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第一章 Part A基本题型
Part A含有下列基本题型,新题的变化不过是换汤不换药,掌握了这些变化就可以以不变应万变,甚至一眼看出答案,不战而胜。
回答Yes/ No问题时,ETS一般不说Yes, 而用一句话表达Yes的含义。这句话听上去如果语调热烈高扬,就是yes, 如果平淡低落,给出一个excuse, 就是No. 此类题常见答案特征:agree, share sb's opinion, both, think so too等。

I 表示YES的常用语
To say the least.
That's putting it mildly.
You can say that again!
That's for sure!
Now, that's an idea!
There you go!
I'll say!
I couldn't agree with you more!
Count me in!
Don't I? 『疑问句用降调表肯定性感慨,以下同』
Ain't I?
Isn't she, though?

II 直接肯定
W: Bill's certainly been in a good mood.
M: I'll say he has.
Q: What does the man mean?
(A) He will talk to Bill.
(B) He agrees with the woman.
(C) Bill is always like that
(D) The women should be happy.
答案:B. I'll say = agree

W: That photographer certainly got some good shots!
M: Didn't she ?
Q: What does the woman mean?
(A) He finished playing tennis with the photographer.
(B) One of the subjects didn't know he was being photographed.
(C) He shares the woman's opinion of the photos.
(D) The photographer could have gotten more pictures.
答案:C . Didn't she? = share sb.'s opinion

M: Would you like to take a break and get a soda ?
W: Would I ever?
Q: What does the woman mean?
(A) She'd rather take a break later.
(B) She likes the suggestion.
(C) She never drinks soda.
(D) She doesn't think he's serious.
答案:B. Would I ever? = Yes, I would.

III 间接肯定
W: Would yon like to join us for a ride around the harbor?
M: What a pleasant way to spend a hot day!
Q: What does the woman imply?
(A) She'd like to come around the harbor.
(B) She knows her way around the harbor.
(C) The warm weather is quite pleasant
(D) The ride will take all day
答案:A. What a pleasant... = 间接肯定。

M: The light in this dining hall is a little too bright, don't you think?
W: I'd say it's perfect-- for a football stadium.
Q: What does the woman mean?
(A) She prefers the stadium.
(B) She agrees with the man.
(C) The light isn't bright enough.
(D) The dining room isn't large enough.
答案:B. "对足球场来说正好",这是间接肯定对方意见。

听到: W: The lake is so wide that you can't see the other side.
M: I wouldn't want to try to swim across it.
Q: What does the man mean?
(A) He doesn't know why she wants to swim.
(B) He thinks the lake is very wide, too.
(C) He wants to swim across the lake.
(D) He doesn't think she can see very well, either.

W: Skydiving is an exciting sport.
M: So is mountain climbing.
Q: What does the man mean.
(A) Both sports are exciting.
(B) Mountain climbing is more exciting.
(C) He prefers skydiving.
(D) Skydiving isn't true sport
答案:A. 此类题解题技巧是:听到so is, 找both。

W: Chemistry 502 is really a hard course.
M: So was Chemistry 402.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
(A) Both chemistry courses are difficult.
(B) Few chemistry courses are hard.
(C) Chemistry 402 was worse than chemistry 502.
(D) He has only had one chemistry course.

W: Writing this paper was fun.
M: Reading it was, too.
Q: What is the man's comment about the paper?
(A) It was enjoyable to read.
(B) It was about lightning.
(C) It was ready at two.
(D) It was too humorous.
答案:A .

正如ETS一般不直接用Yes回答Yes/ No问题一样,他们也从来不直接说No,而是代之以一个excuse。语调听上去通常平淡低落。
Hardly ever.
Far from it.
Are you kidding?
Are you serious?
Look who's talking!
Well, that's your opinion, isn't it?
Oh, no, Sally. You didn't!
I'd love to, but...

II 间接否定
W: Do you think we should invite Peter over for dinner?
M: His mother's here for a visit.
Q: What does the man mean?
(A) Peter is visiting his mother.
(B) Peter will be unable to come.
(C) Peter's mother is coming for dinner.
(D) Peter can't hear them.
答案:B. Excuse = 间接否定

W: Did you meet the new teacher yesterday?
M: I've been sick for three days.
Q: What does the man mean?
(A) The new teacher is sick.
(B) He hasn't met the new teacher yet.
(C) There are three new teachers.
(D) He didn't like the teacher.
答案:B. Excuse = 间接否定

W: Have you read this month's issue of Inquiry?
M: What journal is that?
Q: What does the man mean?
(A) He works for that journal now.
(B) He hasn't read the journal before.
(C) He can't find his copy of the journal.
(D) He likes the issues discussed in that journal.

III 多项否定
Neither do I.
M: I can't seem to solve the problem.
W: Neither can I.
Q: What does the woman say about the problem?
(A) She thinks it's easy.
(B) She can't solve it.
(C) She can help the man with it.
(D) She hasn't tried to solve it yet.

W: I can't wait to see the look on Ted's face when he opens up our gift.
M: Neither can I.
Q: What does the man mean?
(A) He already knows what Ted will say.
(B) He doesn't have time to look at the gift.
(C) He can't imagine what his friends got for him.
(D) He is anxious to see Ted's reaction to the gift.

IV 双重否定
You don't mind if I smoke here, do you?
Not much I don't. (= Yes, I do, and very much!)

W: You wouldn't be interested in working this summer to make some extra money,would you?
M: Not much I wouldn't.
Q: What does the man mean?
  (A) He is very interested in working.
(B) He'll work even though he doesn't want to.
(C) He doesn't need much money.
(D) He could only work part of the summer.
答案:A. Not much I wouldn't = Yes, I would, and very much

M: You don't care if we skip『跳过,免掉』lunch, do you?
W: Not much I don't.
Q: What does the woman mean?
(A) She doesn't usually eat lunch.
(B) She thinks they should go for a walk instead.
(C) She doesn't really care if he eats now.
(D) She's very hungry.

V 强意否定
This is the last place where I expected to meet you.= I never expected to meet you here.
You are the last man I want to marry. = I never want to marry you.
强意否定题解题技巧:在选择项中找I definitely don't..., I certainly didn't...

W: Would you like to come mountain climbing with us?
M: That's the last thing in the world I'd ever want to do.
Q: What does the man mean?
(A) He went mountain climbing last year.
(B) He hasn't traveled around the world yet.
(C) He's always wanted to climb that mountain.
(D) He definitely does not want to go.

W: I thought Paul might be able to help me figure out 『弄明白』this computer program.
M: Paul is about the last person I would ask if I were you.
Q: What does the man imply about Paul?
(A) He is likely to help.
(B) He has already asked for help.
(C) He doesn't know a lot about computers.
(D) He was the last one to use the computers.

1) get sb to do sth
2) get sth done

W: Did the drama students build all the scenery for the program?
M: No, they had a carpenter make it according to their designs.
Q: Where did the scenery come from?
(A) A carpenter built it for the students.
(B) The drama students designed and made it.
(C) The drama students had some scenery already.
(D) A special designer had to make it.

M: Laurel, are you going to send out the invitations to the dance?
W: No, I got Dan to do it.
Q: What happens to the invitations?
(A) Dan received them.
(B) Gloria forgot about them.
(C) Dan mailed them.
(D) Gloria has sent for them.

W: Your gray jacket looks better now.
M: Thanks. I had a tailor take it in『改小』.
Q: What was done to the jacket?
(A) It was given away.
(B) It was made smaller.
(C) It was put on display.
(D) It was taken to the cleaner's.

M: Your house looks nice. What did you do to it?
W: I had it painted.
Q: What did the woman do?
(A) She ordered a painting for the house.
(B) She hired someone to paint the house.
(C) She built the house.
(D) She hid in the house.



I 岂止It's more than that

W: Would you like a cup of coffee to help you wake up?
M: A cup of coffee? I'll need three or four.
Q: What does the man mean?
(A) He needs to sleep for three or four hours.
(B) He wants to buy a set of coffee cups.
(C) He will need more than one cup of coffee.
(D) He has been wide awake for some time.

W: I hear Sarah's been pretty successful in her new job.
M: Pretty successful? That's the understatement『低调说法』 of the year.
Q: What does the man imply about Sarah?
(A) She's been extremely successful.
(B) Her success is hard to understand.
(C) She owes some of her success to her personality .
(D) She owes some of her success to her.
答案特征:extremely, successful.

W: Marilyn seems happy with her grade.
M: Happy? She could hardly contain『控制』herself.
Q: What does the man say about Marilyn?
(A) She constructed a proper container.
(B) She thought it was hard to do the grading.
(C) She pretended she was happy.
(D) She was extremely pleased.
答案:D. 答案特征:extremely

II 岂能How can I?

W: You still have an hour to wait, so relax.
M: Relax? How can I when I'm so anxious about the interview?
Q: What does the man mean?
(A) The woman shouldn't be so anxious.
(B) He's already an hour late.
(C) The woman shouldn't wait to be interviewed.
(D) He's too nervous to calm down.
答案:D. 答案特征:too to

W: Would you call a taxi to take me to the bus station?
M: Call a taxi? I'll take you myself.
Q: What does the man mean?
(A) She should call the taxi herself.
(B) The taxi driver is a friend of his.
(C) He's taking the same bus as she is.
(D) He'll drive her to the bus station.

M: Can't we slow down? I am tired.
W: Slow down? Don't you realize how late we are going to be?
Q: What does the woman mean?
(A) The man should learn to slow down.
(B) The man is always tired lately.
(C) The aren't going very fast.
(D) They aren't going to be on time.


以为题由第一个说话人说出一件新闻性的事,第二个说话人说“哦--,原来如此。”问:第二个人原以为是怎么回事?答案自然与他的话相反。以为题特征:1. 有Oh, So感叹词,2. 动词用强调式,重音放在助动词上。

W: Thanks for the note you left for me.
M: Oh, then you did get it.
Q: What had the man assumed (= thought)?
(A) The woman hadn't sent a thank-you note.
(B) The woman hadn't noticed him a note.
(C) The woman had left him a note.
(D) The woman hadn't gotten his note.
答案:D.与Second speaker所述相反。

W: Mike said he can give us a ride to the game 『捎一程』.
M: Oh, good. Then he does have his car.
Q: What had the man assumed at first?

(A) Mike's friends didn't plan to go to the game.
(B) All of them couldn't ride in the woman's car.
(C) Mike had a scar on his ear.
(D) Mike's car wasn't available.

M: Ellen has done some beautiful drawings of his dream house.
W: So he has finished them.
Q: What had the woman thought about Ellen?

(A) He hadn't finished his sketches.
(B) He had furnished his house.
(C) He could draw beautifully.
(D) He wasn't really dreaming.

以为句变体:以为句近年来起发生了新的变化,问题常常由"What had the man assumed?"变为"What do we learn from the conversation?"

M: People say this summer course is very difficult.
W: I didn't find it all that bad.
M: So you've taken it, have you?
Q: What does the man learn about the woman?

(A) She enjoyed the course.
(B) She did well in the course.
(C) She taught the course.
(D) She's already completed the course.

M: I talked to Philip today. And he said he'd be coming to the party.
W: Oh, so he can come after all.
Q: What can be inferred about Philip?

(A) He'll go to the party with the woman.
(B) He met the man at the party.
(C) He has changed his plan.
(D) He has to work late.



M: How long has Alex been working on his degree--five years?
W: At least that long.
Q: What is the woman saying about Alex?

(A) He began his studies more than five years ago.
(B) He finished his degree a long time ago.
(C) He has taken the least time of anyone to finish.
(D) He will be working for at least five more years.
答案:A. That long = five years.

W: So you are going to give us a ride to the game tonight.
M: If my car is running OK.
Q: What does the man mean?

(A) His car's in quite good condition.
(B) He's willing to lend them the car.
(C) He would prefer to go to the game on foot.
(D) He will take them if he can.


M: It never fails『次次如此』. It's raining hard outside, and I am stuck 『被困』without an umbrella.
W: I'd like to let you have mine, but I have to go out soon.
Q: What does the woman imply?

(A) Her umbrella is broken, too.
(B) She needs to use her umbrella.
(C) She'll get her umbrella out of the closet.
(D) She already loaned her umbrella to someone.
答案:B. But 后才是说话者的本意。

W: I heard only one person got a perfect grade on the term project. I'm sure it wasn't me.
M: But it was.
Q: What does the man mean?

(A) The term project was finished.
(B) The woman received the best score.
(C) He was sure his term project was good.
(D) His score was better than the woman's.

W: Did you see last night's television program on inflation?
M: Well, I intended to watch it, but I slept through it.
Q: What did the man do last night?

(A) Fell asleep early.
(B) Watched television.
(C) Discussed inflation.
(D) Attended a special program.


在Part A中,一般听到什么,不选什么,但建议类的题则例外:在劝做题中,听到什么选什么。在劝阻题中则选与听到的相反语意项。劝阻类的题通常是劝人去学习,不要贪玩。

I 常见建议用语
Let's do sth!
Why not do sth?
How about ...?
How does ... sound?
What do you say to sth?
What if...?
Wouldn't it be better if ...?
If I were you, I would...
Should she be doing that?
Will it do any good?
Try doing sth.

II 劝做
M: My radio doesn't work. What do you think I should do?
W: Why not call Mr. Jones?
Q: What does the woman mean?
(A) She doesn't want to ask Mr Jones herself.
(B) She doesn't want to work for Mr Jones.
(C) Mr Jones may have broken the radio.
(D) Mr Jones might fix the radio.
答案:D. Why not =Please

M: Would you tell Paul I am sorry I lost his radio?
W: Hadn't you better tell him yourself?
Q: What does the woman mean?
(A) It would be better to say nothing to Paul.
(B) Paul himself will come to talk to them.
(C) The man should be the one to speak to Paul.
(D) The man should replace the radio before she talks to Paul.
答案:C. Hadn't you better ...? = I think you had better ....

M: Do we need to get together to plan our seminar『研讨课』?
W: Is there anything wrong with right now?
Q: What does the woman mean?
(A) She doesn't feel that now is the right time.
(B) She wonders if they really need to do it.
(C) She's writing her seminar presentation now.
(D) She's suggesting that they talk immediately.
答案:D. 反问 = suggest

III 劝阻与责备

M: I'll have to repair this old knapsack again.
W: Will it do any good?
Q: What does the woman mean?
(A) The knapsack is very good quality.
(B) She wants to learn how to do it.
(C) The man's preparations were quite good.
(D) The man may need a new knapsack.

M: Katherine is taking a microbiology course this semester.
W: Should she be taking that this year (=I don't think she should...)?
Q: What does the woman imply that Katherine should be doing?
(A) Studying microbiology for a year.
(B) Teaching biology.
(C) Taking a nap.
(D) Taking a different course.

M: I think I'll go to a movie tonight instead of working on my paper?
W: I wouldn't if I were in your shoes.
Q: What does the woman suggest?
(A) He shouldn't put on his shoes.
(B) He should go to a movie.
(C) He ought to work on his paper.
(D) He shouldn't think about becoming a teacher.


虚拟语气表达的是一种与现在或过去事实相反的愿望,常常要求指出相反的事实是什么,答案特征通常为相反的事实,或 "I wish...".(What is the fact?)
表愿望:I only wish ... If only ...
与现在事实相反:If I were you, I would do sth.
与过去事实相反:If sb hadn't done sth, sb would have done sth

W: Your son certainly shows a lot of enthusiasm on the tennis court.
M: I only wish he'd show as much for his studies!
Q: What does the woman imply about her son?
(A) He's unable to appear in court.
(B) He wishes he could be a better student.
(C) He plays tennis better than she does.
(D) He's not so enthusiastic about academics.

W: Henry, your article in the campus news was excellent.
M: I only wish they had published the entire thing!
Q: What do we learn from Henry's response?

(A) The article was actually longer.
(B) His publishing career has just begun.
(C) The newspaper printed his other article.
(D) The article dealt with tires.

W: Didn't Marolyn go shopping with you yesterday?
M: Even if she hadn't had a lot of studying, she would have preferred staying home to going shopping.
Q: What does the man imply about Marolyn?

(A) She doesn't like to go shopping.
(B) She went shopping yesterday.
(C) She doesn't live near the shops.
(D) She prefers shopping to studying.

W: I guess I should've brought my umbrella.
M: It would be nice to have one, but how could you have known that this morning.
Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?

(A) The woman just bought a new umbrella.
(B) The woman doesn't really need anumbrella.
(C) The weather was fair earlier in the day.
(D) The weather will improve soon.



