been to Beijing?
3. Did you go to see the film yesterday?
4. Is England in Asia or Europe?
5. Are they having a meeting or having classes?
6. They had a good time last Sunday, didn't they?
7. You haven't had supper, have you?
8. Where have you been?
9. What do you study English for?
10. When did she come here?

C. 四种疑问句型结合各种情态动词的问答练习:
1. Can you speak English?
2. May I have your name?
3. Must I go with you now?
4. Will you help me with my English?
5. Shall we begin?
6. Would you mind my sitting beside you?
7. Should we hand in the paper this afternoon?
8. Can you say it in English or French?
9. Should I leave or stay here?
10. Will they come at six or seven this evening?
11. You can't speak Japanese, can you?
12. You wouldn't say that, would you?
13. Where could she be at this moment?
14. When will you come and see us?
15. Why must we do that?

D. 对不同的疑问词构成的问句的问答练习:
1. What month is this?
2. What do you usually do in the morning?
3. Whose books are these?
4. Who is the tallest in your family?
5. Which will you prefer, tea or coffee?
6. Which should go first, speaking or reading?
7. When will you leave here?
8. When did you begin to study English?
9. Where do you often have your lunch?
10. Why do you study English?
11. Why hasn't he come yet?
12. Why didn't you go with them?
13. How do you like the weather here?
14. How are you getting along?
15. How about playing football?

E. 结合各种会话专题进行的问答练习:
a. 关于我们的国家
1. What's the full name of our country?
2. Is China in Asia or in Europe?
3. What's the population of China?
4. China isn't a small country, is it?
5. Which country is larger, China or Japan?
6. Which is the biggest city in China?
7. Which is the longest river in China?
8. The Changjiang River is the longest river in China, isn't it?
9. Which city is the capital of China?
10. Where is our capital, in South China or in North China?
11. Which city is bigger, Beijing or Shanghai?
12. Could you say something about the capital of our country?
13. Have you ever been to Beijing?
14. What other Chinese cities have you ever been to, besides Beijing?
15. Could you say something about our great motherland?

b. 关于家乡
1. Where do you come from?
2. Where are you from?
3. Do you like your hometown? Why?
4. Is your hometown big or small?
5. Is your hometown beautiful?
6. Are there any factories, hospitals in your hometown?
7. Is your hometown near the railway station?
8. Are there big department stores in your hometown?
9. What's the weather like in your hometown?
10. Could you tell us something about your hometown?

c. 关于家庭
1. How many members are there in your family?
2. Who are they?
3. Where do you live?
4. Are there many people in your family?
5. Is your family large or small?
6. What does your father do?
7. What does your mother do?
8. Have you any brothers or sisters?
9. You haven't any brothers, have you?
10. Is he your younger brother or elder brother?
11. How many brothers or sisters do you have?
12. Is your sister a doctor or a teacher?
13. Where does your mother work?
14. Who is older, your father or your mother?
15. Will you say something about your mother?
16. Your father isn't very busy, is he?
17. Is your grandpa alive?
18. Will you say something about yourself?
19. Where were you born?
20. How old are you?
21. How old are you next year?
22. Are you a student or a worker?
23. Is your family a happy one?
24. Tell me something about your brother.
25. Say something about your family life.

d. 关于学校
1. Say something about your school.
2. Where is your school?
3. Do you like it? Why?
4. What's the name of your school?
5. How many teachers and students in your school?
6. Is your school a large one or a small one?
7. How many students were there in your class when you were in middle school?
8. How many classes did you have every day?
9. What subjects did you study?
10. Is there any library in your school?
11. Will you say something about your library?
12. Is there any reading-room in your school?
13. Did you often go to the reading-room?
14. Tell us something about your school life.
15. Do you like your school life?
16. Is your school far from your home?
17. Did you go to school on foot or by bike?
18. Will you say something about your after-school activities?
19. Did you often play ball games after school?
20. Which do you prefer, football or basketball?
21. Who was your monitor?
22. Who was your best friend?
23. Would you like to say something about your best friend?
24. Why do you get on so well?
25. Would you please tell something about your best friend?
e. 关于英语学习
1. Why do you study English?
2. What do you study English for?
3. How do you study English?
4. English is very useful, isn't it?
5. Why is English useful?
6. Why should we study English hard?
7. Why is it important to learn a foreign language?
8. Do you like English? Why?
9. How long have you studied English?
10. Say something about the importance of studying English.
11. Tell us something about your English study.
12. Have you met with any difficulties in your English study?
13. How did you overcome them?
14. Who is your English teacher?
15. Is your English teacher a man or a woman?
16. Do you like your English teacher?
17. Do you like reading English?
18. Do you read English every day?
19. When do you usually read English, in the morning or in the evening?
20. How many English books have you read?
21. Can you sing any English songs?
22. Do you often watch English programs on TV?
23. How many English classes did you have every week?
24. Do you keep a diary in English?
25. Can you write letters in English?

f. 关于一般学习
1. When did you graduate from middle school?
2. Which school did you graduate from?
3. How old were you when you began to study at middle school?
4. How many subjects did you learn at middle school? What were they?
5. Which subject do you like best? Why?
6. What other subjects do you like besides English?
7. Which is easier to learn, Chinese or English?
8. Do you love science? Why?
9. Is science very useful for us?
10. Did you do well in the science subjects?
11. Do you usually do your homework in the evening or in the afternoon?
12. How do you like your school life?
13. You are interested in sports, aren't you?
14. What's your favorite sport?
15. Are you good at sport?

g. 关于天气
1. Say something about the weather in your hometown.
2. How do you like the weather here in spring?
3. Does it often rain here in summer?
4. Do you like the weather here in autumn? Why?
5. What's the weather like here in winter?
6. It's a fine day, isn't it?
7. Is it cold today?
8. It is getting warmer and warmer, isn't it?
9. Was it a windy day yesterday?
10. How is the weather like today?

