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Unit 1 The summer holidays
第一单元 暑假

1 Which school were you at the last year?你去年在那所学校?
2 So was my friend…我的朋友---也是。
3 I must be off/leaving now…我现在必须走了。
4 Nice to meet you/meeting you …见到你很高兴。
5 I want to introduce my …我想介绍一下我的----。
6 By the way…顺便说一下---。
7 Give my love/best wishes/regards to …代我向---问候。
8 …sends his best wishes. ------向你问好。
9 Oh, that’s very nice of him…噢,他真是太好了。
10 My Dad has only two men working for him…我父亲只有两个人帮他工作。
11 As a result…作为结果,----。

1 Good morning, my name is Jim. Which school were you at last year?早上好,我的名字叫吉姆。你去年在那所学校?
2 Li Ming is very good at computers. So is Lin Tao. They both like computers very much.李明很擅长计算机。林涛也是。他们都很喜欢计算机。
3 Oh, it is already twelve now. I am afraid I must be leaving/off now. See you tomorrow.噢,现在已经是十二点了。现在我恐怕要走了。明天见。
4 I am afraid I must be off now. Nice meeting/to meet you. You are really very friendly.现在我恐怕得走了。见到你很高兴。你真是很友善。
5 Lily, come here. I want to introduce my new classmate Tim. He is from the USA.莉莉,来这儿。我想介绍一下我的新同学迪姆。他是从美国来的。
6 Jim, nice to meet you again. Oh, by the way, Lily asked me to send her best wishes to you.吉姆,很高兴又见到你。噢,顺便说一下,莉莉让我代她向你问好。
7 Merry Christmas! Lily. And please give my love/best wishes/regards to your family.圣诞节快乐!莉莉。请代我向你家人问好。
8 Oh, Wei Hua, nice to meet you. By the way, Lucy sends her best wishes.噢,魏华,很高兴见到你。顺便说一下,露茜向你问好。
9 It is very nice of Lin Tao. He helps me carry my luggage to the station.林涛真是太好了。他帮我把行李拿到车站去。
10 The gardener is very free today. He has his son watering for him.这位园丁今天很清闲。他让他的儿子帮他浇水。
11 There was a terrible traffic accident on the street. As a result, 5 people was sent to the hospital.街上发生了一起严重的交通事故。结果5人被送进了医院。


1 A: Hello, my name is Annie. 你好,我的名字叫安尼。
B: Good morning Annie. My name is Jim. 早上好,安尼。我的名字叫吉姆。
A: Are you a new student here?你是这儿新生吗?
B: Yes, I am.是的,我是。
A: Which school were you at last year?你去年在哪一家学校上学?
B: I studied in the No.2 Middle School last year.我去年2中学习。
A: Oh, it is very good school. Did you enjoy studying there?哦,那是所很好的学校。你在那儿学习愉快吗?
B: Yes, I had a very good time there.是的,我在那儿很愉快。

2 A: Hello. My name is Li Tao. Are you a new student here?你好。我的名字叫林涛。你是这儿的新生吗?
B: Yes, I am. My name is Marie.是的,我是。我的名字叫玛丽。
A: Are you from France?你是从法国来的吗?
B: Yes, I am. 是的,我是。
A: Oh, really. So is my friend Eric. He is from France too.噢,真的吗?我的朋友艾瑞克也是。他也是从法国来的。
B: That’s great! Is he at this school?那太好了!他在这所学校吗?
A: No, he is at the International Middle School.不,他在国际中学。

3 A: Nice to meet you. Li Ming.很高兴见到你,李明。
B: Nice to meet you. Oh, who is this little child with you?很高兴见到你。噢,和你在一起的这个小孩是谁?
A: Let me introduce sister Li ling to you. And Li ling, he is my friend Li Ming.让我为你介绍我的妹妹李玲。李玲,他是我的朋友李明。
B: Oh, you have a sister. Nice to meet you, Li ling.哦,你有个妹妹。很高兴见到你,李玲。
C: Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。
B: How old are you? Li ling.你多大了?李玲。
C: I am six.我六岁了。

4 A: Hello, Lily. How are you?你好,莉莉。你还好吗?
B: Fine, thank you. What about you?很好,谢谢。你呢?
A: I am fine too. Lily, did you have a good holiday?我也很好。莉莉,你假期过得愉快吗?
B: Yes, I visited my friend Lin Tao. And we enjoyed ourselves very much.愉快,我去看望我的朋友林涛了。我们玩得很开心。
A: That’s great. 那太好了。
B: Oh, Lin Tao sent his best wishes to you.噢,林涛让我代他向你问好。
A: Really? It is very kind of him. I miss him so much. I hope he will enjoy himself in the new school.真的吗?他真是太好了。我很想念他。我希望他在新学校过得愉快。
B: I am sure he will.我相信他会的。

5 A: Are you very busy these days, Jim?你这些天很忙吗,吉姆?
B: Yes, I have been helping my father do the farm work.是的,我一直在在帮我父亲做农活。
A: Why? Doesn’t your father employ some people to do the job?为什么?你父亲没有雇些人帮忙吗?
B: Yes, he does. But he has only 3 men working for him. But there is so much work to do. As a result, I have to work for him every day.有,他雇了。但是他只有三个人帮他工作。而有太多的工作要做。结果,我必须每天帮他工作。
A: Oh, I see. I think maybe I can help you at weekends.哦,我明白了。我想在周末也许我可以来帮忙。
B: That’s great! It is very kind of you.那太好了!你真好!

Unit 2 In the lab
第二单元 在实验室

1 Have you been… before?你以前去过----吗?
2 … is not allowed… 在-----不允许-----。
3 Don’t touch anything unless…除非---否则别动任何东西。
4 When you have finished the experiment, please…你做完试验后,请-----。
5 Before you leave the lab, make sure…你离开实验室前,一定要记得----。
6 Wash your hands at the end of…在----末尾洗手。
7 Are we allowed to use the basin by the side of…?我们可以使用----旁边的洗手池吗?
8 One was filled with…, one with …一个里面装了----,一个装了---。
9 The mixture tasted…这混合物尝起来----。
10 …but the finger I put into my mouth was not the one I had dipped into the cup... ----但是我放进嘴里的手指,不是我伸进杯子里的手指。

1 Lily, are you from the USA? And have you been in China before you came here?莉莉,你是从美国来的吗? 你来这儿之前来过中国吗?
2 In the library, eating and smoking are not allowed.在图书馆里不许吃东西和吸烟。
3 Don’t pass the yellow line when you are waiting for a train unless the train has totally stopped.当你在等车的时候,火车完全停稳之前不要超越黄线。
4 When you have finished the book, please return it to me as soon as possible.你看完后,请尽快把这书还给我。
5 Before you go out, make sure the light is off and the door is locked.你出去之前一定要记得关灯,锁门。
6 At the end of the movie, China won the war and all the Chinese are liberated.在电影的末尾,中国赢得了战争,全中国人民解放了。
7 By the side of the desk, there is a book shelf standing next to the window.在桌子的旁边,有一个书架放在窗户的边上。
8 He filled one of the bottles with some hot water. Another one is filled with milk.他把热水放进了其中的一个瓶子。另一个瓶子里装了牛奶。
9 The food tastes very nice. It is cooked by Lily herself.这食物很好吃。是莉莉自己做的。
10 He brought me a book. But this book is not the one he have promised to lend me.他带给了我一本书。但是这本书不是他答应借给我的那一本。


1 A: Nice to meet you again, Jim.有见到你很高兴,吉姆。
B: Nice to meet you, Linda.
A: Jim, what about your trip to Guangzhou?很高兴见到你,琳达。吉姆,你的广州之行玩得愉快吗?
B: That was a very nice trip. I spent a week there and I had a very good time there.是一次愉快的旅行。我在那儿玩了一个星期,我过得很愉快。
A: Have you been to Guangzhou before?你以前去过广州吗?
B: No. It was my first time. But I think I will visit there again in the future.没有。那是我第一次去。但是我想将来我还会去的。
A: Maybe I will go with you next time.也许下次我和你一起去。
B: Great! Why not? You will enjoy yourself.好极了!为什么不呢?你会玩得很开心的。

2 A: Sorry, Sir, I am afraid you can’t smoke here.对不起,先生,恐怕这儿不能吸烟。
B: Oh, I am sorry. 噢,对不起。
A: It doesn’t matter. Please put it out没关系。请把它熄灭了。
B: Where can I smoke in the building? Is there any place for smoking?这栋大楼在哪可以吸烟?有吸烟的地方吗?
A: I am sorry but smoking is not allowed in this building. You’d better smoke outside.对不起,这楼里不能吸烟。你最好到外面去吸。
B: OK. I see.好的。我明白了。
A: I am sorry but this is the rule.对不起,但这是规定。
B: Oh, thank you for telling me about that. I didn’t know it before.噢,谢谢你告诉我。我以前不知道。

3 A: Welcome to the reading room. And this is your reading card. Please take care of it.欢迎来到阅览室。这是你的阅览卡。请保管好。
B: Thank you. This is my first time coming here. Can you tell me what should I do?谢谢。这是我第一次来这儿。你能告诉我应该怎么做吗?
A: Well, every time you come here you must show your reading card to the clerk. 嗯,你每次来这儿都必须向工作人员出示你的阅览卡。
B: You mean the card you gave me just now?你指的是你刚才给我的卡?
A: That’s right. And don’t bring any book out of the room unless you have our permission.是的。除非得到我们的允许,否则你不能把书带出阅览室。
B: And?还有呢?
A: And before you leave, make sure the book is put to the right place.还有,在你离开之前把书放回原位。

4 A: Ok, we are finish now. Please make sure everything is put to the right place.好了,我们今天就到这。请一定要把东西都放好。
B: Yes, Mr. Li. Then what should I do next?好的,李老师。下一步我该怎么做?
A: And then wash your hands with soap. You can use the basin by the side of the cupboard. 然后用肥皂洗手。你可以用餐橱旁边的洗手池。
B: Ok. Shall I leave now?好的。我现在可以走了吗?
A: Yes, you can. But can you close the window for me please?是的,你可以。但是请帮我关一下窗户好吗?
B: Sure.当然可以。
5 A: What should I do now?我现在该怎么做?
B: Put some oil into the pan.在平底锅里放些油。
A: Where is the oil, Mum?油在哪,妈妈?
B: Can you see the two bottles on the cupboard? One is filled with wine, and another one is with oil. You must know which one is with oil right?你看到餐橱上的两个瓶子了吗?一个装了酒,另一个装了油。你知道哪个装了油,对吗?
A: Of course I know. Let me put some oil into the pan.当然知道。让我来放点油到锅里。
B: Good. Now you can try it.很好。现在你可以尝尝了。
A: Really? Let me try. Mm, it tastes very good. 真的?让我来尝尝。很好吃。

Unit 3 American English
第三单元 美式英语

1 I have some difficulties in…我在---方面有困难。
2 And when do you take …?你什么时候学----?
3 Would you please say that again more…?你能更---地再说一遍吗?
4 I am sorry I don’t quite follow you…对不起我没怎么听懂你。
5 Do you have any plan?你有什么计划吗?
6 Written English is more or less the same in both Britain and America, though…书面英语在美国和英国都基本上一样,尽管---。
7 …the language spoken in these places stayed the same, while …-----这些地方说的语言保持不变,而-----。
8 How did the … come about?----是怎么来的?
9 You are doing fine…你----干得不错。


1 I find English class is very interesting. But I have some difficulties in grammar.我发现英语课很有趣。但是我在语法方面有些困难。
2 Li Lin, it is the end of the term now. When do you take the final examination?李玲,现在是学期末了。你什么时候期末考试?
3 I am sorry but I can’t hear you clearly. Would you please say it again more loudly?对不起我听不清你。您能大声地再说一遍吗?
4 I am sorry. My English is not very good and I don’t quite follow you. Would you please say it again more slowly?对不起。我的英语不大好,我不大能听懂你。你能慢点再说一遍吗?
5 You are going to have a trip around China. Do you have any plan?你要环游中国。你有什么计划吗?
6 These two kinds of drink taste more or less the same, though they are made by the different factory.这两种饮料味道基本上一样,尽管是不同厂家生产的。
7 His brother is a doctor, while he is a teacher.他哥哥是医生,而他是教师。
8 Look, they are very different. Do you know how the difference comes about?看,它们不一样。你知道差别是怎么来的吗?
9 Though you just start learning piano, you are doing fine.尽管你才刚开始学钢琴,你弹得很好。

1 A: Jim, what is your computer course going on?吉姆,你的计算机课程怎么样了?
B: Well, I enjoy it very much. But I find it quite difficult for me.嗯,我非常喜欢。但是我觉得对我太难了。
A: Why? 为什么?
B: I find some difficulties in programming. It is very hard to understand.我在编程方面有问题。很难懂。
A: Don’t worry. It is very nature for a beginner. But I am sure you will be good at it some time later.别担心。对初学者来说是这样的。但是我相信过一段时间你会精通的。
B: Thank you. I hope so.谢谢你。我希望如此。
A: Keep on working hard. I am sure you will.继续努力。我相信你会努力的。
B: I will.我会努力的。

2 A: Nice to meet you Lily.很高兴见到你莉莉。
B: Nice to meet you Jim.很高兴见到你吉姆。
A: Lily, I hear that you are learning Chinese, is it true?莉莉,我听说你在学汉语,是吗?
B: That is right. 没错。
A When did you take this course?你什么时候开始学的?
B: I began three month ago.我三个月前开始的。
A: Can you speak Chinese?你能说汉语吗?
B:Just a little.只会一点。
A: Do you have to take examinations?你要参加考试吗?
B.Of course I do. I will take an examination next week.当然要。我下个星期要考试。

3 A: Lin Tao, can you tell me your answer to this question?林涛,你能告诉我这个问题的答案吗?
B: I am sorry, Mr. Li. But I didn’t hear the question. Would you please say it again?对不起,李老师。我没听到问题。您能再说一遍吗?
A: Ok. My question is that when did the first Olympic Games began?好的。我的问题是第一届奥林匹克运动会什么时候举办的?
B: I am sorry but I don’t know. I am afraid I don’t quite follow you.对不起我不知道。我恐怕没太听懂。
A: It doesn’t matter. Sit down please. Then, who can tell me the right answer?没关系。请坐。那么谁能告诉我正确答案?

4 A: What would you like to do in the future?你将来想干什么?
B: I would like to work as a doctor.我想做医生。
A: That is very good. Do you have any plan?那很好。你有计划吗?
B: Yes, I am learning medicine now. 有的,我现在在学医。
A: That’s fine.那很好。

5 A: Mr. Li, does the language always change?李老师,语言总是在变化吗?
B: Yes, you are right. They are changing all the time. 是的,你说得对。它们总是在变化。
A: Do written English and spoken English both change in the past?在过去,书面英语和口语都变化了吗?
B: Well, written English is more or less the same in Britain and America, though there are some spelling differences.嗯,书面英语在英国和美国都基本上一样,尽管有一些拼写差别。
A: What did the differences come about?这些差别从哪里来的?
B: It is very hard to say.很难说。

Unit 4 Travel
第四单元 旅行


1 When are you going off to …?你什么时候去---?
2 Is anybody seeing you off?有人为你送行吗?
3 Where are you staying in…?在----,你住在哪?
4 I hear that…我听说---。
5 I’m staying with a friend of mine…我住在我的一个朋友那里。
6 Do give her my regards…一定要代我向她问好。
7 And say “Hi” to…from me.代我向----问好。
8 Have a good trip…祝你旅行愉快。
9 Thank you. The same to you…谢谢。你也一样。
10 I was just about to …我刚要----。
11 Then we took off and …然后我们就起飞了---。
12 For miles and miles I could see nothing except …绵延数里,除了---我什么也看不到。
13 They move on to a new place every...每----他们就去一个新地方。

Li Ling, when are you going off to Beijing?李玲,你什么时候去北京?
Jim, you are going to Guangzhou by plane tomorrow morning. Is anybody seeing you off?吉姆,你明天早上坐飞机去广州。有人送行吗?
Where are you staying in Guangzhou? Do you have any friends living there?在广州你住在哪?你有朋友住在那儿吗?
I hear that you are going to the US. Is that true?我听说你要去美国。是真的吗?
I am visiting some friends of mine in New York City this summer holiday.这个暑假我要去看望我的一些在纽约的朋友。
Tim, you are going to visit Miss Gao, right? Do give her my best wishes.迪姆,你要去看望高老师,是吗?一定要代我向她问候。
I am afraid that I can’t go to Lily’s party this evening. Please say “Happy birthday” to Lily from me.我恐怕今晚不能参加莉莉的聚会了。请代我向莉莉说声“生日快乐”。
You are going to visit Guangzhou, right? Have a good trip!你要去广州玩,对吗?祝旅行愉快。
Thanks. The same to you. I hope we all have a good trip.谢谢。你也一样。我希望我们旅行愉快。
I was about to go to bed when the phone rang last night.昨晚我正要上床睡觉,电话铃响了。
We took off and flew to Japan after a short wait in the airport.在机场稍等了一下,我们就起飞,飞往日本了。
The whole evening I could hear nothing except the baby crying.整个晚上除了婴儿的啼哭,我什么也没听到。
Li Min goes to a music class every two days.李明每两天去上一次音乐课。


1 A: The holiday is coming soon. Where are you going for a trip?假期快到了。你打算去哪旅行?
B: I am going to Xi’an.我要去西安。
A: Oh, it is a very nice place. When are you going off for Xi’an?噢,那是个好地方。你什么时候去西安?
B: The day after tomorrow.后天。
A: Are you going there alone? Or with somebody?你一个人去?还是和别人一起去?
B: Well, I will go there with my parents.嗯,我和我父母一起去。
A: That is great.那很好。

2 A: You are leaving now?你要走了吗?
B: Yes, tomorrow. I will take the flight at 8 in the morning.是的,明天。我坐早上8点钟的飞机。
A: Is there any one seeing you off?有人为你送行吗?
B: Yes, some of my friends will see me off in the airport. About five.有的,我的一些朋友会到机场送我。大约5个。
A: I am afraid I can’t come and see you off because I have to go to school. 我恐怕不能来送你了,因为我必须去上学。
B: It doesn’t matter.没关系。
A: Have a good trip. 祝你旅途愉快。
B: Thank you.谢谢。

3 A: Lily, you are going to Hangzhou?莉莉,你要去杭州。
B: Yes, this afternoon.是的,今天下午。
A: Are you going for a visit?你是去看望人吗?
B: Yes, my parents and some friends of mine are living there.是的,我父母和我的一些朋友住在那儿。
A: Are you staying there with your parents?(到了杭州)你打算住你父母那儿吗?
B: Of course. And I will visit Li Lei there.当然。我还要去看望李磊。
A: Oh, really? Do give my best wishes to him.噢,真的吗?代我向他问好。
B: Sure. I will say “Hi” to him for you.好的。我会代你向他问好的。

4 A: Merry Christmas, Lucy.圣诞节快乐,露茜。
B: Oh, thank you. The same to you, Lin Tao.噢,谢谢。你也一样,林涛。
A: You look busy. What are you going to do?你看起来很忙。你要干什么?
B: Well, I am about to go to the airport. I am seeing my friend Jim off.嗯,我要去机场。我要去给吉姆送行。
A: Oh? Is he leaving now?噢?他要走了吗?
B: Yes, the plane will take off in half an hour.是的,飞机半个小时后起飞。
A: Oh, hurry up. You will be late.噢,快点。你要来不及了。

5 A: What about your trip to the countryside?你的乡下之旅怎么样?
B: It was fine. But I was very tired.很好。但是我很累。
A: Why?为什么?
B: For miles and miles I could not see any thing except mountains. I had to climb over all of them to find a village. All the villages are cut off from the world by the mountain.绵延数里除了山我什么也看不到。我必须翻过所有的这些山才找到一个村庄。所有的村庄都被大山与世隔绝了。
A: How do the villagers communicate with the outer world?村民如何与外面的世界交流?
B: Well, some of them climb over the mountains every half a month to sell their goods and buy what they need for their villages.嗯,有些人每半个月翻过山来卖他们的东西,买一些村里需要的东西。

Unit 5 Why do you do that?
第五单元 你为什么做那事?

1 Why do you…?你为什么---?
2 I’ll keep the box in the shade so that …我会把这箱子放在阴凉处,为了----。
3 Later, in a few weeks’ time I’ll…以后,几个星期后,我会---。
4 Then I’ll water them to stop the soil getting too dry…那么我会浇水,以防土壤变得太干。
5 Or do they grow by themselves…?还是它们自己生长?
6 The powder is made from…这粉末是----做的。
7 It’ll make the cabbage plant grow big and strong…它会使卷心菜茁壮成长的。
8 In the past there were no trees left…在过去,没有树留下----。
9 We’ll hold a meeting in order to …为了----,我们要开一个会。
10 In fact…事实上,----。

1 Lily, why did you leave so early last night?莉莉,昨晚你为什么离开的那么早?
2 I will give him a call so that he will remember to bring us the books.我会给他打个电话,好让他记得把书带给我们。
3 His father has found a new job in another city. He will move to that city in a few weeks’ time.他父亲在另一个城市找到了一个新工作。几个星期后,他会搬到那个城市去。
4 The police stand there to stop the car moving too close to each other.警察站在那儿,防止车辆互相靠得太近。
5 The luggage is very heavy; can you carry it by yourself?行李很重,你自己能搬动吗?

6 Do you know that paper is made from bamboo?你知道那种纸是用竹子做的吗?
7 This kind of product will make the air in the room become very clean and fresh.这种产品可以使房间里的空气变得干净清新。
8 After 6 o’clock, there is no one left in the classroom.六点钟以后,教室里没有人。
9 We will buy some book on the WTO in order to learn more about it.我们会买一些关于世界贸易组织的书,为了对它了解更多。
10 He said he is not good at playing football, in fact he is a member of the school team.他说他不擅长踢足球,事实上他是校队的队员。

1 A: Li Lei, you look unhappy. Why?李磊,你看起来不高兴。为什么?
B: I was late this morning. I got up too late.我今天早上迟到了。我起床晚了。
A: Why did you get up so late?你为什么起晚了?
B: I had a lot of homework to do yesterday. So I had to finish it.我昨天有很多作业要做。所以我必须做完它们。
A: Did you go to school by bus this morning?你今天早上是坐公共汽车来学校的吗?
B: Yes, but I was late.是的,但是我迟到了。

2 A: Why do you always have so much homework to do everyday?你为什么每天总是有那么多作业要做?
B: Well, the teacher says he asks us to do a lot of homework in order to keep us working hard.嗯,老师说为了让我们努力学习,他让我们做很多作业。
A: Oh, he really says so?噢,他真的这么说?
B: Yes, we are very tired.是的,我们很累。
A: I don’t think your teacher is right. Too much homework makes us tired of studies.我认为你的老师是不对的。太多的作业让我们讨厌学习。
B: That’s true.是的。

3 A: Li Lei, have you been to Sichuan before?李磊,你以前去过四川吗?
B: Yes, I have been there last summer holiday. I visited the Jiuzaigou.去过,我上个暑假去那儿了。我去九寨沟玩了。
A: I am going there in two weeks’ time. Can you tell me more about your trip?我两个星期后去那。你能多告诉我一些你的旅行的情况吗?
B: Yes. There are always a lot of people going there in summer. And police will stop too many people going there. So maybe some of them have to wait one or two day.好的。在夏季总是有很多人去那儿。警察会阻止太多人去那儿。所以也许有些人要等一两天。
A: Oh, it must be a very wonderful place.噢,那一定是一个好地方。
B: By the way, are you going there by yourself?顺便问一下,你是一个人去吗?
A: No, with some friends.不,和几个朋友去。

4 A: Look, what a nice dress!看,多好看的衣服!
B: Yes, it feels very good. Do you know what is it made from?是的,手感也很好。你知道是什么做的吗?
A: Is it made from silk?是丝绸做的吗?
B: Not really. Guess.不是。猜猜。
A: It must be made from cotton.一定是棉做的。
B: No. Let me tell you. In fact it made from bean fiber.不是。让我告诉你吧。事实上它是用豆纤维做的
A: Oh, really? That’s great!!噢,真的吗?那太棒了!