W: You are looking a little overwhelmed『疲倦』.
M: I got a million things to do and all of them have to be finished in the next twenty minutes.
Q: What does the man mean?

(A) He is busy, but he's making a lot of money.
(B) He has too much to do in too little time.
(C) He knows things will be better in a few minutes.
(D) He is having a wonderful time doing lots of things.
答案:B. 答案特征词:too... to

W: Can you take it over for me here? I have a client 『客户』coming to see me.
M: Well, I kind of 『有点儿』 have my hands full (= busy).
Q: What does the man mean?
(A) He's too busy to help.
(B) It's kind of the woman to help him.
(C) He needs to wash his hands.
(D) He's looking forward to seeing the client.

W: You seem well prepared for this Spanish midterm test. I'm impressed
M: I'd better be prepared. I spent the last forty eight hours cramming for it.
Q: What has the man been doing?

(A) Booking a flight to Spain.
(B) Paying for private lessons.
(C) Giving Spanish tests to students.
(D) Studying continually for two days.

W: Come swimming with me?
M: Sorry. But I'm up to my neck in work 『忙得不可开交』
Q: What's the man's problem?

(A) He injured his neck.
(B) He's too busy to go swimming.
(C) He's tired of swimming.
(D) He's afraid to swim in deep water.
答案:B. 答案特征:too... to

W: How about going to the museum today? They are having a special exhibit of local artists.
M: I'd love to, if I can get this reading out of the way 『清除掉』。
Q: What does the man mean?

(A) He enjoyed the exhibit, too.
(B) He has read about the exhibit.
(C) He knows many local artists.
(D) He needs to finish his reading first.

M: My math assignment's due tomorrow morning, and I haven't started it yet.
W: I'll miss you at the party tonight.
Q: What does the woman imply?

(A) The party will be crowded.
(B) The man will do his assignment before the party.
(C) She's not going to the party
(D) The man won't be able to go to the party.


W: Matthew wants to know if he can go with us to the party?
M: That's odd (= strange). This morning he said he wants to go by himself.
Q: What does the man mean?

(A) Matthew wanted to leave in the morning.
(B) He's surprised that Matthew changed his mind.
(C) Matthew can plan the party himself.
(D) He wishes he'd thought of Matthew before.

W: Judy earned a lot of money over the summer as a consultant『顾问』 for that agency.
M: I don't doubt it. What surprises me is that she's still working there now that classes have started again.
Q: What does the man say about Judy?

(A) He's surprised she chose that agency.
(B) He wonders why she's kept her job.
(C) He doesn't know when her classes started.
(D) He doubts she makes much money now.

M: I was shocked when I heard you'd finished your research project a whole month early.
W: How I managed to do it is still a mystery『谜』 to me.
Q: What does the woman mean?

(A) She's not sure how she was able to finish so early.
(B) She wasn't able to manage the project well.
(C) She's not sure how to solve the mystery.
(D) She still hasn't heard what was shocking.
答案:A. 答案特征:not sure

M: I stayed up all night『熬夜』 studying for the test.
W: Again! How do you get by (= manage) with so little rest is a mystery to me.
Q: What does the woman mean?
(A) She often stays up late to read.
(B) The man should spend more time studying.
(C) The man manages with surprisingly little sleep.
(D) She has no idea what will be on the test.
答案:C. 答案特征:surprisingly


此类题往往因疲劳,时间太晚等原因而劝人推迟做某事。答案选项通常含有 "later, postpone, tomorrow, another time" 等表推迟的字眼。

M: I thought I'll give Pam a call now.
W: Isn't it a little late at night?
Q: What does the woman imply?

(A) It would be better to call another time.
(B) There isn't much chance Pam would be home.
(C) Pam gets home late in the evening.
(D) She thought that the call had already been made.
答案:A. 答案特征:another time

M: We've been working on this proposal for so long that my eyes are starting to blur『模糊』.
W: Why don't we get out of here? We can wrap it later.
Q: What does the woman mean?

(A) The man should see an optometrist.
(B) She'd like to postpone working on the proposal.
(C) She wants to know why the proposal was late.
(D) It won't take long to write the proposal.
答案:(B).答案特征: postpone推迟

W: It's already ten o'clock. I guess Bob and Amy won't be coming to the party.
M: They called at 9 to say they'd been held up『被阻』.
Q: What does the man mean?

(A) Bob and Amy will arrive later.
(B) Bob and Amy are rarely on time.
(C) Bob and Amy came at nine.
(D) He didn't know Bob and Amy were invited.
答案A. 答案特征:later


W: These boxes are too heavy for me to move.
M: Here, I'll give you a hand with them.
Q: What does the man say about the boxes?

(A) He'll help the woman move them.
(B) He'll keep them for the woman.
(C) He can carry them with one hand.
(D) He has a few more of them for the woman.
答案:A. 答案特征:help

M: Let me help you with those packages.
W: Thanks, but it's only three quarters of a block『一条街』
Q: What does the woman tell the man?

(A) She'll pay him 75 cents to carry the packages.
(B) He should stop blocking the doorway.
(C) It's not too far for her to carry the packages.
(D) She appreciates his carrying the packages.
答案:C. 特征: too... to...

W: How can I get all this data put into computer on time?
M: You could ask Mary to give you a hand.
Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?

(A) Ask Mary to help her.
(B) Type the data quickly.
(C) Hand in the data to the computer center.
(D) Ask Mary to extend the due date.
答案:A. 特征:help


W: I thought you said you couldn't come to the meeting.
M: Oh, no. I can.
Q: What does the man mean?

(A) The woman can't attend the meeting.
(B) The woman was mistaken.
(C) He couldn't keep his promise.
(D) He didn't know what the woman thought.
答案:B. 特征:mistaken

W: Congratulations! I understand you got a job. When do you start to work?
M: You must be thinking of someone else. I am still waiting to hear『等候回音』.
Q: What does the man mean?
(A) The woman should get another job.
(B) The woman should be more patient.
(C) The woman congratulated the wrong person.
(D) The woman was waiting in the wrong place.
答案:C. 特征:wrong

M: I'm surprised to see you in class today? I heard you were sick.
W: Me? You've got me mixed up with somebody else『混淆』.
Q: What does the woman mean?
(A) She was too sick to attend classes.
(B) She was confused about class schedule.
(C) The man has confused her with someone else.
(D) Someone else told her about the surprise.
答案:C. 特征:mixed up



M: Katherine is taking a microbiology『微生物学』course this semester.
W: Should she be taking that this year (=I don't think she should...)?
Q: What does the woman imply that Katherine should be doing?
(A) Studying microbiology for a year.
(B) Teaching biology.
(C) Taking a nap.
(D) Taking a different course.

M: I'm going to be up『不睡觉』 all night studying for my exam .
W: Do you really think that's wise? (= I don't think that's wise)
Q: What does the woman imply?
(A) She thinks the man's joking.
(B) The man needs to have his eyes examined.
(C) The man should get some sleep.
(D) The man is wise to study.

W: I'm thinking of taking five courses next semester.
M: Wouldn't four be wiser (= I think four would be wiser)
Q: What does the man imply about the courses?
(A) Five may be too many.
(B) The decision must be made soon.
(C) It would be smart to take more.
(D) Four people are enrolled in them.
W: I hope it wouldn't be inconvenient for Steven to drive us to the airport.
M: Wouldn't it be easier『岂不更好』 if we just take a taxi?
Q: What does the man imply?
(A) That they not ask Steven to drive them.
(B) That it's not easy to get a taxi.
(C) That they ask Steven to drive the taxi.
(D) That it's easy to get to the airport.


M: I'm not quite sure how to put (= say) this, but about that calculator you let me use, I dropped it, and now the "on" button doesn't light up『亮』.
W: Oh, that's OK. It hasn't been working for some time now.
Q: What was the man's problem?
(A) He lost a button at work.
(B) He doesn't know where he put the calculator.
(C) He thinks he broke something the woman lent him.
(D) He's not sure how to solve the math problem.

W: I wish the plane would get here. It's already eight-thirty.
M: There's no need to get nervous. The announcer says it will be fifteen minutes late.
Q: What does the man mean?
(A) The announcer should try not to sound nervous.
(B) The woman should get on the plane.
(C) The plane will arrive at 8 : 30.
(D) The woman should not worry.

M: The subway's running behind schedule『晚点』, and traffic's backed up for blocks. I don't know if we'll make『赶上』the seven fifteen show.
W: It's such a beautiful night. Let's try to get there on foot. And if we don't make it,we'll just have dinner near the theater.
Q: What does the woman suggest they do?
(A) Take a cab.
(B) See the show some other night.
(C) Eat dinner after the show.
(D) Walk to the theater.

18、 关于天气

M: The weather forecast is for rain tomorrow.
W: Do you think we'll actually get some this time?
Q: What does the woman imply?
(A) The weather forecast has often been wrong.
(B) No more rain is needed.
(C) It's going to rain today.
(D) They'll have more time tomorrow.

W: Is it supposed to rain tomorrow?
M: If you believe the weather forecast, we'd better bring our umbrellas.
Q: What does the man mean?
(A) It will probably rain tomorrow.
(B) It will rain much later in the week.
(C) He needs to buy another umbrella.
(D) The weather forecasts almost never agree.

M: I'm not even going to wear a jacket today.
W: It has been unseasonably『不合季节地』warm this month.
Q: What does the woman imply?

(A) The man should wear his jacket.
(B) She'll probably wear a jacket.
(C) The weather is usually cooler this time of year.
(D) She isn't warm enough.

M: This has been an unusually cool summer.
W: Uhuh, I actually had to get out my wool sweaters in August.
Q: What does the woman imply?
(A) She needed warmer clothing.
(B) She knitted two sweaters in August.
(C) August was warmer than the rest of the summer.
(D) She was unusually busy all summer.

W: Has the school ever closed because of the weather?
M: Only once I think.
Q: What does the man mean?
(A) He thought about it once.
(B) He thinks the weather is great.
(C) The school has never had to close.
(D) Weather caused the school to close on one occasion.

M: Excuse me. I don't understand why Flight 213 has been delayed? The weather seems fine now.
W: I'm afraid New York got three times as much snow as we did here. It should be clear『晴』by morning, though.
Q: What does the woman imply?
(A) Flight 213 is preparing to depart.
(B) The man will have to stay in New York.
(C) The plane cannot land in New York because of bad weather.
(D) Three flights were canceled because of snow.


此类题常见套路是:A说“某人称他喜欢什么”,B反驳说“可他从不.去做..."。答案通常是:sb really does..., or sb doesn't really...

M: Paul says he doesn't like television.
W: Yes. But it seems he spent a lot of time watching it, doesn't he?
Q: What does the woman think about Paul?
(A) He spends too much money.
(B) He bought an expensive watch.
(C) He really does like television.
(D) He should watch more television.
答案:C. 答案特征:does really强调

W: Denis told us he likes to play cards.
M: But we've invited him three times, and he hasn't come once.
Q: What can be inferred about Denis?
(A) He wants to be invited to a card game.
(B) He told them what his favorite games are.
(C) He doesn't really enjoy playing cards.
(D) He doesn't know they're playing without him.
答案:C. 正确答案特征: not really

W: Johnson said he wanted to get involved in『加入』 student government『学生会』 thisyear.
M: But he hasn't gone to a single meeting, has he?
Q: What does the woman imply about Johnson?
(A) It's too bad he didn't win the election.
(B) He'll probably be at the next meeting.
(C) He doesn't seem very interested in student government.
(D) He's very involved in student government.
答案:C. 特征:doesn't seem very


W: I've got to fix this hole in my coat.
M: Why not just buy a new coat?
Q: What does the man imply?
(A) The old coat isn't worth repairing.
(B) He can repair the hole in the coat.
(C) He just saw the woman's new coat.
(D) The woman should take something for her cold and sore throat.

W: It's going to cost a fortune『一大笔钱』 to get my car fixed (=repaired).
M: Why don't you just trade it in for a new one『以旧换新』?
Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?
(A) Get another car.
(B) Ask someone else to help her.
(C) Buy something less expensive.
(D) Go to another repair shop.
答案:A. 特征: another


赞美食物是Part A中的常见题型。这类题即使没有听清楚也可凭选项中的语义猜出答案。可以说,只要含有delicious, 就是答案。

M: These oranges are good.
W: Good? They're the best I've ever had.
Q: What does the woman mean?

(A) She has never eaten such delicious oranges before.
(B) She bets there are better oranges available.
(C) She doesn't understand why the man likes the oranges.
(D) She has had the same kind of oranges before.

W: Have you tried Susan's apple pie?
M: I got the last piece. And it was out of this world『美极了』。
Q: What does the man mean?

(A) Susan ate the last piece of pie.
(B) He thought the pie was delicious.
(C) He went out to buy a pie.
(D) He gave Susan a piece of pie.


M: Gloria is certainly pleased with her promotion.
W: She certainly deserves it after all these years.
Q: What does the woman mean?
(A) Gloria hasn't been with the company very long.
(B) Gloria got her promotion after only a year.
(C) Gloria hasn't gotten what she deserved.
(D) Gloria earned her promotion.

W: Mary seems surprised that she got the research grant『经费』.
M: Well, she shouldn't have been. Everybody knows that she is brilliant.
Q: What does the man mean?
(A) Mary shouldn't have been surprised.
(B) The grant shouldn't have been awarded to Mary.
(C) He didn't realize how intelligent Mary really was.
(D) The grants haven't been officially announced yet.
答案: A . 特征: should have done, surprised

M: If I had realized how many lab sessions『实验课』she required, I never would have taken Dr. White's class.
W: Well, the deadline『期限』for dropping『放弃』is past.
Q: What does the woman mean?
(A) The woman has to remain in the class.
(B) The woman will have to study hard to pass the course.
(C) Dr. White enforces strict deadlines on lab work.
(D) He would like to drop the class, too.
答案:A. 特征:has to

M: I had enough of this museum. Why don't we skip the gift shop?
W: Look, we have promised my brother the poster, so we haven't much choice.
Q: What does the woman mean?

(A) There aren't many posters to choose from.
(B) She wants the man to see the poster she bought.
(C) They promised to meet her brother at the shop.
(D) They must buy something for her brother.
答案: D. 特征: must


M: Did you hear about 『听到关于』Jim?
W: I wouldn't give that rumor any credibility『信任』.
Q: What does the woman mean?

(A) The rumor comes from a normally reliable source.
(B) Jim shouldn't have started the rumor.
(C) She thinks the rumor is false.
(D) She is upset by the rumor about Jim.

M: Why did you come to the meeting late? I left a message with your roommate about the time change.
W: She has very short『差』 memory, and it really gets on my nerves (= makes me angry) sometimes.
Q: What does the woman imply?
(A) The man shouldn't have invited her roommate to the meeting.
(B) Her roommate was unable to attend the meeting.
(C) Her roommate is unreliable about delivering messages.
(D) She forgot about the time change.
答案: C. 特征: unreliable


M: Harry seems to be in a bad mood『心情 』today.
W: He'll snap out of it (= get over it) when he finishes his biology project this afternoon.
Q: What does the woman imply about Harry?

(A) He has finished his biology project.
(B) He'll feel happier when the project is completed.
(C) He's annoyed with everyone.
(D) He took a nap in biology class.

M: I heard Joan was turned down for the graduate fellowship. She must be upset.
W: She was, at first, but you know Joan. She got over pretty quickly
Q: What can be inferred about Joan?
(A) She refused to accept the fellowship.
(B) She's still upset about the fellowship.
(C) She doesn't let things bother her for long.
(D) She's pleased with the turnout at the graduation.


结构:It's (about) time sb did sth.
W1: Let's get this desk in order.
W2: Yes, it's about time『是做...的时候了』 we cleared it off『清理』
Q: What does the woman mean?

(A) It isn't placed right.
(B) There isn't enough time to clear it off.
(C) A new desk has been ordered to replace it.
(D) It has needed reorganizing for quite a while.
答案:D. 特征:re-sth, quite

M: The school had the football field redone『重建』over the summer.
W: It's about the time
Q: What does the woman imply?

(A) Summer is a good time for repairs.
(B) The field had been in poor shape.
(C) It's too hot to play football in the summer.
(D) The work on the football field is almost finished.


M: Sally really is amazing, isn't she? She has that part-time job, and she studies harder than most of us.
W: I know. Yet she still finds time to volunteer『 做义工』at the hospital.
Q: What did the speaker imply about Sally?