h. 关于季节、日期
1. How many seasons are there in a year?
2. How many months are there in a year?
3. How many days are there in a year?
4. How many days are there in a week?
5. How many hours are there in a day?
6. How many minutes are there in an hour?
7. How many seconds are there in a minute?
8. What year is this year?
9. What's the date today?
10. What day is today?
11. What are the four seasons in a year?
12. When does spring begin?
13. What are the three months of summer?
14. What season often comes after autumn?
15. Which season do you like best? Why?
16. What day was yesterday?
17. What day is tomorrow?
18. It was Sunday yesterday, wasn't it?
19. Which month comes after September?
20. May comes after April, doesn't it?
21. What day is New Year's Day?
22. October 1st is our National Day, isn't it?
23. May 4th is our Youth Day, isn't it?
24. When is our Party's birthday?
25. What are the days of the week?

i. 关于一般常识
1. Is the United States in Latin America or in North America?
2. What's the capital of the United States?
3. What's the capital of France?
4. What's the full name of Britain?
5. What's the full name of our Party?
6. How many continents are there in the world? What are they?
7. How many oceans are there in the world? What are they?
8. Which country has the biggest population?
9. Who is the president of the United States now?
10. Could you say something about China's Spring Festival?

j. 其它问题
1. Do you like going shopping alone or with somebody else?
2. How long does it take you to get to the nearest hospital from your school?
3. Do you often go to the theatre? How often?
4. When do you usually have breakfast?
5. What do you often do after school?
6. What do you usually do on the weekends?
7. What do you think of helping others?
8. Girls usually like singing, don't they? How about boys?
9. What are you going to do during the summer vacation?
10. When do you usually have supper?

策略四 提高描述能力

3)考生常常就事论事,只把图画中看到的讲出来,而对其内在的含 义或画中的人物、背景、事物和主题的关系却忽略了。

C.详细描述图画中的人物及他们的衣着、动作、表情、姿 势和神态。
D.对图画中的人物为什么会出现这样的动作、表情、神态 加以解释。
F.对图画的内在含义,根据画的主题加以合乎逻辑的联想和 评论。

第三部分 模拟实战训练

Test 1

The Man and the Monkeys
One day a man who made caps went to the market to sell them. His way lay through the forest in which there were many monkeys. The day was hot and the man wanted to rest a little. He saw a large tree, put his caps on the ground, took one of them and put it on his head. Then he lay down and soon fell asleep.
When the man woke up, he could not find his caps.
"Where are my caps?" he cried and looked up. And what did he see?
He saw many monkeys in the tree, and each monkey had a cap on its head.
"Give me back my caps!" cried the man. But the monkeys did not understand him. They only laughed. The man got very angry, took off his own cap, threw it on the ground and cried, "If you want all my caps, you may take this cap too!"
And what do you think? The little animals did the same. Each monkey took off its cap and threw it on the ground. The man was very glad. He quickly picked up all his caps and went on his way.



1) Ask the examinee to read the part that has been marked.
2) Ask the examinee to answer the following questions on the story:
1. What did the man go to the market to sell?
2. Where did the man put his caps when he was asleep?
3. Where did the man find his caps?
4. Was the man angry when he couldn't find his caps?
5. What did the monkeys do when they saw the man throwing his cap on the ground?
3) Talk about the picture in English.

1. The man went to the market to sell caps.
2. He put his caps on the ground when he was asleep.
3. On the monkeys' heads in the tree.
4. Yes, he was.
5. They threw their caps on the ground, too.
This is a picture of a little girl and her grandfather watching TV. It's a summer evening. Grandfather has just brought the TV set into the courtyard because it's nice and cool in the open air. The little girl is now sitting on a little chair by her grandfather and her grandfather is holding a fan with one hand. They are watching a film and the little girl's grandfather is telling her something about the film. The film is so interesting that the old man and the little girl laugh a lot. Behind the little girl, there is a cat. She is relaxing and looks interested in the film too!

Test 2

The Four Seasons
The year is divided into four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.
In spring, trees are filled with new life, and the weather gets warmer and warmer. The ground is covered with fresh grass. The woods and forests are filled with songs of birds.
When summer comes, the weather gets hotter. It is the busy season for the peasants. They work in the fields from morning till night.
Autumn is considered as the golden time of a year. Crops are gathered in and the fruits picked. The woods turned yellow, and the ground is covered with fallen leaves. The field looks like a golden sea.
When winter comes, everything in the fields is covered with snow. The soil is ploughed(犁) and manure(肥料) is brought to the fields for the preparation of spring sowing.



1) Ask the examinee to read the part that has been marked.
2) Ask the examinee to answer the following questions on the story:
1. How many seasons is the year divided into?
2. Which season is the busy season for the peasants?
3. What does the field look like in autumn?
4. Do you feel hot or cold in summer?
5. Which season follows winter?
3) Talk about the picture in English.

1. The year is divided into four seasons.
2. Summer is the busy season for the peasants.
3. The field looks like a golden sea.
4. I feel hot in summer.
5. Spring is the following season after winter.
Peter is a factory worker. Before going to work every morning, he likes to have breakfast at home. He likes to read newspaper while having breakfast. Today he reads newspaper too when he has breakfast. While reading newspaper, he is pouring a cup of coffee for himself. But today's newspaper is so interesting that Peter is absorbed in what he is reading. He pays no attention to what he is doing. He forgets the coffee jug(壶) in his hand and spills some coffee all over the table. If Peter is still reading newspaper carefully and forgets other things, perhaps he will be late for work this morning.
Test 3

Tom Is Hungry
One day Tom's mother looked at Tom's shoes and said, "Tom, look at your shoes. How dirty they are! You must clean them."
"Oh, Mother, but I cleaned them only yesterday." said the boy.
"They are dirty now. You must clean them again."
"I do not want to clean them today. Even if I clean them today, they will be dirty again tomorrow."
Tom's mother thought for a moment and said,"All right, don't then!"
In the evening, Tom came back from school. He was very hungry.
"Mother, give me something to eat, please." he said.
"You had your breakfast in the morning, Tom, and you had lunch at school." his mother said.
"I am hungry again." cried the boy.
"Oh, hungry? But if I give you something to eat today, you will be hungry again tomorrow."



1) Ask the examinee to read the part that has been marked.
2) Ask the examinee to answer the following questions on the story:
1. Why did Tom's mother want him to clean his shoes?
2. Why didn't Tom want to clean his own shoes?
3. Do you think what Tom said is right or wrong?
4. Where did Tom have his lunch?
5. Did Tom's mother have a good idea to teach Tom to clean his shoes at last?
3) Talk about the picture in English.