5 A: Do you know what paper is made from?你知道纸是用什么做的吗?
B: I don’t know. Can you tell me?我不知道。你能告诉我吗?
A: Yes, it’s made from bamboo fiber.可以,是用竹纤维做的。
B: Really? But the bamboo is very hard. What do people do to get the fiber?真的吗?但是竹子很硬。人们怎么获取纤维?
A: They dipped the bamboos into the water for a long time so that they will become very soft.他们把竹子在水里浸泡很长时间,让竹子变软。
B: Oh, I see.哦,我明白了。

Unit 6 A new factory
第六单元 一个新的工厂
1 How long have you had…?你拥有-----多长时间了?
2 Can I take a look at…?我可以看一下---吗?
3 I say, let’s go out for …我说,让我们去---吧。
4 A new car factory will be … 一个新的汽车工厂将---。
5 Where will the car factory be…?汽车工厂将在什么地方----?
6 … will be sent abroad by sea/air…-----将被飞机或船运往------。
7The building of a new car factory was agreed on。达成一致建一个新的汽车制造厂。
8The cars will be supplied to people all over the world…汽车将被提供给世界各地的人们。
9 At least…至少----。
10 The project begins with…以----做作为项目的开始。

1 It is a very good book. How long have you had it?这是一本好书,你买了多长时间了?
2 Oh, it is a nice watch. Can I take a look at it?哦,这是一块好看的表,我可以看看吗?
3 Li Tao, it is a nice day today. Let’s go out for a picnic.李涛,今天是好天气,我们出去野炊吧。
4 In our town, a new zoo will be built for the children.我们城市要为孩子们建一个动物园。
5 Where and when will the new school be built?新学校在什么地方,什么时候开始修建?
6 Everyday a lot of flowers are sent abroad by air.每天大批花卉空运到国外。
7 All the countries have agreed on to open a talk about the war.所有国家都同意就战争问题进行谈判。
8 There are Chinese people all over the world.中国人遍及全球。
9 At least 5,000 people watched the performance last night.昨天晚上至少5000人观看了演出。
10 The teacher began the class by a song.老师以唱歌的形式开始上课。

1 A: Good morning Lily.早上好,莉莉。
B: Good morning Lin Tao.早上好,林涛。
A: Lily, they say you have bought a new watch. Can I take a look at it?莉莉,他们说你买了一块新手表。我可以看看吗?
B: Sure, here you are.当然,给你。
A: It is a very nice watch. How long have you had it?这是块很好看的手表。你买了多久了?
B: I bought it last week.我上个星期买的。
A: I like it very much. I think I will buy one later.我非常喜欢它。我想我也要买一块。

2 A: Oh, it is a very nice day today. Let’s go out for fun.噢,今天天气很好。让我们出去玩吧。
B: What shall we do?我们干什么呢?
A: Let’s go out for a walk.让我们去散步吧。
B: But I don’t feel like walking today. Let’s go for a movie. There is a very wonderful movie this week.但是我今天不想散步。我们去看电影吧。这个星期有一部很棒的电影。
A: Ok, What is the name of the movie?好的,电影的名字是什么?
B: Pretty Woman.“风月俏佳人”。
B: That sounds a very good movie. When and where the movie will be stared?听起来是一部很好看的影片。什么时候,在什么地方放映?

3 A: Oh, there are so many fresh fishes.噢,这儿有这么多活鱼。
B: Yes, they will be sent to the north later.是的,待会儿它们要被送往北方。
A: Really? But it is very far from here to the north. The fishes will die.真的吗?从这儿到北方很远。鱼会死的。
B: Don’t worry. They will be sent to the north by air. It won’t be a long time.别担心。它们会被空运到北方去。不会要很久的。
A: I see. Then these fishes will be very expensive in the north.我明白了。那么到了北方这些鱼一定会很贵。
B: That’s true. There are also some kinds of fresh food supplied by the north.是的。北方也有新鲜食物供应。
A: I know. Apple, for example.我知道。比如说,苹果。
B: You are right.你说得对。

4 A: Did you watch the news last night?你看了昨晚的新闻吗?
B: No, what happened?没有,发生了什么?
A: The countries have agreed to stop the war.那些国家已经同意停战了。
B: That is a good piece of news. 那真是好消息。
A: Yes, there are so many people killed in the war.是的,战争中死了很多人。
B: How many of them?有多少?
A: At least 2,000.至少2,000人。

5 A: What about your new teacher?你的新老师怎么样?
B: He is a very wonderful teacher.他是个非常好的老师。
A: Why do you say so?你为什么这么说?
B: He began the class with a joke. We all laughed. And his class is very interesting.他上课的开头讲了个笑话。我们都笑了。而且他的课很有趣。
A: That’s great.那太好了。
B: Yes, I think he is the best teacher in our school.是的,我想他是我们学校最好的老师。
A: You like him so much.你非常喜欢他。

Unit 7 Earthquakes
第七单元 地震

1 What does “quake” mean, as in the word…?在----这个词中“quake”是什么意思?
2 Were you in San Francisco at the time of …?在-----的时候你在旧金山吗?
3 What was it like?它象什么样?
4 It sounded like…听起来象---。
5 And then I washed all the glasses that were on the table …然后我把桌上所有的玻璃杯都洗了。
6 Will you… if…?如果----你会----吗?
7 The population in and around San Francisco is now ten times more than it was 现在旧金山城以及其附近地方的人口是以前的十倍。
8 Scientist explain that…科学家解释说----。
9 …but the strong ones may stay up…----但是强壮的会坚持下来。
10…an even bigger earthquake will …----甚至会有更大的地震会---。


1 Mr. Li, can you tell me what does “birth” mean, as in the word “ birthday”?李老师,您能告诉我在“ birthday”这个词中,“birth”是什么意思吗?
2 Were you a little child at the time of the war?战争的时候你还个孩子吗?
3 Lily, you have seen the snow. What was it like?莉莉,你看过雪。它是什么样的?
4 The clock sounded like a big bell ringing.这钟响起来象铃响。
5 I saw the boy who was playing by the river suddenly dropping into the water.我看见在河边玩耍的小男孩突然掉进了水中。
6 Will you go abroad if you have a chance?如果你有机会你会出国吗?
7 The boys in our school is two times more than the girls in our school.我们学校的男生人数是女生的两倍。
8 He was late this morning and he explained that it was because he missed the bus.他今天早上迟到了,他解释说是因为他错过了公共汽车。
9 The new books are kept in the shelf, and the old ones will be sold.新书放在书架上,旧的将被卖掉。
10 There is a very big snow this morning. But the weather report said that a ever bigger one is coming tomorrow.今天早上下了一场大雪。但是天气预报说明天会下一场更大的雪。

1 A: Lily, what does “good” mean, as in the word “good-looking”?莉莉,“good-looking”中的“good”是什么意思?
B: It means beautiful, pretty, or handsome. 意思是美丽,漂亮,或英俊。
A: Oh? Can you give an example?噢?你能举个例子吗?
B: Ok. When you say “Lucy is very good-looking”, you mean “Lucy is a very pretty girl.”好的。当你说露茜很good-looking的时候,你的意思是露茜是个漂亮的女孩。
A: Now I understand. Thank you very much.现在我明白了。非常感谢。
B: It is my pleasure.是我的荣幸。

2 A: Li Lei, were you in Beijing at the time of the heavy snow?李磊,在下大雪的时候你在北京吗?
B: Yes, I was there the whole winter holiday.是的,我整个寒假都在那儿。
A: I have never seen the snow. Can you tell me what was it like?我从没见过雪。你能告诉我它是什么样吗?
B: Yes, it is very soft and light. It looked like the fur falling down from the sky.好的,它很软很轻。看起来象天上掉下来的羽毛。
A: Really? That’s very beautiful.真的吗?那很美。
B: Maybe you can go to Beijing next winter to watch the snow.也许明年冬天你可以到北京去看雪。

3 A: Lily, do you know there was a traffic accident on the street?莉莉,你知道吗,街上发生了一起交通事故。
B: No, I don’t know. What happened?不,我不知道。发生什么了?
A: I watched an old man who was going across the road was knocked down by a coming car.我看见一个老人在过马路的时候被开过来的车撞倒了。
B: Oh, dear. I hope he was not badly hurt.噢,天哪。我希望他没有伤得太重。
A: He was, and was sent to the hospital at once.他伤得很重,立即被送往医院了。

4 A: There are so many students going abroad these years.这些年有很多学生出国。
B: That’s true. They think the schools that are in the US and the Britain are better than the ones in China.是的。他们认为美国英国的学校比中国的学校好。
A: Will you go abroad when you have a chance in the future.你将来有机会,你会出国吗?
B: I don’t know. There are also many very good schools in China.我不知道。在中国也有很多好学校。
A: Yes, I agree. And there are many foreigners coming to China for studies.是的,我同意。而且有很多外国人到中国来学习。
B: Right.是的。

5 A: What a cold day. And the rain is very heavy.今天真冷。雨下的也很大。
B: And it is said that a even heavier one is coming in a few days.而且还说几天后甚至要下更大的雨。
A: What happen to the weather this season?这个季节的天气怎么了?
B: The scientists explain that the weather is changing because of the global warming effect.科学家说由于全球变暖的影响,气候在发生变化。

Unit 8 mainly revision
第八单元 总复习

1 Would you like another…?你要再来一个----吗?
2 How about some more…?再来些----怎么样?
3 They are better when they are…当它们----时候,更好些。
4 No, thanks. I’ve had enough.不用了,谢谢。我吃够了。
5 I’m full, thank you.我饱了,谢谢。
6They needed a plant 他们需要一个工厂
7 Corn was not the only food that…玉米不是唯一------的食物。
8 …it can be grown in places where it is too cold to grow rice. -----可以种植在天气太寒冷不能种水稻的地方。
9Sometimes they cook it whole over an open fire.有时候他们把它整个在篝火上烤。
10 Today, fruit trees which once only grew in China…今天,那些曾经只在中国种植的果树----。

1 Lily, would you like another piece of meat? They are delicious.莉莉,你要再吃一块肉吗?很好吃的。
2 How about some more mooncake, Li Lei?再吃些月饼,李磊?
3 Lin Tao, have more soup. It tastes better when it is hot.林涛,再喝点汤。热的时候更好喝。
4 I am afraid I’ve have enough now. Thank you very much. The food today was very delicious.恐怕我现在吃饱了。非常感谢。今天的东西非常好吃。
5 What a nice meal! I’ve had quite a lot and I am full now. Thank you very much.多么好的一顿饭。我吃了很多,现在饱了。非常感谢。
6 There are as many books as there are in the city library.和市图书馆的书一样多。
7 He is the only one that who comes from Japan.他是唯一从日本来的。
8 In that province, it is too cold to grow bananas.在那个省,气候太寒冷,种不了香蕉。
9 We had a picnic last week. We cook meats over an open fire.我们上个星期去野餐了。我们生火烤肉吃。
10 He once worked in a factory. Now he is working in a computer company.他曾经在工厂工作。现在他在电脑公司工作。


1 A: Lily, just help yourself, please. 莉莉,请随便吃点。
B: Thanks, I will. The food is very delicious.谢谢,我会的。这些很好吃。
A: I am happy that you like it.很高兴你喜欢。
B: Yes, they are very well cooked. You are a good cook. 是的,做得很好吃。你是个好厨师。
A: Thank you. I learned it from my Mum. 谢谢。我跟我妈妈学的。
B: Oh, really? Your mother must be very good at cooking.噢,是吗?你妈妈一定很会做菜。
A: Yes, she is. She always cooked for me when I lived with her.是的,她是。当我和她住在一起的时候,她总是给我做饭。

2 A: Jim, would you like another glass of water?吉姆,你想再喝一杯水吗?
B: Yes, please. I am very thirsty. And I feel very cold.是的,请再来一杯。我很渴。还感觉很冷。
A: Where have you been just now?你刚才去哪了?
B: I went out for a walk and it is very cold outside.我出去散步了,外面很冷。
A: Here is your water. Drink it now. It is better when it is hot.给你水。现在喝了。趁热喝更好。
B: Thank you very much.非常感谢。
A: Not at all.不用谢。

3 A: It is a very nice meal. Thank you very much.很好的一顿饭。非常感谢。
B: I am happy that you like the food. Have some more food, please. 我很高兴你喜欢这些吃的。请再吃点。
A: No, thanks. I’ve had enough.不,谢谢了。我够了。
B: You’ve had enough? There’s plenty more.你够了?还有很多呢。
A: Thanks. I like the food very much, but I am afraid I am full now.谢谢。我很喜欢这些食物,但是我恐怕现在吃饱了。
B: Ok. I think I’d better serve you a cup of coffee.好的。我想我最好给你上一杯咖啡。
A: Oh, thank you very much. I love it.噢,非常感谢。我很想喝一杯。

4A: Li Lei, are you from the north?李磊,你是从北方来的吗?
B: Yes. I am from Henan.是的。我从河南来的。
A: Really? Do you have vegetables in the winter?真的吗?你们冬天有蔬菜吗?
B: Yes, of course. We have as many vegetables as in the south.有,当然有。象在南方一样,我们有很多蔬菜。
A: But the weather will be too cold to grow vegetables in the winter there.但是那儿的冬季天气太冷,种不了蔬菜。
B: That’s true. But now the farmers grow vegetables in the greenhouse. In the past, cabbage is the only kind of vegetable we have in winter. But now we have a lot.是的。但是现在农民在温室里种蔬菜。在过去,卷心菜是我们冬天唯一的蔬菜。但是现在我们有很多种了。

5 A: Jim, what did you do last Sunday?吉姆,你上个星期天干什么了?
B: Well, our class went for a picnic in the park.嗯,我们班去公园野餐了。
A: That’s great! What did you do?那太棒了!你们干什么了?
B: We brought a lot of food with us. And we cooked meat and corns over an open fire by the river.我们带了很多吃的东西。我们在河边生火考肉和玉米。
A: That sounds good. Did you have a good time?听起来很有趣。你们玩得开心吗?
B: Yes, I enjoyed myself.是的,我玩得很开心。

Unit 9 Computer
第九单元 电脑

1 Mei Ge, did you find out the price for…?梅格,你找到了---的价钱吗?
2 Yes, I’ve got the information for…是的,我有关于---的信息。
3 And it is bigger, although it’s …它大些,尽管它----。
4 That would be a waste of …那是浪费---。
5 Any reason?有什么原因吗?
6 I believe…我觉得----。
7 I don’t think it’s necessary to …我认为没有必要---。
8 The factory needs a computer as soon as possible.这工厂需要尽快有一台新电脑。
9 We must decide which to…我们必须决定----。
10 You might not be able to buy your ticket until …直到-----你才能买票。
11 We’ll meet again tomorrow and make a decision then.我们明天再见,然后做出决定。

1 Lily, I want to buy a Discman. Can you find out the price for the Sony Discman for me?莉莉,我想买一部CD机。你能帮我查一下索尼CD机的价格吗?
2 Jim, I’ve got some information about the technology development in the library.吉姆,我有一些关于图书馆技术发展的信息。
3 The blue one is better than the red one, although the red one is more expensive.蓝色的这个比红色的好,尽管红色的更贵。
4 Don’t watch so much TV. It is a waste of time.别看太多的电视。是浪费时间。
5 You said you don’t like Japanese. Any reason?你说你不喜欢日本人。有什么原因吗?
6 I believe we should send Tom an invitation. He is our old friend.我觉得我们因该给汤姆发请帖。他是我们的老朋友。
7 I think it is necessary to keep silent in the library.我认为在图书馆必须保持安静。
8 Lily, please bring the book to me as soon as possible. It is very important.莉莉,请尽快把书带给我。它很重要。
9 There are so many foods in the restaurant. We must decide which to eat.餐馆里有那么多食物。我们必须决定吃什么.
10 The people are not allowed to go into the museum until they have shown their tickets.人们只有出示了他们的票才允许进入博物馆。
11 It is very hard for me to make a decision. I need some time to think about it carefully.我很难做决定。我需要一些时间来仔细考虑。

1 A: Lily, I want to buy a new recorder. Do you know the price for them?莉莉,我想买一部新录音机。你知道它们的价格吗?
B: Which one do you like to buy?你想买哪一种?
A: I want to buy the Philips 2000.我想买飞利浦2000型。
B: It is about 1,000 Yuan.大约1000元。
A: That’s quite dear.那很贵。
B: You can buy the Awai 2001你可以买爱华2001型。.
A: Is that expensive?贵吗?
B: It is as good as Sony, although it is cheaper.和索尼的一样好,尽管便宜些。

2 A: I hear that you will move to another city. Is that true?我听说你要搬到另一个城市去。是真的吗?
B: Right. I have to find a new school there.是的。我必须在那儿找一所新学校。
A: Have you got some information for the schools in that city?你有没有那个城市的学校的一些信息?
B: Yes. But I can’t make a decision. I don’t know which one is better.有。但是我不能做出决定。我不知道那所更好。
A: Maybe you can talk with your teacher. He will give you some advice.也许你可以和你的老师弹弹。他会给你些建议的。
B: That’s a good idea.这个主意不错。

3 A: What are you going to do this afternoon?你今天下午打算干什么?
B: I don’t know. Maybe I will stay at home and read a novel.我不知道。也许我会呆在家看小说。
A: Oh, I think it is a waste of time. Why not go out with me?噢,我想那是浪费时间。为什么不和我一起出去?
B: Do you have any good ideas?你有什么好主意吗?
A: We can go for a picnic, go to the museum, visit the park or go to the city library.我们可以去野餐,去博物馆,去公园或是去市图书馆。
B: But there are so many things. We have to decide which to do.但是有太多的事情可做。我们要决定做什么。
A: Ok, Let’s make a decision. What about go to the city library?好的,让我们来作决定吧。去市图书馆怎么样?

4 A: Lucy, do you think we have to change this old computer for a new one?露茜,你认为我们必须换一台新电脑吗?
B: I don’t think so. It works well, although it is old.我不这么认为。它工作的很好,尽管旧了。
A: But I believer we need a new one.但是我认为我们需要一台新的。
B: Any reason?有什么理由?
A: Well, our computer is bought 3 years ago. I think it is necessary to buy a new one. It is very old. And now the new computers are very cheap. The price goes down.嗯,我们的电脑是三年前买的。我想必须买台新的了。这台很旧了。而且现在新电脑很便宜。价格下降了。
B: Let me think about it.让我想一想。

5 A: Tom, have you got the ticket to the concert?汤姆,你有音乐会的票吗?
B: No, I will buy it this evening.没有,我今晚去买。
A: I think it is necessary to buy a ticket as soon as possible.我想有必要尽快去买票。
B: Why?为什么?
A; There are so many people want to watch the performance. There will be no ticket left in the evening.有很多人等着要看演出。到晚上会没票的。
B: Oh, really? Can I buy the tickets this morning?噢,是吗?我可以今天早上买票吗?
A: I am afraid not. They don’t begin to sell the ticket until afternoon. 恐怕不行。他们下午才卖票。

Unit 10 Sports
第十单元 运动

1 Do you often have sports …?你经常做体育运动吗?
2 Which do you prefer, … or …?你喜欢哪一个,----还是----。
3 I prefer … to …我喜欢---胜过----。
4 In fact, I am on the … team.事实上,我是---队队员。
5 Would you please let me know …?你能告诉我----吗?
6 …athletes from all over the world take part in…世界各地的运动员参加----。
7 The old Olympic Games, from which the modern games came …古代奥运会,现代奥运会发源于此-----。
8 The runner you are asking abut is …你问的这个跑步运动员是-----。
9 After that more and more countries …从那以后,越来越多的国家----。
10 They do/try their best to …他们尽力---。

1 Li Lei, do you like sports? Do you often have sports in school?李磊,你喜欢体育吗?你在学校经常做体育运动吗?
2 Which one do you prefer? Apple, pear or orange?你喜欢哪一个?苹果,梨子还是桔子。
3 I don’t like watching TV. I prefer reading to watching TV.我不喜欢看电视。我喜欢看书胜过看电视。
4 He is a very good footballplayer. In fact, he is on the school team.他是个很好的足球运动员。事实上,他是校队队员。
5 Excuse me. Would you please to let me know the way to the nearest post station?打扰了。你告诉我去最近的邮局的路吗?
6 There will be a sports meeting this week. Will you take part in the games?这个星期有运动会。你会参加运动会吗?
7 China, in which the silk is made, is a very old,丝绸之乡,是个古老的国家。
8 The boy we are talking about is now in Beijing University.我们谈论的这个男孩现在在北京大学。
9 Today, more and more students are interested in computer.今天越来越多的学生对计算机感兴趣。
10 All the students in our class are doing their best to get the scholarship.我们班上所有的学生都在尽力争取奖学金。

1 A: What do you always do in your school?你一直在学校里做些什么?
B: I often play games with my classmates.我经常和我的同学玩游戏。
A: Do you often do sports?你经常做体育运动吗?
B: Yes, I like sports very much. I like playing basketball, football and badminton. What about you?是的,我非常喜欢体育。我喜欢打篮球,踢足球,打羽毛球。你呢?
A: I like swimming in the summer and play basketball in the winter. I am on the school basketball team in my school.在夏天我喜欢游泳,在冬天我喜欢打篮球。我是我们学校校篮球队队员。
B: Are you? Me too.是吗?我也是。

2 A: Welcome. Sit down please. 欢迎。请坐。
B: Thank you. 谢谢。
A: Which do you prefer, orange or coffee?你喜欢哪样,橙汁还是咖啡?
B: I prefer coffee. Thank you very much.我要咖啡。非常感谢。
A: Here you are. You like coffee very much, right?给你。你很喜欢咖啡,对吗?
B: Yes, I love it.是的,我很喜欢。
A: Well. I prefer orange to coffee myself.我更喜欢橙汁,而不是咖啡。

3 A: You are laughing. Would you please let me know what are you talking about?你在笑。能告诉我你们在谈什么吗?
B: Yes. The topic we are talking about is the interesting things happened when we were children.好的。我们谈的话题是我们小时候的趣事。
A: Really? That’s funny. 是吗?那很有趣。
B: Yes. And we are trying our best to make others laugh.是的。我们在尽量使别人笑。
A: Who are you laughing at just now?你们刚才在笑谁?
B: The person at whom we laughed was me. I told them a silly thing I did when I was 5 years old.我们笑的人是我。我告诉了他们我5岁时干的一件傻事。

4 A: Lily, do you know there is a party in our school this evening?莉莉,你知道吗,今晚我们学校有个晚会。
B: No, tell me more.不知道,告诉我更多些东西。
A: It is a big party held by the school. And there will be a lot of performances.是学校举办的一个大晚会。会有很多表演。
B: That’s great. Can I take part in?那太棒了。我可以参加吗?
A: Of course. Everyone can take part in it. 当然可以。每个人都可以参加。
B: Wonderful!太好了!