(A) She has a lot of energy.
(B) She's amusing.
(C) She should spend more time on her studies.
(D) She's thinking of giving up her job.
答案:A. 特征:a lot of

M: Judy's taking sixteen credits and working in the computer center, too.
W: How she manages to handle all that I'll never understand.
Q: What does the woman mean?

(A) She doesn't understand how Judy got her job.
(B) She's surprised Judy is working in management.
(C) She thinks Judy never should have taken acomputer course.
(D) She wonders how Judy does so many things.

第二章Part A信息转换


1. 直接转换

听到: I'd think twice about it.
答案: I'd reconsider it.

听到: The plane cruised just above the cloud level.
答案: The plane flew over the cloud.

在上述两例中,两句话意思一样,表述方式亦相似,称作直接转换。 直接转换利用价值不大,故不作重点讲解。

2. 间接转换

听到: I would've driven to the theater last night, but it's always so difficult to find a parking place.
答案: I didn't drive.

听到:You think that coat is suitable to wear on such a hot day?
答案:I don't think that coat is appropriate for the weather.


3. 逆向转换


I 反宾为主 (或主动、被动互换)

1. Marvin's afraid of dogs
-- Dogs scare Marvin. (反宾为主)

2. Paul's schedule was changed by his professor.
--Paul's advisor changed the schedule. (被动变主动)

II 正话反说 (前后颠倒)

1. Almost everyone had finished the book.
--Only a few people hadn't finished it. (正话反说)

2. New scientific theories are seldom accepted immediately.
--New theories are often accepted slowly. (正话反说)

M: Did you really get away all your science texts when you moved?
W: Only the out-of-date『过时的』 ones.
Q: What does the woman mean?

(A) She's lent the texts for just a few days.
(B) She kept the texts that are still up-to-date.
(C) She's no longer interested in science.
(D) She moved her science texts away from the other books.
答案:B.技巧:听到out of date, 寻找up to date.

M: If it rains on Saturday the party will be ruined.
W: What does it matter? We can always hold it indoors.
Q: What are the man and the woman hoping to do?
(A) Repair the other door.
(B) Visit some ruins.
(C) Have an outdoor party.
(D) Catch the Saturday train.
答案:C. 技巧:听到indoors, 选outdoor.

W: In summer, Andy plays tennis or golf almost everyday, and in winter he goes to skiing every chance he gets.
M: He's always been very enthusiastic about sports.
Q: What can be concluded about Andy?

(A) Winter is his favorite time for sports.
(B) Sports are quite important to him.
(C) He should be more enthusiastic.
(D) He plays better than he used to.
答案:B. 特征:反宾为主。

M: Do you know how much Jill's asking for her car?
W: It's not for sale right now.
Q: What does the woman say about the car?

(A) Jill plans to keep it for the time being.
(B) It doesn't belong to Jill.
(C) She is going to drive it now.
(D) She doesn't know where it is.

听到: W: I heard you received the top grade on all five exams this semester.
M: Only on four, I am afraid.
Q: What does the man mean?

(A) He's afraid to take exams.
(B) He only took the fourth exam.
(C) He didn't get the highest score on one exam.
(D) He isn't the only one who was graded.

听到: M: Dick seems to think this year's football season will be disappointing.
W: That's his opinion. Most others think differently.
Q: What does the woman mean?

(A) Dick is practically the only one who thinks so.
(B) Most people play football differently.
(C) Few people are optimistic about the team's chances of winning.
(D) Dick is disappointed in football games.

4. 综合转换

信息综合转换是指对听到的内容进行归纳总结,通常用来询问对话者的活动与对话场所,提问方式通常是:What are they doing? Where are the speakers?。卷面特征是四个地点词组或四个doing词组排列,可一眼看出。解题技巧:抓关键词。解这类题还需有一定的词汇量作后盾。

听到: W: May I make a recommendation, sir? The clams『蛤』 with our special sauce are good. They're fresh from the ocean『刚从海里捞上来的』.
M: Thank you, but I don't care for shellfish『贝类』.
Q: Where are the speakers?

(A) At a restaurant.
(B) In a store specializing in seashells.
(C) On a fishing boat.
(D) In the fresh ocean air.

M: What would you like to see first--the reptiles『爬行动物』 or the monkey house?
M: I'd really like to see the seals『海豹』. It's almost their feeding time.
Q: Where are the men?

(A) At an art museum.
(B) In a cafeteria.
(C) On a college campus.
(D) At a zoo.

M: I'd like to return this textbook. Some pages are missing.
W: You will have to see the manager about that.
Q: Where does this conversation most likely take place?

(A) In the library.
(B) In the college bookstore.
(C) At a newsstand.
(D) At a department store.

W: Which do you prefer, the stripe『条纹』, the poker dot『花点』 or the plaid『方格』?
M: Actually I like the solid『纯』 orange best.
Q: What are the people probably doing?
(A) Reading a menu.
(B) Selecting a fabric.
(C) Planning a trip.
(D) Discussing a dance.

M: Open wide, now show me where it hurts.
W: Here, on the bottom, especially when I bite into『咬上』something hot or cold.
Q: Who is the man?

(A) A dentist.
(B) A dietitian.
(C) A cook.
(D) A tailor.

M: Excuse me, I'd like to send some flowers to my friend.
W: Let's see. These fresh carnations『康乃馨 』are very nice.
Q: Where does this conversation most likely take place?

(A) In a garden.
(B) In the woods.
(C) At a florist shop.
(D) At a post office.

M: Did you get cut off『掐断』?
W: No, they ask me to hang up『挂上』and try again later.
Q: What has the woman been doing?

(A) Eating in a cafeteria.
(B) Buying something in a store.
(C) Talking on the telephone.
(D) Getting money at a bank.

W: I will make your flight reservation by phone now and then write out『开』the ticket for you.
M: That's fine. Can you please tell me the departure time again?
Q: What's the man doing?

(A) Saying good-bye to a friend.
(B) Buying a ticket for a sports event.
(C) Paying a bill at the bank.
(D) Arranging a plane trip.

第三章 Part B基本类型

听Part B时,要根据篇头提示及主题句判断讲话主题及其陈述方式,特别注意问题后的回答。Part B内容主要分为四大类:问题-解决办法类、列举类、原理/事件类及全面介绍类。




Questions 40 through 45. Listen to the conversation about preparations for school elections.

M: You're my campaign manager Julie. How do I convince members of the student body that I'm the best candidate for school president? (Problem)
W: It won't be easy.
M: Thanks a lot.
W: I'm just kidding, Bob. Actually I think once we show everyone how well you did as junior class treasurer, you will win easily.
M: How do we do thats? Meet with all three thousand people who are members of the student body?
W: Come on! What I'm thinking of first is hanging campaign posters in all the hallways where most of the students are sure to see them.
M: That sounds good. But everyone puts up posters. What can we do that's different?
W: The campus radio station is willing to let you have five minutes tomorrow morning at seven o'clock to outline your plans for the year. Lots of students will be listening, then.
M: That's a great idea!
W: I've also arranged for you to give a speech during dinner tomorrow. At least five hundred of the students will be there. You'll answer questions after you've finished speaking. (Solutions)
M: That means I'd better come up with『写出』 a speech pretty quickly. How about if I write it tonight and show it to you after chemistry class tomorrow?
W: Fine. I'll see you after class.
M: Thanks for all your help. (Arrangement)

(A) Senator.
(B) Treasurer.
(C) Secretary.
(D) President.
(A) A camp counselor.
(B) A candidate.
(C) A radio announcer.
(D) A campaign manager.
(A) In the hallways.
(B) In the man's room.
(C) In the cafeteria.
(D) In the radio station.
(A) In the morning.
(B) During lunch.
(C) In the afternoon.
(D) During dinner.
(A) Make posters.
(B) Write a speech.
(C) Answer questions.
(D) Study for chemistry.
(A) Compare their lecture notes.
(B) Review the man's talk.
(C) Prepare questions to ask candidates.
(D) Vote in the school election.


40. To what student body office does the man want to be elected? D. 答案特征:president/ chairperson
41. Who is the woman? D.
42. Where will they put the posters? A.
43. When is the radio broadcast scheduled? A.
44. What will the man do tonight? B.
45. What will they do after chemistry class? B.

II 社会生活

Questions 36 through 38. Listen to a conversation between a police officer and a young man.
W: Can I see your license and registration, please?
M: What's the matter, officer? Did I do anything wrong?
W: You were speeding (Problem).
M: I was speeding?
W: You certainly were. Do you have any idea how fast you were going?
M: About 35.
W: This street is in a 20 mile per hour zone, you know?
M: It is?
W: In this state, the speed limit in residential areas is 25 unless otherwise posted『除非另有标示』. Besides, there are signs all along this street.
M: I am sorry, officer. I guess I didn't notice. I was thinking about my job interview. I am on my way to it right now, but I haven't planned to come this way. (Causes)
W: What do you mean?
M: Well, I was going to come down on Elm Street, but the traffic was really backed up. There was some kind of construction going on. I turned on to a side street and ended up 『结果到了』here. Give me a break『给次机会吧』. I am nervous enough as it is.
W: Well, since you have an interview, I'll give you a warning this time (Solution).But keep your eyes on the speedometer from now on, whether you are on a street you are familiar with or not.

(A) Speed limits are the same in all areas.
(B) She'd told him what it was.
(C) There are signs along the road.
(D) He has recently received his driver's license.
(A) He was on his way to work.
(B) He hadn't realized he was speeding.
(C) He lives on Elm Street.
(D) His speedometer isn't working.
(A) She took away the man's license.
(B) She gave the man a speeding ticket.
(C) She gave the man a warning.
(D) She asked the man to become more familiar with the area.


36. Why does the officer think the man should know the speed limit? C. 选听到的
37. What can be inferred about the man? B. Problem
38. What did the police officer finally do? C. Solution

III 求教


Questions 36 through 42 refer to the following conversation.

M: Margaret, I could use your advice.
W: What about, Ron?
M: Well, I've put off doing my science requirement for three years.
W: And if you want to graduate this year, you've got to take a science course (Problem).
M: Right. I figure since you are doing pre-med『医学预科』, you know about the various courses.
W: Well, I've had to take Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Physics. What you need is a good introductory course for non-science majors.
M: Yes. I'm really weak in maths. I did poorly in it in high school.
W: Then you'd better avoid Chemistry and Physics. How about Biology? (Suggestion 1)
M: The problem is the lab. I'm a little squeamish about dissecting things.
W: That is a problem. What about Astronomy? (Suggestion 2) Everybody says Dr. Cooley is great. I'd take that course myself if I had the time.
M: That is what I thought I'd take. But it meets at the same time as my modern drama course.
W: Geology is pretty interesting and cutting up rocks shouldn't bother you (Suggestion 3).
M: That's a good idea (Solution). It even fits in with my hobby of mountain climbing. Thanks a lot.
(A) Why the man must take a science course.
(B) Which science teachers are the best.
(C) Which science course the man should take.
(D) Which science course the woman has taken.
(A) First.
(B) Second.
(C) Third.
(D) Fourth.
(A) He's thinking of becoming a science major.
(B) He wants to study medicine after he graduates.
(C) His parents insists that he take one.
(D) The school requires it for graduation.
(A) Geology.
(B) Chemistry.
(C) Physics.
(D) Math.
(A) He has heard the teacher is poor.
(B) It won't fit in his schedule.
(C) He did badly in it in high school.
(D) The labs are too time-consuming.
(A) It requires too much math for him.
(B) It is too hard for nonscience majors.
(C) Cutting up animals makes him feel ill.
(D) The labs meet at the same time as his drama course.
(A) Astronomy.
(B) Physics.
(C) Chemistry.
(D) Biology.


36. What is the conversation mainly about? C
37. What year of school is the man in? D
38. Why is the man going to take a science course? D
39. What course would the man probably take? A
40. Why isn't the man going to take Astronomy? B
41. What is the man's objection to taking Biology? C
42. What course has the woman not taken? A

IV 请求


Questions 36 through 40 refer to the following conversation between a student and her adviser.

W: Excuse me, Dr. Tyler, your secretary said I should come right in.
M: Please do, Jenny. How can I help you?
W: I need to get your signature on my schedule card here, on the line above adviser's approval (Problem).
M: Sure, but let's look it over together first. How many courses do you havehere?
W: Six.
M: Six? That's quite a heavy load. Any particular reason?
W: I had to drop my Chemistry course last semester when I went into the hospital. So I need to take it again.
M: So you've already learned a lot of the material.
W: Right, and calculus is part of the second-year requirement.
M: Let's see. Chemistry, calculus. Oh, I see you'll be in my seminar on the Modern American Novel.
W: Yes, I'm looking forward to it. And Romantic Poetry seminar, too.
M: Two seminars. That's rather a lot. Can you handle the work? (Concern)
W: I think so. The Introductory Economics is fairly easy, and so is the Music course.
M: Well, then I'll be happy to sign the card. However, I insist that you come see me after the first week of classes so that we can make sure this isn't too much for you (Decision).
W: That's a promise.

(A) In a professor's office.
(B) In a medical doctor's office.
(C) In an auditorium.
(D) In a gym.
(A) Just before the semester begins.
(B) After the first week of classes.
(C) In the middle of the semester.
(D) On the last day of class.
(A) She had promised that she would.
(B) She has been sick.
(C) She needs his approval for her schedule.
(D) She must verify his plans.
(A) It wasn't a requirement.
(B) She already knew the material.
(C) She entered the hospital.
(D) Her course load was too heavy.
(A) The woman's musical background.
(B) The woman's economic situation.
(C) The woman's dislike of chemistry.
(D) The woman's decision to take on so much work.


36. Where does this conversation mostly probably take place?A.
37. When does this conversation take place? A.
38. Why has the women come to see Dr. Tyler? C.
39. Why did the woman drop her Chemistry course? C.
40. What does Dr. Tyler seem most concerned about? D.

V 说服


Questions 47 through 50. Listen to the phone conversation about a theater group:
M: Hello!
W: Hello, this is Susan Wilson. May I speak to Greg Robinson, please?
M: Hi, Susan! It's Greg. What can I do for you?
W: Well, I'm calling about the theater group. I belong to the Princeton Players. We're looking for more people to join, especially men. And I thought you might be interested. (Target)
M: Oh, gosh (= God)! You know how much I love acting, but I'm taking some very hard courses. I might be able to learn my part『角色』, but (Problem) I would hardly have time to come to the rehearsals『排练』.
W: Well, actually we rehearse only one night a week. Thursdays, from 7 to 10. Though we would have to put in extra time before a performance. (Reason)
M: Only once a week, you say. Well, could you give me time to think it over?
W: Sure. But look, why don't you come and watch our rehearsal next Thursday? I think you'll like the way we work. (Further Reason) When you see how much fun it is you'll want to join right away.
M: O.K. (Solution) I'll come to a rehearsal, but I can't promise more than that.
W: Great! I'll give you a call on Wednesday to remind you. Talk to you then. (Arrangement) Bye now.
M: Bye, Susan!

(A) He has a lot of free time.
(B) Many of his friends are actors.
(C) She knows he likes acting.
(D) He's looking for an acting job.
(A) One night a week.
(B) Every Wednesday for three hours.
(C) Every other Thursday.
(D) Three times a week.
(A) He has to rearrange his evening schedule.
(B) His schoolwork takes up most of his time.
(C) He hasn't been in a play for a long time.
(D) He might not like the way the group works.
(A) See her on Wednesday.
(B) Learn his part quickly.
(C) Enjoy the rehearsal.
(D) Pick her up on Thursday.


47. Why does Susan think Greg might be interested in the theater group? C.
48. How often does the group rehearse? A.
49. Why does Greg ask for time to think about whether he will join the group?B. 答案特征:most
50. What does Susan expect Greg to do? C.