1. Because Tom's shoes was very dirty.
2. Because Tom thought the shoes would be dirty again tomorrow.
3. It is wrong.
4. Tom had his lunch at school.
5. Yes, she did.
Norman has just got off the plane. Now he decides to make a phone call to tell his wife right away. But when he gets to the telephone booth(电话亭), he finds that there is a lady in the telephone booth already. There isn't another public phone nearby, so he has to wait for some time. The lady on the phone is talking and laughing with somebody. She looks so happy that she doesn't know that there is someone else waiting. Norman is still waiting. Finally the woman's talk is coming to an end. But to Norman's surprise, the lady is planning to call another phone.

Test 4

The Old Woman Was Very Happy
It was a very cold day and there was snow everywhere in the street. The children were going to school.
On their way Tung-tung and other boys were making snowballs(雪球) and were throwing them at each other. Just at that time, an old woman was walking across the street and suddenly fell in the snow. The boys immediately ran to her and took her into a nearby shop. It was much warmer inside and she could have a rest there. There came Tung-tung's aunt and she said to the boys, "It's time for school, children, you'd better hurry. I'm going to take this old woman to my house."
After school, Tung-tung and the boys were hurrying back to his aunt's house. They were worrying about the old woman there. Was she all right? But she wasn't there in the house. She was sent to the hospital.
So the children went to the hospital to see the old woman and she was very happy.



1) Ask the examinee to read the part that has been marked.
2) Ask the examinee to answer the following questions on the story:
1. Where did the children plan to go?
2. What were the children doing when an old woman fell in the snow?
3. Did the children send the old woman to the hospital immediately?
4. Why did the children have to go to school after taking the old woman into a nearby shop?
5. Where did the children see the old woman at last?
3) Talk about the picture in English.

1. The children were going to school.
2. They were making snowballs and were throwing them at each other.
3. No, they didn't.
4. Because it is time for school.
5. They see the old woman in the hospital at last.
This is a family scene. There are three people in the picture: mother, son and grandmother. Grandmother is busy washing the clothes. She is working so hard that she is sweating. She looks very tired, but there are still a lot of other things for her to do. Dirty dishes are piled up on the table. So she can't have a rest though she is tired. The little boy's mother is watching TV. She is sitting in a chair and drinking tea. She looks very happy. The little boy is watching TV too. An apple is in his hand. He is enjoying himself. It's not right for the young not to take care of the old people.

Test 5

Because Intellectuals Are Poor
One day, Professor Smith, who had been teaching in China for three years, was taking a business trip by train. Sitting opposite him was a young Chinese who was reading a book in English. To the amusement of Mr. Smith, he found the man holding the book upside down.
"Excuse me, young man. What are you reading?" the professor asked.
The young man looked awkward(尴尬) because he couldn't understand the professor's question.
Then the professor made him understand that he was holding the book upside down.
The young man surprised the professor when he said in Chinese,"I don't know English at all. But I pretend(假装) to be reading like an intellectual who is now so poor that no one will steal anything from him."



1) Ask the examinee to read the part that has been marked.
2) Ask the examinee to answer the following questions on the story:
1. How many years had Professor Smith been teaching in China?
2. Why did Professor Smith feel amused?
3. Why did the young man look awkward when the professor asked him?
4. The young man knew much English, didn't he?
5. Why did the young man pretend to be reading like an intellectual?
3) Talk about the picture in English.

1. He had been teaching for three years in China.
2. Because he found the young man holding the book upside down.
3. Because he couldn't understand the professor's question.
4. No, he didn't.
5. Because he thought the thief wouldn't steal anything from the poor intel lectual.
Mr. White is a children's dentist. Many children come to see him when they have trouble with their teeth. He is kind and gentle with all his patients. One day a girl comes and tells him that there is something wrong with her teeth. Mr. White put the girl on the chair and set to work at once. The little girl looks so frightened that Mr. White has to give her a toll to quiet her down. He takes a look at her teeth and finds a broken one. He is going to fix the broken tooth,but the girl is still frightened by the drill in his hand. Suddenly she opens her mouth and bites Mr. White's finger with her teeth. "Oh!" Mr. White cries.

Test 6

Are You Going to Treat Me
An American actress came to China for the first time. One day when she was looking for her new Chinese friend after a performance, she came across an anxious Chinese who had always wanted to practice his English with native speakers, but had never found the chance. When he saw the actress, he went up and exchanged greetings, then started his practice.
"How old are you?"
"I'm sorry. Please don't ask a lady about her age." the actress said uneasily(不自在地).
"How much do you earn each month?" the Chinese tried hard to recall this sentence from his textbook.
"Sorry again. We don't feel like telling others about that either." she again refused to answer.
"Have you had lunch?" the Chinese tried again to show his traditional way of greeting.
"No. Are you planning to treat me to a meal?" she asked in surprise.



1) Ask the examinee to read the part that has been marked.
2) Ask the examinee to answer the following questions on the story:
1. How many times did the actress come to China?
2. Who did the actress look for after the performance?
3. Why did the man want to practice his English with the actress?
4. How many questions did the man ask the actress?
5. Did the man really want to treat the actress to a meal?
3) Talk about the picture in English.

1. The actress came to China for the first time.
2. She was looking for her new Chinese friend after performance.
3. Because the man wanted to practice his English with native speakers and the actress is an American.
4. He asked three traditional questions.
5. No, he didn't.
In the first picture we see a loving father feeding his baby in a pram (婴儿车). The child is happily eating the food. In the second picture, the baby has grown into an eight-year-old boy, or a child about that age. The man looks almost the same except for a bit of graying(灰白的) hair. He is still feeding his child. In the third picture, the man is very old and has lost most of his hair. His child has grown up into a young man, but the father is still feeding his child, who is in good clothes and sitting in a comfortable armchair. This picture warns us: not spoil your children.