5 A: More and more students in our class are learning computer these days.这些天我们班上越来越多的学生在学电脑。
B: Yes. It is very important to know computer now.是的。现在会电脑是很重要的。
A: That’s true. They are all doing their best to master the machine.是的。他们都在尽力掌握电脑。
B: Are you learning computer now?你现在在学电脑吗?
A: Of course. I am one of them.当然。我也是其中的一个。

Unit 11 Country music
第十一单元 乡村音乐


1 Haven’t you heard of …?你没有听说过---吗?
2 He writes most of …他写大部分的----。
3 Bad luck…真倒霉。
4 Some writers are no longer writing about the modern values of the USA…有些作家已经不再写美国的现代价值观了。
5 …feeling alone in the modern world, the value of having good friends and so on…----在现代世界里感到孤独,有好朋友的价值所在等等---。
6 Political leaders were not well thought of …对政治领袖的评价不高。
7 The first country singers sang while…最初的乡村歌手唱歌---。
8 One subject to which country music often return is …乡村歌曲经常涉及的一个主题是----。
9 They believe that the best things in life were free…他们相信生活中最美好的事情是自由的---。

1 Have you heard of Leon? He is a very famous actor.你听说过里昂吗?他是名非常有名的演员。
2 In our class, most of the students are from the countryside.在我们班上,大部分学生来自乡村。
3 You miss the bus today? Oh, bad luck.你今天错过了公共汽车?噢,运气真坏。
4 The animals no longer live in that forest because most of the trees have been cut down.动物不在栖息在那森林里了,因为大部分树都被砍了。
5 When he was a child, he was always left at home. He felt alone at that time.当他是个孩子的时候,他总是被一个人留在家。在那个时候,他感到孤单。
6 In the western world, political leaders are always not well thought of.在西方,对政治领袖的评价总是不高。
7 She is a lovely girl. She can dance while singing.她是个可爱的女孩。她能载歌载舞。
8 One subject we are interested in is internet.我们感兴趣的一个主题是英特网。
9 We should learn to find pleasure in life. They are all very simple.我们应该学会发现生活的乐趣。它们都非常简单。


1 A: Have you heard of Michael Jordon? 你听说过麦克尔•乔丹吗?
B: I am afraid not. Who is he?恐怕没有。他是谁?
A: Haven’t you heard of him? He is the most famous basketball player.你没有听说过他吗?他是最著名的篮球运动员。
B: Oh, I remember. Why do you ask this question?噢,我想起来了。你为什么问这个问题?
A: He is going to retire this year. 他今年要退役了。
B: Really? What a pity!是吗?真遗憾!
A: Yes. And he is thought of the one of greatest basketball players in the history.是的。他被认为是历史上最好的篮球运动员。

2 A: Hello, Lily.你要,莉莉。
B: Hello, Lin Tao.你好,林涛。
A: Lily, are you from the USA?莉莉,你是从美国来的吗?
B: Yes, I am. Most of my classmates are from the U.S.是的,我是。我的大部分同学都是美国来的。
A: Really? In my class, Jim is the only one who is from U.S.真的吗?在我班上,只有吉姆是美国来的。
B: I’ve heard of him. He is a very good football player right?我听说过他。他是个很好的足球运动员,对吗?
A: Yes, he is on the school team.是的,他是校队的。

3 A: Li Lei, did you win the football match?李磊,你赢得了足球比赛吗?
B: No, we lost the games. 没有,我们比赛输了。
A: Really? Why?真的吗?为什么?
B: One of our team members was badly injured during the game. 在比赛的时候,我们的一名队员伤得很严重。
A: Oh, bad luck! And is he all right now?噢,太倒霉了!他现在还好吗?
B: Yes, he feels much better now.是的,他现在感觉好多了。

4 A: Li Lei, Where did you spend your childhood?李磊,你童年在哪过得?
B: I grew up in the countryside. I lived with my grand-parents. 我在乡村长大的。我和我父母住在一起。
A: Did you enjoy your life there?你在那儿生活得愉快吗?
B: Yes, I have a lot of friends there. And we play games together.是的,我在那儿有很多朋友。我们一起做游戏。
A: Oh, that’s great. I grow up in the city. I am the only child in my family. And my parents are very busy. I always play with myself.哦,那真是很好。我在城市长大。我是独生子女。我的父母很忙。我总是自己一个人玩。
B: Didn’t you have any friend to play with you?没有朋友和你玩吗?
A: No. I always felt alone at that time.没有。在那个时候,我总是感到孤单。
B: But it is a pity that my grand-parents no longer live there. They both move to the city to live with us.但是很遗憾我的祖父幕不再住在那儿了。他们都搬到城里来和我们一起住了。

5 A: Did you enjoy the party last night?你昨晚的聚会玩得开心吗?
B; Yes, it was a wonderful party although it is very simple.是的,晚会很有趣,尽管很简朴。
A: Was there any performance there?有表演吗?
B: Yes. Lily danced while we were singing together.有。我们唱歌的时候,莉莉跳舞。
A: That must be a great party. 那一定是个很棒的晚会。
B: Yes, there were every thing that makes a wonderful party: music, friends, laugher, food, dancing, and so on.是的,好的晚会所需要的东西都有:音乐,朋友,笑声,吃的,跳舞,等等。

Unit 12 English programmes
第十二单元 英文节目

1 What do you find hardest in English?在英语当中你认为什么是最难的?
2 Sometimes it’s just impossible to …有时候是不可能---。
3 The more you …the more you…你越---你就越---。
4 That’s easier said than done!说比做容易!
5 Do you think that would help?你认为那有用吗?
6 And why not…?为什么不---呢?
7 It broadcasts all kinds of programmes, which change from month to month.播放各种电视节目,每个月都更换。
8 Many of them are well received, such as…它们中有许多很受欢迎,比如----。
9 They are of great help to …它们对----有很大帮助。

1 Wei Hua, you are learning computer. What do you find hardest in it?魏华,你在学电脑。你觉得什么是最难的?
2 I got up at six this morning. It was impossible for me to catch the school bus.今天早上我六点钟起床。我不可能赶上校车。
3 The more you practice it, the better you learn it.你练习得越多,你就会学得越好。
4 You ask me to work harder. But it is easier said that done.你叫我更努力的学习。但是说比做容易。
5 Do you think go to the library would help?你认为去图书馆会有帮助吗?
6 It is a very sunny day today. Why not go for a walk?今天天气很晴朗。为什么不出去散步呢?
7 The fashion shop changes its dresses season to season.这家时装店每个季节都更换衣服。
8 This TV program is well received in China. At least half of the Chinese population watches it.这个电视节目在中国很受欢迎。至少有一半的中国人看它。
9 This book will of great help to your English studies.这本书对你英语学习会有很大帮助。


1 A: Lin Tao, are you learning computer now?林涛,你现在在学电脑吗?
B: Yes, I started my computer course last month.是的,我上个月开始学电脑课的。
A: What do you find hardest in learning it?在学习过程中,你觉得什么是最难的?
B: I find programming is the most difficult part.我觉得编程是最难的部分。
A: Keep working hard. You will learn it well.继续努力学习。你会学好的。
B: It is easier said than done. Anyway, I’ll try my best.说比做容易。不管怎么说,我会尽力的。

2 A: Lily, I find it very difficult to learn English well. Can you give me some suggestions?;莉莉,我觉得很难学好英语。你能给我一些建议吗/
B: Do you listen to the English broadcasting every day?你每天都听英语广播吗?
A: No. I don’t have a radio.不。我没有收音机。
B: Why not buy one? It is very useful.为什么不买一个呢?很有用的。
A: Do you think it would help?你认为会有帮助吗?
B: Yes, I am sure you will find it of great help.是的,我相信你会发现很有帮助的。
A: Really?真的吗?
B: Yes. The more you listen to it, the better you will learn it.是的。你听得越多,你就会学得越好。

3A: Li Lei, why do you look so unhappy?李磊,你为什么看起来这么不高兴?
B; I was late again today.我今天有迟到了。
A: Why? 为什么?
B: I got up very late this morning. And I miss the bus.我今天早上起得很晚。我错过了公共汽车。
A: Why not get up earlier?为什么不早点起来?
B: It is easier said than done. The weather is so cold. And sometimes it is impossible to get up at six every morning.说比做容易。天气很冷。有时候不可能每天早上都六点钟起床。
A: I think you’d better ask your mother to call you up.我想你最好让你妈妈叫你起来。

4 A: Which TV channel do you like to watch?你想看哪一个电视频道?
B: I enjoy the music channel very much. 我非常喜欢音乐频道。
A: Why? Do you like music very much?为什么?你非常喜欢音乐吗?
B: Yes, I like music. And the music programs in that channel changes day to day.是的,我喜欢音乐。而且那个频道的音乐节目每天都更换。
A: Really? I prefer the sports channel.是吗?我更喜欢体育频道。
B: Sometimes I watch this channel too.有时我也看这个频道。

5 A: Do you watch the new movie last night?你昨晚看了新电影吗?
B: Which one? What is its name?哪一部?叫什么名字?
A: The Rush Hour.“尖峰时刻”。
B: Is it a popular film?是部热门影片吗?
A: Yes, it is well received over the world.是的,在全球都很受欢迎。
B: Is it still on tomorrow?明天还上映吗?
A: I think it will be on until the weekend.我想会一直上映到周末。
B: I will watch it tomorrow evening. 我明天晚上去看。

Unit 13 Abraham Lincoln
第十三单元 亚伯拉罕 林肯

1 What’s on at the cinema this week?这个星期这家电影院上映什么?
2 Political leaders fought against…政治领袖和---作斗争。
3 What’s it about? It is about…是关于什么的?是关于---。
4 The owners of slaves made them …奴隶主让他们---。
5 As a child he…作为孩子,他---。
6 She did all she could to …她竭尽所能---。
7 The whole country was very sad at the news that…整个国家都为这个悲惨的消息---而震惊。
8 Today, Abraham Lincoln is considered as one of the greatest of all American presidents.今天,亚伯拉汉•林肯被认为是美国最伟大的总统之一。
9 There will be an end to … ----将会结束。
10…slave owners in the South and rich people in big cities who had grown rich on the work of slaves…----那些靠奴隶的劳动而致富的南方的奴隶主和大城市里的富人---

1 Lily, shall we go to see a film this afternoon? Do you know what is on at the cinema?莉莉,我们今天下午去看电影好吗?你知道电影院放映什么吗?
2 The farmers fought for a better life.农民为了更好的生活而斗争。
3 Let me tell you what the book is about. It is about a girl named Helen.让我来告诉你这本书是关于什么的。这本书是关于一个叫海伦的小女孩的。
4 His parents always make him study all the day. He is very tired of it.他的父母总是让他整天学习。他很厌倦了。
5 As a student, he doesn’t have a lot of money to spend on clothes.作为一个学生,他没有很多钱花在衣服上。
6 She is a very kind woman. She does all she could to help the poor girl.她是位很友善的女士。她尽力帮助那个穷女孩。
7 The world was very surprised at the news that the World Trade Building was bombed.世贸大厦被炸,世界非常震惊。
8 Mr. Li is considered the best teacher in our school. He is very popular in the students.李老师被认为是我们学校最好的老师。他很受学生欢迎。
9 There will be an end to the NBA match in two weeks.两星期后NBA比赛结束。
10 The farmer in the west live on their fields.西方国家的农民生活在自己的土地上。

1A: What are you doing this evening?你今天晚上做什么?
B: I don’t have any idea yet. Do you have any suggestion?我还没有想好。你有什么建议吗?
A: Shall we go the cinema?我们去电影院怎么样?
B: That is a good idea. But what’s on at the cinema tonight?那是个好主意。但是今晚放映什么/
A: I don’t know. Let’s have a look at the newspaper.我不知道。让我们看看报纸。
B: Ok. There are always about the new films.好的。上面总是有新电影的信息。

2 A: What happen on the street?街上发生什么了?
B: There are many farmers go to the city centre and march on the street.有很多农民去了市中心,在街上游行。
A: Really? Why?真的吗?为什么?
B: It is said that they are fighting against the policy of the government.据说他们在反对政府的政策。
A: What policy? What is it about?什么政策?关于什么的?
B: It is about the tax.关于税收的。
A: I see.我明白了。

3 A: Where is Linda?琳达在哪?
B: She is ill.她病了。
A: Oh, did she go the hospital?噢,她去医院了吗?
B: Yes, Miss Li took her to the hospital this morning.是的,今天早上李老师带她去医院了。
A: I think Miss Li is a very kind teacher. 我认为李老师是一位很和善的老师。
B: Yes, she is. As a teacher she does all she could to help the students. 是的,她是。作为老师,她竭尽所能地帮助学生。
A: And the students must love her very much.学生一定很喜欢她。
B: Yes, she is considered as the best teacher in our school.是的,她被认为是我们学校最好的老师。

4 A: What are you reading about? Jim?你在看什么,吉姆?
B: I am reading a book about the slaves.我在看关于奴隶的书。
A: Can you tell me more?你能告诉我更多些吗?
B: Yes, the slaves lived a very bad life. The owner made them work all day long.好的,奴隶生活得很悲惨。奴隶主让他们整天干活。
A: What did they live on?他们靠什么生存?
B: The owners just gave them very little food to eat everyday.奴隶主每天只给他们很少的东西吃。
A: And were they saved later?他们后来得救了吗?
B: Yes. They were saved by a man named Abraham Lincoln. He put an end to the slavery.是的。他们被一个叫做亚伯拉汉•林肯的人拯救了。他结束了奴隶制度。

5 A: Did you read the news paper this morning?你今天早上看报纸了吗?
B: No. What happen?没有。发生什么了?
A: There was a big fire in the central hospital last night.昨晚中央医院发生了一场大火。
B: Oh, my God! 噢,我的上帝!
A: The whole city is very sad at this bad news.整个城市都为这个悲惨的消息感到震惊。
B: How many people were hurt in the fire?有多少人在火灾中受伤?
A: We don’t know. The paper didn’t say.我们不知道。报纸上没说。

Unit 14 Mainly revision
第十四单元 总复习

1 Can I ask you for…?我能问你要些---吗?
2 I am tired of …我厌倦了---。
3 I want to improve…我想提高---。
4 Well, have you considered…?嗯,你有没有考虑过---?
5 Use the lab and prepare… for…用实验室,为----准备---。
6 That’s why …那就是为什么----。
7 I used to…我以前----。
8 You don’t need any thing special…你不需要什么特殊的东西。
9 I suggest you …我建议你---。
10 Here is a reply to…这是---的答复。

1 Mary, we don’t have enough oil. Go and ask Mrs. Li for some oil, please.玛丽,我们没有足够的油了。请去问李太太要点。
2 The examination is coming. I am tired of reading so many books.考试要到了。我厌倦了看这么多的书。
3 I want to improve my writing. Can you give me some advice?我想提高我的写作水平。你能给我提些建议吗?
4 Have you consider opening a candy shop near the school? I think it is a very good idea.你考虑过在学校附近开一家糖果店吗?我想这是个好主意。
5 When I return home, my mother is always preparing lunch for us in the kitchen.当我回家的时候,我母亲总是在厨房里给我们做午饭。
6 I want to improve my spoken English. That’s why I go the English Corner.我想提高我的英语口语。所以我来英语角。
7 I used to like eating chicken. But now I prefer beef.我以前喜欢吃鸡肉。但是现在我更喜欢吃牛肉。
8 Mary called this morning and told me something very important.玛丽今天早上打电话给我了,告诉了我一些很重要的事情。
9 I suggest you go to bed earlier every night so that you won’t be late in the next morning.我建议你每天晚上早点睡觉,这样你第二天早上就不会迟到了。
10 I receives reply to my invitation form Mr. Hu. He said he was happy to come.胡先生答复了我的邀请。他说他很乐意来。

1 A: Li Ming, I know you are very good at computer. Can I ask you for some advice?李明,我知道你很擅长计算机。我能问你要一些建议吗?
B: Yes, of course you can.你当然可以。
A: My computer was working very well last night. But it doesn’t work at all this morning. 我的计算机昨晚还工作的好好的。但是今天早上就不能用了。
B: Have you checked the power connection?你检查了电源连接没有?
A: Yes, there is no problem.查了,没问题。
B: Well, I think I’d better to have a look at it.嗯,我想我最好去看看。
A: Great! Thank you.太好了!谢谢。

2 A: Lily, you are good at writing. Can you give me some advice on it?莉莉,你很擅长写作。你能给我一些建议吗?
B: What is your problem?你有什么问题?
A: I want to improve my writing. What do you think I should do?我想提高我的写作水平。你认为我该怎么做?
B: You’d better read more books.你最好多看些书。
A: I am tired of reading so many books everyday. I read a lot.我厌倦了每天看很多的书。我看很多书。
B: Well, have you considered reading fewer books. But be more careful on it?嗯,你有没有考虑过少看一些。但是看得更仔细些。
A: That sounds a good idea. I’ll try.听起来是个好主意。我会试试的。

3A: Dad, where is Mum?爸爸,妈妈在哪?
B: She is in the kitchen now.她现在在厨房。
A: What is she doing? It smells very nice.她在干什么?闻起来好香。
B: She is preparing for your birthday party. She is cooking some delicious for us.她在准备你的生日。他在给我们做好吃的。
A: That is great. I think I’d better have a look at it.太好了。我想我最好去看看。
B: By the way, there is a reply to your invitation from Lily. She said she would like to come!顺便说一下,莉莉答复了你的邀请。她说她愿意来。
A: Wonderful!太好了!

4 A: What’s wrong with me, doctor?我怎么了,一生?
B: Don’t worry. Nothing serious. But I suggest you have a good rest. 别担心。没什么严重的问题。但是我建议你好好休息。
A: But I have a lot of work to do. I don’t have enough time. The project has to be finished this week.但是我有很多工作要做。我没有足够的时间。项目必须这个星期完成。
B: You are too busy all the time. That is why you are ill now. You need a good rest.你总是太忙了。那就是为什么你现在病了。你需要好好休息。
A: Ok, doctor.好的,医生。

5 A: Do you enjoy music, Lucy?你喜欢音乐吗,露茜?
B : Yes, I like it very much.是的,我非常喜欢。
A: Which kind of music do you prefer?你喜欢那一种音乐?
B: Well, I used to like American music very much. But I prefer British music now.嗯,我以前非常喜欢美国音乐。但是现在我更喜欢英国音乐。
A: Don’t you like Chinese music?你不喜欢中国音乐吗?
B: Well, they are nice. But my Chinese is not very good. And I am afraid don’t understand the Chinese music.嗯,它们很美。但是我的中文不好。我恐怕听不懂中国音乐。


Unit 1 Disneyland
第一单元 迪士尼
1. I considered that the park was good value for the money. 我认为逛这个公园的钱花的值。
2. May I ask you when and where you were born?我能问问你是什么时候,在哪出生的吗?
3. What were you most interested in when you were young?你年轻的时候对什么最感兴趣?
4. Did you think that you would be a famous artist as a young man?年轻的时候,你认为你会成为著名的艺术家吗?
5. Can you tell me the way to …?你能告诉我去----的路吗?
6. How can I get to …? 我如何才能到达----?
7. Where is…?-----在哪里?
8. Where can I take …?在哪我可以乘坐-----?
9. Can you tell me what your … do?你能告诉我你的----是干什么的吗?
10. Do you know how long it takes to …?你知道-----要花多长时间吗?

1. What did you think of the park? I considered that the park was good value for the money.你认为这公园怎么样?我认为去这公园的钱花的值。
2. May I ask you when and where you were born? I was born in Guangzhou in 1981.我能问问你是什么时候,在哪出生的吗?我是1981年出生在广州。
3. What were you most interested in when you were young? I was most interested in art when I was young.你年轻的时候对什么最感兴趣?当我年轻的时候我对艺术最感兴趣。
4. Did you think you would be a famous artist as a young man? Yes, I thought so.你年轻的时候,你认为你会成为著名的艺术家吗?是的,我是这么认为。
5. Can you tell me the way to Bear Country? Yes, go straight ahead until you see the entrance to Bear Country.你能告诉我去“狗熊王国”的路吗?
6. How can I get to the Tomorrow Land Building? Go through the gate and you will find an entrance to Bear Country, the Tomorrow Land Building is right behind Bear Country.我如何才能到达“未来世界大厦”。穿过这门,你会看到“狗熊王国”的入口,“未来世界大厦”就在“狗熊王国”后面。
7. Where is the Sleeping Beauty Castle? It is in the center of Disneyland, near the Tomorrow Land Building.“睡美人城堡”在哪?它在迪斯尼乐园的中心,靠近“未来世界大厦”。
8. Where can I take the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad? The road is behind the Sleeping Beauty Castle. 在哪可以乘坐“巨雷山铁路”?铁路在“睡美人城堡”的后面。
9. Can you tell me what your parents do? Yes, my father is a businessman and my mother is an English teacher in the middle school.你能告诉我你父母是干什么的吗?可以,我父亲是商人,我母亲是中学英语教师。
10. Do you know how long it takes to look around the park? Yes, I do. It takes about half an hour to look around the park.你知道逛这公园要花多长时间吗?是的,我知道。逛这公园大概要花半个小时。

1.A: What did do last weekend?你上个周末干什么了?
B: I went to the Yue Xiu Park.我去越秀公园了。
A: Really? What did you think of the park? 真的吗?你认为那公园怎么样?
B: I considered that the park was good value for the money.我认为公园的门票钱没有白花。
A: Do you know how long it takes to look around the park? 你知道逛完那公园要花多长时间吗?
B: Yes, I do. It takes about half an hour to look around the park.知道。逛完公园大概要花半个小时。

2.A: I am the news reporter of Guangzhou Daily. May I ask you a few questions?我是广州日报的记者。我可以问你几个问题吗?
B: Sure, go ahead.可以,问吧。
A: May I ask you when and where you were born? 能问问你是什么时候,在哪出生的吗?
B: Yes, of course. I was born in Guangzhou in 1981.当然可以。我是1981年出生在广州。
A: What were you most interested in when you were young?你年轻的时候对什么最感兴趣?
B: I was most interested in art when I was young.我年轻的时候对艺术最感兴趣。
A: Did you think you would be a famous artist as a young man? 年轻的时候,你认为你会成为著名的艺术家吗?
B: Yes, I did. I always dreamt of becoming an artist as a young man.是的。年轻的时候,我总是梦想成为一名艺术家。

3 A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to Bear Country? 打扰一下。你能告诉我去“狗熊王国”怎么走吗?
B: Sure, go straight ahead until you see the entrance to Bear Country. You can’t miss it.好的,一直往前走,直到你看到“狗熊王国”的入口。你不会找不到的。
A: What about the Tomorrow Land Building? How can I get to the Tomorrow Land Building? “未来世界大厦”呢?我怎么到“未来世界大厦”?
B: Go through the gate and you will find an entrance to the Tomorrow Land Building. The Tomorrow Land Building is near Bear Country.穿过这门,你就会发现“未来世界大厦”的入口的。“未来世界大厦”在“狗熊王国”的附近。

4.A: Excuse me. Where is the Sleeping Beauty Castle? 打扰了。“睡美人城堡”在哪?
B: It is in the center of Disneyland, near the Tomorrow Land Building.在迪斯尼乐园的中心,靠近“未来世界大厦”。
A: Excuse me. Where can I take the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad? 打扰一下。在哪我可以乘坐“巨雷山铁路”。
B: Go that way, about 200 yards, turn right and then you will find Cinderella’s Castle. The road is behind the Sleeping Beauty Castle.往那走,大约200米,向右转,你会看见“灰姑娘城堡”。铁路就在“睡美人城堡”后面。

5. A: May I ask you a few questions?我能问你几个问题吗?
B: Sure, go ahead.当然可以,问吧。
A: Can you tell me what your parents do? 你能告诉我你父母是干什么的吗?
B: Yes, my father is a businessman and my mother is an English teacher in the middle school.可以,我父亲是商人,我母亲是中学英语教师。

Unit 2 No smoking, please!
第二单元 请不要吸烟!
1. Do you mind if I do…?你介意我-----吗?
2. Would you mind if I did…?你介意我----吗?
3. May/ Can/ Could I do…?我可以-----吗?
4. I wonder if could…我是否可以----。
5. They know that the habit may kill them.他们知道这个习惯可能导致死亡。
6. The problem with tobacco is that it contains a drug called nicotine.烟草的问题在于它含有一种叫尼古丁的药物。
7. What do you think are the greatest dangers of smoking?你认为吸烟最大的危害是什么?
8. What do you dislike about smoking?你为什么讨厌吸烟?
9. Where can I go if I do…?如果我----,我可以去哪?
10 How is the smoking ban carried out in your city?在你们城市是怎么禁烟的?

1. Do you mind if I smoke? I am sorry, but it’s not allowed.我吸烟你介意吗?对不起,这儿不允许。
2. Would you mind if I smoked in the office next door? No, go ahead我在隔壁办公室吸烟你介意吗?不介意,你吸吧。
3. May/ Can/ Could I do borrow your bicycle? Sure, of course.我可以借用你的自行车吗?当然可以。
4. I wonder if I could turn on the TV? I am sorry. I am studying right now.我可以打开电视吗?对不起,我现在正在学习。
5. Do people know that smoking is very dangerous? Yes, they know that the habit of smoking may kill them.人们知不知道吸烟是很危险的?知道,他们知道吸烟可能导致死亡。
6. What is the problem with tobacco? The problem with tobacco is that it contains a drug called nicotine.烟草有什么问题?烟草的问题在于它含有一种叫尼古丁的药物。
7. What do you think are the greatest dangers of smoking? I think it may cause cancer and other illnesses. 你认为吸烟最大的危险是什么?我想吸烟可能导致癌症和其他疾病。
8. What do you dislike about smoking? I dislike the smelly rooms about smoking.你为什么不喜欢吸烟?我不喜欢吸烟把屋子弄得全是烟味。
9. Where can I go if I want to smoke a cigarette? You can smoke in the entrance hall if you want to smoke a cigarette.如果我想吸烟,我可以去哪吸?如果你想吸烟,你可以去入口处吸。
10 How is the smoking ban carried out in your city? In our city, smoking is not allowed in public places. 你们城市如何禁烟?在我们城市,公共场合不允许吸烟。

1. A: Excuse me, Susan. I wonder if I could use the kitchen.打扰了,苏珊。我想知道我是否可以用厨房。
B: Sure. Go ahead.当然。用吧。
A: Thank you, Susan. Do you mind if I use some of your salt?谢谢,苏珊。我用一下你的盐,你介意吗?
B: No, go ahead.不介意,用吧。
A: Thank you. Would you mind if I had my meal in my bedroom?谢谢。我在我的卧室吃饭,你介意吗?
B: I am sorry you can’t. I think you’d better have your meal in the sitting room. 对不起,你不能。我想你最好在客厅吃饭。

2. A: I wonder if I could smoke in the office? 我能在办公室里吸烟吗?
B: I am afraid not. Look at that sign. It says “No Smoking”. So it’s not allowed to smoke here.恐怕不行。看那告示牌。上面写着“禁止吸烟”。所以这儿不允许吸烟。
A: Oh, dear! I didn’t see. Where can I go if I want to smoke a cigarette?噢,天哪!我没看见。如果我想吸烟,我可以去哪?
B: You can smoke in the entrance hall if you want to smoke a cigarette.如果你想吸烟的话,你可以去入口处。

3. A: May I borrow your car?我可以借用你的车吗?
B: I am afraid not.恐怕不行。
A: It’s very important.有重要事请。
B: Why?为什么?
A: I need to fetch a book from a friend. I’ll be back in half an hour.我需要到朋友那里去拿一本书。我半个小时后就回来。
B: OK, all right.好吧。

4 A: What do you think of smoking?你对吸烟看法如何?
B: I dislike it very much?我非常厌恶。
A: Why? What do you dislike about smoking? 为什么?你厌恶吸烟的哪方面?
B: I dislike the smelly rooms about smoking.我讨厌屋子里满是烟味。
A: Do you know any people who smoke?你认识吸烟的人吗?
B: Yes, my uncle often smokes.认识,我叔叔经常吸烟。
A: Does he know that smoking is very dangerous? 他知不知道吸烟很危险。
B: Yes, he knows that the habit of smoking may kill them, but the feeling of smoking makes him feel better.是的,他知道吸烟的习惯可能使人致死,但是吸烟让他感觉很好。