VI 求助


Questions 43-46. Listen to a telephone conversation between two friends:

M: Hello.
W: Hello, Larry. It's Carol Baudwin.
M: Oh, hi, Carol. What's up?
W: I was just looking at the TV section of the newspaper. And I noticed that the dinosaur series『恐龙系列剧』I was telling you about is going to be rebroadcast this week, starting tonight.
M: The one we were talking about last week at lunch.
W: You sounded pretty interested in it. So I thought just... you know... put you on the alert that it was coming on again. Do you get Channel 13?
M: Sure, of course. This is really nice of you. I'm always interested in anything about dinosaurs. So what time is it on, anyhow?
W: 8 to 9. That's the first part. There're four in a series altogether. You're pretty sure you're going to watch it?
M: Oh, yeah, definitely.
W: ... because I was wondering if you could do me a favor (Request).
M: Sure, what?
W: I was able to tape the last three episodes 『集』in the series. But when I watched the first one, I didn't know how good it was going to be. I'd like to show the whole series to my class. You know my third-graders 『三年级学生』are fascinated by dinosaurs, too. But I need the first show. You have a video cassette recorder?
M: Sure, and I'd be glad to record tonight's show, but why don't you do it yourself? (Reason)
W: I had to go out tonight. I just don't trust the timer『 定时器』on my machine.Sometimes it works. And sometimes it doesn't.
M: Oh, sure. No problem. (Decision)
W: Good. And if it's OK with you, I'll come by your place and pick it up tomorrow around 6. OK? (Arrangement)
M: Sounds good. I'll see you then.

(A) He thinks he can use the material in class.
(B) He knows some of the people in the program.
(C) He already saw the first three episodes.
(D) He is especially interested in the topic of the program.
(A) Two.
(B) Four.
(C) Six.
(D) Eight.
(A) Record a television program for her.
(B) Lend her his videocassette recorder.
(C) Bring his videotape to class tomorrow.
(D) Set the timer on her videocassette recorder.
(A) Tonight at eight o'clock.
(B) Tomorrow in class.
(C) Tomorrow at six o'clock.
(D) After the television series is over.


43. Why does Larry want to see the television program? D.答案特征:especially interested, program.
44. How many parts does the series have? B.
45. What does Carol ask Larry to do? A.答案特征:program
46. When will Carol next see Larry? C.



I 新发明


Questions 42 through 46 are based on the following conversation between friends who enjoy back-packing in camping.

M: I've just found the most useful device at that new outdoor store -- a water purifier (Topic).
W: A water purifier? You want to carry even more equipment with you on our hiking trips?
M: If it's lightweight and saves work, yes. And this one fits that description.(Merit 1)
W: Really? I bet it takes up a lot of room.
M: Not at all. (Merit 2) It's a straw, much like the ones you use to drink a soda or milkshake『牛奶混合饮料』.
W: Really? That is small.
M: Yes. It's plastic and has a series of mineral and chemical filters that strain harmful microbes from water『从中滤出微生物』 (Merit 3).
W: Yes, but how good a job can it do filtering『滤』the germs out of the stagnant『静止』pond water, or water from lakes and streams?
M: It's fantastic. It makes the water entirely germ-free.
W: But what about salt or chemical pollutants that might be in the water? Does it clean those out?
M: No, it doesn't remove salt or chemicals. But these are really not major concerns when we are out hiking (= walking) and camping.
W: Mm, how long will a straw last?
M: For about one hundred gallons. But don't worry about measuring that large amount of water. There is a built-in safety feature. The mineral and chemical filters become clogged long before the limit is reached and the straw stops drawing water (Merit 4).
W: I think I'll go get one for my camping trip this weekend. It'll sure beat『胜过』 carrying a lot of water and having to boil it at the campsite.

(A) In restaurants.
(B) On car trips.
(C) In science laboratories.
(D) On camping trips.
(A) Small and lightweight.
(B) Solid and heavy.
(C) Bulky but weightless.
(D) Large but necessary.
(A) Minerals.
(B) Chemical pollutants.
(C) Salt.
(D) Germs.
(A) They become clogged before losing effectiveness.
(B) They're equipped with built-in measuring devices.
(C) Their safety limits are cleverly marked.
(D) They change color when no longer effective.
(A) Inland seas.
(B) Factories.
(C) Drug companies.
(D) Mountain streams.


42. Where would this special straw probably be most useful? D.
43. How does the man describe the water purifier? A.
44. According to the man, what does the water purifier remove from the
water? D.
45. According to the man, what sort of safety feature is used on the filters? A.
46. The filter discussed in this conversation would probably best clean
water obtained from which of the following? D.

II 人物评论

评论人物的对话要以评语为线索,听记对话中有几项评论,注意I think, I guess之类的评论提示词。

Questions 42 through 46

W: I understand you are taking the American literature seminar this semester, Jim. How do you like it? (Introduction)
M: I find it very interesting. Our first reading assignment was the book Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck. (Topic)
W: I've never read it. But I've heard that it includes descriptions of many different parts of the United States.
M: Yes, that's quite true. Steinbeck and his pet『爱畜』 poodle『卷毛狗』 Charley had lots of adventures. They got caught in a hurricane『台风』 in New York. In Maine they met migrant farm workers and in California they visited some of Steinbeck's old friends.
W: Well, that's certainly a lively guide for travelers (Comment 1). Do you think the book is an artistic master piece as well?
M: That's a good question. I have been giving it some serious thought, because I am writing my seminar paper on that exact topic. I guess I think that Steinbeck is a talented writer, but not a great one (Comment 2).
W: What would you say is his strongest point as a writer?
M: Steinbeck's descriptions of the various states are the best part of the book, I think (Comment 3). Although I haven't been there yet, I feel that I know not only the terrain『地貌』 of Texas and Idaho, but also the character of the people who live there.
W: Yes, I have often heard that Steinbeck can communicate a sense of place very clearly. Does the book have any central theme to hold all these descriptions together?
M: That's what I am trying to explain in my paper. I think Steinbeck's theme is the urge to travel (Comment 4). He captures the curiosity, the desire for new experiences and the need to expand one's horizons『视野』 that motivate『驱动』 all of us toward intellectual growth.

(A) The autobiography of John Steinbeck.
(B) A New York Hurricane.
(C) Travels with Charley.
(D) Farm workers in California.
(A) A travel guide.
(B) An old friend.
(C) A migrant worker.
(D) A dog.
(A) That Steinbeck is an artistic genius.
(B) That Steinbeck is a good writer but not a great one.
(C) That Steinbeck has been misunderstood by critics.
(D) That Steinbeck is overrated as a writer.
(A) The humor.
(B) The vocabulary.
(C) The individual characters.
(D) The geographic descriptions.
(A) The desire to travel.
(B) The love of animals.
(C) The danger of excessive curiosity.
(D) The character of the American people.


42. What was Jim's first reading assignment for his American literature seminar? C.
43. Who accompanied Steinbeck on his journey? D.
44. What does Jim think about Steinbeck as a writer? B.
45. What does Jim admire most about Steinbeck's book? D.
46. According to Jim, what is Steinbeck's central theme? A.

III 业余生活


W: Let's go in here and order some coffee while we look at your pictures.(Topic)
M: Good idea. We'd both like coffee, please. OK. Here's one of Ed, my roommate (Picture 1). I took this picture right after we arrived at school this fall. We had just met, in fact, and this was our room in the dormitory where we were unpacking all of our things. What a mess!
W: You certainly had a lot of boxes. How did you ever find room for everything?
M: In the beginning we thought we'd never get it all arranged. But now we're very comfortable. Lucky for me, Ed keeps his things neat.
W: Do you like living in a dormitory?
M: It's not bad. Sometimes Ed turns his radio up too loud or makes too much noise. Then I get angry. Sometimes I leave my books and clothes lying around and he gets angry. But usually we get along. Here's a picture of him taken when we went to visit my family during our vacation. (Picture 2)
W: And this last one?
M: That's my dog, Spot. (Picture 3)

(A) In a classroom.
(B) In a snack bar.
(C) In the dormitory.
(D) In a camera shop.
(A) The man's brother.
(B) The man's roommate.
(C) A neighbor.
(D) A photographer.
(A) He's noisy.
(B) He's messy.
(C) He doesn't tell the truth.
(D) He doesn't close the door.
(A) He worked for a radio station.
(B) He lived in a dormitory.
(C) He took a long trip.
(D) He visited the man's family.

36. Where is this conversation most probably taking place? B.
37. Who is Ed? B.
38. Why does the man sometimes get angry at Ed? A.
39. What did Ed do during vacation? D.



I 新发明

Questions 43 through 46. Listen to Science Watch, a daily radio program.

Word (= news) comes from California of a new weapon in the war on household pests『害虫』. Two scientists working for a firm『公司』 in Anaheim, California have developed a method to eliminate『消灭』 insects『昆虫』 without using dangerous chemicals『化学品』. (Introduction) The new poison『毒』-hot air (Topic).

The basic idea is that insect pests can not adjust to『适应』the temperatures much above the normal. In laboratory experiments, cockroaches『蟑螂』 and termites『白蚁』 can't survive『活过』 much more than a quarter of an hour at 125 F or above 50 C. (Basic idea)

The new method involves covering a house with a huge tent『帐篷』and filling it with air heated to around 65 C. Hot air is forced in with fans and the tent keeps the heat inside the house. Since termites try to escape by hiding in wood and beams『房梁』, the heat treatment『热处理』must be continued for four to six hours. (Procedure)

But when it's all over, and the insects are dead, there are no toxic residues to endanger humans or pets and no funny smells. Scientists claim that there is no danger of fire either, since very few household materials will burn at 65C. In fact, wood is prepared『加工』 for construction use by drying it in ovens at 80C, which is substantially hotter『热得多』. (Advantages)

(A) Fire fighting.
(B) Pest control.
(C) House construction.
(D) Plastic watching.
(A) It is cheaper.
(B) It is safer.
(C) It is quicker.
(D) It is available everywhere.
(A) To keep the heat inside.
(B) To prevent insects from escaping.
(C) To reduce the risk for fire.
(D) To keep the wood dry.
(A) To show that there is no danger from the treatment.
(B) To show one of the dangers of the old method.
(C) To explain one step in the new technique.
(D) To explain a compromise between old and new systems.


43. What is the program about? B.
44. What makes the new system better than other treatments? B.
45. Why are the houses covered with tents? A.
46. Why does the announcer mention that the construction wood is dried by heat? A.

II 新发现



M: The volcanic ash『火山灰』 from the eruption of Mount Saint Helens certainly caused a lot of damage, didn't it? (Introduction)
W: It did, but not as much as experts had predicted. It seems to have had a beneficial effect『益处』 as well. (Topic)
M: Really? But weren't crop losses great?
W: Yes. However, since the weather following the eruptions was unexpectedly good, some crop yields『庄稼产量』remained steady or even in creased beyond normal expectancy levels.
M: I'm glad to hear that. But what was the beneficial effect you mentioned?
W: A mass destruction of various insect『害虫』 populations.
M: How could the ash have killed insects without affecting people, too?
W: It's highly abrasive『有磨擦性』 and quickly wears away『磨掉』 the outer wax layer『外面腊层』 protecting insect bodies. Removal of that layer causes insects to lose body moisture『水分』 by evaporation. (Basic Idea) The result is usually lethal (=deadly).
M: How about that? (Effect) Sounds like an effective yet natural insecticide.

(A) The conversion of volcanic waste to fertilizer.
(B) The menace of currently dormant volcanoes around Mount Saint Helens.
(C) The eruption of Mount Saint Helens and its effects on the environment.
(D) The elimination of volcanic ash by natural means.
(A) The crops were obliterated for the entire year.
(B) The crops nutritional value was considerably lessened.
(C) The soil was permanently damaged.
(D) The loss was not as bad as had been anticipated.
(A) It served as a fertilizer for crops.
(B) It formed a new mountain.
(C) It stabilized air temperatures.
(D) It destroyed various insect pests.
(A) It's lethal upon contact.
(B) It has relatively little harmful effect.
(C) It affects the sense of heating.
(D) It dries up the skin.
(A) Interest.
(B) Disappointment.
(C) Shock.
(D) Anger.


46. What is the main topic of the conversation? C.
47. According to the woman, what was the extent of the crop damage? D.
48. What beneficial result did the volcanic ash have? D.
49. What can be inferred about the effect of volcanic ash on people? B.
50. What is the man's attitude toward the information ? A.

III 特别事件


M: Do you know what happened to me today? (Topic) I was so embarrassed.
W: What?
M: Well, Dr. Brown's class finished ten minutes early, so I went to the library between classes. I knew I didn't have much time, but I wanted to get those books on the Industrial Revolution. I looked them up in the card catalog『卡片目录』and went right to the stacks『书架』and found them. So I put them in my book-bag and headed back toward the door. Then it happened. The exit gate in front of the door wouldn't open, and a guard immediately warned me that I hadn't checked out my books. He thought I was trying to steal them.
W: That must have been embarrassing. But why didn't the exit gate open?
M: I asked them that. It seems the books in the library are all magnetically coded『加了磁化密码』, and when you check them out, the librarian behind the desk demagnetizes『消磁』 them, then the exit gate will open.
W: How interesting! (Effect) I still don't quite understand how they do it though. I'll have to go to the library and see it for myself.
(A) One of his classes finished early.
(B) He wanted to get some studying done.
(C) The library had a special display on the Industrial Revolution.
(D) His books were ten days overdue.
(A) Checked them out.
(B) Took notes on them.
(C) Returned them to the shelves.
(D) Put them in his book bag.
(A) They are marked with colored labels.
(B) They are specially coded.
(C) They are checked out.
(D) They are inspected by the guard.
(A) Copies down the name and the address of each borrower.
(B) Checks all books for missing pages.
(C) Demagnetizes the books as they are checked out.
(D) Helps students use the card catalog.


36. Why did the man decide to go to the library? A.
37. After getting the books, what did the man do? D.
38. According to the man, what happens to all the books in the library? B. 答案特征:specially
39. According to the man, what does the librarian behind the desk do? C.



I 校园活动

Questions 45 through 50 refer to the following dialog between two students.

W: Hey, did you see the article in today's campus newspaper?
M: No, I've been studying all morning. What's so exciting?
W: Well, beginning this April, the university is going to have its own radio station.(topic)
M: Oh, really? I hope that means we'll have more classical music in this town now.
W: Actually, I don't know if I would get so excited. The article stated that there would be features『 特点』on all sorts of music as well as discussion and interview program. (contents)
M: Too bad. It sounds as though there won't be much time for good music.
W: The station is going to be on around the clock. (time) So I'm sure even your sophisticated『 成熟的、复杂的』 taste will be satisfied.
M: I certainly hope so. At least it's better than nothing.
(A) From a friend.
(B) From the town newspaper.
(C) From the bulletin board.
(D) From the school newspaper.
(A) Today.
(B) In April.
(C) Next semester.
(D) No one knows for sure.
(A) Its size.
(B) Its newspaper.
(C) Its radio station.
(D) Its weather.
(A) It will try to please all its listeners.
(B) It wants to appeal to only the sophisticated students.
(C) It will play only country and western music.
(D) It plans to present mostly talk show.
(A) Only in the mornings.
(B) Twenty four hours a day.
(C) At different times each day.
(D) Only when school is in session.
(A) He probably will listen to it sometimes.
(B) He prefers the town station.
(C) He's interested in working there.
(D) He plans to be a constant listener.


45. Where did the woman find out about the university station? D.
46. When will the station begin operation? B.
47. What doesn't the man like about the university town? C.
48. What will be the university station's programming policy? A.
49. When will the station broadcast? B.
50. What does the man imply about the university station?A.

II 工作


Questions 36 through 40. Listen to the following conversation between two students who meet down town.

M: Hi, Cheryl!.
W: Hello, Phil. How are you?
M: I'm fine. Where are you headed?
W: Oh, I'm on my way home from work.
M: I didn't know you had a job (Topic).
W: Yeah. I work part-time『兼职』 at a supermarket.
M: What do you do there?
W: I work in the produce『农产品』 section. Trimming『净菜』 and wrapping『包』 fresh fruit and vegetables. I also stock shelves『往货架上补充货』. Sometimes when it really gets busy, I work at the check-out counter『收银处』. Have you got a job, Phil?
M: Yeah. I do yard work for people. You know, cutting grass, raking『耙』leaves, pulling weeds, things like that.
W: I'd like doing that. It must be nice to work outdoors.
M: Sometimes it is, except when it rains or snows or gets too hot or too cold or...(Advantages and disadvantages).
W: Ha. Ha. I guess every job has its drawbacks『缺点』. There are times when I get really tired of carrying things around at my job. But a job's a job. Gotta (= got to) earn money for school『读书』. (Cause)
M: Me, too. Tuition sure is high, isn't it? Well, I'd better get going, I've got to plant some trees for my neighbors this afternoon.
W: Well. Don't work too hard. Holding down a job, going to class, studying. Sometimes it can become too much for one person. Take it easy『别那么玩命』.
M: You, too. It was great seeing you, Cheryl.