Test 7

Plant a Garden
If you want to plant a garden, the first thing you will need is a good place. Plants need soil to grow in. They also need sun and water. Find a place that will get sunshine most of the day. Make sure it is near a supply of water. You will have to bring water to your plants if there is not enough rain. Once you have found a good place, you will need three more things: seeds, some kind of plant food, and a few gardening tools.
To give your seeds a good time, you must prepare the soil. First, loosen it so that the roots can push through it and so that water and air can get to the roots. Clear out stones, broken glass and other things that don't belong in a garden. Add plant food and mix it into the top of the soil. Then rake(耙;耙松) the garden smooth and flat.
Now you're almost ready to plant the seeds. But first you must plant where the seeds will go. If possible, put them in rows. Check the directions the sunlight comes from. Put seeds for the tallest plants where they won't block light for the shorter plants. That way, all of your plants will get as much sun as possible.



1) Ask the examinee to read the part that has been marked.
2) Ask the examinee to answer the following questions on the story:
1. What is this story about?
2. What do you firstly need if you want to plant a garden?
3. What does a garden not need?
4. What do you do last?
5. Where do shorter plants go in a garden?
3) Talk about the picture in English.

1. The story is about planting a garden.
2. The first thing you will need is a good place.
3. Stones are not needed in a garden.
4. Plant seeds.
5. They will be planted in front of the taller plants to get sunshine.
In this picture we can see a traffic accident. An elderly lady is in a hurry to go across the street. At this time she saw a car coming. She can't cross the street immediately. Fortunately the driver stops the car in time, but the car that is following hit his car. As a result, the second car runs into the first one and both cars are damaged. There is a third car a few meters away. The driver just has time to swerve(突然转向) his car when the second one stops. It knocks down a signpost(路标) on the roadside. The poor lady has such a big shock that she is crying. She can't even hear the shouts of the drivers.

Test 8

An Old Woman and a Doctor
An old woman suddenly went blind. She promised a doctor a lot of money if he could make her see again. "If you fail," she said, "you will get nothing." The doctor agreed.
The doctor soon discovered what was wrong with her eyes, but he decided not to cure(治疗) her right away. Instead, each time he visited, he secretly took some of her things. When he had taken everything he wanted to cure her blindness, he sent her a large bill(帐单).
Now when the old woman could see again, she noticed that all her things had gone and she refused to pay the bill. So the doctor took her before a judge.
"What the doctor says is true," she said to the judge, "but I say I am not well cured because I still cannot see any of the things in my house."
The old woman won the case(官司) and the doctor went away unhappily without getting his pay.



1) Ask the examinee to read the part that has been marked.
2) Ask the examinee to answer the following questions on the story:
1. What was wrong with the old woman?
2. Why didn't the doctor want to cure the old woman at once?
3. Whom did the old woman live with from the story?
4. Why did the woman win the case at last?
5. Do you think the old woman stupid?
3) Talk about the picture in English.

1. The old woman suddenly could not see anything.
2. Because he wanted to steal everything he wanted from the old woman before he cured the old woman.
3. The old woman lived alone.
4. Because she said that she still could not see anything in her house.
5. No, she is very clever.
There is a big jar in the picture. Some people are busy filling it with water. One can tell they work very hard. Yet somehow the jar is never filled. There are a lot of holes in the bottom of the jar. The water they pour in comes out through the holes. There's water all over the place. In fact, it's almost flooded. The funny thing is that these people don't feel anything at all. They keep working with great enthusiasm(热情). The only explanation of this is that they are workaholics(醉心工作) without brains. The picture tells us that if you don't find the best way to work, maybe all your efforts will be in vain.

Test 9

A Poor Old Gentleman
An old gentleman whose eyesight(视力) was failing came to stay in a hotel room with a bottle of whisky(威士忌) in each hand. On the wall there was a fly(苍蝇) which he took for a nail(钉子). So the moment he hung them on, the bottles fell broken and the liquid(酒) spilt all over the floor. When the landlady (房东太太) discovered what had happened, she showed deep sympathy(同情) for him and decided to do him a favor.
So the next morning when he was out taking a walk in the roof garden, she told the hotel worker to hammer(钉) a nail exactly where the fly had stayed.
Now the old man entered his room. The smell of the spilt alcohol reminded him of the accident(事). He glanced at the spot and found the fly was there again! He slapped(猛拍) it with all his might(力气). On hearing a loud cry, the kind-hearted landlady rushed in. To her great surprise, the poor old man was there sitting on the floor, his teeth clenched(紧咬) and the palm(巴掌) of his right hand bleeding(流血)!



1) Ask the examinee to read the part that has been marked.
2) Ask the examinee to answer the following questions on the story:
1. Where did the old man stay?
2. Why did he take the fly for a nail?
3. When did the kind-hearted landlady tell the hotel worker to hammer a nail?
4. Why did the old man slap the nail with all his might?
5. Did the old man feel happy when he slapped the "fly"?
3) Talk about the picture in English.

1. The old man stayed in a hotel room.
2. Because his eyesight was failing.
3. The next morning.
4. Because he was very angry at the fly and thought the fly was there again.
5. No, he was in pain.
In one picture we see a woman and a man walking in front of a shop. It is a shop which sells electrical items, such as cameras and video recorders. Nearby there is a small cafe with a big Coca Cola sign. A girl with long black hair and glasses is walking by the front of the cafe.
She is carrying a handbag with the word Coke written on it. A man with a moustache and long hair walks up behind the girl and puts his hand into her bag and removes her purse. The girl doesn't even notice him. If I were there I would scream STOP THIEF.

Test 10

There Is Something Very Nice Inside Your Drum

It was Jimmy's birthday, and he was five years old. He got quite a lot of nice birthday presents from his family, and one of them was a beautiful big drum.
"Who gave him that thing?" Jimmy's father said when he saw it.
"His grandfather did." answered Jimmy's mother.
"Oh." said his father.
Of course, Jimmy liked his drum very much. He made a terrible noise with it, but his mother did not mind. His father was working during the day, and Jimmy was in bed when he got home in the evening, so he did not hear the noise.
But one of the neighbors did not like the noise at all, so one morning a few days later, she took a sharp knife and went to Jimmy's house while he was hitting his drum. She said to him, "Hello, Jimmy. Do you know, there is something very nice inside your drum. Here is a knife. Open the drum and let's find it."



1) Ask the examinee to read the part that has been marked.
2) Ask the examinee to answer the following questions on the story:
1. How many people are there in the story?
2. What did he receive on his birthday?
3. What was Jimmy's father doing during the day?
4. What did Jimmy's neighbor ask Jimmy to do with the knife?
5. What would you do if you were the neighbor?
3) Talk about the picture in English.