5. A: What do you think are the greatest dangers of smoking? 你认为吸烟最大的危险是什么?
B: I think it may cause cancer and other illnesses. 我想它会导致癌症和其他疾病。
A: Why? What is the problem with tobacco? 为什么?烟草有什么问题?
B: The problem with tobacco is that it contains a drug called nicotine. Nicotine is a drug gets one into the habit of smoking. This substance does great harm to our health. So, the whole city bans smoking. 烟草的问题在于它含有一种叫尼古丁的药物成分。尼古丁是一种使人吸烟上瘾的药物。这种物质对我们的健康很有害。所以,整个城市都禁烟。
A: How is the smoking ban carried out in your city? 你们城市如何开展禁烟?
B: In all the public places of our city, smoking is not allowed.在我们城市的公共场合,不允许吸烟。

Unit 3 Body Language
第三单元 身体语言
1. Can/ Shall I help you? 要我帮忙吗?
2. Would you like some help?你要帮忙吗“?
3. Would you like me to do this for you?你要我帮你做这个吗?
4. Is there anything else I can do for you?我还能为你做些什么吗?
5. Would you like something to drink?你要喝点什么吗?
6. Sorry I’ve got nothing to offer you.对不起我没有东西提供给你。
7. Have you got any more to say?你还有什么要说的吗?
8. Are you free tomorrow?你明天有空吗?
9. Have you got everything ready for the conference?你把会议的一切都安排就绪了吗?
10. Waving one’s hand is to say “Goodbye”.挥手是说“再见”。

1. Can/ Shall I help you? Thanks. / Yes, please. / It’s all right, thank you.要我帮忙吗?谢谢/是的,谢谢。/不用,谢谢。
2. Would you like some help? Thank you for your help. / I can manage.你需要帮忙吗?谢谢你的帮忙/我能应付。
3. Would you like me to do this for you? That’s very nice /kind of you. / No, thanks. I can manage myself.需要我帮你做这吗?你真是太好了。/不用,谢谢了。我自己能行。
4. Is there anything else I can do for you? That’s very kind.我还能为你做点什么别的吗?你太好了。
5. Would you like something to drink? Yes, orange juice, please你要喝点什么吗?是的,请给我来点橙汁。
6. Sorry I’ve got nothing to offer you. It doesn’t matter.对不起我没有东西提供给你。没关系。
7. Have you got any more to say? No, thanks. 你还有什么要说的吗?没有,谢谢。
8. Are you free tomorrow? No, I have a lot to do tomorrow.你明天有空吗?没有,我明天有很多事情要做。
9. Have you got everything ready for the conference? Yes, I have got everything ready for the conference. There’s nothing to worry about. 你会议准备好了吗?是的,会议的一切都准备好了,不用担心。
10. What does waving one’s hand mean? Waving one’s hand is to say “Goodbye”. 挥手是表示什么意思?挥手是说“再见”。

1. A: Would you like some help?你需要帮忙吗?
B: Yes, please.是的,谢谢。
A: Shall I show you how to use this washing machine?要我演示给你看如何使用这洗衣机吗?
B: Thanks. I haven’t used this one before.谢谢。我以前没有用过。
A: Would you like me to wash this shirt for you?要我给你洗这件衬衫吗?
B: No, thanks. I can manage it myself.不用了,谢谢。我自己来。

2. A: Good morning. 早上好。
B: Good morning.早上好。
A: What can I do for you, madam?我能为您做点什么,夫人?
B: Yes, I’d like to have one of the red skirts.是的,我想买一件红色裙子。
A: What is your size?您的尺码是多少?
B: Size 7.七号。
A: Ok, I will fetch it for you.好的,我去给你拿。

3. A. Would you like something to drink? 你要喝点什么吗?
A: Yes, tea, please是的,请来一杯茶。
B. Sorry I haven’t got any tea to offer you. 对不起我们没有茶。
A: It doesn’t matter.没关系。
A: What about coffee?咖啡怎么样?
B: Ok, thank you.好的,谢谢。

4. A: Are you free tomorrow?你明天有空吗?
B: No, I have a lot to do. I am going to attend a conference and make a presentation there.没有,我有很多事情要做。我要去参加一个会议,并且要在会上发言。
A. Have you got everything ready for the conference? Is there anything I can do for you?你会议都准备好了吗?我能帮你做点什么吗?
B: Yes, I have got every thing ready for the conference. There’s nothing to worry about. Thank you all the way.是的,会议都准备好了。没什么要担心的了。同样感谢你。

5. A: What’s wrong with you? 你怎么了?
B: I have got a big problem.我有个大问题。
A: Why? Can I help you?为什么?我能帮忙吗?
B: I don’t know how to communicate with foreigners. I am not good at speaking English. 我不知道如何与外国人交流。我英语说的不好。
A: I see. I suggest you should use some body languages.我明白了。我建议你应该用一些身体语言。
B: Body language? What do you mean by it?身体语言?你是什么意思?
A: You can use some gestures or movements to express yourself.你可以用手势或动作来表达自己。
B: Can you give me any examples?你能给我举些例子吗?
A: Yes. For example, shaking one’s hand is to say “Hello”. Putting up one’s hand is to say “ Let me try”, etc. 可以。例如,挥手是说“你好”。举手的意思是“让我试试”,等等。

Unit 4 Newspaper
第四单元 报纸
1. I like reading …我喜欢看---。
2. ... is very useful to me.------对我很有用。
3. Is there anything good one?有什么好的吗?
4. I enjoy …我喜欢----。
5. What time does… start?----什么时候开始?
6. Where is the best place to meet?哪是最好的见面地点?
7. Have you heard the news that …?你有没有听说-----?
8. How about …?------怎么样?
9. Buying magazines is a good way of finding out information.买杂志是了解信息的好方法。
10.What about …?-----怎么样?

1. I like reading China Daily every day and I can find a lot of information on the newspaper.我很喜欢看中国日报,在这报纸上我可以找到很多信息。
2. Learning new words is very useful to me. 学新词对我很有用。
3. Is there anything good one? Yes, The band “911” are giving a performance at the People’s Theater.有好新闻吗?有,“911”乐队要在人民剧院演出。
4. What do you enjoy? I enjoy learning about new things.你喜欢什么?我喜欢新事物。
5. What time does the performance start? The performance starts at 6 o’clock.演出什么时候开始?演出六点钟开始。
6. Where is the best place to meet? Let us meet outside the school gate. 哪是最好的见面地点?让我们在校门口外面见吧。
7. Have you heard the news that John Denver will give a performance at the People’s Theatre this weekend? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. 你有没有听说这个消息,约翰•丹佛将在人民剧院举行演出。
8. How about meeting outside the school gate? That’s a good idea. 在校门口外见面怎么样?这是个好主意。
9. Why do you buy magazines every week? Buying magazines is a good way of finding out information.你为什么每个星期都买杂志?买杂志是了解信息的好方法。
10.What about meeting at the park gate? No problem. Let’s meet at the park gate at 7 o’clock.在公园门口见怎么样?让我们7点钟在公园门口见。

1. A: Have you heard the news that John Denver will give a performance at the People’s Theatre this weekend?你听说了这个消息吗,约翰•丹佛这个周末要在人民剧院举行演出。
B: I am afraid I haven’t.恐怕我没有。
A: John Denver is a very good American pop singer. Will you be free then?约翰•丹佛是一位非常好的美国流行间乐歌手。你到时候会有空吗?
B: Yes.会的。
A: Would you like to go with me to the performance?你愿意和我一起去看演出吗?
B: That’s a good idea. I’d love to.这是个好主意。我很愿意。
A: Great! Let’s go together then.好极了!到时候我们一起去。
2. A: What time does the performance start? 演出什么时候开始?
B: It starts at 6 o’clock. What time shall we meet?六点钟开始。我们什么时候碰面?
A: I suggest 5:30. 我建议5点半。
B: Where shall we meet?我们在哪见?
A: How about the entrance to the theater?在剧院门口怎么样?
: Ok. Let’s meet at the entrance to the theater at 5:30.好的。我们5点半在剧院门口见。

3.A: Where is the best place to meet?哪里是最好的见面地点?
B: Let us meet outside the school gate.我们在校门口外面见。
A: No problem.没问题。

4. A: Why do you buy magazines every week? 你为什么每个星期都买杂志?
B: Buying magazines is a good way of finding out information.买杂志是了解信息的好方法。
A: I like reading China Daily. I can always learn some words from reading the newspaper. Learning new words is very useful to me.我喜欢看中国日报。在看这报纸的时候,我总是能够学到一些单词。学新单词对我很有用。
B: Oh, I see. 噢,我明白了。

5. A: Can I have a look at your copy of Guangzhou Daily?我能看看你的广州日报吗?
B: Sure. Go ahead. 当然。看吧。
A: I want to have a look at what’s on today.我想看看今天有什么新闻。
B: Is there anything good on the newspaper today?今天的报纸上有什么好新闻吗?
A: Yes, The band “911” are giving a performance at the People’s Theatre.有,“911”乐队要在人民剧院举行演出。

Unit 5 Charlie Chaplin
第五单元 查理 卓别林
1. What do you do in …?在----你是干什么的?
2. What do you do as an …?作为一个----,你是干什么的?
3. What are you doing at present?目前你在干什么?
4. How do you enjoy your work?你喜欢你的工作吗?
5.What are your plans for the future?你将来有什么打算?
6. What do you enjoy doing most of all?你最喜欢做什么?
7. Charlie Chaplin, who ..., was one of the world’s greatest actors.查理•卓别林,-----,是世界上最伟大的演员之一。
8. Chaplin lived the last years of his life in Switzerland, where …卓别林一生最后的几年在瑞士度过,------在那里。
9. Chaplin acted in 82 films, many of which …卓别林演了82部电影,其中有许多-----。
10. He started acting in comedies with a group, with whom …他开始是在一个剧团演喜剧,和他们-------。

1. What do you do in the theater? I am a director and I direct films in the theater.你在剧院干什么?我是导演,我导演剧院的影片。
2. What do you do as a singer? I sing pop songs as a singer.作为歌手,你唱什么歌曲?我唱流行歌曲。
3. What are you doing at present? I am giving performances throughout the country.你目前在干什么?我在全国巡回演出。
4. How do you enjoy your work? Very much. 你喜欢你的工作吗?非常喜欢。
5.What are your plans for the future? I plan to give performances throughout the world.你未来有什么计划?我计划在全世界巡回演出。
6. What do you enjoy doing most of all? I enjoy traveling all over the world.你最喜欢做什么?我喜欢周游世界。
7. Charlie Chaplin, who died in 1977, was one of the world’s greatest actors.查里•卓别林,死于1977年,是全世界最伟大的演员之一。
8. Chaplin lived the last years of his life in Switzerland, where he was buried in 1977.卓别林一生最后的几年在瑞士度过,他于1977年被埋葬在那儿。
9. Chaplin acted in 82 films, many of which he wrote and directed himself. 卓别林演过82部电影,其中有许多是他自己编写和导演的。
10. He started acting in comedies with a group, with whom he traveled to the USA in 1910 and 1912. 他最初在一个剧团演喜剧,他曾随剧团于1910年和1912年去美国。

1. A: Excuse me. May I ask you some questions?打扰一下。我能问你一些问题吗?
B: Sure, go ahead.当然可以,问吧。
A: What do you do in the theater? 你在剧院干什么?
B: I am a director and I direct films in the theater.我是导演,我导演剧院的影片。
A: What do you often direct?你经常导演什么?
B: I direct comedies.我导演喜剧。

2.A: What do you do as a singer? 作为歌手,你唱什么歌?
B: I sing pop songs as a singer.我唱流行歌曲。
A: How do you enjoy your work?你喜欢你的工作吗?
B: Very much, but I have to practice a lot so that I can improve my singing skills.非常喜欢,但是我必须经常练习来提高我的唱歌技巧。

3. A: What are you doing at present? 你现在在干什么?
B: I am giving performances throughout the country.我在全国巡回演出。
A: What are your plans for the future? 你将来有什么计划?
B: I plan to give performances all over the world.我计划在世界做巡回演出。
A: What do you enjoy doing most of all? 你最喜欢做什么?
B: I enjoy traveling all over the world and giving my performances.我喜欢周游世界,举行我的演出。

4.A: Can you say anything about Charlie Chaplin? 你能谈谈查理•卓别林吗?
B: Yes, Charlie Chaplin, who died in 1977, was one of the world’s greatest actors.好的,查理•卓别林,死于1977年,是世界上最伟大的演员之一。
A: How many films did he act in during his life?他一生演了多少部电影?
B: Chaplin acted in 82 films during his life, many of which he wrote and directed himself. 卓别林一生演了82部电影,其中有许多是他自己编写和导演的。

5. A: What kind of film did Chaplin usually act in?卓别林通常演哪一类的影片?
B: He usually acted in comedies. He started acting in comedies with a group, with whom he traveled to the USA in 1910 and 1912. 他通常演喜剧。他开始时在一个剧团演喜剧,他和该剧团于1910和1912年去美国演出过。
A: Where did Chaplin usually live?卓别林通常住在哪?
B: He lived in the USA during most of his life and he lived the last years of his life in Switzerland, where he was buried in 1977.他一生的大部分时间住在美国,他一生的最后几年住在瑞士,并于1977年埋葬在那里。

Unit 6 Mainly Revision
第六单元 总复习
第一单元-- 第五单元的重点句型
1. Is … there? Is that …?是----吗?是-----吗?
2. It’s … here. / This is …/ This is … speaking.我是----/我是----/我是----。
3. May I speak to …?我可以和----通话吗?
4. Do you want me to find one for you?你要我帮你找一个吗?
5. What do you like to …?你喜欢----什么?
6. Do you ever …?你------吗?
7. What … interests you most?你对-----最感兴趣?
8. What else do you like to do at your spare time?空闲时间你还喜欢干些什么?
9. Do you need someone to help with the typing?你需要人帮你打字吗?
10. To … is one thing; to … is another thing.-----是一回事,------是另一回事。

1. Is Mary there? / Is that Mary? It’s Mary here. / This is Mary. / This is Mary speaking.是玛丽吗?/是玛丽吗?我是玛丽/我是玛丽/我是玛丽。
2. May I speak to Jim please? Sorry, he is out now. / Speaking, please./ This is Jim speaking. / It’s Jim here. / This is Jim.请让吉姆接电话好吗?对不起,他现在不在。/我就是,请说。/我是吉姆/我是吉姆/我是吉姆。
3. Do you want me to find one for you? Yes, please. / No, thanks. 要我帮你找一个吗?是的,谢谢/不用了,谢谢。
5. What do you like to collect? I like to collect foreign stamps.你喜欢收集什么?我喜欢收集外国邮票。
6. Do you ever collect “first day envelopes”? Yes, I do. / No, I do not.你收集“首日封”吗?是的,我收集。/不,我不收集。
7. What kind of design interests you most? The design of beautiful scenery interests me most.你最感兴趣的是哪种设计的?我最感兴趣的是美丽景色设计的。
8. What else do you like to do at your spare time? I like playing the piano at my spare time.你空闲时间还喜欢干些什么?空闲时间我喜欢弹钢琴。
9. Do you need someone to help with the typing? Yes, please. / No, thank you. I can manage it myself.你需要人帮你打字吗?是的,请。/不用了,谢谢。我能应付。
10. To know something about English is one thing; to use English is another thing. 懂一些英语是一回事,用英语是另一回事。

A: Hello, 87124452喂,87124452。
B: Hello. May I speak to Jim please? 喂。请让吉姆接电话。
A: Sorry, he is not in at the moment. Can I take a message?对不起,他现在不在。我可以帮你捎个口信吗?
B: Yes, this is Bill, Jim’s friend. I would like him to ring me back. I have some problems about my homework.可以,我是比尔,吉姆的朋友。我想让他给我回电话。我有一些关于作业的问题。
A: OK. I will write a message for him.好的。我会写个纸条给他的。
B: Thank you very much.非常感谢。

2. A: Hello, 87223392. 喂,87223392。
B: Hello. Is Mary there? 喂。是玛丽吗?
A: Yes. This is Mary speaking.是的。我是玛丽。
B: Hi, Mary. This is Tom. I want to borrow your notes for English classes. I missed some English classes last week.嗨,玛丽。我是汤姆。我想借你的英语课笔记。我上个星期缺了一些英语课。
A: Sure. I will bring them to you tomorrow.行。我明天带给你。
B: That’s very kind of you. Thank you very much.你真好。非常感谢。
A: It’s my pleasure.是我的荣幸。

3.A: What do you usually do at your spare time? 你空闲时间通常干什么?
B: I collected stamps in my spare time.我空闲时间集邮。
A: What do you like to collect? 你喜欢收集什么?
B: I like to collect different kinds of beautiful stamps, both Chinese and foreign stamps.我喜欢收集各种的邮票,既有中国邮票也有外国邮票。
A: Do you ever collect “first day envelopes”?你收集“首日封”吗?
B: Yes, sometimes I collect “first day envelopes”.是的,有时我收集“首日封”。

4. A: What kind of stamp design interests you most? 哪种设计类型的邮票你最感兴趣?
B: The design of beautiful scenery interests me most. What about you? Are you interested in any stamps?我最感兴趣的是美丽景色设计的。你呢?你对邮票感兴趣吗?
A: I am interested in cock year stamp. I really want to have one.我对鸡年邮票感兴趣。我真的想买一张。
B: Do you want me to find one for you? 你要我帮你找一张吗?
A: No, thanks. Bruce will give me one. 不用了,谢谢。布鲁斯会给我一张的。

5. A: What are you doing now? You look so busy.你现在在干什么?你看起来很忙。
B: I am typing some articles. They are quite long.我在打一些文章。它们很长。
A: Do you need someone to help with the typing? 你需要人帮你打字吗?
B: No, thank you. I can manage it myself.不用了,谢谢你。我能应付。

6.A: How do you find learning English?你学英语感受如何?
B: It is quite difficult for me to learn English. Sometimes, I even don’t know how to use English.学英语对我来说很难。有时候,我真不知道如何使用英语。
A: Yes, to know something about English is one thing; to use English is another thing. 是的,懂一些英语是一回事,用英语是另一回事。
B: Then what can I do for learning English?那么我学英语有什么用?
A: You should always remember “practice makes perfect”.你应该一直记住“熟能生巧”。

Unit 7 Canada
第七单元 加拿大
1.Where are you from? 你从哪来?
2. Are there …?-----有?
3. Can you give me some examples?你能给我举几个例子吗?
4. Can people from two countries …?来自这两个国家的人能-----吗?
5. Dean also …quite a lot of British words.迪恩也-----很多英国词。
6. Some people… remain in the northern settlements.有些人-----呆在北部。
7. The army … going to remain in this town.军队------要驻扎在这个镇。
8. The army … rescued the travelers.军队---救出了旅行者。
9. Everything … ready.一切-----就绪。
10. Nobody … the answer.没有人----答案。

1.Where are you from? I am from the United States of America.你从哪来?我来自美国。
2. Are there many differences between American and British English? No, the differences between American and British English is not great.英国英语和美国英语之间有很大差别吗?没有,英国英语和美国英语之间的差别不大。
3. Can you give me some examples? Sure. For example, …你能给我举几个例子吗?可以,例如-----。
4. Can people from two countries understand each other easily? Yes, they can communicate with each other easily.这两个国家的人能很容易的互相听懂吗?是的,他们能很容易地的互相交流。
5. Dean is an American. He always used American words and he also uses quite a lot of British words.迪恩是美国人。他总是使用美国单词,他也用很多英国词。
6. Some people want to remain in the northern settlements because they can lead a better life there.有些人想呆在北部因为在那儿他们可以生活的更好。
7. The army is going to remain in this town.军队要驻扎在这个镇里。
8. The army have rescued the travelers.军队已经救出了旅游者。
9. Everything is ready for me.我一切准备就绪。
10. The teacher asks us some questions. However, nobody knows the answer.老师问了我们一些问题。但是,没人知道答案。

1. A: Where are you from?你从哪来?
B: I am from the United Kingdom of Great Britain.我来自大不列颠联合王国。
A: Really? I thought you came from the United States of America.真的吗?我以为你从美利坚合众国来。
B: That’s not surprising. People sometimes can’t tell the difference between English people and American people.这并不奇怪。人们有时候分不清英国人和美国人。

2. A: Many people can’t tell the difference between American and British English.很多人分不出英国英语和美国英语的差别。
B: Are there many differences?有许多差别吗?
A: No. The difference between American English and British English is not great. Written English is more or less the same though there are some spelling differences.没有。英国英语和美国英语的差别不大。书面上基本差不多,尽管有些拼写上的差别。
B: Can you give me some examples?你能给我举些例子吗?
A: Sure. For example, CENTRE, COLOUR and TRAVELLED are spelt CENTER, COLOR and TRAVELED in American English.可以。例如,CENTRE, COLOUR 和 TRAVELLED,在美国英语中拼作CENTER, COLOR 和 TRAVELED。
B: Can people from the two countries understand each other easily?这两个国家的人能很容易的互相听懂吗?
A: Yes, of course. They can communicate with each other easily.当然能。他们能容易的互相交流。

3. A: Where does Dean come from?迪恩从哪来?
B: He comes from the USA.他来自美国。
A: What does Dean usually use to teach in his classes?迪恩通常用什么授课?
B: Dean uses American English to teach us. He also uses quite a lot of British words.迪恩通常用美国英语授课。他也用很多英国单词。

4. A: Some people want to remain in the northern settlements.有些人喜欢住在北部。
B: I don’t quite understand. Why?我不太理解。为什么?
A: Because the economy is more prosperous. People can lead a better life there.因为那儿的经济更繁荣。那儿的人们生活更好。

5.A: Have you heard the news that the army have rescued the travelers?你听说这个消息了吗,军队把旅游者营救出来了。
B: No. What was wrong with the travelers?没有。那些旅游者怎么了?
A: A fire broke out when the travelers were visiting the museum. 旅游者在博物馆参观的时候,着火了。
B: Oh, I am sorry to hear that? Is everything all right now?噢,听到这个消息我很难过。现在一切情况都好了吗?
A: Yes, it was lucky that nobody got hurts. 是的,很幸运没有人受伤。

Unit 8 First aid
第八单元 急救
1. What do you do if…?如果----,你怎么办?
2. If … you must … / You mustn’t … if….如果----,你必须----。/如果----,你不能-----。
3. You should … if … / You shouldn’t … if…如果-----,你应该----。/如果------,你不能----。
4. I ought to… / I ought not to…我应该----。/我不应该-----。
5. All parents should …/ All parents should not …所有的父母都应该-----。/所有的父母都不应该----。
6. You have to … / You do not have to …你必须-----。/你不必-----。
7. You need to … / You needn’t …你需要-----。/你不必----。
8. You were (not) able to …你(不)能够-----。
9. You will (not) be able to …你将(不)能够----。
10. We had to … / We did not have to …/ She will (not) have to …我们必须----。/我们不必----。/她将(不)必须-----。

1. What do you do if someone falls off a bicycle and hurts himself/herself badly? 如果有人从自行车上摔了下来伤得很严重,你怎么办?
You mustn’t move someone if the person is badly hurt.如果这个人伤得很严重,你不能搬动他。
2.If the person is not breathing, you must try to start his/her breathing at once. 如果一个人停止呼吸了,你必须立刻让他/她开始呼吸。
3.You should get up if you are badly hurt.如果你伤得很重,你应该马上站起来。
You shouldn’t put any oil on the skin if it is burned.如果皮肤烧伤了,你不能把油涂在上面。
4. I ought to go home. / I ought not worry.我应该回家/我不应该担心。
5. All parents should know some first aid. 所有的家长都应该知道一些急救知识。
All parents should not leave the children alone in the house. 所有的家长都不能把孩子单独留在家里。
6. To do first aid correctly, you have to study with a teacher. 要实施正确的急救措施,你必须跟老师学习。
You do not have to cover the skin any more.你不再用覆盖皮肤了。
7. You need to keep the patient warm if he / she has been in the water for a long time. 如果他/她在水里泡了很长时间的话,你需要让病人保暖。
You needn’t remain in bed.你不必呆在床上。
8. You were able to rescue the people. / You were not able to solve this problem.你能救人。/你不能解决这个问题。
9. You will be able to visit the hospital tomorrow. / You will not be able to have a bath when you have flu.你明天就能去医院。/当你感冒的时候,你不能洗澡。
10. We had to wait. / We did not have to wait. / She will have to remain in the hospital. / She will not have to recite the English text.我们必须等待。/我们不用等。/她将必须呆在医院。/她将不必背诵英语课文。

1. A: What do you do if someone is not breathing?如果有人停止呼吸,你怎么办?
B: You must try to start his/her breathing at once. If you don’t try to start his/ her breathing, she / he may die in five minutes.你必须立刻让他/她开始呼吸。如果你不能让他/她开始呼吸,他/她可能会在5分钟内死亡。
A: Well, how can I start her/ his breathing?嗯,我怎么让他/她开始呼吸呢?
B: Using the mouth-to-mouth way.用人工呼吸法。

2. A: What do you do if a pan of oil catches fire?如果一锅油着火了,你怎么办?
B: You must turn off the gas first, and then cover the pan quickly. You cannot take it away before the fire is out.你必须先关掉煤气,然后迅速盖上锅。在火灭之前你不能把锅拿开。
A: I see. I will follow your advice.我明白了。我会按你的建议做的。