(A) To the supermarket.
(B) To school.
(C) To her home.
(D) To work outdoors.
(A) She works at the meat counter.
(B) She puts groceries out on the shelves.
(C) She carries groceries out of the store for customers.
(D) She checks the quality of milk products.
(A) To earn money for school.
(B) To keep his family's yard looking nice.
(C) To be able to work outdoors.
(D) To get exercised while working.
(A) He doesn't earn very much money.
(B) He has to work too many hours.
(C) He doesn't have time for lunch.
(D) He sometimes has to work in bad weather.
(A) Finish his homework
(B) Cut grass.
(C) Plant trees.
(D) Buy groceries.


36. Where was Cheryl going when Phil met her? C.
37. What does Cheryl do at her supermarket job? B.
38. Why does Phil do yard work? A.
39. What does Phil not like about his job? D.
40. What is Phil going to do next? C.

III 学习

Questions 41 through 45. Listen to the conversation about series of engineering lectures:

M: What was Professor Calhoun saying at the lecture series on alternative『替代』 forms of energy when I walked in late? (Topic) I had trouble with my car again.
W: The first lecture is tonight. All second and third year students are invited to a buffet dinner『自助餐』 tonight before it starts. Then, at six thirty the speaker would begin the talk on solar energy. (Procedures)
M: Can non-engineering students attend all four weeks of the series?
W: No. They can only go to this week's lecture. During the next three weeks admission will be restricted to『限于』 engineering students. (Admission)
M: Oh! Then I'm going to try to make it『赶赴』 tonight. Can I give you a ride over there?
W: No, but thanks any way. Wait a minute. Didn't you say that you're having car trouble lately? Let me give you a ride. (Arrangement)

(A) He was taking a walk.
(B) He was talking to Professor Calhoun.
(C) He was having problems with his car.
(D) He was eating dinner.
(A) Admission forms.
(B) Solar energy.
(C) Auto maintenance.
(D) Course requirements for engineers.
(A) Three.
(B) Four.
(C) Five.
(D) Six.
(A) One.
(B) Two.
(C) Three.
(D) Four.
(A) Drive her to the lecture.
(B) Let her give him a ride.
(C) Borrow her car.
(D) Get his car repaired.


41. Why was the man late for class? C. 答案特征:have problem/ difficulty
42. What is the topic of tonight's lecture? B.
43. For how many weeks is the lecture series given? B.
44. How many weeks of the lecture series can non-engineering students attend? A.
45. What does the woman suggest the man do? B.

IV 租房


Questions 36-39. Listen to a telephone conversation:

W: Hello?
M: Hello! I'm calling about the apartment that was advertised in the newspaper this morning. Is it still available? (Topic)
W: There were two. A three-bedroom and a two-bedroom. But the larger one's been rented.
M: Oh, that's OK. I was only interested in the two-bedroom. Can you tell me what it's like?
W: Well, it's quite spacious『宽敞』, and has sun most of the day. It's really cheerful. It also has an eating kitchen and plenty of closet『储藏』 space.
M: Sounds good. The ad says the rent was $525 a month. Does that include heat and electricity.
W: No. Tenants 『房客』have to pay their own utilities (= heat and electricity, etc. ).
M: I see. And, what about parking?
W: That's no problem at all. Each tenant is assigned a particular space『车位』. And that space is theirs as long as they stay in their apartment.
M: Great! Given『相对…而言,考虑到』 how rents are these days, it seems almost too good to be true.
W: Listen, why don't you come over tomorrow and see for yourself. Ring my buzzer『门口对讲机』, number 16. I'll be in『在家』all morning.
M: Fine. See you then. (Arrangement)

(A) The woman wants to put an ad about it in the newspaper.
(B) The woman wants the man to renovate it.
(C) The man is considering renting it.
(D) The man is considering buying it.
(A) It's rather expensive.
(B) It's too small for the man.
(C) It has plenty of light.
(D) It doesn't have many closets.
(A) Each tenant is given a parking space.
(B) It's difficult to find a parking place.
(C) The tenant has to pay to park.
(D) The tenant can use any space in the parking area.
(A) He's unimpressed by what the woman told him.
(B) He doubts he can afford it.
(C) He doesn't think it's suitable for him.
(D) He's enthusiastic about it.


36. Why are the man and the woman discussing the apartment? C.
37. What does the woman say about the two-bedroom apartment? C.
38. What does the woman say about parking? A.
39. What is the man's reaction to the apartment? D.

V 现场实习


Questions 46-50. Listen to the conversation between two students:
M: Welcome back. I didn't see you in calculus『微积分class on Friday.
W: I wasn't here on Friday. My geology『地质』class went on a field trip to look at some of the different rock formation here in California. (Topic) Our last trip was Death Valley. In fact, we camped『宿营』 there last night.
M: Death Valley? But that's desert『沙漠』. Wasn't it much too hot for camping?
W: No, not really. It gets hot during the day, but it cools off『凉下来』 very quickly at night. There is no moisture『水分』 in the air to hold 『保持』 the heat after the sun goes down. If it were humid『湿』, it would stay hot all night. (Weather)
M: Well, did you enjoy the trip?
W: It was fascinating (= very interesting). The desert is nicer than you might think. Since there is so little vegetation『植被』 growing, it's very easy to see different rock layers『层』, folds『折层』 and such『等』. And the natural colors of rocks are spectacular『壮观』. There is even one part that's called Artists' Palette『颜料板』, where impurities『杂质』 in the rocks have made『构成』 brilliant『鲜艳的』colors: blues, pinks and greens. You really should go see it some time. (Rock formation)

(A) They take the same mathematics course.
(B) They are going on a camping trip together with the geology class.
(C) They both have geology as their major course of study.
(D) They both enjoy painting landscapes.
(A) Preparing for the calculus exam.
(B) Viewing an art exhibit.
(C) Participating in a special class activity.
(D) Packing for her vacation.
(A) It was too far away to visit over the weekend.
(B) It would be too hot for camping.
(C) It would be crowded with tourists.
(D) It would be a nice place to go camping.
(A) Rock formations are clearly visible.
(B) The campgrounds are excellent.
(C) There are very few people there.
(D) The rocks aren't as eroded as in other places.
(A) The vegetation is unusually colorful.
(B) Moisture from the air is trapped at night.
(C) The art community is innovative.
(D) The rock formations are quite striking.


46. What do the two speakers have in common? A.答案特征:the same
47. What was the woman doing on Friday? C.答案特征:special
48. What had the man assumed about the Death Valley? B.答案特征:too
49. Why does the woman think that the desert is a good place to visit? A.答案特征:强调clearly
50. According to the woman, why is the Artists' Palette particularly interesting? D. 答案特征:quite

第四章 Part C基本类型

Part C内容同样分为四大类:问题-解决办法类、列举类、原理/事件类、了解/介绍情况类。



Questions 41 through 45. Listen to the professor tell his class how to avoid plagiarism抄袭.

Your assignments this term will be to write two major research papers. One of the most important things about writing a research paper is giving proper credit『出处』 for your sources of information. (Introduction) Failure to do this is called plagiarism, (Topic) which is a form of intellectual dishonesty. Plagiarism is a kind of stealing or at least an unauthorized『未经授权的』 borrowing of someone else's ideas.

Sometimes inexperienced students will plagiarize unintentionally (Problem) and then be surprised when the teacher won't accept their paper or gives them a failing grade. The best way to avoid unintentional plagiarizing is to be very careful in gathering your information. As you take notes on books and magazine articles about the topic you've selected, first try to assimilate『熟悉』 the information thoroughly. Secondly, write it down in your oswn words. This is called paraphrasing (Solution 1). If you do a good job of paraphrasing, you'll capture the main idea from your source without actually using any phrases from it. Most of your notes should probably be paraphrases

However, occasionally you may find something you wish to quote directly in your research paper. In this case, be sure that you copy the quotation precisely in your notes and enclose it in quotation marks (Solution 2). That way when you are finalizing your research paper you'll be able to remember which of your notes are direct quotes and which are your own summaries of the material. You can then incorporate『融入』 them appropriately and give the original author proper credit (=honor).
(Problem: 抄袭,Solution: 1、用自己的话重述,2、用括号引述。)

(A) Reading magazine articles.
(B) Reviewing book reports.
(C) Writing research papers.
(D) Selecting information.
(A) Gathering nonrelevant materials.
(B) Stealing another person's ideas.
(C) Sharing notes with someone else.
(D) Handing in assignments late.
(A) Research assistants.
(B) Magazine publishers.
(C) Unscrupulous authors.
(D) Inexperienced students.
(A) In the student's own words.
(B) In direct quotations.
(C) In short phrases.
(D) In shorthand.
(A) It should be assimilated thoroughly.
(B) It should be enclosed in quotation marks.
(C) It should be paraphrased by the author.
(D) It should e authorized by the source.


41. What kind of assignment does the speaker discuss with the students? C.
42. What does the speaker warn the students against doing? B.
43. Whom does the speaker mention as likely plagiarizers? D.
44. According to the speaker, how should most of the notes be taken? A.
45. How does the speaker say a direct quotation should be used? B.

II 广播节目

Question 46 through 50. Listen to the talk about sleep.

Do you have trouble sleeping at night? Then, maybe this is for you. When you worry about needing sleep and twist around『展转反侧』 trying to find a comfortable position, you're probably only making matters worse. (Problem) What happens is that your heart rate actually increases, making it more difficult to relax『放松』. You may also have some bad habits that contribute to the problem. Do you rest frequently during the day? Do you get virtually『几乎』no exercise or do you exercise strenuously『使劲』late in a day? Do you sleep a lot or sleep late on weekends? Any or all these factors might be leading to your insomnia『失眠』 by disrupting『打乱』 your body's natural rhythm『自然节奏』. (Cause)

What should you do then on those sleepless nights? Don't bother with sleeping pills『安眠药』. They can actually cause worse insomnia later. The best thing to do is to drink milk or eat cheese or tuna fish (Solution). They're all rich in amino acids『氨基酸』 that helps produce in the brain neurotransmitter『神经传导物』that induces『诱导』 sleep. This neurotransmitter will help you relax and you'll be on the way to getting a good night's sleep.

Until tomorrow's broadcast, this has been another in the series "Hints for good health by Dr. Goodson". (Ending Remark)

(A) To make recommendations on sensible dieting.
(B) To report the latest advances in brain surgery.
(C) To relate an experiment combining sleep and exercise.
(D) To advise on ways of dealing with sleep difficulties.
(A) Your heart rate is lowered.
(B) It becomes harder to relax.
(C) You become too tired to sleep.
(D) Sleep rhythms are disrupted.
(A) Failure to rest during the day.
(B) Lack of sleep on weekends.
(C) Vigorous exercise in the evening.
(D) Eating cheese before going to bed.
(A) They might eventually cause you to lose sleep.
(B) They help produce a neurotransmitter in the brain.
(C) You must not drink milk if you take them.
(D) They make it unnecessary to take naps.
(A) At a radio station.
(B) In a lecture hall.
(C) In a biology lab.
(D) At the doctor's office.


46. What is the purpose of the talk? D.答案特征:ways, difficulties
47. According to the speaker what happens when you turn and twist to get comfortable? B.答案特征:比较级
48. According to the speaker what sometimes causes people to have trouble sleeping? C.
49. What does the speaker say about sleeping pills? A. 答案特征: might
50. Where is the talk most probably being given? A. 答案特征:媒体


I 数字列举


Question 40 through 42. Listen to a lecture about the history of higher education in the United States.
Three developments in United states' higher education that you are benefiting from『受益』 today started more than a century ago following the civil war. The first of these was the rapid growth of technological and professional education to meet the urgent demands of a complex industrial and urban society. New schools of technology, engineering, architecture, law and medicine. Second was the provision『提供』 for graduate study『研究生学习』, such as what had long excited in France and Germany. Harvard and John Hopkin Universities quickly took the lead 『领先』 in this field, but the state universities didn't lag far behind 『落后』. Third was the increased provision for the education for women. This included the establishment of new women's colleges, such as Vassar, Wesley and Smith, and the adoption of co-education『男女混合教育』 in all the new state universities outside the south as well as in many private institutions『私立学校』. These developments, the growth of technological and professional education, the provision for graduate study and the increased educational opportunities for women, (Restatement) begun over a century ago continue to this day over ten decades『十年』 since the end of the Civil War.

(A) Education during the Civil War.
(B) Post-Civil War developments in higher education.
(C) Current trends in technological education.
(D) Benefits for women in state universities.
(A) Two.
(B) Three.
(C) Ten.
(D) One hundred.
(A) It was well established.
(B) It was the same as that available to men.
(C) It was only available in the northern states.
(D) It was not highly developed.


40. What is the main topic of the talk? B. 答案特征:developments
41. How many major educational changes does the speaker discuss? B.
42. From the talk, what assumption假设 can be made about education for women in the United States prior to (= before) the civil war? B.答案特征:强调highly

II 发展史


Questions 43 through 50 refer to the following lecture

Today I'm going to discuss transportation and communication in the early 19th century in the United States. (Topic) At that time, inland waterways provided North America's most popular form of long distance transportation. Travel by river was often more convenient than taking a wagon『马车』 over primitive country roads, especially when shipping『运送』 heavy loads of farm products or household goods.

Where the natural waterways were inadequate, shallow canals『运河』were built. The Erie Canal, opened in 1825, connected the Great Lakes with the upper Hudson River. It allowed settlers in the Great Lakes region to send their crops eastward to New York City at the mouth of the Hudson at a much lower cost. From there, crops could be shipped to other Atlantic ports. The construction of the Erie Canal also encouraged westward migration along inland waterways and helped populate『使人口兴旺』 the frontier. The City of Detroit grew up between two of the Great Lakes. Later a canal joined the Great Lakes with the Mississippi River system and Chicago became a thriving『繁荣的』 city.

Politically the waterway system united the nation in a way few had imagined possible. (Influence) By the mid-1800's faster and cheaper railroads became more popular and the canal system declined. Railroads could be used year round whereas canals were often frozen in the winter. During the first third of the century, however, transportation on rivers, lakes and canals aided greatly in the growth of the United States (Conclusion). Next week we'll discuss the railroads in greater detail.

(A) The Mississippi.
(B) The Detroit.
(C) The Chicago.
(D) The Hudson.
(A) Agricultural products.
(B) Manufactural goods.
(C) Settlers.
(D) Farm animals.
(A) It was the starting point for all roads going west.
(B) It had a deeper harbor than other Atlantic seaports.
(C) It was a distribution center for the inland waterway system.
(D) It had plenty of good housing available.
(A) Railroads.
(B) Highways.
(C) Wagon trails.
(D) Sea routes.
(A) Travel by water was less comfortable.
(B) The canals were seldom located near cities.
(C) It was more dangerous to travel by water.
(D) The waterways were often frozen in the winter.
(A) National unity.
(B) Cheap transportation.
(C) The decline of Atlantic seaports.
(D) Movement of the population.
(A) In the early 1800's.
(B) In the mid-1800's.
(C) In the late 1800's.
(D) In the early 1900's.
(A) The role of inland waterways in the nation's growth.
(B) The development of New York City as a seaport.
(C) The growth of the railroads.
(D) The disappearance of the canal system.


43. The Erie Canal joined the Great Lakes with what river? D.
44. What was usually transported from west to east? A.
45. What was one reason for New York City's prosperity during the early 19th century? C.
46. What new system soon replaced inland waterways? A.
47. What is one of the major reasons that the inland waterway system was unable to compete with other forms of transportation? D.
48. What was not a result of the inland waterway system in the United States? C.
49. When was inland waterways travel most popular? A.
50. What is the main idea of this lecture? A.

III 操作程序


Questions 36 through 39

Hi, I'm Loris Riley, and I'm the president of the college environmental awareness『环保意识』 club. Before we get started, I'd like to thank everyone for coming down to the lake today to help with the cleaning up project. As you probably know, we're going to be cleaning up all of the garbage here at the lake area. (Introduction)

We'll begin by dividing into two ten-person teams. (Topic) One team will pick up litter『随手扔的垃圾』 in the picnic area and the jogging trail『晨跑小道』. (Task 1) And one will dig out garbage found in the shallow water of the lake itself. (Task 2) We'll be putting the litter in these plastic trash bags. Toss『扔』 any aluminum cans『易拉罐』you find into these boxes, and we'll take them to the recycling center later. A local business has donated『捐献』 these "Do Not Litter" signs to the club. So we'll need a couple of people to place them around the lake when we are through. (Task 3)OK, everyone who wants to clean up around picnic tables and along the jogging path, raise your hand.