1. There are five people in the story.
2. He received a drum on his birthday.
3. His father was working during the day.
4. She wanted Jimmy open the drum with the sharpen knife.
5. I would advise Jimmy not to make a terrible noise to bother somebody else when he was playing the drum.
This is a picture of a family. The little child is asleep in bed. Maybe he is having a sweet dream. The clock on the desk tells us that he has just finished his lunch and now he is having his afternoon nap(午觉). He usually rests for an hour after lunch every day. His mother is home today. She is sitting in a comfortable(舒服的) chair beside the little child's bed. She is knitting a sweater for her son because he will need a new sweater and the weather is getting cooler and it will be autumn soon. A cat is curling up(蜷缩) beside the chair. It is the pet(宠物) of the family. There is a photo of the little boy hanging over his bed. His room is small, but it is tidy. His shoes are placed neatly(整洁地) beside his bed. What a happy family!

Test 11

If I Don't Do Anything Else
Yesterday morning Paul said to himself, "I've got to write that economics paper(经济学论文) today. If I don't do anything else, I've got to write that paper."
He sat down at his desk and put a sheet of paper into his typewriter(打字机). He looked out of the window, ate a piece of candy(糖), got up to get a drink of water, brushed his teeth(刷牙), and sat down at his desk again.
"I haven't written my family since Thanksgiving(感恩节)." he said to himself, "I'll write them a letter first."
Paul wrote his family a long letter. "My typewriter needs a new ribbon(色带). I have got to change this ribbon before I write my economics paper."
The ink from the typewriter ribbon got his hands very dirty, so he washed them. While he was washing his hands, he noticed that his fingernails(手指甲) were much too long. He cut them very carefully and then went back to his desk. He put a sheet of paper into his typewriter, looked out of the window, and looked at his watch. It was noon.
"I will get some lunch now." he said to himself,"After lunch I'll write that paper, if I don't do anything else."



1) Ask the examinee to read the part that has been marked.
2) Ask the examinee to answer the following questions on the story:
1. When did the story take place?
2. What preparation did Paul do before he wrote the paper?
3. What did he remember suddenly?
4. What did he notice while washing his hands?
5. Do you think he could finish the paper on that day?
3) Talk about the picture in English.

1. The story took place yesterday morning.
2. He sat down at his desk and put a sheet of paper into his typewriter.
3. He remembered that he hadn't written his family since Thanksgiving.
4. He noticed that his fingernails were much too long.
5. No, he couldn't.
This is a picture of a shoe store. The fat woman comes to buy a pair of new shoes. The shop assistant asks her what size of shoes she wears and brings out some shoes for her to try on. The fat woman is trying on the shoes. There are many shoes scattered all around her on the floor. She has tried all kinds of them, but she still hasn't found a pair of shoes that fits her. The shop assistant is getting very tired and angry, but she can't complain because it is her job and helping others is her duty. She thinks that maybe the fat woman doesn't plan to buy any one of them and doesn't really need a new pair of shoes at all.

Test 12

Give Me a Big Box of Chocolates
John liked chocolates(巧克力) very much, but his mother never gave him any, because they were bad for his teeth, she thought. But John had a very nice grandfather. The old man loved his grandson very much, and sometimes he brought John chocolates when he came to visit him. Then his mother let him eat them, because she wanted to make the old man happy.
One evening, a few days before John's seventh birthday, he was saying his prayers(做祈祷) in his bedroom before he went to bed. "Please, God," he shouted, "make them give me a big box of chocolates for my birthday on Saturday."
His mother was in the kitchen, but she heard the small boy shouting and went into his bedroom quickly.
"Why are you shouting, John?" she asked her son, "God can hear you when you talk quietly."
"I know," answered the clever boy with a smile, "but grandfather is in the next room, and he can't."



1) Ask the examinee to read the part that has been marked.
2) Ask the examinee to answer the following questions on the story:
1. What did John like very much?
2. Why did John's mother let John eat the chocolates his grandfather brought him?
3. Where was his mother when John was saying his prayers?
4. Why did John say he had to shout?
5. Do you think the grandfather loved his grandson in the right way?
3) Talk about the picture in English.

1. John liked chocolates very much.
2. Because she wanted to make John's grandfather happy.
3. His mother was in the kitchen.
4. He wanted his grandfather to hear his prayers and bought him chocolates.
5. No, I don't think so.
It is a scene(情景) in an opera house(歌剧院). Mr. and Mrs. Brown are in an opera house. They are listening to an opera carefully, because they both like music very much. At this time Mrs. Brown hears a funny noise on her left. It is very funny. The man who is big and elderly(稍老的) on her left is asleep and snoring(打鼾). She whispers(耳语) to her husband. Mr. Brown takes a look at the man who is disturbing his wife. He is very angry with the elderly man, but he doesn't say anything to him. He wonders why he has chosen to come to an opera house when he should be at home in bed.

Test 13

A Beautiful Dress
One day Mrs. Jones went shopping. When her husband came home in the evening, she began to tell him about a beautiful cotton dress(棉布裙). "I saw it in a shop this morning," she said, "and..."
"And you want to buy it." said her husband, "How much does it cost?"
"Forty pounds."
"Forty pounds for a cotton dress? That is too much."
But every evening, when Mr. Jones came back from work, his wife continued to speak only about the dress, and at last, after a week, he said, "Oh, buy the dress! Here is the money!" She was very happy.
But the next evening, when Mr. Jones came home and asked, "Have you got the famous dress?" she said, "No."
"Why not?" he said.
"Well, it was still in the window of the shop after a week, so I thought, nobody else wants this dress, so I don't want it either."



1) Ask the examinee to read the part that has been marked.
2) Ask the examinee to answer the following questions on the story:
1. What is their relationship?
2. Where did Mrs. Jones go one day?
3. Did her husband give her the money right away?
4. What did she do when her husband didn't give her the money right away?
5. Why didn't Mrs. Jones buy the cotton dress?
3) Talk about the picture in English.