3. A: Oh, what a heavy rain! Must you really go now?噢,雨下的真大。你现在真的必须走吗?
B: Yes, I must, I am sorry to say.是的,很抱歉我必须走。
A: Then you need take my raincoat. I can do without it till tomorrow morning.那你需要带上我的雨衣。我明天早上没有雨衣不要紧的。
B: Thank you very much.非常感谢。

4.A: Miss Hu, Must I finish all the exercises in class?胡老师,我必须在课堂上做完所有的习题吗?
B: No, you needn’t. You may finish them after class.不,你不用。你可以课后做。
A: When should I hand in the exercises?我应该什么时候交这些练习?
B: Tomorrow morning.明天早上。

5. A: I am going down to the shop after school. Will you go with me?放学后我去商店。你和我一起去吗?
B: Why not? I am going to buy a T-shirt and I need your advice.为什么不呢?我打算买一件T恤衫,我需要你的意见。
A: Ok, Let’s go together. 好的,我们一起去。

6. A: I am a journalist from Guangzhou Daily. Doctor Wang, I knew you were just back from a trip. May I ask you some questions?我是广州日报的记者。王医生,我知道你刚旅行归来。我可以问你几个问题吗?
B: Sure, go ahead.可以,问吧。
A: Were you able to go everywhere you wanted?你去了任何你想去的地方吗?
B: Yes, we were able to visit large parts of the forest.是的,我们能够参观森林的大部分地区。
A: Did you have to take the medicine with you?你带药去了吗?
B: Yes. It was very useful to have medicines with us.带了。带药对我们很有用。
A: What about food? Did you have to take food with you?那么食物呢?你们必须带上食物吗?
B: No, we were able to buy food from the people who lived in the forest.不,我们可以从住在森林的人那里买食物。
Unit 9 Saving the earth
第九单元 拯救地球
1. What was the conference like?这次会议怎么样?
2. If we … it will not be …如果我们----,就不会----。
3. If people … there will be …如果人们-----,就不会-----。
4. What else did you ….?你还-----?
5. … rivers and lakes have also been a cause of death.------河流和湖泊还能导致死亡。
6. One quarter of the shores of the Mediterranean are …地中海四分之一的海滨被-----了。
7. If you are … in something, you want to ….如果你对某事-----,你就会想-----。
8. As a result of the storm there are many …作为这次风暴的结果,有很多----。
9. The gate must be kept … so that …门口必须保持----,为了----。
10. The trip was … by …这次旅行是由------的。

1. What was the conference like? Very interesting. It was called “Saving the earth” and it was all about the danger that is being caused to the world.这个会议怎么样?很有趣。会议叫做“拯救地球”,是关于世界面临的危险的。
2. If we go on polluting the world, it will not be fit for us to live in. I agree with you.如果我们继续污染地球的话,地球将不再适合我们居住。我同意你的说法。
3. If people do not stop polluting the seas and rivers, there will be no fish left. That’s quite true.如果人们不停止污染海洋和河流,就不会有鱼剩下了。很对。
4. What else did you hear about at the meeting? There was a good talk about the increase in the world’s population.你在会议上还听到了什么?一席关于世界人口增长的演讲。
5.Polluted rivers and lakes have also been a cause of death, so we should protect the environment.被污染的河流和湖泊还能导致死亡,所以我们应该保护环境。
6. One quarter of the shores of the Mediterranean are polluted because of the waster which was thrown in the water.地中海四分之一的海滨被污染了,因为有废物排入水中。
7. If you are interested in something, you want to find out more information.如果你对某事感兴趣,你就想了解更多信息。
8. As a result of the storm there are many fallen trees on the ground.风暴的结果是,有很多的树倒在了地上。
9. The gate must be kept silent so that the animals don’t escape.门口必须保持安静,这样动物才不会跑掉。
10. The trip was organized by the teachers of our school.这次旅行是由我们学校的老师组织的。

1. A: What was the conference like? 会议怎么样?
B: Very interesting. It was called “Saving the earth” and it was all about the danger that is being caused to the world.很有趣。会议叫做“拯救地球”,是关于世界面临的危险的。
A: I learnt a lot from the lecture. I think if we go on polluting the world, it will not be fit for us to live in. Polluted rivers and lakes have also been a cause of death.我从讲座中学到了很多东西。我认为如果我们不停止污染这个世界,它将会不适合我们居住的。污染了的河流和湖泊还会导致死亡。
B: I agree with you.我同意你的说法。
A: If people do not stop polluting the seas and rivers, there will be no fish left.如果人们不停止污染海洋和河流,将不会有鱼剩下了。
B: That’s quite true. 很对。

2. A: What else did you hear about at the meeting? 在会议上你还听到了什么?
B: There was a good talk about the increase in the world’s population. If we do not stop increasing the population, there will be only standing room left for us in the next century.就世界人口增长的讨论。如果我们不阻止人口增长,下一个世纪我们就只有站的地方了。
A: Yes, I think so.是的,我也这么认为。

3.A: Would you like to join us in the discussion about radiation?你愿意参加我们关于辐射问题的讨论吗?
B: Yes, I’d love to.是的,我很愿意。
A: Is it right to throw nuclear waste in the sea?向海里抛弃核废料对不对?
B: I don’t think so. If we throw nuclear waster in the sea, the sea will be polluted. I know that One quarter of the shores of the Mediterranean are polluted我认为不对。如果我们把核废料扔到海里,海洋会被污染的。我知道地中海四分之一的海滨被污染了。
A: Really? Then what should we do?真的吗?那么我们该怎么办?
B: We have got to stop throwing the nuclear waste in in order to stop polluting the water.为了停止污染水域,我们必须停止向里面抛弃核废料。
A: Yes, I think so.是的,我也这么认为。

4.A: What happened last night? The ground was in a great mass.昨晚发生什么了?地上一片混乱。
B: There was a big storm. As a result of the storm there are many fallen trees on the ground.昨晚有大风暴。风暴的结果是有很多树刮倒在了地上。
A: I see. How terrible it is!我明白了。真糟糕!

5. A: I knew you had a trip last weekend.我知道你们上个周末去旅行了。
B: Yes, we visited a farm and did some farm work there.是的,我们参观了一个农场,在那儿做了一些农活。
A: Who organized the trip?谁组织的这次旅行?
B: The trip was organized by the teachers of our school and we really learned a lot from the trip.这次旅行是我们学校的老师组织的,我们从这次旅行中学到了很多东西。

6.A: Why were the gate closed?门为什么关了?
B: The gate must be kept silent so that the animals don’t escape.门口必须保持安静,这样动物才不会逃跑。
A: Then how can we enter into the gate?那我们怎么进去?
B: We can knock at the door and someone may open the gate for us.我们可以敲门,有人会给我们开门。

Unit 10 At the shop
第十单元 在商店里
1.I insist that …我坚持要求-----。
2. It seems as if …/ Does it seem as if …?看起来好像----/看起来像------吗?
3. It’s our fault/ I am afraid …这是我们的错/我恐怕----。
4. Why can’t you do …?你们为什么不能----呢?
5. There seems to be … 好像-----。
6. It looks as if …/ Does it look…?看起来好像-----/看起来像-----吗?
7. No matter … you must …不管-----,你都必须-----。
8. No matter … it will be …不管------,它将会被-----。
9. No matter … we shall be …不管-----,我们将-----。
10.He ate so much as if … 他吃了很多,好像-----

1.I insist that you (should) change it for another one / you (should) give me my money back.我坚持要求你给我换一件/你给我退钱。
2. It seems as if it hasn’t been washed / fitted correctly.看起来没有正确洗涤/安装。
Does it seem as if it hasn’t been washed / fitted correctly?看起来像没有正确洗涤/安装吗?
3. It’s (not) our fault/ It’s the fault of someone’s. / It’s someone’s fault. / I am afraid I can’t do that.(不)是我们的错/是某人的错/是某人的错/恐怕我不能那样做。
4. Why can’t you do something about it?你为什么不能做点什么呢?
5. There seems to be something wrong with it.它好像有什么毛病。
6. It looks as if it hasn’t been washed following the instructions.看起来好像没有按照说明方法洗涤。
Does it look as if it hasn’t been washed following the instructions?看起来像没有按说明洗涤吗?
7. No matter what he is wearing, you must serve him.不管他穿什么,你必须去招呼他。
8. No matter whose baggage it is, it will be kept until the owner returns.不管是谁的行李,它都会被保管起来,直到失主回来。
9. No matter how many people come, we shall be able to look after them.不管来多少人,我们都能够照应。
10.He ate so much as if he hadn’t had a meal for days.他吃了那么多,好像几天没有吃饭了。

1. A: Good afternoon. Can I help you, sir?下午好。要我帮忙吗,先生?
B: Yes, please. I bought this radio the day before yesterday, but there is something wrong with it. Last night it just couldn’t work. I can’t use it now.是的。我前天买的这台收音机,但是它有点毛病。昨晚它不能工作了。我现在不能用了。
A: Maybe it is the fault of the factory that made it. I think we will send it back to the factory and get it repaired.也许是制造厂家的问题。我想我们需要把它送回厂家修理。
B: You may send it back to the factory, but I insist that you (should) give me my money back.你可以把它送回厂家,但是我想要退钱。

2. A: Good morning. What can I do for you, sir?早上好。要我帮忙吗,先生?
B: Yes, please. I bought a shirt yesterday. I find that there is a hole in that shirt. Look!是的。我昨天买了这件衬衫。我发现这件衬衫有个洞。看!
A: I am sorry about that. It’s the fault of the company that made it.我很抱歉。这是生产公司的错。
B: So I would like my money back.所以我想退钱。
A: I am afraid I can’t do that.恐怕不行。
B: Why can’t you do something about it? I’d like to change this shirt or else give me my money back.你们为什么不能做点什么呢?我想换一件,要么退钱。
A: All right. You can change it for another one. Would you please have a look at these ones?好的。你可以换一件。请看看这些。

3.A: Good morning, may I help you, madam?早上好,要我帮忙吗,夫人?
B: Yes, I bought a sweater the day before yesterday. When I washed that sweater, it shrank.是的,我前天买了这件毛衣。当我洗这件毛衣的时候,它缩水了。
A: Really? Let me have a look. Oh, There seems to be something wrong with it. It looks as if it hasn’t been washed following the instructions. Did you wash the sweater in hot water?真的吗?让我看看。噢,好像有点问题。看起来好像没有按说明步骤来洗。你用热水洗的吗?
B: No, how can I be that foolish?没有,我怎么会那么傻?
A: Ok, maybe it’s the fault of the quality. I am very sorry about that.好吧,也许是质量问题。我很抱歉。

4. A: Jim seemed to very hungry in last night’s party. He ate too fast and too much food.在昨晚的聚会,吉姆看起来很累了。他吃得太快,吃得太多。
B: He ate so much as if he hadn’t had a meal for days.他吃了那么多,好像几天没吃饭一样。
A: What was wrong with him? 他怎么了?
B: I don’t know. I guess it’s because he is going on a diet. He eats so little these days.我不知道。我猜是因为他在节食。他这些天吃的很少。

5. A: Someone left this baggage here有人把这包留在这儿了。
B: What can we do with it? 我们该怎么处理?
A: I think we had better bring it to the police. No matter whose baggage it is, it will be kept until the owner returns.我想我们最好交给警察。不管是谁的,它会被保管起来,直到失主回来。

6. A: We are going to have a big party this weekend.这个周末我们要举行一个大的聚会。
B: Do you know how many people will come to the party?你知道会有多少人来参加这个聚会吗?
A: I don’t know. Anyway, no matter how many people come, we shall be able to look after them.我不知道。无论如何,不管来多少人,我们都能照应到。
B: Yes, I agree with you.是的,我同意你的说法。

7. A: The business is not good this morning. 今天早上的生意不好。
B: Maybe it’s because of the heavy rain. People don’t feel like going shopping in the rain.也许是因为大雨。人们不喜欢在雨天逛街。
A: Look, there is a customer coming into our shop. Oh, how bad! That man is just wearing a poor sweater. He can’t be rich.看,有位顾客进了我们店。噢,真倒霉!那个人只穿了一件很差的毛衣。他不会是富人。
B: Maybe. Anyway, no matter what he is wearing, you must serve him.也许吧。不管怎样,不管他穿得怎么样,你都必须招呼他。

Unit 11 Hurricane
第十一单元 飓风
1. What’s the matter with your …?你的-----出什么问题了?
2. Is there anything with the matter?出什么事了吗?
3. What’s wrong?怎么了?
4. We are all anxious about …我们都为-----而担心。
5. We were getting worried about you.我们为你担心。
6. When are you going to get ….done?你什么时候做------。?
7. The next morning people found …done第二天早上人们发现------。
8. At the center of the city they are having …done.他们正在市中心-----。
9. I / she had …done我/她-----。
10. I found something … done. / They are going to get … done.我发现-----。/他们打算-----。

1. What’s the matter with your foot? There was something with my foot. I fell out off the bicycle, so it hurts a lot.你的脚怎么了?我的脚有点问题。我从自行车上掉了下来,所以很疼。
2. Is there anything with the matter? Yes. There has been an accident.出了什么事情吗?是的。出了事故。
3. What’s wrong? Nothing, we are just fine.出什么事了?没什么,我们很好。
4. We are all anxious about you. I am just fine. There is no need to be worried.我们都在担心你。我很好,不用担心。
5. We were all getting worried about you. I didn’t know I was going to be late.我们都很为你担心。
6. When are you going to get your report printed? I am going to have my report printed when I have time.你什么时候去印你的报告?我打算有时间的时候去印我的报告。
7. The next morning people found the world outside their houses completely changed.第二天早上人们发现他们房子外面的世界完全变样了。
8. At the center of the city they are having new trees planted.他们正在市中心栽树。
9. I had my tap repaired. / She had her house damaged in the storm.我让人修理了我的水龙头。/她的房子在风暴中被损坏了。
10. I found all the windows broken. / They are going to get their telephone put in. 我发现所有的窗户都破了。/他们打算去装电话。

1. A: You look rather pale. Is there anything the matter?你看起来脸色苍白。怎么了?
B: I was sick most of the night. I can’t sleep very well.我病了几乎一个晚上。我不能睡好。
A: What’s wrong?怎么了?
B: My stomach was a bit painful last night. I didn’t know the reason.我昨晚胃疼。我不知道是什么原因。
A: Did you go to see a doctor?你有没有去看医生?
B: No, I didn’t. I just took some pills.没有。我只吃了些药。
A: I suggest you’d better go to see a doctor.我建议你最好去看医生。

A: You are so late. We are all anxious about you. 你来的这么晚。我们都为你担心。
B: I didn’t know I was going to be late. There is no need to be worried. I am just fine.我不知道我会迟到。不用担心。我很好。
A: Why are you so late? Is there anything with the matter? 你为什么迟到了?发生什么事了吗?
B: Yes. There’s been an accident in the street. So there is a traffic jam and I am late.是的。在街上出了车祸。所以交通堵塞了,我迟到了。

3.A: What’s the matter with your foot? 你的脚怎么了?
B: There was something wrong with my foot. I fell out off the bicycle, so it hurts a lot. I can’t walk properly.我的脚有些问题。我从自行车上摔了下来,所以很疼。我不能正常走路了。
A: It’s too serious. Let me take you to the hospital right now.很严重。让我现在就带你去医院。

4. A: When are you going to get your report printed? 你什么时候去印你的报告?
B: I am going to get my report printed when I have time.我有时间的时候就去印我的报告。
A: What about repairing your tap?你的水龙头修的怎么样了?
B: I will have my tap repaired. Jim will repair it for me and bring it back to me next week.我会让人修的。吉姆会帮我修理它,下个星期带给我。

5. A: What’s the matter last night? I found all the windows of my house broken.昨晚怎么了?我发现我房子所有的窗户都破了。
B: There was a big storm last night.昨晚有大风暴。
A: I found the world outside my houses completely changed.我发现我房子外面完全变了样。
B: So did I. I had my house damaged in the storm.我也是。我的房子在风暴中损坏了。
A: I am sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do for you?听到这个我很难过。我能为您做点什么吗?
B: No, thanks. I am going to have my house rebuilt.不用,谢谢。我打算重建我的房子。

6. A: What were you doing last night? I could not get your telephone put in.你昨晚在干什么?我打不通你的电话。
B: Oh, I was on the net the whole night.噢,我整个晚上都在上网。
A: What did you do on the net?你在网上干什么?
B: I wanted to search some information for my writing topic.我想为我的作文题目搜寻些信息。
A: Oh, I see. How about your writing? Did you finish it or not?噢,我明白了。你的作文怎么样了?写完了吗?
B: I almost get my writing finished. 快好了。

Unit 12 Mainly revision
1. I suggest (that) …He / She suggests that …我建议------。/他/她建议--------。
2. You should … You ought to … You need to …你应该-----。你应该-------。你应该-------。
3. Is there anything else that I ought to …? / What else …?还有什么别的我应该------的事吗?/别的------。
4. I must … I must not … You must … You must not … 我必须----我不能-----你必须-----你不能------。
He / She must … He / She must not …他/她必须----- 他/她不能-----。
I have to … /I do not have to …我必须-----/我不必-----。
You have to …/ You do not have to …你必须--------/你不必------。
She / He has to …/ She / He does not have to …她/他必须-----/他不必-------。
5. We are going to have / get … done. / They are going to get … done.我们要------了。/他们打算------了。
6. If we … it will not be …如果我们-----,就不会----。
7. There seems to be … 看起来好像有----。
8. It looks as if …/ Does it look…?看起来好像-----/看起来像-----吗?
9. No matter …不管------。
10. I have found something … done. 我发现-----了。

1. I suggest (that) you (should) not buy some goldfish.我建议你不要买金鱼。
He suggests that we should plant more trees to reduce the air pollution.他建议我们应该种更多的树来减少空气污染。
She suggests that we should get a tank for the fish.他建议我们给鱼找个缸。
2.You should check the prices before you decide to buy something.你决定买下什么东西之前应该核查一下价格。
You ought to ask her about the result of your exam by yourself.你应该自己去问她考试的结果。
3. Is there anything else that I ought to get? / What else should I buy besides these flowers?还有什么别的要买吗?/除了花我还应该买点什么别的吗?
What else can I do for you?我还能为您做点什么?
4. I must go on with her research. / I must not make the same mistakes again and again.我必须继续她的研究。/我不能一再犯同样的错误。
You must see a doctor about your heart.你必须找医生看看你的心脏。
You must not eat too much at a time.你不能一次吃得太多。
He / She must hand in his / her homework on time. 他/她必须准时交作业。
He / She must not delay his / her homework.他/她不能迟交他的/她的家庭作业。
I have to give a talk in the class today.我今天要在班上发言。
I do not have to recite the text today.我今天不用背诵课文。
You have to practice a lot about your singing skills. 你必须多加练习唱歌技巧。
You do not have to stop your research. I am sure you are about to discover something new.你不用停止你的研究。我确信你会有新发现的。
She / He has to make a speech about environment protection today.她/他今天要就环境保护发表演讲。
She / He does not have to plant any more trees. 她/他不用再种树了。
5. We are going to have / get the tables painted different colors.我们要把桌子漆成不同颜色。
They are going to have / get all their rooms swept on the day before the play.他们要在演出的前一天把他们所有的房间都打扫干净。
6. If we continue throwing waste in the water, there will be no drinking water for us.如果我们继续向水中排放废物,我们将来就没有饮用水了。
7. There seems to be a heavy rain.看起来有一场大雨。
8. It looks as if it hasn’t been pressed by something heavy.看起来不像被重物压过。
Does it look as if he pretended to be?他看起来像是装的吗?
9. No matter how hard the word is, you should go on with it.不管这个单词有多难,你都应该继续学好它。
10. I found all the windows cleaned.我发现所有的窗户都擦过了。

1. A: Look, someone is coming. Who can it be?看,有人来了。会是谁?
B: It may be the headmaster.可能是校长。
A: It can’t be him. He has gone to Zhengzhou.不可能是他。他去郑州了。
B: It must be Mr. Zhang. He looks exactly like the headmaster.一定是张老师。他和校长长得一个模样。

2. A: What should we do when we find a person’s arm is badly cut at home?如果我们在家里发现一个人的手臂被严重的割伤了,我们该怎么办?
B: First of all we must try our best to stop the bleeding and then find a doctor for him / her. We mustn’t hold him / her or move him / her.首先我们必须尽力止血,然后给他找个医生。我们不能把他/她抬起来或者搬动他。

3. A: I am thinking of buy some fish.我在考虑买些鱼。
B: Really? What kind of fish do you want to raise?真的吗?你想要养哪种鱼?
A: I don’t know. What’s your idea?我不知道。你的意见呢?
B: I suggest (that) you should buy some goldfish. It is easy to raise some goldfish.我建议你买一些金鱼。养金鱼很容易。
A: Good idea!好主意!
B: Where would you keep them?你把它们养在哪?
A: In that round bowl over there.养在那个圆碗里。
B: I suggest that you should get a tank for the fish.我建议你给鱼买一个鱼缸。
A: Ok, I will follow your advice. Is there anything else that I ought to get?好的,我会听从你的建议的。还有什么我应该买的吗?
B: You should check the prices before you decide to buy fish.在你决定买下鱼之前你应该核查一下价格。

4. A: You make the same mistakes again, Jim.你又犯了同样的错误,吉姆。
B: I am sorry about that. I must not make the same mistakes again and again. When should I hand in my homework this time?对此我很抱歉。我不应该一次再次犯同样的错误。这次我应该什么时候交作业?
A: You must finish your homework on time and hand in your homework before tomorrow morning.你必须按时完成作业,并在明早之前交上来。

5. A: Why are you so busy?你为什么这么忙?
B: I am preparing the talk. I have to give a talk in the class tomorrow.我在准备发言。我明天要在班上发言。
A: Have you everything prepared?你一切都准备好了吗?
B: Not yet.还没有。
A: What about reciting the text?背诵课文呢?
B: Miss says that I do not have to recite the text today.老师说今天我不必背诵课文了。
A: Is there anything else I can do for you? 有什么我能帮忙的吗?
B: No, thanks. 没有,谢谢。


Unit 1 Madame Curie
第一单元 居里夫人


I am sure the speeches will be …我确信演讲会…….。
I am not sure … 我不能肯定……。
I am not sure whether … 我不能肯定是否……。
I doubt if… 我怀疑是否……
Perhaps … will (not) be … 也许……(不)会……。
Maybe she will … 她也许会……。
Are you going to …? 你打算……?
Is it going to be …? 会…..样吗?
Has it got anything to do with your … 和你……有什么关系吗?
How did you find… 你是怎么找到……?
If you …, you …如果你…..,你就…….。
We must believe that …我们必须相信……。


I am sure the film will be interesting. 我肯定这电影会有趣。
I am sure you will win at last. Do believe yourself. 我肯定你最后会取胜的。相信自己。
I am not sure she will show interest in our talk. 我不肯定她会对我们的谈话感兴趣。
I am not sure what she will do with us. 我不清楚她会对我们做什么。
I am not sure whether the fashion show will be interesting. 我不能肯定时装表演会不会有趣。
I am not sure whether he can get the passport. 我不能肯定他是否能拿到签证。
I doubt if she will agree to marry him, for you know, whom she loves is another man. 我怀疑她会不会嫁给我,你知道,她爱的是别人。
Maybe my father will come back this morning. 也许我父亲今天早上会回来。
Perhaps she will welcome us to show her kindness. 可能她会欢迎我们,以显示她的和蔼可亲。
Perhaps the conference will not be disappointing. 会议可能不会让人失望。
Are you going to take some examples in order to explain the issue? 你是否会举几个例子来解释这个问题?
Is it going to be a happy journey? 旅行会愉快吗?
Has it got anything to do with your recent study? 这和现在的学习有关系吗?
How did you find the business presentation given by Mr. Lee? 你觉得李先生的商务演讲怎么样?
If you devote yourself or your time to something, you use that time for a particular purpose. 如果你投入到,或者投入你的时间到某事当中,你使用时间就有明确的目的。
If you devote yourself or your time to something, you use that time for a particular purpose.如果你投入到,或者投入你的时间到某事当中,你使用时间就有明确的目的。
12.We must believe that each of us is able to do something well, and we must work until we succeed.我们必须相信,我们每个人都能够做好一些事情,我们必须不断努力直到成功。


1. A: Lily, how about going to see the film tonight?莉莉,2. 今晚去看电影怎么样?
B: You must be mad. It’s Titanic. It has been repeated again and again. I don’t want to see that kind of movie.你一定是疯了。是《泰坦尼克》。演了很多遍了。我不想去看那种电影。
A: Maybe this time it would not disappoint you this time. And it has something to do with your future love affairs.也许这次不会让你失望。有些和你将来谈恋爱有关的东西。
B: Don't mention it. I show no interest in it. Maybe you can ask Lucy to go with you.别提了。我对那没有兴趣。也许你可以叫露茜和你去。
A: What can I do for you? 能为您效劳吗?
B: I would like to cash this check. 我想兑换这张支票。
A: Do you have an account with us? 你在这开设了帐户吗?
B: Yes. I have a joint checking account here. 我开有联名支票帐户。
A: Please write your account number and sign your name on the back of the check. 请在支票后面写上你的帐号,签上名。
B: Is that all you need? 就这些吗?
A: Could I see one more piece of identification? 我能看一下您的证件吗?
B: Will a driver’s license do? 驾照可以吗?
A: Yes. That would be fine. 是的,可以。