(A) Alone.
(B) In pairs.
(C) One 5-person team.
(D) Two 10-person teams.
(A) Into boxes.
(B) Into aluminium cans.
(C) Into trash bags.
(D) Into garbage cans.
(A) Paint them.
(B) Throw them away.
(C) Have them recycled.
(D) Leave them in the lake.
(A) Around the lake.
(B) In the club office.
(C) At a local business.
(D) Around the college.


36. How will the club members work to clean up the area? D.
37. Where will the club members put the litter? C.
38. What will the club members do with the aluminum cans? C.
39. Where will the club members put up the "Do Not Litter" signs? A.

IV 设施介绍


I'm Mr Britain, the head librarian, (Introduction) and today I'd like to introduce you to the facilities『设施』 in our university library and show you how to use them. (Topic)

The first room on our tour is the reference room, (1) where you will find all sorts of reference materials: dictionaries, bibliographies『索引』, literature guides, even telephone books. You may use these books only in the reference room itself. The next room is the periodicals room, where you'll find various newspapers, magazines and academic journals. The current issues are usually directly available to you on the shelves. And you can get an older issue by filling out a slip『纸片』 for the librarian. These items must also be used in this room. This next room contains the card catalogs『卡片编目』. All the library's books are listed here by title, by author and by topic. When you are looking for a book you must write the book's call number, title and author on these slips and present them with your library card at the desk. The books themselves are kept in the stacks, which are open only to graduate students, faculty members and library staff. Our library has over a million volumes『卷』 in these stacks『书库』 which cover『占』five floors.

If you have any further questions about using the library, I'd be glad to help you after the tour. Thank you for your attention.

(A) Use of library facilities.
(B) Library regulations.
(C) Library personnel.
(D) Location of the library.
(A) Book publishers.
(B) Librarians.
(C) Returning faculty members.
(D) New university students.
(A) Graduate students.
(B) Undergraduate students.
(C) Professors.
(D) Library employees.
(A) The periodicals section.
(B) The reading rooms.
(C) The reference section.
(D) The stacks.


41.What is the main topic of this talk?A.
42.Who is probably listening to Mr. Britain? D.
43.Which people are usually not allowed to use the stacks? B.
44.Which is the biggest part of this university library? D.


I 考古Archeology (1)


Questions 46 through 50 refer to the following lecture

Last week we discussed the Inca ruins『遗址』 in South America in our survey『泛泛了解』of Ancient American civilizations. Let's now turn to North America. The oldest known buildings on this part of the Continent were just recently discovered in the mountains near Denver, Colorado. Found during the construction of a pipe line, the hardened mudbrick『砖石』 structures are approximately (= about) 5,000 years old, compared with 4,700 years for the oldest Egyptian pyramid. Although mud structures usually disintegrate『解体』 after 200 years, those in Colorado happened to have caught fire. The fire was instrumental『起作用』 in baking the mud, creating a durable material resembling pottery『像瓷一样』. (Basic fact)

Since the buildings at this chance fire appeared to be permanent dwellings『居所』, anthropologists are now reconsidering the original theory (Significance) that the area's ancient inhabitants『居民』 were nomadic『游牧』 hunter-gatherers who took up residence『暂住』 in the mountains only during the summer.

(A) The city of Denver, Colorado.
(B) The oldest buildings in North America.
(C) Painted pottery of the early North Americans.
(D) Unusual type of houses in North America.
(A) North American architecture.
(B) The wide spread use of mud brick.
(C) Ancient structures in South America.
(D) Nomadic hunter-gatherers.
(A) They date back to roughly the same time.
(B) They are approximately the same shape.
(C) They were constructed from the same materials.
(D) They were used for the same purpose..
(A) Current theory is being reexamined.
(B) Anthropologists are searching for other buildings.
(C) The summer tourist industry in the area is being expanded.
(D) Scientists are rushing to preserve the buildings.
(A) They had sophisticated fireplaces.
(B) They did not know how to bake.
(C) They only engaged in hunting.
(D) They did not live there permanently.


46. What is the main topic of the talk? B.
47. What did the speaker talk about last week? C.
48. According to the speaker, how are the buildings found in Colorado similar to the Egyptian pyramids? A.
49. According to the speaker, what effect is the discovery presently having? A.
50. What did anthropologists believe about the early residents of the Denver area? C.

II 考古Archeology (2)

Questions 42-46. Listen to part of a talk given in anthropology class

Today's lecture will center on prehistoric people of the Nevada desert(Topic). Now, most of these prehistoric people moved across the country throughout the year『全年』. You might think that they were wandering aimlessly『漫无目的地游荡』. Far from it『远非如此』. They actually follow series of carefully planned moves (Attention! This is the basic idea. Prompt: actually). Where they moved depended on where food was available, places where plants were ripening 『成熟』 or fish were spawning 『产卵』. Now, often when these people moved, they carried all their possessions 『财产』 on their backs. But if the journey was long, extra foods and tools were sometimes stored in caves or beneath rocks.

One of these caves『有抽象到具体』 is now an exciting archeological site. Beyond its small opening is a huge underground grotto『石窟』. Even though the cave was very large, it was certainly too dark and dusty for the travelers to live in 『重要信息提示』:too... to). But it was a great place to hide things. And tremendous amount of food supplies and artifacts have been found there. The food includes dried fish, seeds and nuts. The artifacts include stones, spear-points『矛头』, and knives. The spear-points are actually rather small. Here's a picture of some that were found. You can see their size in relation to『相对...而言』 the hands holding them.

(A) Rock formations in the Nevada desert.
(B) Graduate studies in anthropology.
(C) Excavation techniques used in archaeology.
(D) Prehistoric desert people of Nevada.
(A) They planned their migrations.
(B) They didn't travel far from their base camps.
(C) They hid from their enemies in caves.
(D) They planted seeds near their camps.
(A) They had trouble finding it.
(B) Lack of light made it impossible.
(C) It was too small for a group to fit into.
(D) Items stored by others took up most of the space.
(A) Prehistoric desert people.
(B) Migratory animals.
(C) Food supplies and tools.
(D) Growing plants.
(A) To illustrate the size of some objects.
(B) To introduce the next assignment.
(C) To show some artifacts on display at the campus museum.
(D) To demonstrate his photographic ability.


42. What is the main subject of this talk?主题句,D.
43. What point does the speaker make about the desert people?关于结论,A.
44. Why didn't people live in the cave described by the speaker? B. 特征:"too... to"
45. What have archeologists found in the cave?综合转换,artifacts=tools. C.
46. Why does the speaker show a photo to the class? A.

III 动物


I am glad that all the members of our zoology『动物学』 class could come down to the zoo today to continue our study of animal adaptation『适应性』 (Introduction). As you know, some animals are able to move between domestic『家』 and wild『野』 environments with relatively『相对』 little difficulty. The first example of this that we will see here at the zoo is the wild burro『小毛驴』. (Example) As you are probably aware『注意到』, burros are relatives『亲戚』 of the horse (Nature) . Wild burros in the United States are descendants『后裔』 of the pack『驮重』 animals brought here three centuries ago by Spanish explorers『探险家』, and these pack burros were in turn『又』 the descendants of wild African asses (Origin).

About 100 years ago, gold prospectors『淘金者』 came to the mountains and deserts『沙漠』 of the western United States. Most of the prospectors were accompanied by steadfast『坚定的』 companions『伴侣』-burros. These animals were used along with the mule『骡』 trains that served the many mining operations『采矿活动』. But when gold and silvermining died out『淘光了』, many of the prospectors turned their burros loose『释放』. They joined wild burros that were already roaming『漫游』 the hills and canyons『峡谷』 that were the descendants of those brought by the Spanish. The prospectors know that their burros were hardy (= tough) animals, completely able to take care of themselves in the wild (Story).
The fact that there are over 11 thousand wild burros living in the western states today testifies to 『证明』 their great adaptive ability (Conclusion).

(A) Geography.
(B) Mineralogy.
(C) Zoology.
(D) Physiology.
(A) Early miners.
(B) Spanish explorers.
(C) African naturalists.
(D) Early industrialists.
(A) To work in mining operations.
(B) To carry scientific supplies.
(C) To cross the North American continents.
(D) To help cultivate the frontier.
(A) Gold.
(B) Settlements.
(C) New routes for the railroads.
(D) New sources of water.
(A) Burros are relatives of the horse.
(B) Burros can adapt easily.
(C) Burros are common farm animals.
(D) There are many burros in the United States.


46. What kind of class is the speaker addressing? C.
47. Who first brought the ancestors of wild burros to North America? B.
48. For what purpose did prospectors use burros? A.
49. What did the prospectors use burros for? A.
50. What is the main reason that the speaker wants the students to study the burros? B.

IV 生理学


Welcome to Physiology『 100生理学100号课』. I'm Doctor Ann Roberts. I assume『想』 everyone here is a sophomore『二年级』, since this is the Nursing Department second-year physiology course. If you are first-year nursing students, please see me after class about transferring『转』into introductory course. (Introduction) Okay, I'd like to begin my first lecture by introducing two important terms (Topic), vitalism 『生机说』versus mechanism『机制说』. How many of you have heard of the these terms『术语』? Oh, I see some of you have.

Well, vitalism and mechanism are two completely opposite approaches to human physiology. According to the vitalist, the laws『法则』 of physics and chemistry alone cannot explain the processes of life. To the vitalist, there is a so called vital force, and this vital force is totally separate from that of energy. (Basic idea) As you may have guessed, vitalism is a kind of philosophical approach. Mechanism, on the other hand, is the view that all life phenomena, no matter how complex, can be explained according to chemical and physical laws. (Basic idea)

Since we can support mechanism through scientific experimentation, the modern scientist turns to be a mechanist. But vitalism is not totally dismissed『丢弃』, especially in fields such as brain physiology, where terms such as human consciousness haven't been defined『界定』 yet in physio-chemical terms. (Conclusion)

I recently read an interesting article dealt with this very question. Is the mind separate from brain? I'd like to continue with this next time, and so that we can speak in more detail. I have some copies of that article, and I want you to take it with you and read it for next week.
(A) Biomedical engineers.
(B) Nursing students.
(C) Students of philosophy
(D) Mechanics.
(A) During the first week of classes.
(B) During the second week of classes.
(C) After the second laboratory quiz.
(D) Just before the final exam.
(A) The mind can be completely understood through scientific observation.
(B) The mind is too complex to be considered part of the "vital force."
(C) The mind and the brain have the same chemical and physical functions.
(D) The mind may function separately from the brain.
(A) Decide whether they are mechanists or vitalists
(B) Take an article home and read it.
(C) Transfer to the introductory class.
(D) Write an essay about vitalism and mechanism.


36. For whom is the lecture intended? B.
37. When is this lecture given? A.
38. How would a vitalist view the function of the mind? D.
39. What does the professor tell the students to do? B.



I 安排


Now I'd like to talk to you about the final exam. (Topic) The exam will be held next Thursday, the last day of the exam week. (Time) Remember to bring along two or three pens in case you run out of ink. (Caution) Unlike the mid-term, this test will not include multiple choice questions. It'll consists entirely of essays. (Format) You'll have to answer three of the five essay questions. The exam will be comprehensive (Range), which means you'll be responsible for all of the subject matter we've covered in class. I would suggest you review your mid-term's as well as the test book and your class notes. The final will count for 50% of your grade in the course. The research project will count for 20%, and the mid-term 30%. (Weight) I'll be in my office almost all day on Tuesday next week. (Arrangement) If you run into any problems, please feel free to stop in. Good luck with your studying, and I'll see you on Tuesday.

(A) On a Tuesday.
(B) On a Wednesday.
(C) On a Thursday.
(D) On a Friday.
(A) A final copy of the research project.
(B) Copies of the midterm.
(C) A textbook and pencils.
(D) A few pens.
(A) There will be only multiple-choice questions.
(B) The exam will be both multiple-choice and essay questions.
(C) The exam will have an oral and a written section.
(D) There will be only essay questions.
(A) It will be only essay questions.
(B) Students will be tested on all the material discussed in class.
(C) It will cover topics from a wide variety of academic fields.
(D) Students must complete all parts of it.
(A) During the first week of class.
(B) During midterm week.
(C) On the last day of class.
(D) On the last day of exam week.


46. When will the exam take place? C.
47. What should the students bring with them to the exam? D.
48. What will be the format of the exam? D.
49. Why does the teacher call the exam comprehensive? B.
50. When is this talk most likely being given? C.

II 新闻报道


Question 39 through 42. Listen to a news report:

Dozens of valuable paintings and frescos『壁画』 were badly damaged today when rainwater forced through『突破』a roof at a state museum. (Topic) As swift『迅疾』rainstorms blasted『袭击』 the central and southern sections of the state, part of the museum roof, which was scheduled to be repaired, collapsed『坍塌』. And water cascaded『象瀑布一样流』into two storerooms. (Cause) The museum director said that several well known pieces, including oils『油画』, watercolors『水彩画』, and frescos『壁画』, had been damaged although only one object--a nineteenth century fresco--was damaged beyond repair. She added that inspection for damage had not been completed, and therefore she could not estimate『估计』the cost of repair and replacement『替代』. (Result)

(A) The central gallery.
(B) The storerooms.
(C) The gift shop.
(D) The furnace room.
(A) Several works of art.
(B) The museum grounds.
(C) Nineteen frescoes.
(D) The foundation.
(A) The store next door.
(B) The central heating.
(C) The main part of the museum.
(D) A fresco.
(A) They were more than the museum could afford.
(B) They are covered by insurance.
(C) They will cause a rise in admission prices.
(D) They are not known yet.


39. What part of the museum was flooded? B.
40. What was damaged? A. 答案特征: several
41. What cannot be restored? D. 凭常识可猜
42. What did the director say about the cost of the damages? D. 答案特征: not...yet

III 医学Medical Science

Questions 40 through 45 refer to the following conversation.

To quickly review the main points covered in Chapter 7, the most important part of the system of nerves is the brain. The brain controls most of the body's activities. Messages between the brain and the spinal cord 『脊锥』 are carried by nerves, which are made up of special cells called nerve cells. (Topic Word) Nerve cells are found in the brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves and in the organs we use to see, hear, smell, taste and touch. Nerve cells have long string-like fibers『线状的纤维』 that carry messages. These fibers have branched ends『分叉的末端』 to send and receive messages. Remember that nerve cells are so small they cannot be seen without a microscope. But one fiber from the nerve cell may stretch as long as three feet. (Nature)

There are many kinds of nerve cells and this chapter deals mainly with three kinds. The sensory nerve cells carry messages of heat, light, sound and pressure from the skin, muscles and organs inside the body. Motor nerve cells carry messages to the muscles and this causes the muscles to move. Connecting nerve cells go between the sensory nerve cells and the motor nerve cells. After the messages go from the spinal cord to the brain, the brain sends messages through the motor nerve cells to the muscles. All these different nerve cells help us see, hear, taste, smell and feel. (Functions)

Now if you have no further questions about Chapter 7, we will go on to talk about the chemical processes involved in this transfer of messages.

(A) The function and nature of the brain.
(B) The function and nature of nerve cells.
(C) The five senses.
(D) The spinal cord.
(A) Part of a textbook.
(B) A large chart.
(C) Some microscope slides.
(D) Her recent research.
(A) In order to reproduce themselves.
(B) In order to stretch and grow.
(C) In order to attach themselves to muscles.
(D) In order to carry messages.
(A) Elongated and stringy.
(B) Round and compact.
(C) Flat and transparent.
(D) Flexible and chainlike.
(A) One.
(B) Two.
(C) Three.
(D) Four.
(A) To move the muscles.
(B) To detect light.
(C) To protect the nerves.
(D) To soothe the brain.


40. What is the main topic of this talk? B.
41. What is the source of the speaker's information? A.
42. Why do nerve cells have fibers? D.
43. According to the speaker, how does a nerve fiber look? A.
44. How many kinds of nerve cells are discussed in this talk? C .
45. What is one function of sensory nerve cells? B.