1. Their relationship is husband and wife.
2. She went to the shop to do some shopping.
3. No, he didn't.
4. She continued to speak to her husband only about the dress.
5. Because she thought it wasn't worth buying the dress since nobody else wanted the dress.
This is a picture of a department store in the United States. This floor sells clothing and dress materials. There is a dummy(假人) in the center, displaying the latest fashion(时尚). The sign of the store and the time of the clock tell us that it is time to close. Shoppers are leaving and the two cashiers(收银员) are busy counting the money in their tills(放钱的抽屉). They are finishing the day's work. The man who is standing beside the door is watching each shopper passing by(经过). They are all tired, because they have worked for above eight hours today. They want to have a rest and prepare for the next day's work.

Test 14

A Londoner and a Visiting American
A Londoner(伦敦人), very proud of his home town, was showing a visiting American around Central London. "That is Waterloo Bridge(滑铁卢大桥)." he said, "It took only two years to build."
"That's nothing." said the American,"Our Brooklyn Bridge(布鲁克林大桥) took only 14 months."
Later as they went along the Euston Road(尤斯敦大道), the Londoner said, "That is Euston Station. The old one was demolished(被拆除) and the new one put up in only 18 months."
"Our largest station in New York," said the American, "was completed(完成) in less than 10 months."
A little later on, they passed Center Point(中央大厦). Looking at its 34 storeys, the American asked, "What is that building?"
"Oh, I don't know." said the Londoner, "It wasn't there when I went to work this morning."



1) Ask the examinee to read the part that has been marked.
2) Ask the examinee to answer the following questions on the story:
1. How long was Waterloo Bridge built in London?
2. How many places did they visit around Central London?
3. Was the American proud of his hometown?
4. How many storeys did Center Point have?
5. Why did the Londoner say that it wasn't there when he went to work that morning?
3) Talk about the picture in English.

1. It took only two years to build.
2. They visited three places.
3. Yes, he was.
4. 34 storeys.
5. Because he wanted to tell the American that the Londoner could build the building faster than the American.
Today Tom doesn't feel very well. He has a headache and a pain in the stomach. So he can't go to school. His parents look very worried and they don't know what's the matter with him. The only thing they can do is to dial(拨) the number of their doctor. After a while the doctor comes to Tom's house. He is a kind and elderly man. He checks Tom carefully. Finally the doctor tells Tom that it is nothing serious. It is a bad cold. And he tells Tom that he will stay in bed for a few of days and take some medicine. Now, Tom's parents feel relaxed(放松).

Test 15

Husband and Wife
A wife gave her husband a sealed letter(密封了的信), begging him not to open it till he got to his place of business. When he did so, he read:
"I am forced to tell you something what I know will trouble you; but it is my duty to do so. I am determined(决定) that you should know it, let the result be what it may be. I have known for a week that it was coming, but kept it to myself until now. Today it has reached a crisis(危急关头), and I cannot keep it any longer. You must not censure(责备) me too harshly(粗暴地), for you must reap the result(自食其果) as well as myself. I hope it won't crush(令……难堪) you."
Here he turned the page, his hair slowly rising(毛骨悚然) when he read:
"The coal is all used up(用完)! Please call and ask for some to be sent this afternoon. I thought by this method you would not forget it!"
Sure enough, he didn't forget it, though he had clean forgotten all she had said in the last two weeks.



1) Ask the examinee to read the part that has been marked.
2) Ask the examinee to answer the following questions on the story:
1. What did the wife give her husband?
2. What did the husband plan to do when his wife gave him a letter?
3. Did the husband feel happy when he read the first page?
4. What did the wife want her husband to do?
5. Why did the wife give her husband such a letter?
3) Talk about the picture in English.

1. She gave her husband a sealed letter.
2. He planned to go to work.
3. No, he felt uneasy.
4. She wanted her husband to call and ask for some coal to be sent that afternoon.
5. Because she thought this letter would impress her husband and he would not forget this.
It is the coldest time of the year. People have thick and warm clothes on. They don't want themselves to fall ill. Many people wrap themselves up when they are outdoors. Look at the girl in the picture. She wears a lot. How she protests herself against the cold. But the man in the picture doesn't seem to mind the cold at all. He got on a thick coat, but he has got it unzipped(未拉上拉链的) all the time. Surely he must feel the cold because we can see that he has got a running nose. Actually we shouldn't do something like that to show off(炫耀).

Test 16

It Isn't Me!
A boy was sitting in the doctor's waiting room. On the chairs around were many other patients. Some had coughs(咳嗽), some had colds and some had headaches. They all looked sad, except the boy, who was deep in an exciting story in a magazine. Just then the doctor came in to say he was ready to see the next person. The boy jumped up and ran into the consulting room(诊室).
Before he could say a word, the doctor said, "Now what's your trouble? Lie down there and let me have a look at you. Unfasten(解开) your jacket and your shirt, please. I'll listen to your heart." The boy tried to speak but the doctor interrupted and ordered him to say "Ninety-nine". "Now let me see your throat." said the doctor, "Open your mouth and say Ah-." The doctor had a good look, and then he said, "Well, young sir, you are not ill at all. There is nothing wrong with you."
"I know there isn't." said the boy, "I just came to fetch the medicine you prescribed(开药方) for my uncle yesterday."



1) Ask the examinee to read the part that has been marked.
2) Ask the examinee to answer the following questions on the story:
1. What was the boy doing in the waiting room?
2. Why were there many people in the waiting room?
3. Did the boy say anything before the doctor began to have a look at him?
4. The boy was ill, wasn't he?
5. Why did the boy come to the doctor's room?
3) Talk about the picture in English.

1. He was deep in an exciting story in a magazine.
2. Because they were patients and they came to see the doctor.
3. No, he didn't say anything.
4. No, he was not ill at all.
5. He came to fetch the medicine that the doctor had prescribed for the boy's uncle.
This is a picture about something that happened in the hospital. Frank felt ill the other day. He was taken to a hospital and had medical treatment. Now he is getting better. One day his wife comes to see him and brings him some flowers and fruits. But Frank doesn't want these at this moment. What he is waiting is cigarettes and beer, but he is not allowed to have any of them because they are bad for his health. So he whispers to his wife that he wants some cigarettes and beer very much. His wife is very surprised, and she refuses to do that for his health.