A: My blood is boiling. 我热血沸腾。
B: Calm down and tell me what’s wrong. 冷静点,告诉我怎么了?
A: The telephone company just called me and said I didn’t pay the telephone bill this month. But you know I paid it last week together with you. 电话公司打电话说我没交上个月的电话费。但我是上个月和你一起去交的。
B: Calm down. Don’t be so impulsive. Maybe it is helpful for you to call them and explain your standpoint. 冷静,别冲动。也许你打个电话跟他们解释一下你的情况,会有帮助的。
A: There is no use doing that. I had explained again and again this morning and they just didn’t trust me. 没用的,我早上已经解释了很多遍,他们就是不相信我。

A: How may I help you today?今天有什么要帮忙吗?
B: I have a hard cough that doesn’t go away. 我咳嗽很严重,而且已经很久了。
A: How long have you had your cough? 你咳嗽了多久?
B: For a long time, at least five days. 很久了,至少五天。
A: Have you had a fever? 你发烧了吗?
B: No. 没有。
A: Do you have a sore throat? 喉咙痛吗?
B: Yes, it’s raw. 是的,有刺痛。
A: Well, I had better take a look. Hmm. It looks like you have a sinus infection. I will give you a prescription for an antibiotic that will clear it right up.嗯,让我看看。你似乎得了鼻窦感染。我给你开药,可以很快治好。
B: Thank you. How long will it take to get better? I want to go to NY next Friday. 谢谢,要多久才会好?我下星期五要去纽约。
A: Take the medicine on time and have a good rest. You will get well soon. 按时吃药好好休息,你很快就会好的。
B: Ok, thank you. Good bye. 谢谢,再见。
A: Good bye.再见。

Unit 2 Captain Cook
第二单元 库克船长


1. I insist that…我坚持要做某事。
2. I insist on ….我坚持要做某事。
3. I shall insist on …我坚持要做某事。
4. We will take …我们将坐----。
5. I have decided which …我们决定了-----。
6. We have decided to …我们决定去-------。
7. I enjoy …我喜欢-----。
8. Making …. was an important job.-----是很重要的工作。
9. … was encouraging.------很鼓舞人心。
10. He remembered doing ...他记得做过谋事。
11. I suggested doing …我建议干某事。
12. … so as not to ….------以免不13. 要------。
14. We tried doing…, but she did not …我们试过-------,15. 但是她没有--------。


1. I insist that everyone should say goodbye to our teacher before we leave.我坚持认为我们每个人在走之前都应该向老师说再见。
I insist that everyone should leave before 4 AM.我坚持要求每个人都在早上4点钟之前离开。
2. I insist on taking bus to school instead of taking a taxi.我坚持要求坐公共汽车,而不是坐出租车去学校。
3. I shall insist on leaving at 7 a.m. sharp.我坚持上午7点整离开。
4. We will take the sailing boat.我们将坐游船。
We will go to Baiyun Mountain for a picnic.我们将去白云山野餐。
5.I have decided which road to take.我已经决定走哪条路了。
I have decided which clothes to choose.我决定了选什么衣服。
3. We have decided to take the school bus.我们决定坐校巴了。
4. I enjoy looking for new plants.我喜欢寻找新的植5. 物。
I enjoy listening to the music.我喜欢听音乐。
6. Making good use of the east coast was an important job.很好的利用东海岸是一件很重要的工作。
Being interested in doing your work is an essential for your success.对你的工作感兴趣,这对你的成功是很重要的。
7. The report from Cook was encouraging.库克的报告很鼓舞人心。
Getting father’s birthday present is encouraging.给父亲买生日礼物很让人振奋。
8. He remembered putting the key in the box under his bed.他记得把钥匙放进了床下的盒子里。
He remembered playing with you on the seashore when you were young.他记得当你小的时候,他和你一块在海边玩。
9. I suggested asking his brother for some money.我建议问他的哥哥要些钱。
I suggested turning to his father for help.我建议向他父亲求助。
10. We stopped talking so as not to frighten the animals.我们停止说话,11. 以免惊吓动物。
We stopped walking for we were so tired.我们停止走路,因为我们很累了。
12. We tried giving her milk to drink, but she did not get better.我们试过了给她牛奶喝,13. 但是她没有好转。
We tried opening the door, but we couldn’t do it.我们试着开门,但是我们不能打开。


1. A: What do you think, Lily? Which way should we choose?你怎么认为,莉莉?
B: I insist on choosing that narrow road. You see, there are many footsteps.我坚持认为我们应该选择窄的这条路。你看,有很多脚印。
A: Are you sure? What can we do if we lost again in the forest?你肯定吗?如果我们又在森林里迷路了怎么办?
B: I don’t know. But I want to choose that way. What about you?我不知道。但是我想选择那条路。你呢?
A: In fact I agree with you, for there are many footsteps. It suggests that there are many people there.事实上我同意你的意见,因为有很多脚印。这表明那儿有很多人。
B: Ok, we will take this way好的,我们就走这条路。

2. A: Hello, my name is Dr. Aim. What can I do for you today?你好,我是艾姆医生。今天我能为你做点什么?
B: I’ve been having severe pains in my stomach and now I feel nauseated.我胃疼得厉害,现在我感觉恶心。
A: How many days have you been having these pains?你疼痛有多久了?
B: Well, they started about five days ago and for the last three days they have been terrible.嗯,五天前开始的,最后三天疼得厉害。
A: Have you thrown up at all?你有没有呕吐?
B: Yes, I have been sick to my stomach and throwing up.有,我胃里恶心,我呕吐了。
A:How many times have you vomited?你呕吐了多少次?
B: In the last two days, probably four or five times and I still feel pokey.在最近两天,可能有四五次,我感觉很难受。
A: Are you keeping any food down?有没有什么东西你吃了不吐?
B: No, I am not.没有。
A: When you vomit, is there any blood?当你呕吐的时候,有血吗?
B: No.没有。
A: Good. Are you having any diarrhea?很好。你腹泻吗?
B: No.没有。
A: Have you had a fever?你发烧吗?
B: I think I have had a low-grade fever, but I haven’t taken my temperature. I really feel under the weather.我想我有低烧,但是我没量过体温。我真是感觉很难受。
A: Have you taken the medicine?你吃药了吗?
B: No.没有。
A: Where is your pain?你哪儿疼?
B: It’s right here in my right side?在这,右边。
A: How would you describe the pain? Is it sharp, dull, aching, or cramping?你能描述一下你的疼痛吗?是,锐痛,钝痛,剧痛,还是绞痛?
B:They are sharp pains.是锐痛。

3. A: Jill, what a surprise to see you here! Where are you going?吉尔,真想不到在这见到你!你要去哪?
B: Hi, Emily! I am on my way to Hawaii? How about you?嗨,爱米丽!我要去夏威夷。你呢?
A: That’s where I am going, too. We must be on the same flight.我也要去那里。我们一定是坐同一班飞机。
B: How fun! This is my first time to go there. When I got my pay raise, the first thing I did was calling a travel agent to find out the best rate to Hawaii.真有趣!这是我第一次去那里。等我加薪了,我要做的第一件事就是给旅行社打电话,查查去夏威夷旅游的最优惠的价格。
A: Do you know how long the layover is in Los Angeles?你知道要在洛杉矶停留多久吗?
B: I think we have two hours. Did you make sure that your baggage was checked through to Hawaii?我想我们有两个小时。你搞清楚了我们的行李被检查并送往夏威夷了吗?
A: Oh, talk to you next time. I am sorry I have to leave. Bye. 噢,下次再聊。对不起我要走了。再见。
B: See you.再见。

4. A: Did you see the tennis match last Saturday?你看了上个星期六的网球比赛吗?
B: Who was playing?谁打球?
A: Our favorite tennis player, of course, Michael Chang.当然是我们最喜欢的选手,张德培。
B: Oh, yes. I enjoy watching him play. I think he’s really great. How did he do?噢,是的。我喜欢看他打球。我认为他真的很棒。他打得怎么样?
A: He won, but it wasn’t without a lot of pain.他赢了,但是赢得不轻松。
B: Who was he playing?他和谁打?
A: He was playing against Vince Spade. I think Spade thought he had won the match and then he choked and Chang charged.他和文斯•斯培得打。我想斯培得认为他要赢了,然后他松懈了,张德培发动了攻势。
B: Chang must not have been playing a very good game if Spade was winning. I know that Chang has beaten him several times.如果斯培得领先的话,这就说明张德培一定打得不好。我知道张曾经击败过他好几次。
A: It’s true, he wasn’t playing his best through the fist part of the match.没错,比赛第一部分他打得不好。
B: I think Chang is the ultimate tennis survivor, however.但是我认为张德培是不可战胜的网球选手。
A: He really has the determination to win. That’s why I like watching him play.他的确有一定要获胜的决心。那就是为什么我喜欢看他打球。

5. A: Did you watch television last nigh?你昨晚看电视了吗?
B: No, I didn’t. I seldom watch it anymore.没有,我没看。我很少再看电视了。
A: Why is that?为什么?
B: There are only a few programs that I find interesting enough to watch.只有很少的节目我觉得感兴趣去看。
A: Well, there are some shows that I never miss. Don’t you ever watch Star Trek?嗯,有些节目我是从不错过的。你看过《星际旅行》吗?
B: Yes, I watch it now and then but it isn’t something I can’t live without.看过,我现在就在看,但它也不是什么我离不开的东西。
A: I am one of the fans.我是这个节目的一个电视迷。
B: I know all about fans like you. I think they call you “trekkers”. Is that right?我知道象你这样的电视迷。我想人们把你们叫做“星旅迷”。是吗?
A: Yeah, that’s what they call us.是的,人们是这么叫的。
B: I know there are some good shows on TV, but there is so much violence on so many of the shows. A person could witness more killings in one night than a soldier would encounter in months of warfare!我知道有一些好的电视节目,但是许多的节目中都有太多的暴力。
A: I agree with you there. However, there are some shows that I never miss.我同意你这一点看法。但是,有一些节目我是从不错过的。

6. A: Would you like a cup of tea?你想喝杯茶吗?
B: Oh, yes, thank you.噢,是的,谢谢。
A: Help yourself to the cakes. They taste very delicious.请吃点蛋糕。很好吃的。
B: Thank you. It’s very nice of you to invite me to dinner.谢谢。邀请我来吃晚餐,你真是太好了。
A: It’s my pleasure. Do you like some more cakes?是我的荣幸。你要在来点蛋糕吗?
B: No, thank you. I have had enough.不了,谢谢。我吃够了。

Unit 3 Australia
第三单元 澳大利亚


1. Make sure … You might …一定要----。你可能会-----的。
2. Don’t … You will …..不3. 要------。你会-----的。
4. Close the farm gates behind you, otherwise …观赏你身后的农场门,5. 否则-----。
6. Don’t drive past ….. They might …不7. 要开车而8. 过------。他们可能----。
9. Don’t drive into ... You can easily ….别要开进-----。你很容易会------的。
10. Pour water on the ashes. Then you will be sure …在灰烬上浇些水。你就可以确信-----。
11. I watched them doing…我看见他们------了。
12. Walking down the street, they saw ….沿着这条街走,13. 他们看见-----。
14. The soldiers, having …, were in a strong position.已经------的士兵们,15. 处于优势。
16. Having …, the settlers burnt them已经-----,17. 殖民者把它们烧了。

1. Make sure you put out the fire properly. You might start a bush fire.一定要正确地把火熄灭。你可能会引发山林火灾的。
Make sure the open is closed. You might call the thieves.一定要关好门窗。你可能会招来贼的。
2. Don’t walk around without a sun hat. You will get sunburn.不3. 要不4. 戴太阳帽就在外面走。你会被太阳晒伤的。
Don’t go anywhere. You will get lost.哪儿也别去。你会迷路的。
5. Close the farm gates behind you, otherwise the animals will escape.把你身后的农场门关好,6. 否则牲畜会逃跑的。
Stand up, otherwise you can’t catch up with them you.站起来,否则你会跟不上他们的。
7. Don’t drive past cars that have stopped in the bush without stopping. They might need help.经过停在丛林的车的时候,8. 不9. 要开车而10. 过。他们可能需要帮助。
Don’t always ask why when somebody asks you to do something. They might have some reasons that cannot be released to you.别人要你做事的时候不要总是问为什么。他们可能有些不能告诉你的原因。
11. Don’t drive into the bush without plenty of water. You can easily die of thirst.别要不12. 带够水就进丛林。你很容易死于口渴。
Don’t cross the road without seeing the lights. You can easily cause an accident.不要不看红绿灯就过马路。你很容易出车获的。
13. Pour water on the ashes. Then you will be sure the fire is out.在灰烬上面浇些水。这样你就可以确保火熄灭了。
Put on the clothes before you leave. Then you will not get cold.你走之前穿上这衣服。否则你会着凉的。
14. I watched them coming down the street.我看见他们在街上走。
I watched the man singing while walking all the way.我看见那个人一路边走边唱。
15. Walking down the street, they saw the same man again.他们在街上走的时候,16. 又看到了同17. 一个人。
Running along the road, they felt many people running after them.他们在路上跑,感觉有很多人在追他们。
18. The soldiers, having seized the enemy’s guns, were in a strong position.缴获了敌人的大炮,19. 士兵们处于优势。
The students, having finished the homework, went out to play basketball.完成了作业后,学生们出去打篮球了。
20. Having seized the natives’ tents, the settlers burnt them.占领了土著人的帐篷后,21. 殖民者们把帐篷给烧了。
Having won the prize, he felt very content and didn’t want to make efforts anymore.获奖后他很满足,不再努力了。


1. A: Martin, can you believe it? I was fired.马丁,你能相信吗?我被开除了。
B: Oh, I am really sorry to hear that.噢,听到这个我很难过。
A: I would work for that company for ten years. I thought my work had been valued. But now I know they didn’t care.我本来会在那公司工作十年的。我以为我的工作得到了认可。但是现在我知道了他们一点也不在乎。
B: I sympathize with you. But it’s not the end of the world. Cheer up. With your experience, I am sure many are only too glad to have you.我很同情你。但是还没到世界末日。乐观点。以你的工作经验,我相信许多公司会非常乐意接收你。
A: I am not so sure about that. With the depression going on, it might be more difficult than you think.对此我不那么确信。经济萧条在继续,可能比你想象的要困难。
B: Look at the bright side. Your expertise would be valuable to any firm in the business.要看到好的一面。你的专业知识对任何公司都是很有价值的。

2. A: What’s your reason for wanting to go to the United States?你为什么想去美国?
B: I am going to join my husband at the University of Mississippi.我要去和我在密西西比大学的丈夫在一起。
A: Is your husband currently a student there?你的丈夫现在是那儿的学生吗?
B: No, he’s a visiting research scholar. His research field is Southern literature. That’s why he chose to go to the University of Mississippi at Oxford, William Faulkner’s hometown.不,他是访问学者。他的研究领域是南方文学。那就是他为什么选择维廉•福克那的故乡——牛津,的密西西比大学的原因。
A: How long has your husband been in the United States?你的丈夫在美国多久了?
B: Eight months.八个月。
A: How long do you stay there?你要在那儿呆多久?
B: Maybe six months, maybe longer, maybe I will return together with my husband at the end of the year.也许六个月,也许更长,也许我会和我丈夫在年底一起回来。

3. A: I know we are in a hurry, but the speed limit on this freeway is 65 miles per hour.我知道我们很急,但是这条公路的限速是65英里每小时。
B: Look, don’t back seat drive. I have been over this road so many times I know it like the back of my hand. Wow! Did you see that big buck lying beside the road. That’s the third one we have passed today.嘿,别坐在后面指挥。我在这条路上走过很多次了。我对它了如指掌。噢!你看见了躺在路旁的鹿了吗?那是我今天路过的第三只了。
A: Yeah. There’s an unusual amount of road-kill today. That’s another reason to slow down. If you hit a deer the size of that one, your car would be a wreck and so would we.是的。今天死于路上的动物特别多。那是要慢点开的另一个原因。如果你撞上象刚才那只那么大的鹿,你的车就完了,我们也完了。
B: Okay, Okay. Don’t be a nag.好的,好的。别唠叨了。

4. A: I can’t believe that we are almost out of high school.我简直不能相信,我们快要高中毕业了。
B: I can’t either. What are you going to do next fall? Go to college?我也是。明年秋季你打算干什么?去上大学?
A: Yes, but I can’t decide where to go.是的,但是我不能决定去哪?
B: Do you want to go to a big university or a small one?你想去一所大的大学,还是小的?
A: I think I would rather go to a small university, so the classes would not be so large.我想我宁愿去小学校,那样班级也会小些。
B: Do you want to go out of the state or stay here?你想到州外去,还是呆在这?
A: I want to go out of the state or stay here?我象要到周外去,还是呆在这里?
B: It sure would be nice to be close enough to come home on weekends when you like to go out.离家近,当你想出去的时候周末可以回家,这当然是好事请。
A: Yes, but it is still hard to choose with this standard.是的,但是以这个标准还是很难选择。

5. A: Today is Friday. Who wants their allowance?今天是星期五。谁想要零花钱?
B: I do. I get dollars, don’t I?我要。我可以得几美元,不是吗?
A: Yes, you do. Have you been a good girl this week and helped Mom?是的,你可以。你这个星期乖不乖,帮助妈妈了吗?
B: I have been real good. I helped vacuum the carpet and I feed the kitty every day.我很乖。我帮助用吸尘器吸地毯了,我每天都喂小猫。
A: How about your brother Ted. How much do I owe him?你的哥哥,泰德怎么样了?我要给他多少?
B: He said he wanted couple of extra dollars this week.他说这个星期他想多要几元钱。
A: Why is that?为什么?
B: He wants to get a birthday present for Jim.他想给吉姆买生日礼物。
A: Ok, I will ask him for details next morning.好的,我明天早上会具体问问他的。

Unit 4 Feed the World
第四单元 喂养世界


1. What would you like ….你想要------什么?
2. Would you like something to…你要来点------吗?
3. Would you like some …?你要来些-----吗?
4. I would like…我想-----。
5. Help yourself to some…请吃点------。
6. Just a little, please.请来一点。
7. … have/has had enough. Thank you.------饱了。谢谢。
8. …(be) full. Thank you.------饱了。谢谢。
9. I have no idea whether…我不10. 知道是否-----。
11. I had an idea who…我不12. 知道谁------。
13. I didn’t know why …我不14. 知道为什么------。
15. I ma sure that …我确信------。
16. The question who…是谁-----,17. 这个问题。
18. What she said was exactly…她所说的完全-----。
19. I made a promise that…我承诺-------。
20. I is already a fact that …已经是事实-------。
21. We must remember the fact that…我们必须记住这个事实-----。
22. How we can protect … from … needs to be discussed.我们如何防止-----免受-------,23. 这个问题需要讨论。
24. The question is whether …问题是,25. 是否-------。
26. We must remember the fact …我们必须记住这个事实------。


1.What would you like to have ?您要点什么?
2. Would you like something to eat?您要吃点什么吗?
3. Would you like some more? It’s very delicious, isn’t it?您还要再来点吗?
4. I would like to have something to drink.我想喝点东西。
5. Help yourself to some cakes.请吃些蛋糕。
6. Just a little, please. I have had too much.请来一点。我吃了很多。
7. I have had enough. Thank you.我吃饱了,8. 谢谢。
9. I am full. Thank you.我饱了,10. 谢谢。
11. I have no idea whether we will have five days off for this holiday.我不12. 知道这个假期是否会放五天假。
13. I had an idea who had cleaned the breadboard.我不14. 知道谁擦的黑板。
15. I didn’t know why he wanted to do such kind of things.我不16. 知道他为什么要做这种事情
17. I ma sure that we will win the match.我肯定我们会赢这场比赛的。
18. The question that broke the window is not so important.是谁打碎的玻璃,19. 这个问题不20. 是那么重要。
21. What she said was exactly right. 她说的非常正确。
22. I made a promise that I will give him a birthday present.我答应会送他生日礼物。
23. It is already a fact that who she loves is Lee Lei.她爱的是李磊,24. 这已经是事实。
25. We must remember the fact that the Japanese killed a lot of Chinese people.我们必须记住这个事实,26. 日本人杀了许多中国人。
27. How we can protect the grain from damp needs to be discussed.我们需要讨论如何防止谷物受潮。
28. The question is whether we need more ice cream.问题是我们是否需要更多的冰激凌。
29. We must remember the fact the goats usually live in mountainous country.我们必须记住山羊通常生活在山地国家这个事实。

1. A: Good morning. What may I do for you?早上好。我能为你做点什么?
B: Good morning. I am here to open an account. My name’s Grace Kerr. My husband and I have just moved here from California. 早上好。我来这开一个账户。我的名字叫格蕾丝•科尔。我丈夫和我刚从加利福尼亚搬来。
A: Oh, welcome to Watertown. Do you want a joint account or separate accounts?哦,欢迎来到水镇。您想开设联名账户还是独立账户?
B: We have always had as joint account. Tell me about your checking account policy. Is there as minimum balance required?我们一向是开设联名账户。给我讲讲你们的支票账户的有关政策。有没有要求最小余额?
A: Yes and no. There’s no minimum deposit required, but if you open an account with five hundred dollars or more and keep at least that much in it at all times, then there is no service charge. Also, we now pay interest on your checking account, so there is no need to keep a separate savings account.好的,没有。没有余额要求,但是如果你开设500美元或以上金额的账户,并且始终保持至少那个数目以上的余额,那么就无须服务费。我们还给您的支票账户付利息,所以没有必要开设另外的储蓄账户。
B: I see. How much interest do you pay?我明白了。你们付多少利息?
A: The rate varies. Right now, it’s four percent. It has gone as low as two and a half percent and as high as seven percent.利率会变化。现在,是百分之四。有时低到百分之二,有时高到百分之七。
B: Apart from the five dollar service charge for a balance below five hundred dollars, are there any other bank charges?对于那些余额低于500美元的,除了五元的服务费还有别的银行收费吗?
A: Yes. The checks you’re going to order today will be charged to your account. It will appear on your first month’s statement. 有。您今天要定的支票将从您的账户上收费。它会出现在您第一个月的账单上。
B: Ok, I will come again this afternoon. Now I have to go to my company. Some one is calling for me.好的,我今天下午再来。现在我必须去公司了。有人找我。

2. A: I love to go to fashion shows. They give you some idea about what kinds of clothes are coming into fashion and what are going out.我很喜欢去看时装表演。它能让你知道什么衣服要流行,什么要过时。
B: It is nice to see those beautiful models walk down the runway in gorgeous clothing. But to be frank, I don’t think those clothes are practical for everyday wear.看那些美丽的模特穿着漂亮的衣服在台上走来走去,真是一件美事。但是坦率地说,我觉得那些衣服不适合日常穿着。
A: I think we are beginning to see some practical Italian ready- to- wear collections being shown these days. And they reach the American stores a few weeks after the major fashion shows. 我想我们这些天会看到一些实用的意大利时装展出。大型展出过后几个星期,这些衣服就出现在美国的商店了。
B: This should be good news for the career women who are this country’s most eager consumers of Italian styles. It is time for the Italian designers to figure out that only when they make their fashions more practical will they have a bigger market here.这对职业女性来说是好消息,她们是意大利款式的急切消费者。现在这些意大利时装设计师因该认识到,什么时候他们设计的时装更加实用了,什么时候他们就会在这里拥有市场。

3. A: Sir, what will it be for you?先生,您要点什么?
B: Two hamburgers and French fries.两个汉堡包,一分薯条。
A: Is there anything else?还要别的吗?
B: Give me two cokes also, please.请给我两杯可乐。
A: Is this to go or to eat here?是带走,还是在这吃?
B: We’ll eat here.我们在这儿吃。
A: Here you are. That’s eight fifty.您的东西来了。一共是8美元50美分。
B: And can I have some ketchup please?请给我拿一点番茄酱好吗?
A: It is on the service counter over there.在那边的服务台。

4. A: Good morning, sir. Would you like a haircut?早上好,先生。您要理发吗?
B: Yes. I haven’t had a haircut for three weeks. It is getting a little too long.是的。我三个星期没有理发了。有点长了。
A: How do you want it cut?您想理成什么样?
B: I want it cut short. I have always had a crew cut. 我想剪短。我总是剪短发。
A: Since your hair is pretty thick, a crew cut would look good on you. Would you like me to give you a shave also?因为您的头发很厚,短发会很适合您的。您还要我帮您刮脸吗?
B: Yes, that would be a good idea. Since I am here, you had better give me a shave.是的,这是个好主意。我既然来了,你最好给我刮一下脸。