IV 农业Agriculture


Questions 48-50. Listen to a talk given in an anthropology『人类学』class:

Good morning, class. Last time we started to talk about some crops『庄稼』and traditions of early agriculture-based societies. We've said that the corn『玉米』was the one food that dominated『主导』 the food-growing activities of those early American Indian tribes『部落』 that relied on farming for food. The early farmers of the American Indians planted lots of varieties『种类,花样』of corn, including the kind of corn we eat today: the popcorn. The corn was prepared in different ways. It could be eaten fresh from the field , sometimes it was boiled; sometimes the corn was roasted『烤』or parched『烘炒』. But most of the corn was dried on the cob『穗轴』and later was ground (『磨,原形』grind) into flour. The advantage of this method was that dried corn could be stored『储藏』for long periods of time without spoiling (go bad). The American Indians harvested the corn twice. The first harvest was the green corn or sweet corn harvest. This harvest was accompanied by a ceremony of Thanksgiving. The farmers thought that this celebration will protect the farmers from disaster. The final harvesting of the ripe (= mature成熟的) corn and the harvest ceremony took place about six weeks later. During this harvesting the farmers pulled back the husks『苞衣』of corn and braided『编』them together. These bundles『垛』were prepared this way and were dried for use later on throughout the winter. After the corn was eaten, the farmers used the dried husks to make all sorts of different things, like mat, moccasin『软鹿皮』, doll and ceremonial mask.

(A) The history and traditions of early corn farmers.
(B) The growing cycle of Indian corn.
(C) Differences between two corn harvests.
(D) Various ways to prepare corn.
(A) It was first boiled and then dried.
(B) It was braided in bundles and steamed.
(C) It was dried and then ground into flour.
(D) It was roasted and wrapped in husks.
(A) They braided them with animal hair for clothing.
(B) They bundled them together for fuel.
(C) They used them to insulate their homes.
(D) They made various items from them.


48. What is the main subject of this talk? A.
49. According to the speaker, how was most of the corn prepared? C.
50. After the farmers ate the corn from the second corn harvest, what did they do with the husks? D.

V 工作



Questions 43-46. Listen to a talk by a member of ski patrol『滑雪场巡逻员』 at a resort『渡假地』.

Good morning! Let me welcome all the new members of the ski patrol. My name is Brenda Peters and I've been a ski-patroller (Topic) for nearly three years. After working in offices and restaurants, I find this job very satisfying. After all, if you love the outdoors, it's a great job. You won't get rich, but you'll get in great shape『体型』 and you will be able to help people everyday. And for me the best part of the job is giving ski lessons. I've made a lot of friends that way.

Of course your main responsibilities will involve ensuring the safety of everyone who skis here. All trails『滑道』 have to be checked daily to make sure they are groomed (=maintained and cleaned) properly. You also will have to be watching out (= careful) constantly for people who aren't skiing safely, or who may think they are better skiers than they really are. And to help those who are injured『受伤』, you'll have to know basic first aid『急救法』.

Tomorrow you will begin training in a first aid system that scales specifically to the outdoors. We pride ourselves in our ability to get people off the mountain quickly and safely. OK, so you are free to explore (= try) the slopes『坡』 for the rest of the day. All in all, I think that being a ski patroller is a great job. I hope you will all feel the same way.

(A) The duties of a ski patroller.
(B) The health benefits of an outdoor job.
(C) What ski patrollers teach skiers.
(D) The importance of first - aid techniques in a ski patrol.
(A) High salary.
(B) Job security.
(C) Job satisfaction.
(D) Employee health insurance.
(A) It provides an extra source of income.
(B) It improves her own skiing conditions.
(C) It gives her the opportunity to meet people.
(D) It helps her stay in shape.
(A) To predict weather patterns.
(B) To maintain safe skiing conditions.
(C) To help skiers to improve their physical condition.
(D) To compete in ski competitions and races.


43. What does the speaker mainly discuss? D.
44. According to the speaker, what is one advantage of working on a ski patrol? C.
45. What does the speaker say she likes most about giving ski lessons? C.
46. According to the speaker, what is one of the main responsibilities of a ski patroller? B.

第五章 积极听记法

积极听记法不是被动接受信息,而是积极参与其中,忘掉语言,直取信息。在听的过程中,进入角色,同步想象,同步评判,既可有效地集中注意力,又可准确地决定取舍。此法适用于听力Part B & C部分。


Questions 36 through 40

OK, everybody. Can we start the meeting now (进入情景:参加会议). I'm Mike Johnson, the chairperson of the Graduation Committee for this year. You've all been selected as representatives to plan the graduation ceremonies.(进入角色,自问:What am I supposed to do?) I am sending around a sheet of paper for you to fill your name and telephone number. Also, please write down what part of the ceremonies you'd like to work on (归纳:姓名、电话、分工). Remember, (重要信息)as a representative, you'll have a lot of responsibilities. So only sign up if you feel you have the time to participate (有时间). When everyone has finished writing down the information, please return the paper to me. And our next meeting, one week from today, will start to discuss the details of the ceremony. (下次开会:下周这一天)


36. Who was the speaker?
37. What is the purpose of the meeting?
38. What should the students write on the paper?
39. Who should sign up?
40. When is the next meeting?


W: David, you play the cello, don't you?
M: I did for about six years. But I haven't practiced much since I came to college. (站在David的角度) Why do you ask?
W: I'm signing up for a non-credit string assemble course that meets once a week on Wednesday night (劝说型). We have several violins, violas, and two bass players, but only one cello (缺角色) .
M: Who's directing the group?
W: Janis Hansen. Maybe you've heard of her. She plays violin in the city orchestra, and she also directs three other small local music group 『市 乐团的小提琴手』.
M: Mmh, I have my cello here, but I think I would need to do a lot of work before my playing would sound any good at all (不肯定答复).
W: Miss Hanson will give us individual instruction as well as teach us as a group. There are only ten of us now. Try to join us. We are all on the intermediate level (带有强调). And anyway you won't get a grade for the course.(进一步劝说)
M: I'll tell you what. I'll play a little this evening and see how it goes (常见答案:看看再说).
W: I'm sure you'll be fine. I'll expect to see you at seven o'clock tomorrow in Room 14 of the fine arts building. I hope you can come to our regular meeting. (记住安排)


40. Why does the woman want David to sign up for the course?
41. Why is David not sure that he wants to sign up?
42. How often will the group meet?
43. What instrument does the director of the group play in the city orchestra?
44. What is the level of musical proficiency of most of the group members?
45. What will David do this evening?


I 重要信息提示词:
表核心思想的:the basic design is..., one of the most important..., major, essential
表因果关系的:because, so, as a result.
表语义重心的:but, however
表最高级的: the best, the first, the oldest
表提醒的:Just remember, Again, Oh, I almost forgot
强调句式: it was not until...
定语从句:Attributive clause
同位语:Coordinate clause/ phrase
表总结的:The whole point is, so

II 重要信息在不同部分有不同表现形式

(1) 在Part A中,通常第一个说话人提供一个背景,第二个人所说的话才是要考的内容,省略句和偶然的情况例外。

(A) He knows someone who can get the woman a job.
(B) Greg and his uncle don't like their jobs.
(C) Greg only got the job because of his uncle.
(D) He doesn't know the woman's uncle.

M: Did you hear that Greg got a job in his uncle's law office?
W: Like they say -- It's who you know that counts.
Q: What is the woman suggesting to the man? C.

(A) There are a lot of boxes in the way.
(B) The boxes might be too heavy for her to lift.
(C) He's checking the tonnage.
(D) He's almost finished.

W: You look tired. Can I help you with those boxes?
M: Thanks -- but they weigh a ton each!
Q: What is the man implying? B .

(2) 在Part B中,实质性问题后的回答为重要信息。所谓实质性是指非问候性问题.


Questions 36 through 40: Listen to the conversation between two acquaintances.
M: You must be pretty excited about your trip to Europe. When is it that you're leaving (问候性)?
W: In just three weeks, and I am excited, but there are still a few things I need to do before I go (主题).
M: Like what (实质性)?
W: Like renewing my passport, going to the travel agency to buy my plane ticket, and figuring out what to do with my apartment while I'm gone (问题).
M: You're not going to give it up, are you?
W: No way. I'll never find another apartment around here. But I don't like the idea of paying three months' rent on an empty apartment either.
M: I don't blame you. Perhaps you could sublet it ( 解决办法).
W: Yes, but who to?
M: Hmm, let me think. Oh, I know just the person. An old colleague of mine, Jim Thomas, is coming here to do some research this summer from June through August.
W: Well, that's exactly when I'll be away. It sounds ideal, as long as the landlord agrees.
M: Tell you what (安排). I'll be calling Jim later this week anyway so I'll mention it to him then.
W: Well thanks Bill. Let me know what happens. That extra money would really come in handy (非常方便,有用).

(A) Purchase her plane ticket.
(B) Change her plane ticket.
(C) Pick up a passport application form.
(D) Arrange for her accommodations in Europe.
(A) She doesn't have time to move.
(B) She would have difficulty finding another apartment.
(C) She's paid her rent for the summer in advance.
(D) She doesn't want to paint another apartment.
(A) Three weeks.
(B) One month.
(C) Three months.
(D) Over a year.
(A) He's spoken to him on the phone.
(B) He stayed in his apartment one summer.
(C) He went on a summer trip with him.
(D) He used to work with him.
(A) Leave it vacant.
(B) Rent it to the man she's talking with.
(C) Sublet it to Jim Thomas.
(D) Ask her landlord to sublet it.


36. What does the woman need to do at the travel agency?A.
37. Why doesn't the woman want to give up her apartment entirely? B.
38. How long will the woman be in Europe? C.
39. How does the woman know Jim Thomas? D.
40. What will the woman most likely do about her apartment? C.

(3) 在Part C中,重要信息主要通过提示词引出.


Questions 47 through 50 are based on the following lecture.

Today, I would like to talk about 『背景』 the early days of movie making in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Before the pioneering films of D.W. Griffith, filmmakers were limited by several misguided conventions of the era. According to one, the camera was always fixed at a viewpoint corresponding to that of the spectator in a theater, a position now known as the long shot. It was another convention that the position of the camera never changed in the middle of a scene.

In last week's films, we saw how Griffith ignored both these limiting conventions and brought the camera closer to the actor『主题』. This shot, now known as a full shot, was considered revolutionary at the time. For Love of Gold was the name of the film in which we saw the first use of the full shot. After progressing from the long shot to the full shot, the next logical step for Griffith was to bring in the camera still closer in what is now called the close-up. The close-up had been used before, though only rarely and merely as a visual stunt 『视觉特技』 as, for example, in Edwin S. Porter's The Great Train Robbery, which was made in 1903. But not until 1908 (Emphasized. Important number) in Griffith's movie called After Many Years was the dramatic potentials of the close-up first exploited. In the scene from After Many Years that we are about to see, pay special attention to the close-up of Annie Lee's worried face as she awaits her husband's return. In 1908, this close-up shocked everyone in the Biography Studio.

But Griffith had no time for argument. He had another surprise even more radical to offer. Immediately following the close-up of Annie, he inserted a picture of the object of her thoughts -- her husband, cast away on a desert isle. This cutting from one scene to another without finishing either of them brought a torrent of criticism on the experimenter.

(A) Close-up shots.
(B) Full shots.
(C) Long shots.
(D) Action shots.
(A) Film producer.
(B) Movie critic.
(C) Stuntman.
(D) Actor.
(A) 1898.
(B) 1903.
(C) 1905.
(D) 1908.
(A) To shock Griffith's contemporaries.
(B) To show who Annie Lee was thinking about.
(C) To indicate when Annie Lee's husband would return.
(D) To avoid criticism of the close-up shot.


47. What kind of motion picture camera shots were generally used in early films? C. 传统之一
48. What occupation did Edwin S. Porter probably have? A. 该题较难,考的是次要信息,且未重复,但可根据所有答案需与主题相关这一规律进行选择。
49. When was After Many Years produced? D. 特别强调,且多次重复。
50. Why was the close-up of Annie Lee followed by a shot of Annie's husband? B. even more radical中的重要信息。

第六章 直接猜题法






1. 劝人休息:get more rest/ sleep/ breaks

2. 从媒体得知:read about sth, article, from a magazine

3. 学习工作辛苦:too much time on class assignment, working all the time

4. 学习妨碍娱乐:no time for play: can't go to the party

5. 强调:very, extremely, really does like sth, even, definitely not, still, not yet, already, special, particular(ly)

6. 画蛇添足:He would, in fact, like to use her notes. The woman will eventually find what she's looking for. rewrite sth, reorganize sth, inaccurate, unprepared, nonscientist, demagnetize

7. 劝人学习

8. 报怨天气预报不准

9. 募捐:raise funds, 『募捐去向通常是』for hospitals, museums, Carnegie Hall.

10. 环保:Environment: air pollution, recycle, endangered,『人类是环境的最 大破坏者』human beings are the worst enemy to the environment。

11. 感兴趣:interested, fascinated, interesting, fascinating, excited, exciting, enjoy, enthusiastic, impressed

12. 好:good, excellent, well attended

13. 多:a lot, various, variety, too many, too much

14. 意外:be surprised, wonder, didn't expect, impressed

15. 弄错,误会: mistaken, confused, mixed up, wrong

16. 因(天气)而:... due to the weather, ...because of (the weather)

17. 推迟: later, tomorrow, postpone, another time

18. 迟到:miss the plane, late for sth, hurry, delay

19. 变化:change schedule, plan, change

20. 是否有空:availability, available, availably,can attend, can't do sth

21. 问路/ 指路的:ask for directions

22. 忙:busy, too much work to do

23. 学生生活:studies, library, academics, college credit, roommate, earn money for school, at the beginning of the semester.

24. 与学术有关的:too broad a topic, narrow down the topic, be based on, medical research

25. 赞美:sth is well attended, doesn't hold a grudge, quick to forgive people

26. 评论(而不是事实): Comments rather than facts: he thinks that..., it's a foolish idea

27. 感受:happy, felt bad

28. 积极:Anything positive: enthusiastic about sth

29. 帮助:ask sb for help, help

30. 责备(本应做什么):should do, should have done

31. 打算,愿望,要做什么:would rather, would like to do, want to do, intend to do

32. 无奈:have to, must

33. 赞同反对:agree, disagree, oppose

34. 其他:other, another, different, new, further

35. 谨慎结论:sth is probably true, sth is sometimes true, it is possible that sth is true, sth may/ might be true, sb is likely to do, sb tend to do sth.

36. 讲话人,或被谈论者通常为重要人物:president, chairman, millionaire, developer

37. 在Part B and C中,『现代艺术的特点通常是注重表达自我,不讲究形式』features free expression of oneself, not form.

38. 在Part C中:喜欢某项工作的原因是能交朋友,而不是钱多

39. 在Part C中:safety first.『安全第一』

40. 与noise有关的

41. 立即:immediately, soon, right now, right away, as soon as possible

42. 典型美国生活:tax, sales, give sb a ride, discount

43. 最合情理

44. 输赢:win, lose

45. 新奇:Anything not heard of before but makes sense: potatoes are more nutritious than eggs, order something from the catalog, new sth

按主题分类的正确答案特征Clues for main idea questions含有下列词汇者通常为正确答案:

46. 发展史型:history, origin, development, formation, early sth

47. 特点型:characteristics, features, quality, composition, invention, discovery

48. 全面介绍型:importance, background information, relationship, the effects of sth on sb

49. 描述型:describe, describe how, how, program, event

50. 劝说型:convince, persuade

51. 求教型:advice

52. 分类型:three, types, classification



1. information, program, system

2. develop

3. 不定代词:some, several, a certain, both, almost everyone, (only) a few, most of them ... not.

4. 反身代词: itself, themselves, own.

5. decide/ decision

6. 听到 "why mention sth", 选择:to give an example, to illustrate, 或to show.

7. miss

8. limited

9. noise

10. continue

11. worth, deserve

12. both, also, either, neither, too

13. forget/ remember

14. without

15. by (表方式)

16. delicious



1. 最高级:the most, the first, the best

2. be able to, unable to

3. too... to...

4. have difficulty/ problem/ trouble doing sth, get into trouble

5. 使役句结构:have sb do sth, have sth done

6. sb is happy/ sorry to do sth

7. it is necessary to do sth

8. 将来时否定式:won't

9. 过去完成时:had done

10. 判断句:must be, must have done



I 在Part A中,从语音上说,干扰项很象听到的那句话,通常包含或接近发的最响亮的音。

(A) No one has a nose as sore as Pole's.
(B) No one here knows much about the subject of politics.
(C) She's well acquainted with the subject.
(D) She doesn't know anybody here.

解:原文为No one knows more about the subject than Polly.