Test 17

Time Changes When You Travel
Strange things happen to time when you travel, because the earth is divided into twenty-four zones(时区), one hour apart(一时区相差一小时). You can have days with more or fewer than twenty-four hours, and weeks with more or fewer than seven days.
If you make a five-day trip across the Atlantic Ocean, your ship enters a different time zone every day. As you enter each zone, the time changes one hour. Travelling west, you set your clock back, travelling east, you set it ahead. Each day of your trip has either twenty-five or twenty-three hours.
If you travel by ship across the Pacific, you cross the International Date Line( 国际日期变更线). By agreement this is the point where a new day begins. When you cross the line, you change your calendar(日历) one full day, backward or forward. Travelling east, today becomes yesterday, travelling west it is tomorrow!



1) Ask the examinee to read the part that has been marked.
2) Ask the examinee to answer the following questions on the story:
1. Why do strange things happen to time when you travel?
2. What is the difference in time between zones?
3. How many zones is the Atlantic Ocean probably divided into?
4. What should you do if you cross the ocean going east?
5. What is the International Date Line?
3) Talk about the picture in English.

1. Because the earth is divided into time zones.
2. The difference in time between zones is one hour.
3. It seems true that the Atlantic Ocean is divided into five time zones.
4. You should set your clock one-hour ahead in each new time zone.
5. The International Date Line is the name for the point where a new day begins.
One day Tom and his wife planned to go to the cinema. This was a Charles Kay's film and they both were his fans. Before going to the last show, they wanted to have a nice meal. So they went into a restaurant and ordered the meal. An hour had passed since they came into. They were still waiting. It seemed that the waiters were in no hurry to serve them. They even smoked while working. Tom and his wife were getting worried. After a hurried meal, they made their way to the cinema. They were almost running. The film started 15 minutes ago. They didn't want to miss too much of it.

Test 18

A Mad Woman
My husband hasn't stopped laughing about a funny thing that happened to me. It's funny now but it wasn't at that time.
Last Friday, after doing all the family shopping in town, I wanted a rest before catching the train, so I bought a newspaper and some chocolate and went to the station coffee shop that was a cheap, self-service place with long tables to sit at. I put my heavy bag down on the floor, put the newspaper and chocolate on the table to keep a place, and went to get a cup of coffee.
When I came back with the coffee, there was someone in the next seat. It was one of those wild-looking young men, with dark glasses and torn clothes, and hair colored bright red at the front. Not so unusual these days. What did surprise me was that he had started to eat my chocolate!
Naturally, I was annoyed. However, to avoid trouble -and really I was rather uneasy about him-I just looked down at the front page of the newspaper, tasted my coffee, and took a bit of chocolate. The boy looked at me closely. Then he took a second piece of my chocolate. I could hardly believe it. Still I didn't dare to start an argument. When he took a third piece. I felt more angry than uneasy. I thought, "Well, I shall have the last piece." and I got it.
The boy gave me a strange look, then stood up. As he left he shouted out, "This woman is mad!" Everyone stared. That was embarrassing(使窘迫) enough, but it was worse when I finished my coffee and got ready to leave. My face went red-as red as his hair when I realized I'd made a mistake. It wasn't my chocolate he'd been taking. There was mine, unopened, just under my newspaper.


1) Ask the examinee to read the part that has been marked.
2) Ask the examinee to answer the following questions on the story:
1. What did the woman want to do before she caught the train?
2. Why was the woman surprised when she came back to the table?
3. What did the woman feel when she saw the young man go on eating the chocolate?
4. Was the woman really mad?
5. Why did the woman's face go red?
3) Talk about the picture in English.

1. She wanted a rest before catching the train.
2. Because the young man's behavior seemed so rude.
3. She felt more and more angry with the young man.
4. No, she wasn't mad.
5. Because she realized that she had been quite wrong about the young man.
Lao Li is very idle(空闲的) since he retires(退休) from his work. So he spends a lot of time caring for a few plants. He waters them and keeps moving them to different places where they can get enough sunshine. When winter comes, the temperature is very low and the water is very cold. He takes a look at the thermometer(温度计) and finds that the plants need heat. Then he fetches some hot water and pours into the plants. To Lao Li's surprise, the poor plants, fresh and alive a few hours ago, are now dead. Till now, Lao Li is still puzzled(迷惑不解).

Test 19

Education in the United States
In the United States, boys and girls start school when they are five years old. In some states they must stay in school until they are sixteen. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they graduate from secondary school.
Most children go to public elementary and secondary schools. The parents of public school pupils do not have to pay directly for their children's education because tax money supports the public schools. If a child attends a private school, his parents pay the school for the child's education.
Today about half of the high school graduates go on to colleges and universities. Some colleges and universities receive tax money from the government. A student at a state university does not have to pay very much if his parents live in that state. Private colleges and universities are expensive, however. About half of the college students in the United States work while they are studying. When a student's family is not rich, he has to earn money for part of his college expenses.


1) Ask the examinee to read the part that has been marked.
2) Ask the examinee to answer the following questions on the story:
1. When do boys and girls start school in the United States?
2. When can high school students leave school in some states?
3. How many high school graduates go on to colleges and universities?
4. How many of American children will go to public schools?
5. Do state universities cost a lot of money if the students' parents live in that state?
3) Talk about the picture in English.

1. They start school at five.
2. They can't leave until they are sixteen years old.
3. About fifty percent of secondary school graduates go on to colleges and universities.
4. Most American children go to public schools.
5. No, state universities cost less.
Jean has found a new job and she will go to work tomorrow. But she doesn't have a good coat for herself. So she decides to do some shopping. Now she is at the shop. She has told the salesman what she wants and the man has picked out a coat for her to try on. Jean, wearing the new coat, stands in front of the mirror, looking at herself. She is pleased with the coat and she is pleased with herself too, because she does look beautiful. The salesman also says that the coat suits her. Finally Jean makes up her mind to buy it.

Test 20

The Big Oven
Once upon a time there was a man who had a very big oven(炉). But the man's family was small-only himself and his wife.
When winter came, the man tried to keep his oven going, and in one month he burnt up all his firewood(柴火), and he had nothing to feed the fire. It was cold. So he began to tear down the ceiling(天花板) of his house for the oven.
A neighbor noticed that, and said to him, "Why, neighbor, have you lost your mind? You and your wife will die of cold." But the man said, "No, brother. You see I'm pulling down my ceiling so as to have something to feed my oven with. We have such a big oven." The neighbor laughed and said, "Oh, isn't that silly? After you have burnt up your ceiling, then you'll be tearing down your house. You won't have anywhere to live. Only the oven will be left, and even that will be cold." "Well, but I have such a big oven." said the man. The neighbor said, "But all you need to do is to have your oven rebuilt." But the man said, "I know well that you are jealous(妒忌) of my big oven, and so you advise me to rebuild it."
And so he wouldn't listen and burnt up the ceiling, and then his whole house. In the end, he had no place to live in.