5. A: How would you like your hair done today, Lily?你今天想理什么发型,莉莉?
B: I would like it curled. But do you think it needs to be cut first?我想卷发。但是你认为要先剪短吗?
A: Let’s see. It seems to be a little long now, but when it’s curled, it’ll look just fine. I will give it a little trim if you want. What do you think?让我看看。现在看起来长了点,但卷了以后,会正好的。如果你想的话,我可以帮你修修。你认为呢?
B: All right. Go ahead.好的。剪吧。
A: Now I am going to roll on the curlers. You have beautiful hair.现在我要上卷发夹了。你的头发很美。
B: Thank you. I used to have straight hair, but now I want to have a change.谢谢。我以前是留直发,但是现在我想换一换。
A: I would say you will look better with curly hair. Now, would you like to have a manicure while you are under the dryer?我敢说您留卷更好看。现在您想不想在烫发的同时修修指甲?
B: Yes, please.好的,谢谢。

Unit 5 Advertising
第五单元 广告

1. …. were sent.-----被送出了。
2. We had … painted.我们让别人把------油漆了。
3. Disturbed by …, we had to ….被-----打扰了,4. 我们不5. 得不6. ----。
7. … is crowded with … -------挤满了--------。
8. We tried … out.我们尝试了----。
9. I think it would be a good idea to …我想-----是个好主意。
10. The disadvantage with … is that it may take a long time.-----的缺点是太耗时间。
11. Our plan is to produce an advertisement for …我们的计划是为-----做广告。
12. I think we should …我想我们应该-----。
13. I will ask the company for…我会问公司要------。


1. Frequent letters were sent.信经常被寄出。
Invitations were sent.邀请被发出了。
2. We had the office painted.我们让人把办公室油漆了。
3. Disturbed by the noise, we had to finish the meeting early.由于受到噪音的打扰,4. 我们不5. 得不6. 很早就结束了会议。
7. The supermarket is crowded with shoppers.超级市场里挤满了购物的人。
8. We tried the idea out.我们尝试了这个想法。
9. I think it would be a good idea to have comments from customers.我认为从顾客那里得到评论是一个很好的想法。
10. The disadvantage with carrying out interviews is that it may take a long time.面试的缺点在于太耗时间了。
11. Our plan is to produce an advertisement for a new product.我们的计划是为新产品制作广告。
12. I think we should finish our homework before Thurthday.我想我们应该在星期四之前昨晚作业。
13. I will ask the company for advice.我会问问公司的建议的。

1. A: I have never taken a city bus before. Do you know which bus I take to get to the museum?我以前从来没有坐过城市公共汽车。你知道去博物馆我要做哪路车吗?
B: It’s easy. Just take bus 2 and the bus stop is just the other side of the museum. You will recognize it as you go past, get off at the stop just after you pass the museum.很容易。坐2路车就行了,就停在博物馆的对面。你经过的时候就会认出来的,你下车的地方刚过书店。
A: Thanks. I am sure after I have taken the bus a few times I will get used to them. What do I do when I have to transfer from one bus to the other?谢谢。我相信我坐过几次后,我就会熟悉它们的。如果我要转车,我该怎么办?
B: Just let the driver know which bus you need and he’ll tell you where to get off.只要让司机知道你要转哪路车,他会告诉你在哪儿下车的。

2. A: Don’t say again and again you don’t know what to do. I suggest you ask your mother for advice.不要一次又一次地说你不知道怎么做。我建议你去问问你母亲的意见。
B: How can I tell my mother about that? She will be angry and will do what she wants to do.我怎么告诉我母亲?她会很生气的,会为所欲为的。
A: Maybe you can ask the company for compensation.也许你可以要求公司赔偿。
B: I am afraid they will rather do anything than do that.我恐怕它们绝不会那样做的。
A: Don’t be so cynical. Maybe everything is not as bad as you think. 别愤世疾俗了。也许一切都不会象你想象的那么坏。
B: I hope so. But now I’d better go to bed.我希望如此。但是现在我最好去睡觉。
A: Have a good rest and then maybe you can think of a good idea.好好休息,那样也许你会想出好主意。

3. A: I didn’t know a massage would be this good. I feel like a million dollars. Thank you for taking me here. 我不知道按摩会有这么好的效果。我感觉好极了。谢谢你带我来这儿。
B: Terrific. What do you want to do now?太棒了。你现在想做什么?
A: I want to stay in the sun and enjoy the lovely breeze.我想呆在阳光下,享受和煦的微风。
B: Why not go to swim together with me?为什么不和我一起去游泳呢?
A: We’ve been lying on the beach for two hours. How do you feel?我们在海滩上躺了两个小时。 你感觉如何?
B: I am starting to unwind. This is heaven. I want to stay here forever. 我开始放松了。这里简直是天堂。我想永远呆在这里。
A: Great. I knew a vacation would do you good. You can forget all your work. There are just the two of us and the sun and the water.好极了。我就知道度假对你有好处的。你可以忘记你所有的工作。只有我们两个,阳光和海水。

4. A: I am really very angry.我真的十分生气。
B: What are you angry about?你为什么生气?
A: I saw you at the movies with another date.我看见你和别人去看电影了。
B: She was my sister.她是我姐姐。
A: Don’t tell me that. I saw you kissing her.别跟我说那个。我看见你吻她了。
B: We are an affectionate family.我们是相亲相爱的一家人。
A: You are making my blood boil. You were kissing her on the lips.你让我气的血液沸腾了。你吻她的嘴唇了。
B: Calm down. Just calm down.冷静。冷静。
A: I am about to explode. You asked me to marry you last week, and last night I saw you with another woman, what do you have to say before I kill you?我要气炸了。你上个星期想我求婚,昨晚我却看见你和另一个女人在一起,在我杀了你之前你还有什么要说的。
B: Relax and count to ten. We will talk about this later.放松,数到10。我们以后再谈这个问题。

5. A: Hi, Tom. When is your friend John going to marry Lily?嗨,汤姆。你的朋友约翰什么时候和莉莉结婚?
B: There will be no marriage. John’s furious with Lily. He says she is the meanest person in the wold. He wants to see her dead.不会结婚。约翰很生莉莉的气。他说她是世界上最坏的人。他想看到她死。
A: My God. What are you talking about?我的上帝。你在说什么?
B: Lily said she would marry John and told him to transfer 250,000 dollars to her account for the expenditure of building a new house. 莉莉说她会和他结婚,并叫他把250,000美元转到她的账户上,作为设置新房的开支。
A: Did John give her the money?约翰给她钱了吗?
B: Yes, of course he did. If you knew how deeply he loved her, you wouldn’t have to ask.是的,他当然给了。如果你知道他爱她有多深,你就不会问了。
A: What happen then?然后发生了什么?
B: Nothing. Lily’s gone, along with the money John gave her. I don’t dare think about what John would do if he saw Lily again.没什么。莉莉走了,带走了约翰给她的钱。我简直不敢想象,如果他再见到莉莉会做什么。

Unit 6 Mainly revision
第六单元 总复习


1. Don’t …, please!请别----!
2. Less …, please!请------!
3. What a …!真是---!
4. It looks as if it isn’t … enough to ….看起来好象不5. 够-------来--------。
6. It seems that …看起来-------。
7. Having finished her studies, she was anxious to …完成了学业后,8. 她急于想---------。
9. I found … buried in the sand.我发现--------埋在沙里。
10. Let me remind you what we are …让我提醒你一下我们在------。
11. Have you seen how …the … is?你有没有看到---------是如何的---------。
12. No matter how much you …., it just …不13. 管你有多-----,14. 这--------。
15. I suppose it’s better to be … than …我认为宁可---------也不16. 能-------。
17. What …the sea is now!现在海水的颜色真------!

1.Don’t rush, please!请别挤!
2. Less noise, please!请安静点。
3. What a pity!真遗憾!
4. It looks as if it isn’t clean enough to bathe here.看起来这儿不5. 大干净,6. 不7. 能在这洗澡。
8. It seems that there is a big pipe over there.看起来好象那边有根大管子。
9. Having finished here studies, she was anxious to find a job.完成了学业,10. 她很急切11. 地想找一份工作。
12. I found an old pot buried in the sand.我们发现一个很古老的坛子埋在沙里面。
13. Let me remind you what we are looking for.让我提醒一下你我们在找什么。
14. Have you seen how dirty the water is?你看到了这水有多脏吗?
15. No matter how much you want to bathe, it just isn’t safe.不16. 管你有多想洗澡,17. 这里不18. 安全。
19. I suppose it’s better to be safe than sick.我认为宁可生病,20. 也要保证安全。
21. What the terrible colour the sea is now!现在海水的颜色真是糟糕!


1. A: Having finished my homework, I would like to go to bed. 我已经做完了家庭作业,想去睡觉了。
B: Why not go shopping together with me. I found many cheap things yesterday in XiHu Road. It is going to be move to another place.为什么不和我一起去逛商店呢?我昨天在西湖路发现很多便宜货。商店要搬到另一个地方去了。
A: Really? Christmas Day is coming. I want to buy some presents to friends.真的吗?圣诞节快到了。我想给朋友买些礼物。
B: Then you have to come with me. There are many sophisticated things there and the prices are low.那么你就必须和我一起去。那儿有很多好东西,价格也不高。
A: Ok. Let’s go.好吧。我们走。

2. A: It is a beautiful day today. How about a little trip out into the country?今天的天气很好。到乡下去一趟怎么样?
B: That sounds great. What will we do?好主意。我们去干什么呢?
A: I don’t know. I really haven’t thought what we’d do. I would just like to get away from the city for a while. 我不知道。我没想过我们去干什么。我只是想远离都市一段时间。
B: Would you like me to pack a picnic or would you like to buy something there?要我带上东西去野餐,还是去那儿再买东西。
A: A picnic sounds good to me.我觉得野餐可以。
B: Ok. If you will give me about an hour, we could have fried chicken, some salad, cookies and something to drink. What do you think about that?好的。如果你给我一个小时,我们可以做出炸鸡、一些色拉、饼干和喝的。你觉得怎么样?
A: It will be delicious. I can hardly wait to eat.那一定很好吃。我简直等不及想吃了。
B: While I am doing this, how about you planning our trip?我去做这些事的时候,你来计划这次旅行怎么样?
A: All right, that sounds like a good idea.好的,听起来是个好主意。
B: I am finished with our lunch. Have you planned our trip?我们的午餐做好了。你计划好了我们的旅行吗?
A: Yes, I have. I think you will like where I am taking you. 是的,我计划好了。我想你会喜欢我带你去的地方的。

3. A: What would you think about moving?你觉得搬家怎么样?
B: I have done some thinking about that lately. You must have something in mind to bring up the subject.我最近想过了。你提起这个话题,心里一定有什么想法。
A: Now that Jane is getting old enough to start school next year, I would really like to get out of the city. I have been doing some research on schools and I have found statistics show that schools in some of the suburbs nearby are really much better than the ones in the cites. 现在既然简已经长大了,明年要上学了,我想搬出城市。我对学校进行过一些调查,从统计资料上我发现有些在附近郊区的学校比城市里的要好得多。
B: Yes, I am sure that’s true and I think we would find that life away from the busy city would be much more peaceful, but my work is still here in the city, you know.是的,我相信这没错,我想我们会发现离开城市的生活会平静的多,但是我还是要在城市工作,你知道的。
A: Yes, I have thought about that, too. Some of my friends tell me that it doesn’t take much longer to get to work on the commute train than by taking the city buses.是的,我也想过那个。我的一些朋友告诉我,坐通勤地铁用的时间并不比坐城市公交长多少。
B: It would cost a little more money each month but maybe it is worth it.每个月要多花点钱,但是也许值得。
A: Should we contact a Realtor and start looking for a place?我们要不要联系房地产经纪人,开始找地方?
B: Sounds good for me. Let’s go for it.我觉得行啊。我们干吧。

4. A: How’s the potato harvest coming?土豆的收割得怎么样了?
B: We are almost finished. Harvesting is much faster than it used to be.几乎完了。收割比以前要快多了。
A: It surely is. Those harvesters really save on manpower.的确事。那些收割机的确很节省人力。
B: It is one easy operation now. The machine digs the potatoes and takes them off to the potato cellars.现在操作很容易。机器挖出土豆,把他们放到土豆地窖里去。
A: Do you remember what it was like when we were kids?你还记得我们小时候的情形吗?
B: Yes. I guess there were some good things about the “good old days”. WE used to get out of school for an entire week, so we could help with the harvest.是的。我猜想“美好旧时光”这个游戏的确很有意思。我们以前曾经逃学一个星期,去帮助别人收割庄稼。
A: It was nice having the extra money we could earn during that week, too.那个星期我们能赚些额外的钱,那也很不错。
B: Picking up potatoes isn’t the easiest job in the world, though. My back aches, just thinking about it.但是挖土豆并不是件很容易的工作。现在一想起来,我的背就酸。
A: The new machinery and technology are great, but expensive. 新机器和技术很了不起,但是很昂贵。
B: It’s possible to plant so much more, though, when you know you’ll be able to harvest everything you plant and not worry about whether you will have enough laborers for the harvest.可以种更多的庄稼,你知道,你可以收获每一种你种的庄稼,不用担心你是否有足够的劳动力来收割庄稼。
A: Like I said, technology is wonderful, but you do have to pay the price.就象我说的,技术是好东西,但是你必须付出代价。
B: Technology pays for itself. It takes a few years to recover the cost of new machines, but in the end pays for itself. It takes a few years to recover the cost of new machines, but in the end they more than pay for themselves.技术会体现自己的价值的。要花几年时间来回收新机器的成本,但是最后会回收价值的。

Unit 7 Angkor Wat
第七单元 吴哥佛寺


1. I must finish …我必须完成-----。
2. Is it necessary to …?有必要-----?
3. We ought to ...我们应该----。
4. I think we should paint … white.我想我们应该把------白色。
5. We will have to ….我们必须要------。
6. What can we do to make it …?我们要怎样做才能使它----?
7. …can be done until ...直到-----才能-----。
8. We must stop people …until it’s firm.在它变结实之前,9. 我们必须阻止人们-----。
10. Most of the women, who are cleaning, repairing and rebuilding …大部分的妇女,11. 她们做清洁、修补、重建工作-------。
12. As I walked trough the courtyards, I noticed how the ….当我走过庭院的时候,13. 我注意到-----。
1.I must finish painting this wall.我必须油漆完这墙。
2. Is it necessary to keep the brushes in water?有必要把油漆刷放在水里吗?
3. We ought to order some more bricks.我们应该定购一些砖。
4. I think we should paint the wall white.我认为我们应该把墙油漆成白色。
5. We will have to fix up an electric wire.我必须要安电线。
6. What can we do to make it look less ugly?我们要怎样做,7. 才能让它显得不8. 那么难看?
9. No drawing can be done until the wall is dry.在墙干之前不10. 能在上面绘画。
11. We must stop people walking on this floor until it’s firm.在路变结实之前,12. 我们必须阻止人们在上面走。
13. Most of the women, who are cleaning, repairing and rebuilding are living in the countryside.大部分妇女住在乡村,14. 她们做清洁、维修、重建工作。
15. As I walked trough the courtyards, I noticed how dirty the road is.当我走过庭院的时候,16. 我注意到路很脏。

1. A: Yesterday as I walked through the courtyards, I noticed how beautiful the courtyards are. 昨天当我坐过庭院的时候,我注意到庭院很美丽。
B: So what?那又怎么样?
A: I want to move out of the city and buy a house there.我想搬出城市,在那儿买房子。
B: Really? I will never do that. You know, as a young, the first thing coming to his mind should be his career. And there are much more opportunities in the city.真的吗?我绝不会那样做。你知道,作为一个年轻人,第一要想到的是事业。在城市里机会多得多。
A: Yes, but sometimes when you feel tired, you will want to live a peaceful life.是的,但是有时候当你感到累了,你就会想过平静的生活。
B: That’s true, especially when you fail. 是的,尤其是你失败的时候。
A: Sometimes I really want to give up doing anything and just enjoy a peaceful life. 有时候我真的想什么也不做,过平静的生活。
B: But it is impossible to do that. It is too passive for a young man.但是那样是不可能的。对一个年轻人来说,那太消极了。

2. A: This place is different from the supermarket we are used to, isn’t it, Lily? I don’t come here very often because I think the prices are higher than at a supermarket.这个地方和我们去惯了的超级市场不一样,不是吗,莉莉?我不经常来这里。因为我认为这里的价格比超级市场贵。
B: There isn’t much of a selection. I mean they are only one or two brands of each type of merchandise, but that makes choosing easier.这里没有太多选择。我的意思是每种商品只有一两种品牌,但是这样挑选更容易。
A: When I am not in a hurry, I usually enjoy comparing brands and prices so I can get the most for my money.当我不是很匆忙的时候,我通常喜欢比较品牌和价格,这样我可以把钱花得最有价值。
B: At this time of night, this is probably the only place open.晚上现在这个时候,可能只有这里还开门营业。
A: I am surprised at your milk prices. They are much lower than I expected. Your prices are competitive with the large chains. How do you do it?你的牛奶价格让我感到惊讶。比我想象的要低得多。和大型连锁店相比,你们的价格很有竞争力。你们是怎么做到这一点的。
B: The prices are low only on selected items. They can’t really compete with those supermarkets, but at least there are no long lines.只是选定的几种商品价格低廉。并不能真正和那些超级市场竞争,但至少这里不用排长队(结账)。

3. A: Excuse me. Can I have this prescription filled here?打扰了。我可以在这里用处方抓药吗?
B: Let me look. Yes, I can fill it for you. But it’ll take a few minutes.让我看看。是的,我可以给你抓药。但是要花几分钟时间。
A: All right. While you work on it, I will go find some other things in your store.好的。在你抓药的时候,我在这店里找找别的东西。
B: Ok, sir, here you are. 好了,先生,给您。
A: Thank you very much.非常感谢。
B: You are welcome.不用谢。

4.A: I am looking for a comfortable convenient way to see the country.我在找一种舒适、方便的方式来在这个国家旅行。
B: Have you heard of motor coaching? It’s one of the fastest-growing segments of the travel industry.你听说大巴旅游的吗?
A: No, I have not heard of it. Tell me about it.没有,我没有听说过。给我讲讲。
B: It is almost like going on an ocean cruise except that you go by land. Everything is planned for you from the moment you step on board a luxury coach.就象你出海航行,除非你走陆路。从你一登上豪华大巴起,一切都为你计划好了。
A: Is it just a bus?不就是公共汽车吗?
B: Oh, no. The motor coach is air-conditioned, there is a galley for food preparation, movies or music are available for your entertainment and attendants are there to take care of your every need.噢,不。旅游大巴是空调了的,上面有餐厅,电影,音乐供你娱乐,还有服务员招待你的任何需要。
A: Wow that sounds very luxury.噢,听起来非常豪华。

5. A: Hi, Jenny. I haven’t seen you for ages.嗨,杰尼。好久不见了。
B: I know. I have been really busy with school and all.我知道。我最近忙于学校里的那些事情。
A: So, are you still dating Jason? Someone I was talking to say they have seen you together a lot.那么,你还在和杰森约会吗?有些和我说过话的人说,他们看见你们经常在一起。
B: Well, we have been going out a lot, but I am thinking about ending it. 嗯,我们经常一起出去,但是我在考虑停止。
A: How come? You guys look so cute together.为什么?你们看起来很般配。
B: He wants me to go steady, but I would like to date other guys.他想和我固定关系,但是我想和别的男孩子约会。
A: Have you talked to him?你和他说过吗?
B:Yes, but he just doesn’t seem to get the picture. He still acts as if we should be together all the time.是的,但是他就是不能领会。他依旧我行我素,好象我们应该整天呆在一起似的。
A: I know what you mean. It’s so awkward, and you don’t want to hurt his feelings.我知道你的意思。这很难堪,你不想伤害他的感情。
B: Yes, I know, but I can’t let it go on like this. I am going to tell him tonight that I just want to be friends.是的,我知道,但是我不能这样下去了。我今晚就和他说明,我只想和他做朋友。
B: I hope it won’t be too hard. Let me know what happens.我希望这不会太难办。让我知道结果。
A: I am dreading it, but I think it’s all for the best. I will give you a call tomorrow.我很害怕这个,但是我想这是最好的解决方法了。我明天会给你打电话的。

Unit 8 A person of great determination
第八单元 一个很有决心的人

1. I am sorry to have …对不2. 起我-----。
3. I apologize to for doing…我为------而4. 道歉。
5. Please excuse me I did…请原谅我-----。
6. I didn’t mean to be …我不7. 是故意------。
8. I am afraid I was …我恐怕我------。
9. You just don’t consider … but ….你就是不10. 考虑-----只有-----。
11. I don’t want to argue about … any more.我不12. 想再为-----争论了。
13. There is no need for…没有必要----。
14. We just have a misunderstanding about ….我们只是对------有误会。
15. I was very disappointed not to be ….不16. 能------我很失望。

1.I am sorry to have shouted at you.对不起我对你嚷了。
2. I apologize to you for quarrelling with you.我和你吵架了,我向你道歉。
3. Please excuse me I shouted at you.请原谅我冲你嚷了。
4. I didn’t mean to be so rude.我不5. 是故意这么粗鲁的。
6. I am afraid I was very rude.我恐怕有点粗鲁。
7. You just don’t consider anyone but yourself.你除了你自己不8. 考虑任何人。
9. I don’t want to argue about it any more.我不10. 想再争论了。
11. There is no need for…没有必要-----。
12. We just have a misunderstanding about the plan.我们只是对于这个计划有点误会。
13. I was very disappointed not to be going out.我不14. 能去,15. 所以很失望。

1. A: Hello, is that Lily?喂,你是莉莉吗?
B: Yes, who is that?是,你是谁?
A: Linda speaking. I am very sorry that I shouted at you that day. I think we just have a misunderstanding about the plan.我是琳达。对不起那天我对你大喊大叫了。我想我们只是对那个计划有点误会。
B: Forget it. I know you just felt very disappointed not to be going out.忘了它吧。我知道你因为不能去而很失望。
A: I hope you can forgive me and can you have dinner with me tonight?我希望你能原谅我,今天你和我去一起吃晚饭好吗?。
B: I am sorry that I have an important to attend. Next time, ok?对不起,我有一个重要的会议要参加。下次好吗?
A: Ok. Bye, see you next time.好的,再见,回头见。
B: See you.再见。

2. A: I am worn out. I have been sitting in front of the computer all day.我累坏了。我一整天都坐在计算机面前。
B: Why don’t you call it a day? You need to rest. 你为什么不今天就干到这呢?你需要休息一下了。
A: I like my job and am good at it. But it sure grinds me down sometimes.我喜欢我的工作,而且工作得很好。但是有时候也的确把我累坏了。
B: It’s not wise to overwork. The last thing you need to take home is a headache.加班工作不是明智的做法。你绝不应该把头痛的事带回家。
A: That’s an excellent piece of advice. I will remember it.这是条好建议。我会记住的。

3. A: How long have we been running?我们跑了多久?
B: About thirty minutes. You look a little tired. Maybe you should get some rest. 大约30分钟。你看起来累了,也许你该休息一下。
A: I am ok, I can go on. 我没事,我能继续。
B: Well, let me know if you get too tired. 如果你累了就告诉我。
A: I am exhausted. 我累极了。
B: Why don’t you stop for a break now? 你干吗不歇一下呢?
A: No way. I have got to practice for two hours at a stretch. 绝不,我要连续练习两个小时。

4. A: When do you plan to go to the fair in China? 你打算何时去中国的交易会?
B: I will leave for the Guangzhou Fair for Export Commodities in the second week of October. I have already faxed my arrival date and time to Ms. Tan in our office in Hong Kong. She will take care of my hotel reservations and transportation both in Hong Kong and in Guangzhou. 我在十月的第二个星期去参加广州出口商品交易会。我已将我的到达时间传真给香港办公室的谭女士了。她负责我在香港和广州的宾馆预定和交通。
A: Is Ms. Tan going to accompany you on your visit to Guangzhou?谭小姐会陪同你去广州吗?
B: Yes, she is. It’s she who has been in day-to-day contact with our Chinese suppliers and trade official there. She is going to participate in my entire business meeting in China. As you know, she speaks perfect Cantonese and Mandarin. I would have a hard time there without her assistance.是的,她会。是她在和我们的中国供应商保持每天的联络,进行正式的交易。她会参与我整个在中国的商务会议。正如你所知,她的粤语和普通话都说得很好。没有她的帮助,我在那里会举步维艰的。
A: She is the kind of person who never neglects any details. I remember very well how she made my visit to China last year so fruitful. With her at your side, you won’t have to worry about a thing.她是那种从不放过任何细节的人。我很清楚的记得,去年她使我的中国之行很富有成果。有她在你身边,你什么都不用担心。

5. A: Your book has been rejected by Random House. 兰登出版社拒绝了你的书。
B: That’s too bad. All my time and efforts have been wasted. It was stupid of me. 太糟糕了。所有的时间和努力都要白费了。我太笨了。
A: I really feel sorry for you. But Random House is not the only publisher in town. You can always talk to someone else. Keep trying, and I believe you will get your book published.我很同情你。但是兰登出版社不是市里唯一的出版社。你还可以去找别人。继续尝试,我相信你的书会出版的。

Unit 9 Gymnastics
第九单元 体操


1. What can I do for … 能为您效劳吗?
2. What seems to be… 问题是什么呢?
3. Take…three times a day. ……每日三次
4. Go to bed until you … 上床休息直到……。
5. It’ll be … soon. 很快就…….。
6. How can I help… 我能帮些什么…….。
7. There’s something wrong with… …….有些问题。
8. I have got a pain… 我…….痛。
9. My … hurts. 我……痛.
10. I hurt … while I was boxing. 我拳击时弄伤了…….
11. I feel … 我觉得……..
12. … don’t/doesn’t feel well. …….感觉不13. 好.
14. I have got …. 我有……..
15. I have got a temperature and …ache. 我发烧并且…….疼。
16. I hope …(be) all right. 我希17. 望……没事。