答案:C. 干扰项(A)含No one, nose, Pole, 分别干扰No one, knows, Polly. 干扰项(B)含No one, knows, politics, 分别干扰No one, knows, Polly. 干扰项(D)则从文字上掩盖正确答案。

II 从语义上说,干扰项通常荒唐、笨拙、琐碎、无意义、不合逻辑,不近情理

(A) He paid the tuition for his parents.
(B) He persuaded his parents to pay the tuition.
(C) He asked his parents how much the tuition was.
(D) He told his parents that the tuition was too high.

W: Did Mike pay his tuition himself.
M: No, he got his parents to do it.
Q: What did Mike do?
答案:B .


1. 我们依靠的主要是正确的语言学习方法,提高真实听力水平。虽然猜题法是真实水平的有益补充,但并不是真实水平本身,故不可寄予全部希望。

2 .使用猜题法有一定风险。虽然对于成绩差的学员,它可以起主要作用,但对于成绩好的学员,它只起辅助作用。

3 .有时二至三个选择项中同时含有正确答案特征,这时需要考虑哪一个概率更高,或那一个语义更合情理。

4. 有时任何选择项都不具备猜测条件,这时只能依靠真实水平。

5. 直接猜题法需经一定时间的训练才能运用自如。



(A) She'll sell him a cup of coffee.
(B) The coffee cup's too full.
(C) She'd like some coffee.
(D) Coffee's hard on her nerves.
(A) She wants to know where the restaurant is.
(B) She's recommending a good place to go for dinner.
(C) She thinks the man should go to France.
(D) he's inviting the man to eat with her.
(A) Run in town.
(B) Look more carefully.
(C) Buy shoes from a catalog.
(D) Find an easier place to exercise.
(A) Anyone can do it.
(B) No one can do it.
(C) Alex can probably do it.
(D) Alex probably shouldn't do it.
(A) He believes Mark was the wrong person.
(B) He wants to know who is telling the truth.
(C) He finds the decision unbelievable.
(D) He thought there wouldn't be any awards.
(A) The store doesn't have it now, but will soon.
(B) It is no longer available.
(C) It has been reprinted four times.
(D) The information in the book is not up-to-date.
(A) The mail was sent back to the post office.
(B) He doesn't have anything to drop in the mailbox.
(C) It's too soon to go back there.
(D) The post office is closed for an hour.
(A) Tea is better than coffee.
(B) The man should switch to tea.
(C) There are two reasons not to drink coffee.
(D) The man shouldn't drink either.
(A) Happy.
(B) Resentful.
(C) Disappointed.
(D) Sentimental.
(A) Continue to drive.
(B) Pay a traffic ticket.
(C) Let the passenger out.
(D) Park at the corner.
(A) She has never eaten such delicious oranges before.
(B) She bets there are better oranges available.
(C) She doesn't understand why the man likes the oranges.
(D) She has had the same kind of oranges before.
(A) He'll only give her part of his notes.
(B) He doesn't know anything about economics.
(C) He's not taking an economics class.
(D) He's happy to lend her his notes.
(A) She received two job offers.
(B) She also was offered a job.
(C) She was the first to receive an offer.
(D) She received too many offers.
(A) They'll have to get some more paint.
(B) They should get someone to help them.
(C) They shouldn't delay any longer.
(D) They don't have to paint the room again.
(A) Katie doesn't often dance.
(B) Katie isn't the person dancing.
(C) Katie does indeed dance well.
(D) Katie dances better than her friend.
(A) They would see better from a different row.
(B) It isn't hard to see from his seat.
(C) He would rather not move from his place.
(D) He'll switch places with the woman.
(A) She must renew it before getting plane tickets.
(B) She doesn't need a new one after all.
(C) She has run up a big bill on it.
(D) She hasn't had trouble renewing it so far.
(A) She thinks a hair dryer would be a good gift.
(B) She wants to know what's making all the noise.
(C) She isn't sure how practical the man's gift is.
(D) She can't hear anything when the hair dryer is on.
(A) The apartment was very dirty.
(B) He had his old furniture cleaned.
(C) He found an apartment with a big yard.
(D) The furniture was very inexpensive.
(A) It won't be any different from the others.
(B) It will be unusually mild.
(C) It won't affect the hunters.
(D) It will probably be cold.
(A) He's afraid to try some of the exercises himself.
(B) The physics class is only halfway over.
(C) The students aren't in good physical condition
(D) He doesn't believe everything people say.
(A) The electronic instrument is much more expensive.
(B) The electronic instrument is slightly more expensive.
(C) The piano is slightly more expensive.
(D) The piano is much more expensive.
(A) Jerry knew all the answers.
(B) It was easy to answer Jerry's question.
(C) Jerry had difficulty with the test.
(D) Everyone came for the test except Jerry.
(A) He's taller than anyone on campus.
(B) He's the best actor in the school.
(C) He's almost through with the campus tour.
(D) He's studying at college to be an actor.
(A) It hurt me to look at the lamp.
(B) I hurt myself on the lamp.
(C) The lamp attracted my attention.
(D) I bought the lamp.
(A) Sarah put on her makeup.
(B) Sarah hoped to take the test another time.
(C) Sarah helped prepare the examination.
(D) Sarah took a free sample of makeup.
(A) The roof of the dentist's office needed to be fixed.
(B) The dentists were both out of the office.
(C) Gary talked about the dentist's broken tooth.
(D) Gary had the dentist check his tooth.
(A) Professor Stanton's course is very popular.
(B) Everyone has taken a class from Professor Stanton.
(C) Professor Stant on wants to teach anther course.
(D) Students are required to enroll in Professor Stanton's class.
(A) They said they're going by Taxi.
(B) Their clothes are in terrible condition.
(C) In certain states clothes are subject to tax.
(D) There are some clothes hanging on the racks.
(A) I needed exactly that thing.
(B) I got the thing at last.
(C) I certainly didn't need that.
(D) That thing won't last.
(A) He looked at me.
(B) He borrowed my book.
(C) I used his book.
(D) I told him to look at me.
(A) She ordered a painting for the house.
(B) She hired someone to paint the house.
(C) She built the house.
(D) She hid in the house.
(A) Both sports are exciting.
(B) Mountain climbing is more exciting.
(C) He prefers skydiving.
(D) Skydiving isn't a true sport.
(A) Why hasn't Diana called?
(B) We should name her Din.
(C) Let's phone Diana.
(D) Why can't I recall Diana
(A) There's only a half hour before Fred arrives.
(B) There aren't any flowers next to the bed.
(C) We should make a bouquet.
(D) We need more flour.

1. C. she'd like
2. B. a good place
3. C. buy
4. C. sb can probably do
5. C. decision
6. B. available.
7. C. too... to...
8. D. shouldn't drink either.
9. A. happy.
10. A. continue
11. A. 赞美She has never eaten such delicious oranges before.
12. D. sb is happy to do sth
13. B. also
14. C. 责备They shouldn't delay any longer
15. C. 强调/赞美Katie does indeed dance well.
16. A. different
17. D. have trouble doing sth
18. A. She thinks... good
19. D. very inexpensive.
20. D. probably
21. C. good
22. D. The piano is much more expensive.
23. C. have difficulty with sth
24. B. the best
25. C. attracted
26. B. another
27. D. 最合情理/have sb do sth.
28. A. 典型学校生活/ very popular. (C) Professor Stanton wants to teach
another course太琐碎.
29. C. 典型美国生活In certain states clothes are subject to tax.
30. C. certainly not
31. B. borrowed
32. B. get sb to do sth
33. A. Both
34. C. Let's do sth
35. D. flour与flower同音


(A) She doesn't have time to move.
(B) She would have difficulty finding another apartment.
(C) She's paid her rent for the summer in advance.
(D) She doesn't want to paint another apartment.
(A) Leave it vacant.
(B) Rent it to the man she's talking with.
(C) Sublet it to Jim Thomas.
(D) Ask her landlord to sublet it.
(A) Gathering nonrelevant materials.
(B) Stealing another person's ideas.
(C) Sharing notes with someone else.
(D) Handing in assignments late.
(A) In the student's own words.
(B) In direct quotations.
(C) In short phrases.
(D) In shorthand.
(A) Sad.
(B) Relieved.
(C) Sarcastic.
(D) Apologetic.
(A) The man's brother.
(B) The man's roommate.
(C) A neighbor.
(D) A photographer.
(A) He's noisy.
(B) He's messy.
(C) He doesn't tell the truth.
(D) He doesn't close the door.
(A) Food packaging.
(B) Varieties of fish.
(C) A new snack food.
(D) An artificial food flavoring.
(A) Small and lightweight.
(B) Solid and heavy.
(C) Bulky but weightless.
(D) Large but necessary.
(A) He has heard the teacher is poor.
(B) It won't fit in his schedule.
(C) He did badly in it in high school.
(D) The labs are too time-consuming.
(A) Write a book.
(B) Attend an afternoon meeting.
(C) Enroll in another class.
(D) Go to the art museum.
(A) By talking to an expert.
(B) By reading an article.
(C) By attending an exercise class.
(D) By listening to the radio.
(A) Wearing arm weights while you are swimming.
(B) Jogging vigorously in one place for a long time.
(C) Using bicycles that require you to use both your arms and legs.
(D) Walking slowly while swinging your arms back and forth.
(A) They complete all their assignments.
(B) They study hard for his tests.
(C) They compete for the best seats in the class.
(D) They read all his books.
(A) They make him feel good.
(B) They make no impact on him.
(C) They bore him.
(D) They make him angry.
(A) Controversial.
(B) Impersonal.
(C) Patronizing.
(D) Cooperative.
(A) A landscape artist.
(B) A teacher.
(C) A student.
(D) A school register.
(A) It focuses automatically.
(B) It has a lot of specialized lenses.
(C) It is easy to load.
(D) It advances the film automatically.
(A) Take a picture of the woman.
(B) Look for his old camera.
(C) Take his film to be developed.
(D) Find out the price of a new camera.
(A) A cheap process of developing film at home.
(B) A new kind of film.
(C) An automatic printer.
(D) An "instant" camera that develops its own film.
(A) Paint them.
(B) Throw them away.
(C) Have them recycled.
(D) Leave them in the lake.
(A) A druggist's suggestion.
(B) An article.
(C) An advertisement.
(D) A sales clerk's comment.
(A) The relationship of purchases made to time spent shopping.
(B) The length of time required for drugstore shopping.
(C) The increases in the size and stock of drugstores.
(D) The buying of clothing from department stores.
(A) People enjoy shopping in them.
(B) People spend little time in them.
(C) People are more likely to buy something in them if time is limited.
(D) People spend too much time reading articles about quick cures sold in drugstores.
(A) The city of Denver, Colorado.
(B) The oldest buildings in North America.
(C) Painted pottery of the early North America.
(D) Unusual types of houses in North America.
(A) Current theory is being reexamined.
(B) Anthropologists are searching for other buildings.
(C) The summer tourist industry in the area is being expanded.
(D) Scientists are rushing to preserve the buildings.
(A) They date back to roughly the same time.
(B) They are approximately the same shape.
(C) They were constructed from the same material.
(D) They were used for the same purpose.
(A) A sales representative.
(B) A store manager.
(C) A committee chairperson.
(D) A class president.
(A) Whether or not snowflakes can be analyzed.
(B) How snowflakes are formed.
(C) What causes a snowstorm.
(D) Where the largest snowflakes can be found.
(A) By collections made at City Hall.
(B) By donations from the participants.
(C) By the allocation of funds from local hospitals.
(D) By contributions based on the number of miles walked.
(A) Joe will keep it.
(B) It will be used for a new hospital.
(C) It will be divided among the participants.
(D) Joe will share it with those who made pledges.
(A) Highly functional.
(B) Both abstract and realistic.
(C) Brightly colored.
(D) Large but lightweight.
(A) George Washington was an extremely tall man.
(B) Most trees in parks are destroyed by insects.
(C) Historical stories are sometimes inaccurate.
(D) The Continental Army celebrated a victory in Cambridge.

1. B. have difficulty doing, another
2. C. 典型美国生活Sublet it to Jim Thomas.
3. B. 典型学习生活/ another
4. A. own
5. B. 积极Relieved.
6. B. 学生生活roommate.
7. A. 学生生活noisy.
8. C. 新产品A new snack food.
9. A. 新产品优越之处Small and lightweight.
10. B. 选课常见问题It won't fit in his schedule.
11. C. another
12. B. 媒体By reading an article.
13. C. both
14. C. the best
15. A. good.
16. D. Cooperative.
17. B. A teacher.
18. A. 新产品优越之处It focuses automatically.
19. D. 与钱有关Find out the price of a new camera.
20. D. own
21. C. 环保recycled.
22. B. article.
23. A. relationship
24. C. be likely to do
25. B. the oldest
26. A. reexamined.
27. A. 考古方面时间最重要
28. C. chairperson常见说话人
29. B. how
30. D. be based on
31. B. It will be used for a new hospital.
32. B. Both
33. C. 谨慎结论sometimes inaccurate.

第七章 间接猜题法



I 在Part A中,回避听到的响亮音,选择听到的单词的同义词Avoid what sounds alike。

(A) Come back later
(B) Take a chance.
(C) Turn the page.
(D) Return the book.

M: Do you want me to take the book back for you?
W: When you have a chance.
Q: What will the man probably do?

(A)含第一句最响音back, (B)含第二句最响音chance, (C)起掩盖作用,(D)为正确答案,take sth back = return sth.

(A) She's spending time going over her accounts.
(B) She's going home for a few days.
(C) She's excited about going home.
(D) She's counting the number of vacation days.

M: Is your roommate looking forward to going home for the summer?
W: She is counting the days.
Q: What can be inferred about the woman's roommate?
II 在Part B & C中,选择最强调者

该题用意在于考对"she is counting the days"的解释。(A), (B), (D皆含响亮音counting, days. (C)才是正确答案。

II 在Part B & C中,选择最强调者
(A) A small restaurant.
(B) A revolutionary army.
(C) A famous commander.
(D) A historic tree. (A historic tree重复次数最多: 9次)

(A) 1898.
(B) 1902
(C) 1905
(D) 1908
(1908被倒装强调:But not until 1908...)

III 在Part B & C中,借助大语境判断

(A) Biomedical engineers.
(B) Nursing students.
(C) Students of philosophy.
(D) Mechanics.
(A) The mind can be completely understood through scientific observation.
(B) The mind is too complex to be considered part of the "vital force."
(C) The mind and the brain have the same chemical and physical functions
(D) The mind may function separately from the brain.


(A) A New York executive.
(B) A computer specialist.
(C) A television announcer.
(D) A teacher.
(A) A science fiction cartoon.
(B) A scientific program.
(C) A movie on personality.
(D) A drama set in New York City.
(A) To demonstrate the latest use of computer graphics.
(B) To raise funds for public.
(C) To explain the workings of the brain.
(D) To increase membership in professional medical societies.
(A) Because it is required of all science majors .
(B) Because it was made in New York City.
(C) Because it will be shown after working hours.
(D) Because it will be helpful with course work.
(A) Because there will be a sequel after October 10.
(B) Because it is meant for nonscientists.
(C) Because a review will be printed before October 10.
(D) Because it is simple enough for children.

42. D. 说话者必须跟学校有关。43. B. 问主题。program暗示答案。44. C. 上题scientific暗示答案与(A)与(C)有关。workings = 原理,更可能是答案。45. D. 老师建议学生看一个电视科教片,因为?答案更像是D. 46. B. nonscientists为否定前缀,此地无银三百两。

IV 如错过录音正文,可细听问题,凭常识判断


Questions 36 to 41

36. Why do most students buy meal contracts?
(A) Most students don't know how to cook.
(B) The dormitories have limited cooking facilities.
(C) The dining hall serves steak regularly.
(D) It's cheaper than cooking for themselves.

37. Who usually eat in Bromley dining hall?
(A) Only graduate students.
(B) Only undergraduate women.
(C) Dormitory residents.
(D) University faculty.

38. When are meals not served in Bromley dining hall?
(A) Sunday evenings.
(B) Monday mornings.
(C) Saturday mornings.
(D) Saturday evenings.

39. What does a student need in order to enter the
dining hall?
(A) Three dollars.
(B) A housing contract.
(C) An identification card.
(D) A meal ticket.

40. What do students who eat in Bromley dining hall usually complain about?
(A) The slow service.
(B) The meal schedule.
(C) The quality of the food.
(D) The inconvenient location.

41. When do students most enjoy eating at Bromley dining hall?
(A) On weekends.
(B) Around holidays.
(C) On weekday mornings.
(D) On weekday evenings.

36. B 37. C 38. A 39. D 40. C 41. B. 这组题基本上可凭常识猜出。