1) Ask the examinee to read the part that has been marked.
2) Ask the examinee to answer the following questions on the story:
1. How many people are there in the story?
2. Why did the man plan to tear down the ceiling of his house for the oven?
3. Why didn't the man take any advice of his neighbor?
4. Was the man's neighbor jealous of his big oven?
5. What does the story tell us?
3) Talk about the picture in English.

1. There are three people in the story.
2. Because he had nothing to feed the fire.
3. Because he didn't believe others and insisted on his wrong opinion.
4. No, he wasn't.
5. The story tells us that we must keep our thinking up to the practice when doing things. If not we shall make mistakes just like the man in the story who tried to "cut his feet so as to fit his shoes".
Tom and Emily both are workers of one company. They are good friends and always work together. One day their boss told them that they should finish their tasks in ten hours. So they have to work harder. Emily is exhausted. She has typed a lot and almost finished her task. The only thing she wants to do is to have a rest. But Tom can't have a rest now, because he still has a lot of things to do. So he drinks two cups of coffee to sharpen his mind. He can work quite efficiently at the moment. Why the two work so hard, because they are worried that they will lose their jobs and it's not easy to find a job these days.

第四部分 高考英语口试试题精选



A Holiday
Last year three friends of mine decided to spend their holidays in the mountains. They set out in their car early in the morning, and by late afternoon they had almost reached the small town where they were going to stay. After stopping for a cup of coffee at a roadside cafe, they drove off again along the winding(蜿蜒的) road that led to the mountains. They had a map with them and, according to this, the town they were going to stay in was only about fifteen miles away.
It soon got dark, and it began to rain-which of course made it more difficult to see the road clearly. After they had driven for about fifteen miles, there was still no sign of the town. Obviously the map they had was not a very good one.
They went on for another five miles to the top of a hill and, suddenly, the car stopped. At first my friend thought they had run out of gas. After checking, however, they found that this was not the trouble. Something else had gone wrong with the car. Since they could not start the car again, they decided to spend the night in the car, even though they had very little food with them and there was not much room for three people.
It was early morning when another car finally came along. They stopped the driver and asked him where the town was. He told them that it was just on the other side of the top of the hill. After that their car ran all the way downhill to the town, where they found a hotel and had a good breakfast. Of course, if they had simply walked down the hill the night before, they would not have had to spend an uncomfortable night in the car.


1) Ask the examinee to read the part that has been marked.
2) Ask the examinee to answer the following questions on the story:
1. Where were they going to spend their holidays?
2. Why was it difficult to see the road?
3. Why did they spend the night in the car?
4. What did they ask the driver of the passing car?
5. What did the driver tell them?
3) Talk about the picture in English.

1. They were going to spend their holidays in the mountains.
2. Because it got dark and began to rain.
3. Because there was something wrong with the car.
4. They asked him where the town was.
5. He told them that it was just on the other side of the top of the hill.
This is a picture of a family. Betty had a little child several months ago. To take care of the little child, she gave up her job. Betty's husband works alone to support the family. Everyday she gets up early to do some housework. She has to do all the dishes. There are also clothes to wash, carpets to clean. Sometimes she really doesn't know where to start. Even more terrible, the little child cries all the time and for no reasons at all. His screaming gets on Betty's nerves. At this time Betty almost can't get anything done. Then Betty calls her husband to complain about this. But how can her husband help her now?


A Book
One day Mr. and Mrs. Medina went up to Boston to do some shopping. Even though they did not buy very much in the end. They had a busy day. By about four o'clock, they were both looking forward to having a snack. They found a restaurant but, just before they went in, Mrs. Medina remembered that she had to buy some medicine for their son, who had a bad cough.
While she was in the drugstore, her husband noticed a bookstore on the other side of the street. He went across to have a look in the window. There he saw a copy of a novel written by an author who was famous during the last century. He had always been very interested in this writer, so he went in and bought the book. His wife was waiting for him when he came out. He showed her the book, but she did not look at all pleased. She always complained the old books he bought only covered every part of the house.
After their snack(快餐), they caught the train back to Cape Cod where they lived. To their great surprise, a former neighbor of theirs, whom they had not seen for years, took a seat immediately across them. They were both happy to see him after all those years but, as they soon remembered, he was very talkative(健谈的). If he got the chance, he would talk for hours. He happened to notice the book that Mr. Medina had bought, and he picked it up. As he opened the book, his eyes lighted up. He asked Mr. Medina how much he had paid for it. When he found out that the book had cost only a few dollars, he told Mr. Medina that he had been very lucky. The book happened to be a rare edition and was certainly worth over fifty dollars.



1) Ask the examinee to read the part that has been marked.
2) Ask the examinee to answer the following questions on the story:
1. Why did Mr. and Mrs. Medina go to Boston?
2. Why did Mrs. Medina go to the drugstore?
3. What did Mr. Medina do while his wife was at the drugstore?
4. Why didn't Mrs. Medina like old books?
5. What did they remember about their former neighbor?
3) Talk about the picture in English.

1. Because Mr. and Mrs. Medina wanted to do some shopping there.
2. Because Mrs. Medina remembered that she had to buy some medicine for their son, who had a bad cough.
3. He went across the street to buy a book in the shop.
4. Because the old books that her husband bought covered every part of the house.
5. They remembered he was very talkative.
This is a picture of a sitting-room. After supper, Mr. White and his wife are sitting in the comfortable sofa (沙发) and watching TV. It is a football match. Mr. White, with a moustache (胡子), is smoking while he is watching intensely (聚精会神地). He is so intense that he almost forgets to talk with his wife. While his wife, in a pair of soft woolen slippers(毛料拖鞋), is knitting(针织) something. It seems that she is not interested in the football program at all. But she is still there to stay with her husband. Beside the sofa there is a cup of coffee.