1. What can I do for you, madam?您想要点什么,2. 夫人?
3. Lily is crying. What seems to be matter? 莉莉在哭,4. 是什么问题呢?
5. Take these two pills three times day. Then you will get better soon. 这些药每天吃三次,6. 每次两粒。你很快就会好的。
7. Go to rest for a few days until you get well. 去休息几天直到你好转。
8. He will be all right soon after he takes this medicine. 吃了这药他就会没事了。
9. How can I help you? I myself don’t know what to do. 我怎么帮你呢?我自己都不10. 知怎么做。
11. Doctor Lee, I got a pain here. I don’t know what is wrong with it. 李医生,12. 我这里痛。我不13. 知道有什么问题?
14. My stomach hurts. Can you get some medicine for me? 我胃痛。能给我开些药吗?
15. There is something wrong with my head. 我的头有些痛。
16. I hurt my wrist while I was playing basketball. 我打篮球时弄伤了手腕。
17. I feel terrible. I can’t get asleep the whole night. 我很难受,18. 我整晚没睡。
19. Lily, I think I need to see a doctor. I don’t feel well. 莉莉,20. 我想我要去看医生,21. 我不22. 舒服23. 。
24. It’s too cold yesterday and I didn’t put on enough clothes. Now I have caught a bad cold. 昨天太冷我穿的衣服25. 不26. 够。现在我感冒严重。


1. A: I have been retired for four months now. I thought it would be wonderful to be retired. I have looked forward to this day for thirty years and now I don’t know what to do with myself. 我退休四个月了,我本来以为退休很好。我等这一天已经有30年了,现在我不知道该做些什么?
B: Are you telling me you are bored? 你的意思是你觉得烦?
A: I guess that is what I am saying. It was wonderful at first, not having to get up and go to work. I did just what I wanted. I traveled—it was great. It was like being on a long vacation. But even vacations get tiresome if they last too long. 我想是这样。开始的时候是很好,不用早起上班,想做什么就做什么,我可以旅游,一切都很好。就象度长假,但是假期长了也会烦。
B: You need something that will give you some routine and purpose in your life. Have you ever considered volunteering? 你需要有些日常要做的事,有些生活目的。你试过当志愿者吗?
A: Not really. I have never thought much about it and wouldn’t even know where to start. 其实没有,我没多想过,也不知道从何开始。
A: It’s easy and you can have your choice of a wide variety of jobs. 这很简单,你可以选择很多工作。
B: Ok. Tell me about them next time. 好,下次再告诉我。

A: Sally, did you see this one? It’s on sale today. 萨莉,看到那个了吗?今天特价。
B: No, not yet. 还没有。
A: Do you like it? It seems a little larger. 你喜欢吗?看起来大了些。
B: Yes it is bigger. Yes, I love this one. Let’s take it. 是的,大了些。是的我喜欢这个,买下吧。
A: What about that one? 这个怎么样?
B: I don’t like its color. But I think my mother likes it. 我不喜欢这个颜色,不过我想我妈妈会喜欢。
A: Why don’t you buy one for your mother. You know, mother’s day is coming. 干吗不给你妈妈买件吗?你知道,母亲节就快到了。
B: Let me see. Ok, I will take it. 让我想想,好,买这件。

A: Yang, when you drink coffee, do you put cream in it? 杨,你喝咖啡放奶油吗?
B: No. Personally, I like my coffee black. 我不放,我喜欢苦咖啡。
A: Oh, I didn’t know you Chinese like your coffee black. 噢,我不知道中国人喜欢苦咖啡。
B: I don’t know about other people, but I don’t like either cream or sugar in any drinks. Back home in China, I used to drink a lot of green tea, which also has a bitter taste. 其他人我不知道,喝什么我都不喜欢放糖或奶油。回到中国我喜欢喝绿茶,绿茶也有苦味。

A: I will treat myself to a facial massage today. 我今天要去做面部按摩。
B: You deserve it. And we are having a special on facials this weekend. 你应该做了,我们周末有特价。
A: My good luck. The freezing weather lately has ruined my complexion, you know, so it’s time I had a facial. 我运气真好。最近天气冷,把我的脸给毁了,是该做的时候了。
B: Not to worry. I will also take care of your eyebrows and eyelashes. I promise you will feel great after the treatment. 别担心,眉毛和睫毛我也会帮你修修的,保证做完后焕然一新。

A: What’s your reason for wanting to go to the United States? 你想去美国的原因是什么?
B: I am going to join my husband at the University of Mississippi. 我去密西西比大学找我丈夫。
A: Is your husband currently a student there? 你丈夫现在是那里的学生吗?
B: No, he’s a visiting research scholar. His research field is Southern literature. That’s why he chose to go to the University of Mississippi at Oxford, William Fauna’s hometown. 不,他是访问学者。他的研究方向是南方文学,所以他才去威廉•福纳的故乡牛津的密西西比大学。
A: How long have you been married to your husband? 你们结婚多久了?
B: We have been married for seventeen years. 我们结了十七年了。
A: Eight months. 八个月。
B: How long do you plan to stay there? 你计划在那呆多久?
A: Maybe six months, maybe longer, maybe I will return together with my husband at the end of the year. 也许六个月,也许更长,或许年底和我丈夫一起回来。

Unit 10 The trick
第十单元 恶作剧

1. I am sure …我确定……。
2. I guess… 我猜……..。
3. She might have… 她可能已经……..。
4. It looks as if she was planning to … 看起来她好象…….。
5. It seems that … 似乎…….。
6. He was planning to … 他打算……..。
7. He paused in front of … 他在……前停下了。
8. Two men were … 两个人……。
9. It’s not like her to have… 她不10. 象会-----做的人。
11. She asked her to … 她叫她……。


1. I am sure Lily will help us if we ask her for help.如果我们请莉莉帮忙,2. 她会帮的。
3. I guess my farther have bought me a pair of shoes for birthday present. 我猜父亲给我买了一双鞋做为生日礼物。
4. She might have done it wrong. 她可能做错了。
5. It looks as if she was going to quarrel with him. 看起来她要和他争吵了。
6. It seems that he didn’t like her at that moment. 当时她似乎不7. 喜欢她。
8. He was planning to marry in July next year. 他打算明年七月结婚。
9. He stopped for a moment and then went out. 他停了一下然后又继续了。
10. Three children were looking forward to see the movie.有三个孩子期待着看这片子。
11. It’s not like her to send you such a beautiful present. 她不12. 太可能送你这么漂亮的礼物。
13. She asked her mother to pick her up after school. 她请他放学后去接她。


1. A: We had a wonderful vacation this year. The kids really enjoyed it and so did we. 我们假期很愉快,孩子们和我们都真的很过得很愉快。
B: Tell me about it. What made it so good? 给我讲讲。告诉我为什么这么愉快?
A: Well, to begin with, we made sure that the places we went to would be enjoyable for all ages. You know you really have to be conscious of that when you have a young child as well as teenagers.首先我们确保我们去的地方各各年纪的人都喜欢。当我们既有儿童又有少年的时候,我们必须意识到这一点。
B: That is one problem we don’t have to worry about since our children are all grown. Where did you go? 这点我们不用担心,因为我们的孩子都长大了。你们去了哪?
A: We just went to places here in California. Since the whole family like swimming, we went to the seashore and it is really wonderful. 我们只去了加州的一些地方。由于我们喜欢游泳,我们去了海边,真好玩极了。

2. A: My mom just signed up my little sister for the city basketball leagure. Now she thinks she is really hot. 我妈妈在市篮球队给我妹妹报了名。她现在认为自己真的很行。
B: How old is she? 她多大了?
A: She’s only ten, but she really has the hops. 她才十岁,但她真很会弹跳。
B: My little brother has played in that league for two years. You should see him shoot the ball. He’ll take his shots from downtown and get nothing but net. 我弟弟在那联队里打了两年球。他从底线投球直入篮筐。
A: Yeah, but your brother is a lot stronger than my sister. She can’t even throw the basketball that far. 但你弟弟比我妹妹强壮,她可能连投都投不了那么远。
B: That may be true, but I have seen her play. She is tall and can really jump. 也许是这样,但是我看过她比赛,她很高而且很能跳。

3. A: My son will be playing little League baseball for the first time this year. 今年我儿子第一次参加少年棒球队。
B: Oh, is he just starting? My son joined a team two years ago. 哦,他刚开始吗?我儿子两年前就参加了。
A: I tried to get Joey interested when he was younger, but he didn’t want to try. He doesn’t have a lot of self-confidence. 小时候我尽量培养他的兴趣,但他就是不肯试试。他不是很有自信。
B: Little League is a good way to help build self confidence. 少年棒球队是培养自信的很好的地方
A: He is too old for Tee ball and most of his friends are in Little League, so he is willing to go for it.他太大了不能再玩滚珠球了。并且大部分的朋友都去了少年队,所以他愿意试试。
B: I hope he gets on the team with my son. Their coach is Andy Lewis. He is very patient and always gives the kids a lot of encouragement. 我希望他能和我儿子在同一个队。他们的教练是安迪•路易斯,他非常耐心,总是给孩子们很多鼓励。
A: Joey’s a little worried because some of the other kids have been playing for two years and they are much better than he is. 乔伊有些担心,因为其他的孩子已经打了两年,水平比他好的多。
B:You should tell him not to worry. There will be other kids just starting. He will fit right in.你应该告诉她不要担心。也会有别的孩子,也是刚开始打球。他会融入的。

4. A: I am glad we have been able to talk about your ideas. Could you tell me a little more about what is troubling you?很高兴我们能谈谈你的想法。你能告诉我你的麻烦吗?
B: I feel unfairly treated. I don’t have the same opportunities for advancement that my male colleagues have. 我觉得受到了不公平待遇。我没有和男同事一样的升职机会。
A: You know we do have a policy of non-discrimination at this university and we have worked very hard to enforce it. 你知道,我们大学有反歧视的政策,我们在努力执行。
B: Yes, I know, but things happen that way not really is against the policy, but still are discriminatory. 是的,我知道,有些事情并不违反政策但还是有歧视性。
A: Can you give me an example of such an occurrence? 你能给我一个例子吗?
B: Many of the male faculty have an informal relationship and play tennis or golf together. On a few occasions, important faculty decisions were made on the golf course instead of in a faculty meeting where they should be made. I am the only woman on the faculty in my department, so it is easy for them to forget about me. 很多男教员关系良好,一起打网球或高尔夫。有时一些重大的教职员决定在高尔夫球场上做出,这些决定本应在大会上做出。我是系里唯一的女性,所以他们总是忽略我。
A: Are you expressing an interest in being a part of these informal groups that play golf together? 你有兴趣加入那些经常打高尔夫球的非正式团体吗?
B: No, I don’t care about being their buddy. I just want decisions make in faculty meetings, not on the golf course, so that I can have an equal voice. 不我不想当他们的密友。我只想让他们在教员大会上做决定而不是在高尔夫球场上。
A: I think I understand your complaint and I will speak to the chair of your department.我理解你,我会和你们的系主任谈谈的。

5.A: I saved 25 dollars when I did my grocery shopping this last week.我上星期买杂货时省了25美元。
B: How on earth did you do that? You must not have fed your family very much. 你到底是怎么做到的?你肯定没让家人吃好。
A: ON the contrary, we ate better than usual. 正好相反,我们吃的比平时还好。
B:Don't keep me waiting. How did you do it 别买关子了。你是怎么做到的?
A: I used the coupons I have been saving from the newspapers and magazines I receive each week. 我使用了我从每星期收到的报纸和杂志上剪下来的优惠券。
B: I know other people do that, but I have never been very successful at shopping with coupons. 我知道其他人这样做,但我用优惠券买东西时总不太顺利。
A: You have to get organized. I have a file folder where I keep all my coupons and they are filed according to type of food: breakfast cereals together, dairy products, pet food, etc. That way they are easy to find when I make up my shopping list for the week. 你一定要将其整理好。我用文件夹把我所有优惠券按食物种类分类存放:早餐谷类食物,乳制品,宠物食品,等等。这样当我确定每周的购物单时就容易找了。
B: I have tried taking coupons with me when I do my shopping but then I see the store brand or a generic brand that is as cheap as or cheaper than the name brand product, even when you figure in the savings from the coupon. 我购物时也会带上优惠券,不过然后总会看到一些和名牌一样便宜或者更便宜的商店品牌或其他同类品牌,甚至使用优惠券后也一样。
A: You may be right. However, I always buy name brands because I think the quality is better.

Unit 11 The Merchant of Venice
第十一单元 威尼斯商人


1. She seems to be very …她似乎很……。
2. He appears to be… 他好象…….。
3. They seemed/appeared to take great pride in … 他们似乎/好象为……而4. 骄傲。
5. He/They doesn’t/do not seem to have … 他/他们不6. 想……。
7. They did not appear to … 他们不8. 太想…….。
9. I invited both of them to … 我邀请他们俩…….。
10. Bassanio was the right man to …巴萨尼奥是……正确人选。
11. It is exciting to … ……很让人激动。
12. One must learn how to… 一个人必须学会……..。
13. We have made it a rule to … whenever and wherever possible. 在可能的条件下我们一定会…..。
14. To do this means to … 这样就意味着…。
15. To catch the train, we’d better … 要想赶上火车的话,我们最好……。
16. Cold-blooded animal went into a deep sleep in the earth so as to … 冷血动物钻入地里冬眠目的是……。


1. She seems to be very good at that subject. 她似乎很擅长那个科目。
2. He appears to very happy being together with him. 他和他在一起似乎很快乐。
3. They seemed to be very nice to her that night. 那天晚上他们对他似乎很好。
4. He doesn’t like to go out and have dinner. 他不5. 喜欢出去吃晚饭。
6. They did not appear to give her support at the critic moment. 在紧要关头,7. 他们似乎没有给她支持。
8. Tom is the right man to marry Lily. 汤姆是和莉莉结婚的合适人选。
9. I invited Lily and Lucy to go to my birthday party this Friday. 星期五我邀请了莉莉和露茜来我家参加我的生日晚会。
10. It is exciting to receive your letter.收到你的信让我很激动。
11. One must learn how not to depend on others. 一个人必须学会如何依赖别人。
12. We have made it a rule to help you whenever you need it. 在你需要帮助的时候,13. 我们一定会帮助你的。
14. To give support to him means to prevent him from being independent and mature. 支持他就意味着妨碍他自主和成熟。
15. To catch up with the others, you have to work even harder. 要赶上别人,16. 你必须更加努力。
17. I kept silent so as to avoid participating in this quarrel. 我为了避免卷入争论而18. 保持沉默。


1.A: I have to catch up with the others. You see, how bad I did in the exams. 我必须赶上他人。你看,我考的多差啊。
B: To catch up with others, I think you had better get up earlier every day. 要想赶上别人,我想你最好每天起得更早些。
A: But every day when I go to bed I said to myself “ I have to get up earlier the next morning. However when the morning comes, it is very cold outside and I don’t want to get up anymore. 但我每天晚上睡觉时对自己说:“明早一定要起早些。然而到了早上的时候,外面很冷,我就不想早起了。
B: So you should set up your mind. Don’t always wait for tomorrow. Do it from now on. 你应该下定决心,不要总等待明天,要从今天做起。
A: Ok, can you call me to get up next morning? I will invite you to dinner if I won’t get up.好的,你明早打电话叫我早起好吗?如果我没起来,我就请你吃晚饭。
B: OK. See you. 行,再见。

2. A: Fish, minced pork, rice, broccoli, potatoes, onions, bananas, … I have got all I need here except a bottle of Japanese soy sauce and a bottle of Chinese vinegar. Where do you keep them, sir? 鱼、碎肉、米饭、椰菜、土豆、洋葱、香蕉……除了一瓶日本豆酱和中国醋外,需要的都有了。你把它们放在哪了,先生?
B: They are on the shelf right behind you? 他们就在你后面的架子上。
A: Oh, I didn’t look this way … Good, just my favorite brands. … Here we are. How much are they altogether? 噢,我没向这边看。好的,是我最喜欢的牌子…… 好了。一共多少钱?
B: That’s 43 dollars even, plus 3.10 dollars tax. 46.10 dollars. Will there be anything else? 四十三元整,加上三元十分的税一共是四十六元十美分。还要其他的吗?
A: Oh, yes. I will have a copy of today’s New York Times. That’ll be another sixty cents. Here is my credit card. 是的,我要一份今天的纽约时报。那又要60美分。这是我的信用卡。
B: Thanks. Have a nice day. 谢谢,祝你今天愉快。
A: You too. 你也一样。

3. A: Good morning, sir. May I help you? 早上好,先生。能为您效劳吗?
B: Good morning. I am looking for a raincoat in size 40. 早上好,我想找一件40码的雨衣。
A: Here is your size. This one is on sale for 89 dollars. 这是你要的尺寸,这件降价出售89元。
B: Will it be warm enough when it’s cold? 天冷时穿这件暖和吗?
A: It’s very warm, sir. It is lined with acrylic. 很暖和,先生。这件是丙烯酸纤维制的。
B: Is it washable? 可以洗吗?
A: Yes, it’s machine washable and dryable. It is very convenient. 是的,可以机洗,甩干,很方便。
B: Ok, I will take it. 行,就要它了。
A: Cash or charge? 现金还是记帐?
B: Do you accept personal checks? 你们收个人支票吗?
A: Do you accept personal checks? 你们收个人支票吗?
B: I am sorry. WE don’t accept personal checks at this store. 对不起我们这不收个人支票。
A: then I will pay cash.那么,我付现金。
B: Thank you. I think you will enjoy wearing it. 谢谢,希望你穿的满意。

4. A: Excuse me. Do you think I can return these gloves? 打扰一下,我可以退这些手套吗?
B: What is the problem with them? 它们有什么问题吗?
A: They are too small. 它们太小了
B: Didn’t you try them on before you bought them? 你买之前没有试过吗?
A: Well, as a matter of fact, I received them as a gift. 嗯,实际上,这是别人给我的礼物。
B: Then are you sure they came from this store? 那你肯定这是从我们店里买的吗?
A: Yes, I am pretty sure. Don’t you sell this item? 是的,我很确定。你们不卖这种东西吗?
B: Yes, we do. I am afraid I can’t give you a cash return, but I can give you a credit voucher. 不,我们卖。但恐怕我们不能退现金,我们可以给你一张购物券。
A: That would be fine. I believe you sell these gloves for 29.95 dollars. 那也可以。我想这双手套是29.95元。
B: That’s right. Here you voucher. It’s good for 29.95 on any store purchase.是的。这是给您购物券。用它可以在买店里买29.95元的货物。

5. A: My tooth’s giving me a lot of trouble. When can I see the dentist? 我的牙齿让我麻烦透了,我什么时候能见牙医?
B: Is this your first appointment with Dr. Perry? 这是你和帕瑞医生的第一次约见吗?
A: Yes, it is. I would like to have a thorough dental check-up. 是的。我想作个全面的牙科检查。
B: Please fill out this card and give it back to me. 请填好这张卡,然后给我。
A: Here you are, ma’am. 给你女士。
B: A nurse will call your name and the doctor will be with you in a few minutes.护士会叫你的名字,医生很快就来。

Unit 12 Mainly Revision
第十二单元 总复习


1. You’d better (not)…你最好(不2. 要)……。
3. You should/ought to … 你应该/应当-------。
4. You need to …/You could… 你需要…../能……。
5. I suggest you going to see… 我建议你去看……。
6. Shall we visit …/Let’s… 我们去参观…../让我们……。
7. What/How about…? ……怎么样?
8. Why not…?/Why don’t we/you…? 干吗不9. ……?/我们(你)干吗不10. ……?
11. It is silly to … ……很傻。
12. To master English helps us a great deal in … 学英语在…..对我们很有帮助。
13. My favorite sport is to … 我最喜欢的运动是……。
14. I would take this opportunity to … 我喜欢借此机会…….。
15. I haven’t got anything important to…at the moment. 我现在没什么重要的事要…….。
16. We wish to … with you. 我希17. 望和你……。
18. My dream is to…我的梦想是…….。
19. We found it impossible to …within such a short time. 我发现在短时间内不20. 可能……。
21. I have come here to …我来这里是要……。
22. To catch up with the others, you’d better … 要想赶上别人你最好……..。

1. You’d better fly to NY this Friday. There will be an interesting meeting.你最好星期五飞去纽约。那里会有个有趣的会议。
2. You should stay in bed until you get better. 你应该呆在床上直到你好些。
3. You need to take a friend with you.你需要带上个朋友。
4. I suggest you going to see your grandparents this weekend. 我建议你周末去看你的祖父母。
5. Shall we hire a care for the day? 我们白天要请人来照顾吗?
6. What about going to Xihu for the holiday? 去西湖度假怎么样?
7. Why don’t we go by car? 我们为何不8. 坐车去呢?
9. It is interesting to work with you, for you are so lovely and humorous. 和你一起工作很有趣,10. 因为你很幽默可爱。
11. To buy some reference book is of great help to our study. 买些书对我们的学习很有好处。
12. My favorite star is Fyre Wong. 我最喜欢的明星是翁凡尔。
13. I have got nothing to do this time. 我现在没事可干。
14. We wish to have dinner together with you tomorrow. 我们希15. 望明天和你一起吃晚餐。
16. My dream is to become a very successful woman one day. 我的梦想是成为一个很成功的女性。
17. We found it impossible to fall in love with him within such a short time. 我们觉得这么快就爱上他是不18. 可能的。
19. I have come here to share my happiness with you. 我来这里和你分享我的快乐。
20. Not to be looked down upon by others, you have to try your best to improve yourself. 要想不21. 被人看不22. 起,23. 你必须尽力提高自己。
24. I would take this opportunity to express my love for my dear mother. 我想借此机会向亲爱的母亲表达我的爱。


1. A: Mother’s day is coming. I would like to take this opportunity to express my love for my mother. 母亲节要到了,我想借次机会表达我对母亲的爱。
B: How do you plan to express your love? 你打算怎样表达你的爱?
A: It’s a secret. You won’t know it until that day comes.这是秘密。我到时候才告诉你。
B: Tell me, Ok? 告诉我,好吗?
A: Don’t be so curious, or I will kill you. 别这么好奇,否则我就杀了你。
B: Ok. Bye. 好吧,再见。

2. A: Do you know what that 85-year-old man does every day? What is his secret for living so long?你知道那个85岁的老人每天干什么吗?他的长生之道是什么?
B: As far as I know, his secret is doing nothing. He usually sits in the sun for a couple of hours in the morning. After lunch he takes a nap. And he takes a walk every evening. He enjoys himself very much. 据我所知,这秘密就是什么也不做。他早上通常在太阳下坐几个小时,中饭后睡个觉,晚上总去散步。
A: What does he eat? Is he a vegetarian? 他吃什么?他是个素食者吗?
B: No, he isn’t. He eats the same things as you and I. His housekeeper told me herself.不,他不是。他和你我吃的一样。这是他的管家告诉我的。

3. A: Ms McCall, this is Bill Park from Microsoft. 你好麦考女士,我是微软的比尔•帕克。
B: Oh, hello Mr. Park. I am glad you called. What can I do for you? 你好,帕克先生,很高兴你打电话来。我能为你做什么吗?
A: I would like to drop by today to talk over your contract. 我今天想到你那谈谈那个合同。
B: Sure. How is one o’clock? 可以,一点钟见怎么样?
A: Can we make it a little later? I have a lunch appointment at 12:30. 能晚些吗?我12:30要和别人吃午饭。
B: Then two-thirty, three? 那么就两点,三点?
A: Two-thirty would be fine. I will see you then. 两点半就行。我们到时候见。

4. A: Hello, is this Simpson residence? 你好,是辛普森家吗?
B: Yes, it is. 是的。
A: Mrs. Simpson, I represent a company with a fine line of household cleansers and our company representative will be in your neighborhood soon and we would like to stop by to show you our… 辛普森太太,我是一家经营家用清洁剂的公司的代表,我公司的代表很快将去您住的小区。我们很希望到您家展示我们的…….
B: I am sorry. I am afraid I already have all the cleansers I need.对不起,恐怕我们需要的清洁剂已经都买了。

5. A: Hi, Diana. Haven’t seen you for a long time. 嗨,戴安娜,好久不见。
B: Hi, Linda. Really nice to see you. Do you know I have moved? 嗨,琳达,真的很高兴见到你。你知道我搬家了吗?
A: I know. What’s your new address? 我知道,你的新地址是什么呢?
B: My address is 85 Church Street. It’s only a 10-minute walk from the office. Why don’t you drop by some time? 我的是教堂街85号,离办公室只有十分钟的路程。你干吗不什么时候来我家玩玩呢?
A: I would love to. Can I take Fang along? She wants to see your new place, too. 我很愿意,我能带上方吗?他想看看你的新家。
B: Sure. I would like to show you both around. 当然,我很高兴领你们俩参观一下。
